Would you pay 3k for this?

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Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #120 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:00 pm »
Would you sit on a finger if it was presented to you with some smiles sts9fan?   aa :finger: aa
Are you offering to stick your finger in his........


Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #121 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:00 pm »
Would you sit on a finger if it was presented to you with some smiles sts9fan?    

Can't answer the question huh? I knew it.  It the same thing. Also I don't know where your finger has been.

Y'know guys, being more vehement and certain in your own piety doesn't make you any more right.  It does, however, give you further to extract your foot from mouth in case you're wrong.

The fact that you don't understand something doesn't mean it's bunk.  I'm not saying the things work, I haven't heard them.  But, I'd like to and I'd also like to hope they work very well.  If they do, it's a whole new acoustics universe to be discovered which I find quite exciting.

What some are not getting is that I base my first judgment on my knowledge of the world.  Back to the Fairy argument I am pretty sure they don't exist so if someone told me they do, proof would have to be presented.  Its not a foot in mouth thing.  Its a credibility thing.  If you say you can walk on water I am not going to give you much credit based on my knowledge of physics.  If you prove it to me I am not going to have egg on my face I will say "that's cool!".  Get it?  Not all claims get immediate 100% credibility in my book.

doug s.

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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #122 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:01 pm »
Someone with an open mind could interpret your rant to be just that,,, rambling babble. Hope you wiped your chin when you got done. :drool: :lol:

agreed.  if that open-minded person also happened to be ignorant about basic physics and engineering.  and, likely a bit short on common sense.  i agree it's good to have an open mind.  but no so much that your brains fall out.   :green:

Still, if you ever do have an opportunity to hear a system in a room with the acoustic ART System, I'd really love to hear what you have to say. But for now,,,, not so much. :roll:
i can't say it's likely that i will ever have the opportunity to do an a-b comparo of a system w/and w/o the dewice in question.  but, ya never know.  and, i am open enough to eat crow if warranted, but i really think it won't be necessary.  meanwhile, if you're not interested in my "rant", (tho i really don't think i am ranting), that's cool too.  and, no drool here that needs to be wiped, either!   :wink:

PS, just to answer the question at hand, there's no damn way in hell I'd pay $3K for this product,,, no matter how damn well it might work.
see, here's where i differ from you - i would seriously consider paying $3k for this product, if it really did work better than $10k worth of standard acoustical room treatment.  but, if it really did work as adwertized, then it would be $300, and i wouldn't have to worry about it, anyways...   8)

doug s.

doug s.

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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #123 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:04 pm »
i hope they work, too!  meanwhile i am not holding my breath.

doug s.


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #124 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:10 pm »
Would you sit on a finger if it was presented to you with some smiles sts9fan?   aa :finger: aa
Are you offering to stick your finger in his........

Naw,, he's a big boy(I think),,, he can use his own. :lol:


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #125 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:27 pm »
I talked to Ted.  He took the time to look in my gallery and saw my room.  Then he made some comments about my deployment of the traditional room treatments.  We talked about his stuff and how he discovered it.  We talked about the cheapskates who won't even give it a try.  :wink: Then we chatted about his Tesla cable thing and other stuff....  One thing I will say, Ted is not afraid of you trying his resonator before you buy it.  :thumb:

Ted told me I can audition a full set for the cost of shipping.  I left a message at the dealer to audition a set.  I will give it a fair shake and compare it to my $3k+ traditional stuff.  Doug, you can come listen when and if I do get the full Acoustic ART sytem in the room.   


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #126 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:33 pm »
I talked to Ted.  He took the time to look in my gallery and saw my room.  Then he made some comments about my deployment of the traditional room treatment.  We talked about his stuff and how he discovered it.  We talked about the cheapskates who won't even give it a try.  :wink: Then we chatted about his Tesla cable thing and other stuff....  One thing I will say, Ted is not afraid of you trying his resonator before you buy it.  :thumb:

Ted told me I can audition a full set for the cost of shipping.  I left a message at the dealer to audition a set.  I will give it a fair shake and compare it to my $3k+ traditional stuff.  Doug, you can come listen when and if I do get the full Acoustic ART sytem in the room.   

Finally, someone with something to say worth reading.  :notworthy:  :wave: If and when this happens Woodysi, I hope you post not only the results of your comparisons but maybe some before and after pictures of your listening room so's to also compare the visual impact? :D


doug s.

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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #127 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:46 pm »
I talked to Ted.  He took the time to look in my gallery and saw my room.  Then he made some comments about my deployment of the traditional room treatments.  We talked about his stuff and how he discovered it.  We talked about the cheapskates who won't even give it a try.  :wink: Then we chatted about his Tesla cable thing and other stuff....  One thing I will say, Ted is not afraid of you trying his resonator before you buy it.  :thumb:

Ted told me I can audition a full set for the cost of shipping.  I left a message at the dealer to audition a set.  I will give it a fair shake and compare it to my $3k+ traditional stuff.  Doug, you can come listen when and if I do get the full Acoustic ART sytem in the room.   
cool!  i will chip in for the return shipping cost!   :lol:  it will definitely be interesting to hear your system w/o your well-set-up treatment, replaced by this resonator set-up.    and, you know, i will speak the truth about what i am hearing.

doug s.


Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #128 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:49 pm »
Finally, someone with something to say worth reading.     If and when this happens Woodysi, I hope you post not only the results of your comparisons but maybe some before and after pictures of your listening room so's to also compare the visual impact?


'I'll try it'  is the only thing "worth reading" in this thread? You must read boring books.

 I am glad he is gonna try it.  I may have to also....


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #129 on: 13 Nov 2008, 08:56 pm »
Finally, someone with something to say worth reading.     If and when this happens Woodysi, I hope you post not only the results of your comparisons but maybe some before and after pictures of your listening room so's to also compare the visual impact?


'I'll try it'  is the only thing "worth reading" in this thread? You must read boring books.

 I am glad he is gonna try it.  I may have to also....

Still with the trolling posts huh,,,,,,,  :lol:


Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #130 on: 13 Nov 2008, 09:34 pm »
I think it can be safely said that many audiophiles behave similarly to a person suffering from plague infestation and desperately searching for a cure. During the time of the Black Death people would purchase cures for it from people based on the story they were told and how much the cure cost. The concept of germ theory was not yet in existence and ignorance ruled the land. The point of this story is that if you go looking for a magic bullet some one will always step up sell you one with an associated "white paper" and an expensive price tag. Here is a fair question, would Joe Sixpack with no knowledge of the devices notice their presence or absence from a listening room? In other words do the devices effectiveness extend beyond those who know of their existence and function.  Conventional acoustic materials more than meet this criteria.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #131 on: 13 Nov 2008, 09:39 pm »
Good post Scotty. Very good post.



Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #132 on: 13 Nov 2008, 09:39 pm »
True, but using the "try before you buy" strategy people infected with the plague could try the new medication first to see if they got better.  If they died they wouldn't have to pay and if they lived it would be worth it.


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #133 on: 13 Nov 2008, 09:50 pm »
I wrote a paper on Tesla at High school. The man did stuff, new stuff!
Nicola Tesla did stuff... he invented the A/C power grid for goodness sakes!
We owe the man electricity!!!
Ted_D is obviously a fan of his.



Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #134 on: 13 Nov 2008, 10:17 pm »
It must be understood that I have no problem with how people spend their disposable income. I do think that if our school systems taught a larger percentage of their students high school physics and chemistry that there would be a much smaller market for all manner of such devices that require the user to accept a story as fact before they will have a noticeable effect. Unfortunately the tendency towards self deception will not be cured without the application of logic and an a basic understanding of the principles governing the physical world we live in.
Tesla is a good example of a man using applied science to discover new ways to use electricity.  None of his discoveries required that you believe in them before they would work. In fact the high voltage he worked with would kill you whether you believed in it or not.


Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #135 on: 13 Nov 2008, 10:19 pm »
"Having to believe in something for it to work" and "Ignoring plain evidence for misunderstanding" are two sides of one coin my friend.  Common understanding of acoustics does not allow for these things yet I find myself arguing the currently unmeasurable in discussions with science-types all the time.  Great ideas were never made by closed minds.


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #136 on: 13 Nov 2008, 10:33 pm »
This the latest in acoustic treatments from Synergistic Research:

Sure looks worth it to me  :lol:

I dunno, maybe it really works...

Picture bump. :thumb:


Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #137 on: 13 Nov 2008, 10:35 pm »
Great ideas were never made by closed minds.

For sure!  Great ideas also tend to be transparent.  I am sure someone will defeat this question but have at it.  Can you a name a great scientific discovery that has not been measured in some way to prove its doing something?

Is "science type" a negative in this hobby? is the fact that I don't tweakout over cables,fuses and bowls but instead listen to music lessen my experience or enhance it?


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Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #138 on: 13 Nov 2008, 10:37 pm »

For sure!  Great ideas also tend to be transparent.  I am sure someone will defeat this question but have at it.  Can you a name a great scientific discovery that has not been measured in some way to prove its doing something?

They still ONLY have a theory of what an electron is...
A best guess scenario...
Think about that one for an hour.
what is the problem with the electron? It's seems to not be at one place for any length of time continuously...
It has a mass defined by it's energy, but it has no mass, nonetheless... it has a charge.
Or this is the theory... It sort of does not move either, it sort of just appears, then it re-appears at another location, but where it has
been, while it was not there... is a mystery..
(If I remember this correctly) the electron only theoretically exists, there exists 20 models that try to describe it... go figure, I bet this was news for the lot of ya? You see they can detect that "something" spins, and they assume it must be "something" because it has a
angular momentum, or torq... so it "must" have mass and hence exist... that their best guess on this...
They still don't know what the F*** it is! Only what it can do...

I'd call it an inductive "event" that has a moments charge equal to it's spin and these occur in a spherical manner both in the electrical and magnetical domain, AS IF it had a physical and equal existance....for that finite time it appears to exist.



Re: Would you pay 3k for this?
« Reply #139 on: 13 Nov 2008, 10:42 pm »
Ted says he has measurements.  Maybe he's measuring things in new ways.  In time these may become common understanding.

Science is needed to make good audio gear, absolutely and unquestionably.  However where it is held up as the "end-all" and the findings don't match my ears I side with the latter.