Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1140 on: 5 Oct 2015, 11:05 pm »
Need some help in making a decision to buy a Bryston Bdp-1 (the older version with spdif out). Wondering if the new MM 2.0x firmware will work with it, my interest in the new firmware primarily to be able to play DSD64 files. Thanks in advance.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1141 on: 6 Oct 2015, 12:40 am »
ditto here, clicking enter-key or the loupe seem not to have any effect, no visual feedback a search is going on either.

Hi guys,

The search function doesn't work on he artist view, just the default view.  This is from the previous version of the Bryston db being so slow, eventually the search feature when used on the artrist view will act as a filter.  From the default view, no need to push enter, if you type

artist avicii

It should return any results containin avicii, if I wanted to search for cowboy junkies I would use

artist "cowboy junkies"



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1142 on: 6 Oct 2015, 12:44 am »

Any thoughts on the scrolling issue?

I'm likley not sanitizing the path correctly or at all


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1143 on: 6 Oct 2015, 12:51 am »

Future request: I love the Tidal capability. When going from Playlist to Queue, the Playlist
always goes to the first album . Is there a possiblity of making it quicker to scoll to the bottom?
Slow on an IPAD

How many playlists do you have?  Or approximately?


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1144 on: 6 Oct 2015, 12:56 am »
Need some help in making a decision to buy a Bryston Bdp-1 (the older version with spdif out). Wondering if the new MM 2.0x firmware will work with it, my interest in the new firmware primarily to be able to play DSD64 files. Thanks in advance.

The BDP-1 will do up to PCM384 (only 352 has been tested) and DSD128.  Really the draw back to the BDP-1 over the BDP-2 is primarily how fast it reacts to input.  Other issues that the 1has over the two include

Doesn't stream all lossless files from tidal
Doesn't load MPD 0.19.9 (DSD512 support)

If your library isn't likley to exceed 20,000 audio files and you don't care about the above I suspect a BDP-1 will be fine.


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1145 on: 6 Oct 2015, 01:06 am »
Much appreciate @unincognito for the info. Just the info I guess I wanted to hear :) , my SACDs files are primarily dsd64 and few 128s, rest are Flac.  Tidal is not a concern.  Thx again. BisP


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - Playlist scrolling
« Reply #1146 on: 6 Oct 2015, 01:19 am »
I have around a hundred playlists
Haven't figured out how to consolidate them


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1147 on: 6 Oct 2015, 02:11 am »
Man I'm going to spend a day building playlists  :lol:

Perhaps if the interface only showed like 10 at a time


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1148 on: 6 Oct 2015, 06:51 am »
Not sure i understand what you're saying here ;-) Hope i expressed myself understandably: the 2 panes ought to scroll independently, but scrolling the right pane (with all albums) causes the left pane (artists) to scroll along, thus scrolling the currently selected artist out of view.

I'm likley not sanitizing the path correctly or at all


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1149 on: 6 Oct 2015, 06:54 am »

ever since i enabled the dlna renderer service in MM settings, i find my Synology Nas powering off on a daily basis.

Could that in anyway be related to each other? I cant figure out anything else that changed in settings, hard-or software. never happened before, and all drives seem in perfect order. No power failures occurred.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1150 on: 6 Oct 2015, 12:23 pm »

ever since i enabled the dlna renderer service in MM settings, i find my Synology Nas powering off on a daily basis.

Could that in anyway be related to each other? I cant figure out anything else that changed in settings, hard-or software. never happened before, and all drives seem in perfect order. No power failures occurred.


it just runs the gstreamer dlna renderer in the background, i can't imagine its having any effect on the content server.  I suspect its more likely that its simply coincidence.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1151 on: 6 Oct 2015, 12:27 pm »
Not sure i understand what you're saying here ;-) Hope i expressed myself understandably: the 2 panes ought to scroll independently, but scrolling the right pane (with all albums) causes the left pane (artists) to scroll along, thus scrolling the currently selected artist out of view.

i thought you were referring to why the song path might not be displaying in the song info window.  Unfortunately that issue is due to making the interface as cross browser friendly as possible.  It could be resolved, but at the cost of breaking IE compatibility on the page; admittedly its been quite some time since we last looked at the issue.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1152 on: 6 Oct 2015, 02:11 pm »
Hi guys,

The search function doesn't work on he artist view, just the default view.  This is from the previous version of the Bryston db being so slow, eventually the search feature when used on the artrist view will act as a filter.  From the default view, no need to push enter, if you type

artist avicii

It should return any results containin avicii, if I wanted to search for cowboy junkies I would use

artist "cowboy junkies"

Chris, are there any plans to make search fast and working in all views? I consider MM in current state unusable and it is great disappointment for me. Since I bought BDP-2 1,5 years ago I never seen album database working and should stick to buggy unsupported 3d party app such as MPAD. Sorry but I think Bryston should stop writing software by themselves and hire professional  software development team to bring MM to life and develop proper native clients for mobile.  There is simply no excuse for selling such great hardware as BDP-2 with half-baked software.
« Last Edit: 6 Oct 2015, 09:15 pm by vklyushnikov »


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1153 on: 6 Oct 2015, 02:33 pm »
Chris, are there any plans to make search fast and working in all views? I consider MM in current state unusable and it is great disappointment for me. Since I bought BDP-2 1,5 years ago I never seen album database working and should stick to buggy unsupported 3d party app such as MPAD. Sorry but I think Bryston should stop writing software by themselves and hire professional  software development team to bring MM alive and develop proper native clients for mobile.  There is simply no excuse for selling such great hardware as BDP-2 with half-baked software.


Bryston should provide its own high-quality app to replace MPaD.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1154 on: 6 Oct 2015, 10:41 pm »
Chris, are there any plans to make search fast and working in all views? I consider MM in current state unusable and it is great disappointment for me. Since I bought BDP-2 1,5 years ago I never seen album database working and should stick to buggy unsupported 3d party app such as MPAD. Sorry but I think Bryston should stop writing software by themselves and hire professional  software development team to bring MM to life and develop proper native clients for mobile.  There is simply no excuse for selling such great hardware as BDP-2 with half-baked software.

I'm sorry to hear your still experiencing issues, but I have found in multiple setups that the search features responds as it should and returns results within a few seconds as demonstrated in the live video demo.  As for why Bryston db isn't functioning you'll need to place your BDP into service mode and email me the service id.  If you simply post the service id I may not see it for a day or so and in thag time It may change.  We do quite a bit of testing before releasing new software, but not everyone has the same music.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1155 on: 6 Oct 2015, 10:46 pm »
As to why we don't release a thick app, well it's quite simple, we would have to develop an app for iOS, Android, windows, for both tablet and phone sized devices.  We would end up with an interface that has only a handful of features instead of the web interface that we have now.  A web interface that has been getting better and better with more added features every few months and works on all of the above platforms.  The thick apps would be no less proned to problems, we don't control what you plug into this thing.  That's why we
Introduced the service mode in the first Place to help diagnose and fix things.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1156 on: 7 Oct 2015, 10:57 am »
Chris, I don't quite understand why I need to switch service mode on - because search works exactly as you described: it is slow and working on default view only. When I search for artist or album it dumps matching songs to search results - this is why it is completely unusable. What I need is ability to navigate quickly to artist  and album. This is why I like Mpad despite its problems - I simply can type artist or album in search field and it filters view immediately as I type with no delays. And I even can navigate using alphabet filter and don't bother with typing. I can only dream if MM will behave in this way.
Regarding native vs web UI debate- there is no debate at all. It is well known fact in software industry that there is almost impossible to create HTML5 application that will behave with same performance and quality as native mobile app. Web UI will always look uglier and have various lags and glitches. This is why developers create native apps. You are wasting time  trying to create Web UI that will behave equally good on all devices. I don't believe that this is possible at all - you can trust me because I work as software developer for more than 20 years. What you really need is to leave very basic functions for web UI and establish partnership with some software development company to create IOS and Android app. Note that native apps are the way that choose  Jriver, Auralic and many others.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1157 on: 7 Oct 2015, 01:11 pm »
 What is it about MPAD you find glitchy?  I have it on an iPAD 2 and find it mostly problem free.  I have two ablums that have no tracks or art; Just several ????.  With some patience I can fix those, but they don't bother me that much.  The fact that the album art is 100% represented, minus above two exceptions, is a plus for me.  I have gotten the occasional "wrong artist" showing, but that is fixable with some patience.  Mostly it is due to tagging problems at my end. 

 The creation of Playlists works well if the edits are saved in MM.  The only wish I have is to archive the playlists.  Have not tried to SSH into the BDP to see if I can find the Playlists.

 I'd like to know, though, what problems you have with this app.  Maybe I have seen some similar problems initially, but now it is very stable.

 I agree that a "native app" is probably the way to go, but if MM would refresh the screen when certain functions occur it would help.  i.e. If the album art is missing for the first track of a playlist, clicking on "Dashboard" then on "Music Player" refreshes the screen now showing the album art.  There are other examples of screen refresh issues that I can't think of at this time, but I really only use MM to save or delete Playlists, Update the library or update the DB.  MM has improved a lot over time so don't give up on that option yet.

   Thanks ahead for any reply, Rich


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1158 on: 7 Oct 2015, 07:20 pm »
 What is it about MPAD you find glitchy?
My concerns about MPad are following:
  • It always starts playback when I add something to playlist, so there is almost impossible to compose playlist
  • It lacks display of sampling rate and bit depth
  • It doesn't show total time of the playlist
  • Minor glitches such as wrapping of long song titles
  • It is not updated since January 2014. I consider such state as unsupported and don't know what may happen with it in the future.
While all these issues are important, MPad is still the only way to control BDP from IPad. I have found also new MPD controller in App Store but it seems that it does not support cover art:


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #1159 on: 7 Oct 2015, 11:33 pm »
Not to Be critical, but it sounds like some of the issues aren't issues but simply misunderstandings.  For instance mPad ... yes tapping a song places it into the playlist and begins playing; but if you hold your finger on an item it provides a menu that includes additional options, like "add to playlist" or "play next".
We do provide features in our  firmware that allow our customers to make use of dlna controllers, this feature was introduced with manic moose over two years ago.    We feel web apps are not without there draw back and we aren't the only ones that feel this way; for example both Apple and Microsoft have released web versions of there office packages.  Yes they have there short falls, but the do have pro's (as listed above) and the list/seriousness of there con's are dwindling at pace faster then then the advantages of thick apps.
Please see the video I produced today to help clarify how much faster the BDP-2 is over  the BDP-1 when it comes to the processing power with a library of 27,000 songs and the general performance of both.