Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #240 on: 31 Jan 2014, 08:54 pm »
I've had general interface bugs using Chrome too. No issues with IE or Firefox on Windows 8.1. Chris mentioned that the web designers were looking into some trouble with Chrome in an earlier post.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #241 on: 31 Jan 2014, 10:02 pm »
Hi Grit,

I am using the lastest version has you state below with no plug-ins, but I cannot add any albums to the playlist.

I have logged off my computer and back on again with no difference.

I should mention it works on Explorer.

Any ideas ?

The default version of MPD (0.16.8) is a little glitchy as James discovered yesturday, to rest if this is the problem simply go into the Music Player Daemon settings and change the version.  Also the cover art and name of the currently playing song, playlist and some other bits don't always update.  This might be a problem with a version of WebKit as the version of safari that James has on his work computer is also broken, Safari and Chrome both use WebKit.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #242 on: 1 Feb 2014, 12:47 am »
I seem to be unable to install the 1/31 firmware. Multiple attempts to download have resulted in the following error:
Code: [Select]
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missingVersion:
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missingVersion:
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missing


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #243 on: 1 Feb 2014, 10:24 am »
Hi Chris,

Please enable firmware downloading to usb thumbdrives again?



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #244 on: 2 Feb 2014, 11:57 pm »
I seem to be unable to install the 1/31 firmware. Multiple attempts to download have resulted in the following error:
Code: [Select]
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missingVersion:
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missingVersion:
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missing

Have you tried simply restarting the unit?  Also if you downloaded the firmware Friday night you'll need to redownload the firmware



Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #245 on: 3 Feb 2014, 02:02 pm »

Mac/finder won't browse the BDP anymore. Connection failed.

Only option is to go to server in menu options, and then i can select one of the drives. Still, no Finder browsing is possible, have rebooted once or twice already .


Wim J

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #246 on: 3 Feb 2014, 08:30 pm »
The whole update process is a pain. I have to try at least 3 downloads (personal record: 7 redownloads) before it passes. The most common error is MD5 related. I can't imagine that my internet connection is that bad that on every BDP-software download roughly 75% has errors. I never experienced this in any other download. Only downloading the BDP software is giving me a hard time.
Maybe give us a tool to test MD values before loading the software into the device. The way it is working now, it takes me at least one hour to update the BDP-1, because I have to start downloading over and over again, and I have to start loading the software over and over,...


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #247 on: 4 Feb 2014, 02:21 pm »
Have you tried simply restarting the unit?  Also if you downloaded the firmware Friday night you'll need to redownload the firmware

Hi Chris, Yes, I tried restarting the unit. Upon restarting I'm not able to install any version of the firmware. When I go to the "install firmware" page and select a version from my drive, the info for that build appears briefly (<1s) in the info window below, but then shows the following.
Code: [Select]
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missing
Thus, I'm not able to install any firmware. Can I initiate the firmware update through the command line?


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #248 on: 4 Feb 2014, 09:24 pm »
Alright, I got this one figured out on my own. The BDP2 kept looking for one of my NAS drives that was offline. As soon as I brought the drive online again, I was able to install the FW. There must be a script that polls all attached storage for firmware downloads even though there doesn't appear to be an option to download to NAS drives. Maybe it just kept resetting? Not sure, just guessing, I suppose.



Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #249 on: 8 Feb 2014, 02:16 pm »

latest update doesn't get passed "Sorting into Bryston 11%"  ...

sorry, no success yet.. :(


ps restarting gives this again and again:

« Last Edit: 8 Feb 2014, 05:17 pm by Marius »

Wim J

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #250 on: 8 Feb 2014, 09:41 pm »
Over and over I keep having problems loading new firmware:
S20020140207 found on 308B-AA33
Filsystem Check Failed: md5 value missing


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #251 on: 9 Feb 2014, 12:34 pm »
Hi Chris,

Since the album db is still not anywhere near a working version, and it always bogs the system to hangs (Both the bdp and the Mac...) would it be possible to have some sort of minimal interface a available? Stripped out of the Albumview bit, just as we had it working fine before you started implementing this?

As it stands now, Mpod/mpad is not working correctly (listing all tracks alphabetically) and Brystons own software leaves a lot to be desired.

Hardly a situation a great machine as the BDP deserves. Or to put it somewhat more to the point: as is expected for a machine we only see rave reviews about.

Having to reboot every time the user tries to use the interface is just not acceptable, even for an avid betatester....

Hope you can do it.

Hope you can also have a look at the network interface , since right now it still is not very useful, input fields are unreadable , and still no subfolder to be selected as a share...


Wim J

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #252 on: 10 Feb 2014, 09:14 am »
I fully agree with Marius comments.
The BDP1/2 hardware deserves a much better piece of software. In the meantime the last approved firmware looks and behaves like it  comes from the stone-ages. And the progress on the Beta is going slow and has still a lot of things to solve.
In my opinion Bryston is trying to reinvent hot water. Why not run an existing piece of software (freeware) on the BDP? It is a computer, so it should be able to run virtually anything.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #253 on: 10 Feb 2014, 02:06 pm »
I think much of the frustration is coming from the fact that we got let into the testing way earlier than what we're used to for a beta cycle. Usually for beta software, it's feature locked, every feature is already programmed in more than roughly. There are some known bugs, and workarounds are being tested. But development between beta and release candidate usually focuses on bug fixing, not feature addition.

What we're seeing is feature addition which almost always introduces bugs in previously finished bits of code. Couple that to the fact that there are clearly still missing features hinted at in the UI and even the design goals laid out in the original post, lots of stuff doesn't work well yet or at all.

It may be helpful going forward to give us a more detailed sense of the current known state of the software. If you don't want to run a full fledged bug tracker, maintaining a simple known-issues list that includes items up next for development would go a long way towards managing testers' expectations for each build. It would also focus the type of feedback you get from us which may make it seem more helpful than burdensome. Also, where it's feasible, work on stabilizing current features rather than adding new ones. This will help keep bugs isolated for the time being.

For those of us who want to take the occasional weekend off from testing and just enjoy listening for a bit, keep a CF card flashed and ready with Loony Loon. I keep the top of my chassis unscrewed all the time, so I just have to swap cards and reboot. It's nice to not be a guinea pig all the time.

It's worth the time investment to have a custom UI and feature set for the player. It would be dangerous for Bryston to rely solely on the good will of outside devs to maintain the software we use on our player. Then we run the risk of bugs never being fixed and features never being added.

Just my 2 cents...

Wim J

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #254 on: 10 Feb 2014, 02:51 pm »
I think much of the frustration is coming from the fact that we got let into the testing way earlier than what we're used to for a beta cycle. Usually for beta software, it's feature locked, every feature is already programmed in more than roughly. There are some known bugs, and workarounds are being tested. But development between beta and release candidate usually focuses on bug fixing, not feature addition.

What we're seeing is feature addition which almost always introduces bugs in previously finished bits of code. Couple that to the fact that there are clearly still missing features hinted at in the UI and even the design goals laid out in the original post, lots of stuff doesn't work well yet or at all.

It may be helpful going forward to give us a more detailed sense of the current known state of the software. If you don't want to run a full fledged bug tracker, maintaining a simple known-issues list that includes items up next for development would go a long way towards managing testers' expectations for each build. It would also focus the type of feedback you get from us which may make it seem more helpful than burdensome. Also, where it's feasible, work on stabilizing current features rather than adding new ones. This will help keep bugs isolated for the time being.

For those of us who want to take the occasional weekend off from testing and just enjoy listening for a bit, keep a CF card flashed and ready with Loony Loon. I keep the top of my chassis unscrewed all the time, so I just have to swap cards and reboot. It's nice to not be a guinea pig all the time.

It's worth the time investment to have a custom UI and feature set for the player. It would be dangerous for Bryston to rely solely on the good will of outside devs to maintain the software we use on our player. Then we run the risk of bugs never being fixed and features never being added.

Just my 2 cents...

I have the BDP1 more or less since it was available, and I can hardly live with loony loon being the latest official software. I like where manic moose is supposed to be going but when even installing a new release/nightly build is every time a real problem.  Also my cover is of all the time, because the update is that easy-going  :cry: . The whole software is just not up to the price I/we paid for the unit. If it didn't sound that good I would have sold it a long time ago,... :nono:

Wim J

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #255 on: 10 Feb 2014, 08:41 pm »
Now nightly build S20020140209 is not even starting download  :scratch:

James Tanner

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #256 on: 10 Feb 2014, 11:17 pm »
Now nightly build S20020140209 is not even starting download  :scratch:

Hi Folks,

Yes found a glitch in 209 - will have new version shortly.

I have taken the plunge and downloaded the manic Moose - so I can start comparing notes - bear with us please as it will soon all come together - Chris promised me today  :thumb:


James Tanner

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #257 on: 10 Feb 2014, 11:49 pm »
My set-up with Manic Moose



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #258 on: 11 Feb 2014, 02:32 am »
Hi Guys,

So I thought I'd provide an update on where we stand with the firmware.  The media player portion is feature complete and we are just in the process of ironing out the bugs as they come up.  The media player has one very significant issue that Marius has had first hand experience with, building the album art database never in I she's and eventually locks up his BDP-1.  I don't believe this issue is either a resource or software issue but rather a content issue as we have tested it repeatedly with a BDP-1 containing over 60 thousand files.  Regardless of what's causing the problem it needs to be addressed. So far each time I have monitored the build using the program top, it appears to be the conversion of picture files causing the problem.

System: complete no known issues
Disk Information: partitialy functional, scan disk, mount, unmount, set scratch, update all functional, no known issues
Album Art database: havn't decided what to do with this yet
Network interfaces: this has been my concentration for the last week, fully functional, has yet to be put through its paces yet
Update firmware: advanced page functional, still dealing with problems regarding the application of updates.  This issue appears to stem from the passing of variables from browser to BDP.  This is the next thing I plan to tackle with the network manager functional and will likely incorporate a basic checksum before proceeding with the upgrade and some additional back and forth communication.
Music player daemon, page appears to be feature complete; although we are experience unrepeatable issues with MPD 0.16.8(might still be labeled as 0.16.7).  Out fix for this might be as simple as just get rid of it depending on user feedback.
System log: not yet functional
Startup script: not yet functional
NAS setup: you can add a NAS but nothing else, still needs work on the layout of objects
Services: functional, some customers have noted that some of the services don't produce audio, there does appear to be a problem with the audio output device being used by other tasks.  This seems to occur when MPD's playlist hasn't been cleared.
License: not yet functional

There are three existing major issues that must be resolved:
1. The firmware upgrade
2. Album art database/content
3. The third party streaming services not taking control of the audio output device

Obviously there is still work ahead, nobody is more aware of this then me as I am tasked to get it to work, this is a beta made available at the request to the general public.  I do appreciate everyone's patients and feel your frustration as again I am the one who this responsibility falls on.   your feedback has been invaluable as if you weren't here I'd be dealing with a giant shit storm on the day of launch. 

We are in this together and I'm sure as we can all agree on that we re moving in a positive direction albeit with som missed steps.


Wim J

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #259 on: 11 Feb 2014, 10:33 pm »
Now nightly build S20020140209 is not even starting download  :scratch:
S2.00 2014-02-11 has same problem. it does not start the download.