Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?

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Delta Wave

Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #100 on: 25 Oct 2011, 07:33 pm »
I wouldn't associate record sales with a great band... I judge solely on melodies and musicianship. I actually don't want another Rolling Stones or the Eagles... that was from a time when the music industry wasn't that much of an industry. Just look at their ticket prices and you can tell what they are all about... $$$.  Now labels are churning out cookie-cutter bands that have to have fill a market and generally suck.
It's just nice to know that there are bands out there that rise above it and play what THEY want to play which just so happens to be great music. Bands like that follow in the footsteps of the greats like Yes & Rush who did things their way and sold records and had fans regardless of the the "Music De Jour".
Take "new country" for instance... it's terrible, unmelodic crap full of mediocre musicians that couldn't make it in Rock & Roll. And it sells.


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #101 on: 25 Oct 2011, 07:43 pm »

I often find that people who complain that "new music" isn't very good, don't really know a whole lot about new music. Either that or sometimes people reach a certain age and then either set the parking brake and decide everything from this point on sucks. I hope I never ever become that way. Speaking generally, btw, not to any one person on that.

 There is a surging, thriving music scene of bands out that there would blow your mind if you'd simply take the time to look.

 Hey Delta Wave, my buddy is in a country band (wierd story) now, and they just travelled to Nashville to cut an EP. They have backing and a growing following. If they put an album out here, I'll give you a link.

 I have another friend in a rock band with a HUGE following here in Seattle, they just got their first deal, they're on a movie soundtrack, the one with that guy from Twilight as action star. I never saw it  :oops:. But they're a GREAT band! Kinda similar to Black Keys but way better imo.
« Last Edit: 25 Oct 2011, 09:00 pm by Rclark »


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #102 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:07 pm »
Based on what I saw at RMAF, you audiophile fools are all old.  So the classic bands will always be "the best" in your mind.  These may be your idols and musical gods, but the younger generation would rate later bands like U2, Radiohead, Bjork, Tool, Death Cab for Cutie, Arcade Fire, the Flaming Lips, at least at that level or higher. 
By putting bands out there like the Stones, Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd, etc... you are not "becoming" your parents, you are already there.    :flame: :flame: :flame:


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #103 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:15 pm »

I often find that people who complain that "new music" isn't very good, don't really know a whole lot about new music. Either that or sometimes people reach a certain age and then either set the parking brake and decide everything from this point on sucks. I hope I never ever become that closed minded and old.

Seems a strange time to post about preaching new music and new attitudes....

I'm actually with you. They (Radiohead) were very trendy for a while because all the A-list celebrities were fawning over them for "intellect cred" back in the late 90's, but I actually find them kinda boring too.

Didn't watch it (Radiohead perfomance on Colbert), but don't watch it. I'm pretty conservative politically (no, I am not religious), and I find Colbert and the other dude on that channel irritating and somewhat scary.

I think it's a very slippery slope to preach about folks not liking this music or that.


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #104 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:20 pm »
Sun Kil Moon.
Of course, SKM is essentially Mark Kozelek, so "American's greatest active band" is a guy who is currently touring solo with just a nylon string guitar.
IMHO, of course...


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #105 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:20 pm »
 Sorry, didn't mean to impugne Radiohead. I was into them for a time.  :thumb: . Like whatever you like, my opinion is just that.


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #106 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:29 pm »
Sorry, didn't mean to impugne Radiohead. I was into them for a time.  :thumb: . Like whatever you like, my opinion is just that.

Funny, it just doesn't seem that way.  You were very eager to pile on to the "Dave Matthews band and Phish suck!" comment even when George and I found them to be great candidates.  Seems quite confusing (let alone rude) given your "keep an open mind and attitude" tude.  ?


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #107 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:49 pm »
Oh, I suppose. I certainly don't mean any harm.  :D :D  . We're just talking here, I didn't realize that was to be limited to merely compiling a list. Good thing none of this conversation matters!

 Feel free to bag on any band I bring up. I promise not to cry too much about it   :lol:


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #108 on: 25 Oct 2011, 08:51 pm »
Based on what I saw at RMAF, you audiophile fools are all old.  So the classic bands will always be "the best" in your mind.  These may be your idols and musical gods, but the younger generation would rate later bands like U2, Radiohead, Bjork, Tool, Death Cab for Cutie, Arcade Fire, the Flaming Lips, at least at that level or higher. 
By putting bands out there like the Stones, Zep, The Who, Pink Floyd, etc... you are not "becoming" your parents, you are already there.    :flame: :flame: :flame:

Hey Tyson,

Who are you calling old??? Just kidding.  I'm the one who brought up all of those old bands.  To be honest, I don't really listen to many or most of the bands I mentioned (okay, still love Pink Floyd).  My reference was necessarily comparing those bands to new bands but comparing their relevance and impact on younger people (when those bands were in their prime) to bands of today.  For instance, I saw U2 back in the 80's during the Joshua Tree album tour, when they were arguably the best band on the planet.  U2 is long past their prime and, although they are still good live, they are no longer relevalt.  Who is the new "best band on the planet"?  Arcade Fire?  Please...

Again, I'm not saying old music is better than new music.  I never listen to "oldies" stations and usually turn the channel when most of the "classics" are played.  I still go to live shows as often as possible and have seen some really good acts and live performances.  It's been a long time since I've seen a show that I thought was groundbreaking.  Now if you think that Death Cab for Cutie can "bring it" in a live show like Led Zepp when they were in their prime, you are entitled to your opinion (and I will respectfully disagree!).   :thumb:



Quiet Earth

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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #109 on: 25 Oct 2011, 09:15 pm »

.. you are not "becoming" your parents, you are already there.   

Not sure what is wrong with growing up and becoming your parents.  My parents are (were) cool 8) , and it's fun to be a parent. Do you ever listen to your kid's (or any teenager's) music for hours in the car because that's what they want to listen to? Some of it is not bad at all. (Some of it drives me nuts, but I can deal with it.)

There was really no criteria for this thread, so I'm not sure what everyone was expecting to get out of it other than to check out who everyone else thinks is great. (This is good enough for me though  :thumb:) I was thinking that "greatest active band" should require a certain level of exposure and longevity, and possibly bridge multiple generations of music lovers.  Not that it matters.  :D


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #110 on: 25 Oct 2011, 11:21 pm »
Funny, it just doesn't seem that way.  You were very eager to pile on to the "Dave Matthews band and Phish suck!" comment even when George and I found them to be great candidates.  Seems quite confusing (let alone rude) given your "keep an open mind and attitude" tude.  ?

Go easy on the guy. If I am correct he has stated that Wolfmother is the greatest band out there now. So...


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #111 on: 25 Oct 2011, 11:34 pm »
I often find that people who complain that "new music" isn't very good, don't really know a whole lot about new music. Either that or sometimes people reach a certain age and then either set the parking brake and decide everything from this point on sucks. I hope I never ever become that way. Speaking generally, btw, not to any one person on that.

This is true. The vast majority of people have their tastes in art, food, music, etc set by the age of 35. This has been studied.

I am happy to be in the minority of people that continue to explore and find new music beyond that age.

There is a surging, thriving music scene of bands out that there would blow your mind if you'd simply take the time to look.

Also very true.

There are so many great bands with world class musicianship from the US (all over the world, actually) making some very creative music. There are no 'good old days', those days are now.


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #112 on: 26 Oct 2011, 12:49 am »
I'm not totally disagreeing with you guys because I love modern bands.  I don't listen to any classic stations and don't see bands who are just playing "nostalgic" music from their faded past.  Having said that, if we are saying bands like Death Cab for Cutie and Dave Matthews Band are today's version of Led Zepplin or Pink Floyd, it's pretty sad. 

If Jack White (a talented guy) is today's version of Jimmy Page and Jeff Tweedy is today's version of David Gilmour, people are missing out on true greatness.  There is a difference between old music and great music that was recorded a long time ago.  100 years from now, people will still know about the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin, and will still be listening to their music.  We will all be dead but this music will live on forever.  50 years from now, I doubt anyone will remember Kings of Leon, Dave Matthews or any of the "popular" bands listed in this thread, let alone any of their "big" hits. 

Just sayin...


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #113 on: 26 Oct 2011, 12:52 am »
I mean no offense, but naming The Melvins or Them Crooked Vultures as America's greatest band is not exactly one that would stand up to heavy scrutiny, regardless of how good they are (and they are).

Just wanted to pop in to say once again that my inclusion of Melvins here was being somewhat facetious. Just trying to point out the obvious really - that this question can't really be answered anyway (i.e. ask an unanswerable question, get a bunch of seemingly ridiculous answers).

To put it differently, 100 years from now, I don't think anyone is going to be listening to songs from the Melvins or the Cannibal Corpses, etc.  Heck, I don't think most people will recognize most of these bands ten years from now.

Where is the next Led Zepplin, or Rolling Stones?  The next Beatles, AC/DC or even U2?   Does anyone think Kings of Leon will be the next Rolling Stones?  Which current band is going to be as big and transformational as Pink Floyd or as culturally relevant as the Doors, The Who or Jimi Hendrix Experience were in their day?

Count me among the people who are more interested in discovering new sounds.  I have to say though that by new sounds, I include discovering some long lost gem from the past that has often gone unnoticed. Dont necessarily want to talk about age (which right there, should tell you I'm probably over the average here). But I wouldnt personally bring forth any of those classic bands in answer to this (of course, once again, there are no right answers anyway). Those classic bands had their day, but I've had a huge appetite for new sounds since I was a teenager, and I dont plan to stop anytime soon. Once I've heard something several times, I tend to put it aside, as I have so much other stuff to listen to that I just dont have time for it.

Of course it's hard to bring some of these newer artists up because maybe they havent stood the test of time yet. But looking for some new interesting and challenging music is easy. There is just SO MUCH good stuff out there these days. I'm not going to call these the greatest bands, but try these on for size:

Animal Collective (include Panda Bear, Avey Tare)
Fleet Foxes
Jackie-O M***** F*****
Sun Araw
Four Tet
Tower Recordings (MV+EE, etc)
Devandra Banhart
Guided by Voices

Those are just the few on my mind at the moment.


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #114 on: 26 Oct 2011, 01:11 am »
And here are a few that actually have stood the test of time fairly well by now.

Sonic Youth
Flaming Lips

Heck I should even include Nurse With Wound here. Arguably a solo project, although there have been some collaborators on almost every release. Also seems like there could be a bit more quality control in the tremendous amount of releases being put forth lately. But there are some real paradigm-shifting sounds on many of those (especially on earlier releases). If you feel like challenging yourself a bit, it could really change the way you listen to music (even what you call 'music'). To me that's what it's all about. ***whoops - just remembered that the folks normally involved here are English, but i guess i'm just trying to make a point anyway***

And finally, what might possibly be my best attempt to answer this for myself (at least for today):

Yo La Tengo - Been around since the mid-80s. Have had over a dozen, consistently good LPs. Even their most current output is as good or better than anything else in their catalog. Plenty of hooks. Can go from completely shredding to endearingly sentimental at any given time. And an absolutely fantastic (and fun) live act. If they come near you, go see them. I've seen them 3 or 4 times, and their shows are consistently among the best I've seen (saw them about a year ago, and it cost me 20 bucks!)
« Last Edit: 26 Oct 2011, 12:35 pm by nnck »

Delta Wave

Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #115 on: 26 Oct 2011, 01:14 am »
I do believe that a lot of these new(er) bands will not be forgotten. I mean I remember stuff like New Riders of the Purple Sage, Moby Grape and so on... lots of obscure stuff stays around for a long time. There are so many good bands out there that NEVER get airplay. When was the last time you heard a Frank Black & the Catholics song on the radio... I mean they have like 6 albums, all recorded live on 2 track ...and are phenomenal. Never you say? Who are they? Oh, just a few guys and one Pixies front man. 

I also see no one mentioned Primus, so I guess I will. :)


Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #116 on: 26 Oct 2011, 02:34 am »
So six pages and no one mentions the Drive-By Truckers?  (Consistently) Great albums and a killer live show.  Have seen them a couple times -- always a treat.  Not to slight anyone else listed, but sometimes I listen to them and think they are America's last great RnR band. 

If you haven't heard them yet, run (don't walk) to your nearest record store.


P.S. Jason Isbell (ex-DBT) is now a solo artist and also has a great band.  I'm not sure that he's quite up there with DBT, but some folks disagree.....it's like the Uncle Tupelo vs. Wilco divide, circa 1990's.


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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #117 on: 26 Oct 2011, 02:57 am »
Based on what I saw at RMAF, you audiophile fools are all old.  So the classic bands will always be "the best" in your mind.... you are not "becoming" your parents, you are already there.   

Yeah, richer with better stereo systems. 

Diamond Dog

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Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #118 on: 26 Oct 2011, 03:56 am »

 But anyway thread title kinda suggests older bands.

 If you want to talk about new bands, here's a curveball, I really enjoyed Drake's band's performance on SNL http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/drake-headlines/1362580.... Even if you don't enjoy hip hop, just listen to the band.

I think the thread title suggests bands which are actively recording new music and hopefully touring (but not necessarily-would anyone dispute the Beatles being referred to as a great band after they gave up on live performance? ). More importantly, as one poster put it, it suggests bands which are "transcendent" and I couldn't think of a more appropriate word to use. Greatness must be coming pretty cheap these days if some of the bands listed have acheived it or even hope to. And "transcendence" must require a lot less lift than it used to...
Some of the bands put forward would certainly be contenders but probably don't have the legend required as of yet. A compelling back-story makes all the difference which is one of the reasons I put Pearl Jam forward at the beginning of the thread. I sincerely hope some of the other mentions ( and I love a lot of them ) manage to make it to that level so that in years to come people can have their own iconic bands to have these discussions about.

And Drake is a Canadian.



Re: Who Is America's Greatest Active Band?
« Reply #119 on: 26 Oct 2011, 04:47 am »
Go easy on the guy. If I am correct he has stated that Wolfmother is the greatest band out there now. So...

 I stand by that assesment! Wolfmother is awesome. Still my favorite of the recent crop. Their next album should be a monster. Due before year's end and I'll preorder and most definitely go see them on the next tour.