Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #20 on: 2 Apr 2010, 10:25 pm »
Skip the remote. Use a iPod touch or iPhone. It's a much more satisfying experience.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #21 on: 2 Apr 2010, 10:37 pm »
Sell me yours.  :eyebrows:


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #22 on: 3 Apr 2010, 12:05 am »
I have two SqueezeBoxes... They now are wired and that fact alone made for a significant boost in sound quality in that the wireless card is turned off...

Turning off the wireless card improved operation and sound quality for us as well.  The latest I've heard about the upcoming "Touch" product is that unlike the previous SB and Transporter units, the Touch's wireless card will not automatically turn off when an ethernet cable is plugged into the unit - I was disappointed to hear that.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #23 on: 3 Apr 2010, 05:36 pm »
I never know quite how to deal with posts where somebody declares that a product is crap and doesn't work, when I have the same equipment and have never had a problem. 

So what to make of these unhappy comments?  It seems the variable is the networking equipment/knowledge of the end user. 

It is possible to get a bad unit from manufacturing, though again, that has not happened to me.  To get two seems long odds, and so I come back to the need to take the time to learn how to use the equipment.  You could pay 8 or 9K for a Sooloos or equivalent that hides all the complexity, but if you want cheap, which SB is, you need to be prepared to do some work. 

Entering the WEP key during Wi-Fi set up is beyond a lot of people apparently, given the number of unprotected hot spots.  Understanding routers, Wi-Fi settings, and basic computer concepts of files, folders, and networking come with the territory.  If you are used to working with computers, it is all very obvious.  If you are not, it must seem hopelessly complex.

I am glad to know that I am just an idiot (along with Bob in St. Louis and Lonewolf and so many others) and that even though the concerns are pretty widespread with connectivity issues it has nothing to do with Logitech's design.  I stated that I did not post to denigrate Logitech but to share my experiences- they are real and are valid.  It is possible they could have been remedied with a new router.  This was not suggested at any time by the phone technicians that I spoke with.  I had about 6 hours total (including hold time) with an elevated level support person.  They must have felt there was an issue beyond the norm.  The US based guys were very nice and patient in trying to work out the issue.  When the support went off-shore, the help all but ceased as well. 

The Sonos is a similar device and about twice the price of the Duet.  It is a true plug and play unit.  I am not sure why it has not received the popularity on this forum of the SB line?  One would hope that the digital out between the two units would be similar.  The SooLoos you mention is very expensive and truly not worth the money. 

The product that looks like it could be promising is the Popbox.  If the unit can be used without the use of an actual computer and only requires the attachment of a hard drive like the Squeezebox Touch then that is exciting.  Of course, the Touch is music oriented which is my main focus and does not require a "monitor/tv/display" as the Popbox appears to need.  Perhaps there will be a remote type application written for it similar to the iPeng?

Once again, I am not trying to be combative--- just stating my experience which is factual. 

I really want a streamer that works, but for me I was just frustrated that it was not the Duet.  I really wanted it to work as billed.  I will not give up on "computer based" audio as it is superior for my needs/desires of accessing my collection.




Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #24 on: 3 Apr 2010, 06:09 pm »
Are you saying Logitech moved their support out of the country...that is one of the reasons I was able to be patient and finally get mine to work. I was bounced between my NAS support to AT&T support and get to my solution.  Everyone else was based outside US...I was able to befriend Logitech to figure out a new router might put an end to my problems.

I too had a lot of phone time logged....end result...I am very happy...I had lost interest in music over the with the convienance of discless..I am back!! 

Sitting on my back deck with friends...duet remote in hand and taking it!! Queing up an disc in my living room and deciding half way thru a isn't touching and swithing w/o getting off my butt... can't beat it!!


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #25 on: 3 Apr 2010, 06:18 pm »
The ActionTec router that came with my Qwest DSL had no problem syncing with my Bolder SB3. Previously I was pulling my hair out trying get it to work with my cable internet service and a Linksys router. I think it's a router issue. The problem is getting into the weeds switching routers/modems which is really a PITA. I was just stupidly lucky onto :duh: stumbling my solution.

After the dust cleared I was happy and I can't ever imagine going back to a CD player which, IMO, is an obsolete technology.


p.s. My remote is a laptop. Works great and if I need some info on the music playing it's all at my fingertips. :thumb:


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #26 on: 3 Apr 2010, 06:59 pm »
Like rajacat said, I can't imagine going back to a CD player, I use the CD media to import a WAV file and then listen via SB through my HT setup, the ipod app is the best $10 I ever spent and if you have an android phone there is a free basic app, its not as good as ipeng though.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #27 on: 3 Apr 2010, 07:42 pm »
I am glad to know that I am just an idiot (along with Bob in St. Louis and Lonewolf and so many others) and that even though the concerns are pretty widespread with connectivity issues it has nothing to do with Logitech's design. 


James, I very carefully did not call anybody an idiot.  I indicated my confusion over how something I use on a daily basis can be so bad for somebody else, and postulated that the variables were networking equipment and knowledge.

I am sorry if that offended you.  I make my living working with computers and often wonder how "normal" people deal with something I have learned over 25 years. 

The essence of good functional design is to eliminate or hide the complexity.  The Slim Devices kit was always geeky, and appealed to a certain audience.  The very things you complain about are the things such people enjoy, including the fact that the server software is open source and continuously being updated by the community.

I was skeptical when Logitech purchased the company, because they are a consumer brand with customers that have a very different expectation of how things should work.  For one thing, you shouldn't need a user manual, and you most definitely should not need to call customer support.

The Sonos uses proprietary networking which is a deal breaker for me.  I actually do enjoy tinkering with equipment and getting things to work, which is why I have never really embraced Apple - same difference in philosoply - build the box versus out of the box.

Cheers, (and peace)



Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #28 on: 3 Apr 2010, 08:17 pm »

No worries.

So why is an open source better than a closed proprietary system (Sonos) that just works when connected? I am intrigued to know the advantage it provides to everyday audiophiles?

Also, do you consider the Popbox to be open source?  It has the ability for 3rd party writers to develop software.  That may not be what what you have in mind though.



Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #29 on: 3 Apr 2010, 08:55 pm »
I won't be so arrogant as to speak for Waleed. However, I can see the draw for a software/programing geek to gravitate towards an open source product versus the alternative. Look at this way; some of us "audiophiles" will roll tubes, swap capacitor values and argue over what brand of capacitor is "better than yours" to the death. An open source software like the SB family has is the same thing. The software gurus will tap away at a key board tweaking their audio toys instead of (or in addition to) slinging solder on tangible physical hardware components.
I can totally see the Waleed being draw to the SB like a moth to the light.  Amen brother, more power to 'ya.

However......Those of us that lack this ability sometimes are frustrated to the point of irrationality, and possible irrational acts from the SB products, especially the Duet and it's controller.

True story: I didn't buy my Duet. It was given to me.
One day the mail carrier unexpectedly delivered a medium sized box from a very good friend. In it was an opened Logitech Duet box and a post-it note simply saying the following:
#1 Smash the F___ing thing to bits.
#2 Send it to Bob

Guess you figured out which I chose.
Signed, your buddy.......

It was due to this mans frustration that I now have a Duet. And for that I thank him (obviously). But the product shouldn't be that hard to operate or maintain. It just simply shouldn't.

I did receive a new Duet controller in the mail the other day. I was able to successfully get it connected to the existing network quickly and easily. Quite possibly the easiest of any SB product, ever.  I also got a new power supply and charging cradle. That makes something like five chargers and three extra power supplies. All free and all due to stupidity.



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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #30 on: 3 Apr 2010, 09:07 pm »
Sadly there's not one good solution out there.   I have a remote that no one in the house understands how to operate and to me it's completely logical and works great.   I've done the HTPC with freevo and mythTV giving up when my almost silent box crashed one summer when the AC (not audiocircle) went out and version of linux wasn't able to monitor the various thermal sensors and the HDD crashed.  That's about the time that Apple switched to Intel processors and I picked up my first mac mini.   I've been reasonably happy with the appleTV and airport express but it's completely useless unless you have an ipod touch for a remote and even streaming video or audio to appleTV has been successful in my home but definitely not perfect. 

I haven't experienced or even researched the other candidates yet, but will once there's hirez tunes that I actually want to buy...

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #31 on: 4 Apr 2010, 02:33 am »
That sound neat, but the idea of buying a cell phone so I can (remotely) control a single devise in my rack is like buying a computer to use as an alarm clock.
Just doesn't seem "right".  :scratch: Is it just me?



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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #32 on: 4 Apr 2010, 03:00 am »
That sound neat, but the idea of buying a cell phone so I can (remotely) control a single devise in my rack is like buying a computer to use as an alarm clock.
Just doesn't seem "right".  :scratch: Is it just me?


Well you don't need a phone but you do at least need iPod touch, but I agree it's still a bit odd to use one as a remote.  If it had a built in IR port then it wouldn't be so puzzling and most likely would be the best universal remote around that is $200 and up.   I will say anyone with a large library you are better off with something like an iPod touch vs a normal remote to access music.  IMO, the most useless aspect of an AppleTV is the remote that came in the box, I only keep it around so i can reset it when it gets confused.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #33 on: 4 Apr 2010, 03:14 am »
My duet was bullet proof until about a week ago.  Ironically, since relocating my wireless router to about 2 feet away (but on other side of wall) it was rock solid with the connection. 

Even now its not bad enough to abandon, but can be finicky at times.  I'll definitely sell it for a touch when the time comes though.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #34 on: 4 Apr 2010, 03:17 am »
Well you don't need a phone but you do at least need iPod touch, but I agree it's still a bit odd to use one as a remote.  If it had a built in IR port then it wouldn't be so puzzling and most likely would be the best universal remote around that is $200 and up.   I will say anyone with a large library you are better off with something like an iPod touch vs a normal remote to access music.  IMO, the most useless aspect of an AppleTV is the remote that came in the box, I only keep it around so i can reset it when it gets confused.

I have a very large library and I agree and disagree with you. I have two SB3s and rarely use the remotes and I love the hardware and software because it meets my needs. After reading this thread, I think most of the differences in opinion have a lot to do with how people listen to music (there's no right or wrong in this). For me, I pick a genre of music and will listen to it for hours with no need for a remote. I also recognize, that if you like scanning and DJing your music session, a reliable emote is a must. 



Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #35 on: 4 Apr 2010, 03:26 am »
That sound neat, but the idea of buying a cell phone so I can (remotely) control a single devise in my rack is like buying a computer to use as an alarm clock.
Just doesn't seem "right".  :scratch: Is it just me?


The main attraction of the iPod Touch as a remote is that it works over Wi-Fi, not IR, so that I can control things from anywhere I have network connectivity.  That was the challenge the Duet Controller was trying to meet. 

As I said, not a big fan of Apple, but the screen and UI on the iPod with iPeng are miles ahead of the Duet Controller when it comes to browsing a large collection. 

I didn't buy the iPod Touch to use as a music player, (all my stuff is in FLAC and I don't do ear buds), but out of professional curiousity and to keep up with what was showing up at the office.  I was delighted to find that I could actually get some use out of the thing.



Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #36 on: 4 Apr 2010, 03:36 am »

No worries.

So why is an open source better than a closed proprietary system (Sonos) that just works when connected? I am intrigued to know the advantage it provides to everyday audiophiles?

Also, do you consider the Popbox to be open source?  It has the ability for 3rd party writers to develop software.  That may not be what what you have in mind though.



I think Bob in St Louis put it well - Thanks!

Haven't looked at Popbox yet. 

After years of tinkering with the pieces (used to have Sony Mega-Changers with a computer interface and NIRVIS controller), and figuring out that a CD was just a physical medium for (imperfectly) delivering bits, the advent of the SB range and Squeezebox server were the catalyst to finally rip my whole collection to FLAC.

It was annoying to have a full PC on all the time to run the server.  Tried running the version that executes on the ReadyNAS, but it was slow and always behind on version releases.  VORTEXBOX on a Satellite SFF was the final answer for that problem, and the iPod Touch as a remote completed the puzzle.

Now I just listen to the music.

Well, except for the fact that I am back into the hardware, replaced my amp, pre-amp, speakers, and am fooling around with different DAC's.....


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #37 on: 4 Apr 2010, 05:55 am »
the idea of buying a cell phone so I can (remotely) control a single devise in my rack is like buying a computer to use as an alarm

Not phone, iPod. Take your music with you e.g. Car. Kids love them too (games). Post on AC as well ;) OK so it's just another gadget...


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #38 on: 4 Apr 2010, 12:39 pm »
For me it was the most cost effective way to get streaming music to my main gear. I had an ipod already, picked up a used Duet Receiver

on thebay, installed ipeng on the ipod- total was $110 for the whole shootin match, Cheap,Cheerful, and Discless!!! :thumb: :thumb:

Ed L.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #39 on: 4 Apr 2010, 03:18 pm »
Hmmm..... So far in life I've been successfully resistant to anything beginning with a lower case 'i'.
I didn't know the difference between an iPhone, an iPod, or iWhatever......
I misunderstood the uses of the various 'i' things. Thanks to all for setting me straight. A quick search of the Apple store shows the iPod Touch beginning at $200. Might be something worth checking out as I've been interested in getting FLAC to my vehicle (but wouldn't I need to buy another radio?).

I could sell the Duet controller to help fund the iPod Touch purchase. I assume I'd never need the Logitech controller again? I could also sell some charging bases too.  :lol:
