Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!

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Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« on: 1 Apr 2010, 08:48 pm »
After fighting with the Duets for a year and a half I finally sold them.  I had one open box that was a replacement from Logitech and a new in the box unit.  The replacement was because they said the unit was defective.  I really do not think this was the case.  I think they have trouble connecting and especially STAYING connected to a network.  Just for your information: the receiver was connected via CAT5 but it didn't make a difference.

I am not sure what to do at this point...... there is the Touch but it will still probably have major issues, there is the Popcorn Hour Popbox but it only has optical out, and then there is the Sonos which is a system that has it's own network and seems to be awesome for the user interface.

When I first had issues the customer service was on shore (in the US) and they were really helpful.  Then they farmed everything out to some foreign country and the help was essentially non-existent. 

I am not trying to be hateful towards Logitech but just giving my experience.  I am sure many of you have great results with their system and I really wanted it to work.  It is such a low cost option with a neat remote but it is pretty much worthless to me due to all the issues.

Are there any others out there that have given up on the Logitech?  As I said, I am happy that I got money out of the systems but I still have a desire to stream music with a slick GUI/remote.




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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #1 on: 1 Apr 2010, 09:21 pm »
Both my Squeezeboxes work perfectly fine.  I can't go back to non-streaming.  I'm even beginning to rip DVDs and Blurays.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #2 on: 1 Apr 2010, 09:31 pm »
I had issues with my duet...til I added a diffrent router. I got one of the techs to slip up  that connection was an issue with certain modems...said some people use a router. I spent $60 and it has worked flawlessly since. I recently up graded to a Transporter and connects with a much stronger siganal.

I will check to see what router I am using if anyone else is having issues.



Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #3 on: 2 Apr 2010, 01:43 am »
After debating a Duet for a long time, I finally pulled the trigger on a used one at a reasonable price.  I gotta admit that I was unimpressed.  Sound quality was pretty mediocre, interface was a pain to work through, and I hated being tied to my computer.

SQ can be fixed with an external DAC.
Interface could be fixed by using my iphone/ipod Touch
Cannot fix the tether to the computer though.

I have a Touch on order and plan on plugging a drive directly into it and using an external DAC.  If they can keep it mildly bug free in that scenario, I will be in good shape.  If not, I will send it back and continue to not to the music server thing. 

I really did want to like the duet but it is not for me.  Sold it a few weeks after getting it.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #4 on: 2 Apr 2010, 02:33 am »
I have two SqueezeBoxes as well and they have worked flawlessly as well.  They now are wired and that fact alone made for a significant boost in sound quality in that the wireless card is turned off. 
Chris Loan Wolf had problems in networking one he had a while back and he's no dummy so it can happen. 
I have a feeling that the popularity of USB playback is traceable to fear of networking issues.  I also have the strong feeling that all entertainment will be internet based in a few years, if it isn't there already.  Better start getting familiar with these concepts instead of blaming the hardware.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #5 on: 2 Apr 2010, 10:58 am »
I never know quite how to deal with posts where somebody declares that a product is crap and doesn't work, when I have the same equipment and have never had a problem. 

I have the original SliMP3, 3 SB3 units, a Duet, a Boom, and a Transporter.  I have been running the various flavours of Squeezebox Server since it came out.  I have units on wireless and wired.  I have run the server side software on a ReadyNAS NV, Windows XP, and currently on a stand-alone SFF PC running the Vortexbox (Linux)

And I have no problems.  There have been ups and downs with features in Squeezebox Server, but any bugs were typically solved within days, and one could always downgrade a version if required.

So what to make of these unhappy comments?  It seems the variable is the networking equipment/knowledge of the end user. 

I purchased the Boom under strange circumstances which lead me to the above conclusion. 

I bought the unit at Fry's while on a business trip.  The box looked a little beat up, but the salesman assured me it was new.  As it was the only place I could find one in stock, I bought it. 

On getting home to Singapore and finally opening the unit, it was obvious that it had been a return.  Apart from being pissed at Fry's, I also got stuck registering the unit with because it said the unit was already registered!

I checked the settings and indeed, found things had been set up and even had the email address of the guy who originally bought the unit.  I dropped him an email and asked him to unregister, which was the only way to free things up for me to register.  He was quite cooperative, but needed to be led through the process.  I was finally able to get the unit fully online. 

I asked him why he had returned the unit, and he said it didn't work and was too complicated.  Well, it obviously worked, and still does to this day, so I have to assume it was really that he did not have the knowledge to use it properly. 

One can criticize Logitech for the user manual or set up process I suppose, but I have always found things pretty straightforward. 

It is possible to get a bad unit from manufacturing, though again, that has not happened to me.  To get two seems long odds, and so I come back to the need to take the time to learn how to use the equipment.  You could pay 8 or 9K for a Sooloos or equivalent that hides all the complexity, but if you want cheap, which SB is, you need to be prepared to do some work. 

Entering the WEP key during Wi-Fi set up is beyond a lot of people apparently, given the number of unprotected hot spots.  Understanding routers, Wi-Fi settings, and basic computer concepts of files, folders, and networking come with the territory.  If you are used to working with computers, it is all very obvious.  If you are not, it must seem hopelessly complex.

Having said all that, I have taken the Duet out of service because I find the SQ less than the other units, and I prefer iPeng on an iPod Touch as the remote.  Just wish I had known about iPeng before I bought the Duet.

I have no association with Slim Devices or Logitech, other than obviously being a repeat customer.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #6 on: 2 Apr 2010, 11:22 am »
whanafi, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The one criticism I would make against the Duet, however, is that it was not built to allow easy wired Ethernet setup, as is the SB3 and Transporter (by comparison). I think that was a big mistake on Slimdevices' part. I understand why they chose to do it that way because of the nature of how it works with the Controller, but it could have been designed to allow for that and easy wired setup.
« Last Edit: 3 Apr 2010, 02:29 am by tonyptony »


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #7 on: 2 Apr 2010, 11:55 am »
I have a Duet receiver only and use ipeng on my ipod touch to control it,
Logitech would not give me tech support to set it up because I didn't have the controller, if not for the folks on here that pointed me in the right direction I still be fiddlin with it!! That said once I got it setup it hasn't dropped out at all, Squeezebox is a great little device I
always recommend it to friends. Its easy to dance to, I give it a 10!!!


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #8 on: 2 Apr 2010, 12:41 pm »
As everyone's experience will vary, I've had zero issues with any of the SB devices since I started using a SB2 years back. Presently running a Duet/Receiver off a CAT6 connection into a Netgear rtr without any connectivity issues. I've also run them direct to the PC using a crossover cable.
Never really had much issue with the server-side software either, but those folks really need to tighten up their code and get on the ball.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #9 on: 2 Apr 2010, 01:01 pm »
I am a huge Squeezebox fanboy!  The only issue I ever had was the wireless bust on one of my SB3s.  Setup has always been a breeze.  I now use Squeemote on my iphone and there was pretty much no set up.  My iPhone already had my network password so all I did was download the app and it was ready.
What do you need to do to set up ipeng?
What network issues do people have?

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #10 on: 2 Apr 2010, 04:47 pm »
I find myself growing tired of Logitech and their SB products as well.
I've got a Bolder modded SB3 and a stock Duet, both wireless. I currently have no controller for the Duet. UPS says it should arrive today, >> HERE << is my tracking number in case you'd like to follow along with me. I so excited. Can't wait to see what the networking Gods have in store for me tonight.

This will be my third controller in six(ish) months, all for different reasons. Due to incompetence with Logitech and their shipping department, they've have been kind enough to send me three charging cradles instead of my controllers. At this point in time it feels like I've not had a controller longer than I've had a controller. Frustration set in a long time ago. Not to mention the panic that strikes me when I open the box expecting to see a new expensive controller, but instead I find a cheap charging cradle. Each time I worry if they're going to "make good" and send me a controller based on my word I didn't receive one to begin with. So far, they have. Curious what'll be in the box tonight.

I sometimes wake up in the middle of the night with cold sweats dreaming about WEP codes, IP addresses, and the (damn) phrase, "press the right arrow key to begin setup".
If I had a dollar for every time I saw that message..........

My old school remote on the SB3 sometime will become inoperable if I ask too many commands of it in too short a period of time. It will make me wait ten to fifteen seconds before it acknowledges the press of a button. What's up with that?

I find diagnosing advanced automotive electronic systems less daunting a task than setting up a (damn) SqueezeBox. Asking their customer to have a decent understanding and diagnostic capability of computer networking seems slightly unreasonable.
Maybe it's just a few of us morons that need to take a night course in networking.


p.s. So, if anybody needs an extra charging cradle, let me know.
You pay shipping.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #11 on: 2 Apr 2010, 05:35 pm »
I think I am going on 5 years of SB3 ownership, and still very happy.

I will admit to having had some issues with long term wireless use, but since moving to a dedicated PC and running wired, no issues at all.

It is the sole source for my system, so any failure is disastrous!

My brother has a Duet and says it is more trouble than the SB3.  He also has the boombox, don't think that has caused any issues for him.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #12 on: 2 Apr 2010, 06:54 pm »

What do you need to do to set up ipeng?
What network issues do people have?

iPeng is pretty amazing.  I just downloaded it from iTunes, on my iPod Touch, and when I started the application, it automatically found and listed my server(s) and all players (5).  Completely impressed by how easy it is to use, and how smart the installation was.  If Logitech went in that direction, I am sure they would reduce their customer service calls by an order of magnitude.


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #13 on: 2 Apr 2010, 07:12 pm »
I've been using SB2s for a while, always on a single dedicated "server" (really just a computer) and always wired.  I'm not a big fan of wireless anything and select wired over wireless if I have the option. 

What irks me about the system are the constant "upgrades" to the server and clients.  Some of my albums have artwork, some don't.  Even on the ones that do, some songs have artwork, some don't (don't know whether this is the Sq Server fault or not).  Every time I "upgrade" the server software, it forgets my settings for my clients (the SBs themselves). Why?  I've been moving my music between servers (multiple motherboard failures) and have to constantly put the settings I like on the clients.  Why? 

I would also prefer a real program instead of a browser-based program, but that'll never happen. 

If I can find a USB DAC that outperforms my modified SB2, I may transition to the USB DAC.


Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #14 on: 2 Apr 2010, 07:14 pm »
I had some network issues with the Duet, Controller and Boom. Solved them by giving all of them and my server permanent IP addresses on my home network, each IP tied to the MAC address of the respective unit.

Network problems essentially ended from that point on.


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #15 on: 2 Apr 2010, 07:23 pm »
Like right now:  The SB server shows the cover art in the upper part of the SB server, but the cover art for this song (actually, no song in the entire CD) isn't shown below, where it shows the individual songs.  Why?  And for other songs in this CD, but cover art in the upper part of the SB server isn't shown.  For instance, it just changes songs on this CD, and now the cover art is not shown.  Doesn't make any sense. 


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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #16 on: 2 Apr 2010, 07:24 pm »
I had some network issues with the Duet, Controller and Boom. Solved them by giving all of them and my server permanent IP addresses on my home network, each IP tied to the MAC address of the respective unit.

Network problems essentially ended from that point on.

That's a reasonable way to do a home network, and I may implement this (even though I've had no problems). 

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #17 on: 2 Apr 2010, 07:39 pm »
What irks me about the system are the constant "upgrades" to the server
Oh yea. I forgot to complain about that. Thanks for the reminder Bob.



Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #18 on: 2 Apr 2010, 09:18 pm »
The guys that have issues with the upgrades etc - are you using the PC to select tunes?

I am using a 2-3 year old version of the s/w on my dedicated PC (totally an island, not on a network at all to the outside world), so I am always using the SB3 remote to select music.

Bob in St. Louis

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Re: Sold Both Of My Duets And I Am Very Happy!!
« Reply #19 on: 2 Apr 2010, 09:30 pm »
On the SB3, I've used the "old" remote, the new controller, and the GUI.
All are buggy.
