"The Dark Knight"

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Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #60 on: 24 Jul 2008, 12:20 am »
Good movie, not great.
« Last Edit: 25 Jul 2008, 12:33 pm by undertow »


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #61 on: 24 Jul 2008, 12:38 am »
jonwb my notions where towards people assuming those first couple of items, where as they are probably not the case the writers came up with to explain the actions in scenes and ideas that were cut etc...

One thing to note is there is no time line of days between when the Joker stole a lot of money, and everything else. He did have enough money to buy a lot of gas despite the prices today. Also he was willing to not wear makeup when needed as demonstrated when he was part of the guard.

That motorcycle besides seeming fake, makes me curious. Perhaps the engines are in the wheels? I got no idea. I imagine the real version does actually drive a little, but slowly. Batman movies are notorious for showing "fast" space-age-Gothic looking vehicles that are really only doing about 25mph out of the Batcave or whatever.

Everyone knows the Joker killed a lot of people. The issue is that people felt Batman or Harvey promoted the reaction of all the thugs on the street acting out with the Joker and killing people(another reason why Joker recruited fast, plus all the mob guys he killed, the people started working for him, and he never gave anybody complicated instructions either). If Batman did not take the fall as being the instigator of the new class of criminal per say, than Harvey would of, and that would of made it real ugly when he was doing some "real" good. I say "real" because I am not in particular agreement with Batman, judicial systems, etc....

Funny part about the dogs is it never showed any die, just like with the people, you never see them die really except the dude with the disappearing pencil trick I guess.

undertow I am not sure I agree at all. The fact is that within society of the US there is a limit to ideas, and they are bound to run over each other a little. Now there is a question of influence in subconscious or studying the old movies for ideas etc. 


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Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #62 on: 24 Jul 2008, 12:47 am »
Yeah I don't think any dogs were killed or even really suggested to have been.. But you would do the same thing kicking them off you if they were attacking like that!
« Last Edit: 25 Jul 2008, 12:34 pm by undertow »


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #63 on: 24 Jul 2008, 01:00 am »
Oh ok. I have seen those movies or most of at some point but do not remember every scene so I can not quite draw the correlation. There is a Youtube video of both this movie and the original one with Jack as the Joker and a bunch of similar scenes in them too.


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #64 on: 25 Jul 2008, 12:06 am »
The picture tho was crystal clear, as close to HD on the big screen than I've ever seen before.

 :scratch:  Aren't theaters like 4080p or something like that?


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #65 on: 25 Jul 2008, 02:14 am »
Hollywood isn't above formula film making and knowing what works.  It's smart business.  That would explain why I'm more of an indie fan.


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Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #66 on: 25 Jul 2008, 03:06 am »
The picture tho was crystal clear, as close to HD on the big screen than I've ever seen before.

 :scratch:  Aren't theaters like 4080p or something like that?

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAX , "IMAX (short for Image Maximum) is a film format created by Canada's IMAX Corporation that has the capacity to display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film display systems available at the time."

This was readily apparent to me. :thumb:



Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #67 on: 25 Jul 2008, 03:13 am »
Kind of a long movie. I was bored for long stretches and thought it would never end. Should have stayed home and watched the ballgame or listened to music.


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #68 on: 25 Jul 2008, 04:34 am »
Saw this today in IMAX ...I think the buzz is way over-hyped, its a good action movie but no where near "epic"... the Batman series seem to be in a parallel trajectory similar to the the Matrix trilogy...first one being outstanding, second much more action but less depth/less satisfaction...does not bode well for the third.
I would give it 3.5/5 stars, and maybe even 4 for the anarchic questions the Joker posed...but I fail to see the "Darkness" in the Batman's character, they made him too politically correct IMO. In fact quite a few of the human events got a p/c spin (read spaded). But hey, its a 'modern' interpretation of old comics.
Now...the preview of "the Watchmen" looks interesting.  aa


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #69 on: 25 Jul 2008, 06:27 am »
The picture tho was crystal clear, as close to HD on the big screen than I've ever seen before.

 :scratch:  Aren't theaters like 4080p or something like that?

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAX , "IMAX (short for Image Maximum) is a film format created by Canada's IMAX Corporation that has the capacity to display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film display systems available at the time."

This was readily apparent to me. :thumb:


Right, but what I mean is that most of the better non-IMAX theaters are displaying images that surpass 1080p...so unless you're going to a dollar theater, or a theater whose equipment is just not up to par, the images you see on the screen when you go to the movies should be better than what you're seeing on your 1080p home rig.


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #70 on: 25 Jul 2008, 06:30 am »
Saw this today in IMAX ...I think the buzz is way over-hyped, its a good action movie but no where near "epic"... the Batman series seem to be in a parallel trajectory similar to the the Matrix trilogy...first one being outstanding, second much more action but less depth/less satisfaction...does not bode well for the third.
I would give it 3.5/5 stars, and maybe even 4 for the anarchic questions the Joker posed...but I fail to see the "Darkness" in the Batman's character, they made him too politically correct IMO. In fact quite a few of the human events got a p/c spin (read spaded). But hey, its a 'modern' interpretation of old comics.
Now...the preview of "the Watchmen" looks interesting.  aa

The second film (and third film, for that matter) in the Matrix trilogy were absolute travesties. They absolutely ruined the magic that was the first film, and in turn made the original film completely irrelevant and meaningless. In short, it sucked. How you can compare that to this film is beyond me...

As for the "Darkness" aspect, it was pretty clear that the way the film ended was grounds for at least one interpretation of the the term.


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Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #71 on: 25 Jul 2008, 06:36 am »
The picture tho was crystal clear, as close to HD on the big screen than I've ever seen before.

 :scratch:  Aren't theaters like 4080p or something like that?

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAX , "IMAX (short for Image Maximum) is a film format created by Canada's IMAX Corporation that has the capacity to display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film display systems available at the time."

This was readily apparent to me. :thumb:


Right, but what I mean is that most of the better non-IMAX theaters are displaying images that surpass 1080p...so unless you're going to a dollar theater, or a theater whose equipment is just not up to par, the images you see on the screen when you go to the movies should be better than what you're seeing on your 1080p home rig.

You're probably right,, i guess I worded it wrong when I compared IMAX to HD in quality. I was more or less comparing IMAX to regular cinema as I would HD to standard digital in picture clarity. aa



Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #72 on: 25 Jul 2008, 12:24 pm »
Saw this last night.  Put me in the camp of those who thought it was good-but-not-great.  I agree with those who thought there were too many stretches for a film that tried to look so real (eg. the hospital demolition, the city-wide "sonar", too many gadgets, etc).  And more importantly, I just felt the story was too long, "hitting the same note" too many times and just not being paced very well.   Definitely loved Heath Ledger's performance...but with Batman Begins being my favorite comic book movie of all time, this one fell short for me...


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Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #73 on: 25 Jul 2008, 12:36 pm »
The pro's are worried about sending debris scattering all over the place and keeping the building in a contained area if one wanted to make a statement a few charges placed for max visual effect along with strategic placement to bring the building down would be my call

Perhaps the hospital was slated for demolition in real life. The fire out the windows though, not a professional job. All of the real demo jobs I have seen there is little explosion to be seen because everything is super strategic with no intent of cindering the rooms everywhere.

Oh well. Perhaps the Joker knew a demo guy with some interesting personality or a family at knife point.

Yeah RPGs are misleading a lot of the time I think in movies. They are dangerous, but they are nothing like say a Stinger missile. They were made for shooting at tanks and stuff, but you had to hit them in the right spots, now almost completely useless except for some new advance (unavailable on black market most likely) ones that still require some intelligent aiming. The general black market ones have no penetrating ability, but the newer ones can do light armor, however the goal of them is not so much utter destruction, but just a narrow penetration focus. Neither of which instance or really useful for blowing something up unless it is inside of it to begin with. However perfect for messing up a Batmobile's instrumentation, which is about all RPGs can do to modern tanks.


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #74 on: 25 Jul 2008, 01:27 pm »
The picture tho was crystal clear, as close to HD on the big screen than I've ever seen before.

 :scratch:  Aren't theaters like 4080p or something like that?

According to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IMAX , "IMAX (short for Image Maximum) is a film format created by Canada's IMAX Corporation that has the capacity to display images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film display systems available at the time."

This was readily apparent to me. :thumb:


Right, but what I mean is that most of the better non-IMAX theaters are displaying images that surpass 1080p...so unless you're going to a dollar theater, or a theater whose equipment is just not up to par, the images you see on the screen when you go to the movies should be better than what you're seeing on your 1080p home rig.

You're probably right,, i guess I worded it wrong when I compared IMAX to HD in quality. I was more or less comparing IMAX to regular cinema as I would HD to standard digital in picture clarity. aa


Ah okay, I gotcha...I'm a big fan of IMAX, too...I need to head over there before DK leaves.


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #75 on: 25 Jul 2008, 03:48 pm »
I'm in the very good action movie, good movie category.  It certainly beats the hell our of most any other recent action flick I have seen.  Ledger made a great Joker, Bale's OK as Batman - better as Bruce Wayne.

I fear it might fall victim to expectations at this point though.  I expected it to be great and was non-plussed.

Definitely recommended though!! :thumb:



Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #76 on: 25 Jul 2008, 05:56 pm »

The second film (and third film, for that matter) in the Matrix trilogy were absolute travesties. They absolutely ruined the magic that was the first film, and in turn made the original film completely irrelevant and meaningless. In short, it sucked. How you can compare that to this film is beyond me...

As for the "Darkness" aspect, it was pretty clear that the way the film ended was grounds for at least one interpretation of the the term.

It might also be beyond you that there are other opinions/impressions that would differ much more or less than yours. To spell it out...I was comparing the fall off (IMO) in quality from the Matrix vs. Matrix 2 being of a similar ratio to Batman Returns vs. Batman/Dark Knight. Its all subjective, kinda like audio.


Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #77 on: 25 Jul 2008, 06:09 pm »
Saw this today in IMAX ...I think the buzz is way over-hyped, its a good action movie but no where near "epic"... the Batman series seem to be in a parallel trajectory similar to the the Matrix trilogy...first one being outstanding, second much more action but less depth/less satisfaction...does not bode well for the third.
I would give it 3.5/5 stars, and maybe even 4 for the anarchic questions the Joker posed...but I fail to see the "Darkness" in the Batman's character, they made him too politically correct IMO. In fact quite a few of the human events got a p/c spin (read spaded). But hey, its a 'modern' interpretation of old comics.
Now...the preview of "the Watchmen" looks interesting.  aa

IMHO, the "Dark" part of the Batman character is supposed to be balanced with the "Knight" part.  Batman is clearly a crime-fighter, so there needs to be righteousness in his actions.  The "dark" part comes from the fact that he is a vigilante.  One of the key story elements in Batman Begins was Bruce Wayne's overcoming the need for revenge, when he acknowledges Rachel's "Define me not by what I say, but what I do"...so in this film, it's consistent with Batman's character development that there is a line he does not want to cross.  That has been THE key differentiator between Batman and The Joker, and I thought this film showed that pretty well.

I do agree that some of the human events got a p/c spin (especially the ferry boat thing)....


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Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #78 on: 25 Jul 2008, 06:19 pm »
Saw this today in IMAX ...I think the buzz is way over-hyped, its a good action movie but no where near "epic"... the Batman series seem to be in a parallel trajectory similar to the the Matrix trilogy...first one being outstanding, second much more action but less depth/less satisfaction...does not bode well for the third.
I would give it 3.5/5 stars, and maybe even 4 for the anarchic questions the Joker posed...but I fail to see the "Darkness" in the Batman's character, they made him too politically correct IMO. In fact quite a few of the human events got a p/c spin (read spaded). But hey, its a 'modern' interpretation of old comics.
Now...the preview of "the Watchmen" looks interesting.  aa

IMHO, the "Dark" part of the Batman character is supposed to be balanced with the "Knight" part.  Batman is clearly a crime-fighter, so there needs to be righteousness in his actions.  The "dark" part comes from the fact that he is a vigilante.  One of the key story elements in Batman Begins was Bruce Wayne's overcoming the need for revenge, when he acknowledges Rachel's "Define me not by what I say, but what I do"...so in this film, it's consistent with Batman's character development that there is a line he does not want to cross.  That has been THE key differentiator between Batman and The Joker, and I thought this film showed that pretty well.

I do agree that some of the human events got a p/c spin (especially the ferry boat thing)....

My take was that Batman started the flick as a Knight with whom Gotham had embraced to the point of actually imitating him. But yet at the end, he ended up a vigilante by his own choice (hense the Dark) with even the commissioner turning his back on Batman by destroying the skylight batsignal.  :D



Re: "The Dark Knight"
« Reply #79 on: 25 Jul 2008, 06:36 pm »

My take was that Batman started the flick as a Knight with whom Gotham had embraced to the point of actually imitating him. But yet at the end, he ended up a vigilante by his own choice (hense the Dark) with even the commissioner turning his back on Batman by destroying the skylight batsignal.  :D

Well, Batman has always been a vigilante (someone acting outside the law)... that was what set the initial tension between Gordon and Dent, although Dent eventually came around to trusting Batman. 

And at the end, Commissioner Gordon did not "turn his back" on Batman.  Batman told Gordon to pin the murders that Dent/Two-Face "caused" on him, so that the DA's case against the mafia leaders would not die (the premise being that if Dent were to be found guilty of such a serious crime, that the case against the mafia leaders would be thrown out and they would all be set free).  By putting the blame on Batman and making Harvey Dent a martyr, the case against the mafia leaders would stick and Gotham would be rid of them.

So Gordon, by destroying the bat-signal, was really just playing the role that he and Batman had agreed upon.  Gordon is the only one asides from Batman who knows the truth, and although he has to publically say that Batman is now a wanted criminal, he still supports Batman...
« Last Edit: 26 Jul 2008, 12:00 am by PhilNYC »