Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #780 on: 23 Aug 2014, 12:56 am »
S2.05 2014-07-25
Build: Manic Moose
MPD: 0.17.5
Kernel: 3.12-0.bpo.1-486


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #781 on: 23 Aug 2014, 12:24 pm »
Hi Chris,

did some investigating, and the scrolling issue appears to be Safari Browser related. In Chrome, i can scroll to the bottom of the folder list without any problems. Whenever a folder list is longer than the available window, the bottom of the list pushes the command button section out of view, and Safari wants to keep that top of the page in view. Thus preventing the bottom of the folder list to be displayed. Chrome doesn't, is showing the file/folders to the full extent, but allows scrolling the command buttons out of view, which is unexpected/unwanted also?

The red files: those were several issues acting up simultaneously. First of all some file types are just not music files, but need to be there. Like .cue files and image files, and plain text files with libretti/songtexts. Will you adapt behavior of MM to not show these? Then it appeared i again had the famous orphan Apple files. Have deleted them with my set of special tools. Gone they are in MM!

The thing is, im not sure if this reappearing of the Apple file issue on the BDP has to do with recent firmware upgrades, or a new Macbook ;-) Did you change anything that might result in showing these hidden apple files again? They do not display in my Finder with the hidden file setting active. Tinkertool System and Blueharvest only find them after copying to the attached USB drives on the BDP.
I did make some screen videos, but the AC won't allow to upload those.


Hi Chris,

Thanks for another update!

Brought some issues to my setup though:
- flickering browser page while scrolling the albums list
- red highlighted entries that won't go away with clicking the +-sign both in the root and in the folders.

might be an Apple issue too, since one of the culprits is  _ds-store and again the .albumdb. Cant screenshot the ds-store, since Manic Moose refuses to show the end of page, and keeps flickering up the page, rendering it kind of useless really. sorry, but thats just like it is right now. Check this of .pdf, jpeg ea...

hope you can fix this .

made a shot of the .alubumdb fyi

« Last Edit: 23 Aug 2014, 03:50 pm by Marius »


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #782 on: 23 Aug 2014, 03:25 pm »
Hi Chris,

Ive noticed root/mnt/img is not accessible anymore. Could you please allow that again, i need to make some playlists again for my Internet radiostations and need access.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #783 on: 27 Aug 2014, 11:54 am »
Hi Chris,

Here's a bug report. The "Enter song, artist, or album title" text in the search box will appear correctly upon first page load in Chrome, but if I click off the tab in which the interface is loaded, then go back to it, the text will move. This happens in Chrome only on my Windows machine, and has persisted through the last couple of Chrome updates. Odd.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #784 on: 27 Aug 2014, 05:52 pm »

I'd like to upgrade my firmare to new MM. I saw there a long history about it (40 pages!), so I ask you please if you can help me in this migration. Here is my BD1 data:

LL Release s 1.75 2014-05-1
MPD 0.5.12
Kernel 2.6.32-5-486

I gathered this data from Service panels display.
How can I get the new firmware? I have just downloaded the MM manual from the website.

BTW. just bought BD2 and they play together in a big shape!


Thank You


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #786 on: 27 Aug 2014, 08:41 pm »
thank you!
just one clarificatoion. In the documentation it is written that I have to insert one thumb drive with at least 1gb of free space. Now my BD1 is directly connected (USB port) to a hard disk with 1T of free space or I can use a USB drive in one of the usb free ports. Which is the best?




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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #787 on: 28 Aug 2014, 01:12 am »
thank you!
just one clarificatoion. In the documentation it is written that I have to insert one thumb drive with at least 1gb of free space. Now my BD1 is directly connected (USB port) to a hard disk with 1T of free space or I can use a USB drive in one of the usb free ports. Which is the best?



Either or, the BDP will just use the first drive it comes across that meets this requirement.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #788 on: 28 Aug 2014, 01:15 pm »
Thanks all,

I succedeed. The "U" phase (the fourth) took a while but it's on. Now I hope to test this new firmware soon (eventually apply any other updates).
Great community, really.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #789 on: 28 Aug 2014, 09:38 pm »
Hi Chris
S2.05 2014-08-18.  iPad2 Safari

 Added three tracks via Windows Explorer.  They did not show in MM.  Did a "Reboot" from Dashboard / System.  Still no show.  Had to shutdown and restart the BDP to see the new tracks.  Am I missing something?  They used to show up in red when added in the above manner.

 Getting occasional dropouts on 88 and 96 FLAC from a 128GB thummy, PNY Classic Attaché.  The dropouts are not at repeatable locations.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #790 on: 29 Aug 2014, 12:58 am »
Hi Chris
S2.05 2014-08-18.  iPad2 Safari

 Added three tracks via Windows Explorer.  They did not show in MM.  Did a "Reboot" from Dashboard / System.  Still no show.  Had to shutdown and restart the BDP to see the new tracks.  Am I missing something?  They used to show up in red when added in the above manner.

 Getting occasional dropouts on 88 and 96 FLAC from a 128GB thummy, PNY Classic Attaché.  The dropouts are not at repeatable locations.


Hi Rich,

Make sure the option to display missing files is turned on in the media player settings (the gear in media player).

Is the BDP-1 or 2?  Was the BDP updating its database while this was occurring?  Have you tried playing the same files from a different source drive?  Is there skipping while playing back Highres material included on the USB thumb drive?



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #791 on: 29 Aug 2014, 03:49 pm »
Hi all,

the MDP panel doesn't allow me to make any change. this is the settings window:

1. I'd like to change the mpd version and / or reduce the maximum playlist length, but I don't know how confirm my changes.
2. despite what is shown in my picture, the box related to "Enable Update at Start Up" appears to be checked because at every start two boring things happen: a) release 0.17.5 MDP is re-installed and b) a full update is performed even if no changes are in the DB.

Release of MM is 2.0.5 18 August 2014.

Any idea? Thanks in advance



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #792 on: 29 Aug 2014, 05:14 pm »
Hi Chris
 OK did the Missing Files thing.  It was unchecked.  I'm sure new stuff will show now.
 The BDP was not updating "U".  Loaded the files from the master to a the Crucial SSD external and created essentially the same small playlist.  So far, after one play through, no dropouts.  I figured as soon as I finished the previous sentence it would dropout, but as I listen all is good starting the second round.
 Problem may have been with the thummy, which bothers me as there is a lack of information on which thumb drives work best with the BDP.  James said any will do which is apparently not the case.  Now I'm stuck with a lame 128GB thumb drive.   :cry:  By the way, the drive only had 82GB of track loaded on it.  Plenty of free space.
 I'm no expert but the fact that the track starts almost instantly when play is touched makes me wonder how much buffer is being used.  Is it possible the data could not be pulled out of the thumb drive fast enough to keep up?  Sounds unrealistic to me, but I'm grasping at straws here to figure out why the dropouts occurred.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #793 on: 29 Aug 2014, 06:16 pm »
I am running the latest July firmware. Today, i saw there was an update, so I attempted it, without success.

It just hangs on that screen, though I can click any button and go elsewhere. I put it in service mode and emailed Chris the service id.

Here's the screen:

Downloading firmware filesystem
undefined% @undefined
Downloading boot drivers
100% @8
Downloading vmlinuz image

Micro Kernel Check Failed: md5 value missingMicro Kernel Check Failed: md5 value missing

- Garrett

No idea what changed, but yesterday the new firmware installed just fine. Probably a glitch in the miracle of the internet.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #794 on: 31 Aug 2014, 03:06 pm »
Hi all,

the MDP panel doesn't allow me to make any change. this is the settings window:

1. I'd like to change the mpd version and / or reduce the maximum playlist length, but I don't know how confirm my changes.
2. despite what is shown in my picture, the box related to "Enable Update at Start Up" appears to be checked because at every start two boring things happen: a) release 0.17.5 MDP is re-installed and b) a full update is performed even if no changes are in the DB.

Release of MM is 2.0.5 18 August 2014.

Any idea? Thanks in advance


Updating the database upon startup is the default behaviour of the BDP, in the past we have found this to be the most straight forward configuration for those less technically incline, so we try to set the default behaviour in there interests.

In your screen shot, just below anyways there should be entry boxes for a username and password for and then below that an apply button.  It is this apply button that initiates the changes, you may need to set them twice, but it's submitted through Ajax so it should be quick.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #795 on: 31 Aug 2014, 03:11 pm »
Hi Chris
 OK did the Missing Files thing.  It was unchecked.  I'm sure new stuff will show now.
 The BDP was not updating "U".  Loaded the files from the master to a the Crucial SSD external and created essentially the same small playlist.  So far, after one play through, no dropouts.  I figured as soon as I finished the previous sentence it would dropout, but as I listen all is good starting the second round.
 Problem may have been with the thummy, which bothers me as there is a lack of information on which thumb drives work best with the BDP.  James said any will do which is apparently not the case.  Now I'm stuck with a lame 128GB thumb drive.   :cry:  By the way, the drive only had 82GB of track loaded on it.  Plenty of free space.
 I'm no expert but the fact that the track starts almost instantly when play is touched makes me wonder how much buffer is being used.  Is it possible the data could not be pulled out of the thumb drive fast enough to keep up?  Sounds unrealistic to me, but I'm grasping at straws here to figure out why the dropouts occurred.


Some thumb drives have slow transfer rates that can't keep up, it's less of an issue with cd quality stuff as the bitrate is so slow.  Once you get in 88/96k territory you need read speed in the multiple MB per second.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #796 on: 31 Aug 2014, 07:16 pm »
Some thumb drives have slow transfer rates that can't keep up, it's less of an issue with cd quality stuff as the bitrate is so slow.  Once you get in 88/96k territory you need read speed in the multiple MB per second.

It may be the thumb drive - I would expect any 128GB stick of recent vintage to easily manage 24/196 files - I'm using slowish (around 3MB/s sustained) sticks to play high res in uncompressed (AIFF) format on a BDP2, and haven't experienced dropouts related to speed. Did you try checking the drive with chkdsk or mac disk utility? If FAT or exFAT is the problem, you may want to try a different format (since MM, the BDP reads just about any, including Apple file system).


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #797 on: 31 Aug 2014, 08:14 pm »
HI Chris,

- Any thoughts on the issues below please? Would love to dismiss the red entries for the non music files, while keeping them red for non-indexed music files.

- is the .albumdb needed, or can i just delete in from the drive.


Hi Chris,

did some investigating, and the scrolling issue appears to be Safari Browser related. In Chrome, i can scroll to the bottom of the folder list without any problems. Whenever a folder list is longer than the available window, the bottom of the list pushes the command button section out of view, and Safari wants to keep that top of the page in view. Thus preventing the bottom of the folder list to be displayed. Chrome doesn't, is showing the file/folders to the full extent, but allows scrolling the command buttons out of view, which is unexpected/unwanted also?

The red files: those were several issues acting up simultaneously. First of all some file types are just not music files, but need to be there. Like .cue files and image files, and plain text files with libretti/songtexts. Will you adapt behavior of MM to not show these? Then it appeared i again had the famous orphan Apple files. Have deleted them with my set of special tools. Gone they are in MM!

The thing is, im not sure if this reappearing of the Apple file issue on the BDP has to do with recent firmware upgrades, or a new Macbook ;-) Did you change anything that might result in showing these hidden apple files again? They do not display in my Finder with the hidden file setting active. Tinkertool System and Blueharvest only find them after copying to the attached USB drives on the BDP.
I did make some screen videos, but the AC won't allow to upload those.



Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #798 on: 1 Sep 2014, 07:16 am »
HI Chris,

as of lately, mpd-watch doesn't prevent the BDP from loosing connection after a longer while of non-usage. Apparently writing files to the attached usb drives doesn't count as usage, since just did that through Finder/Mac, and still MPD won't respond.

Rebooting it is the only solution to bring it back alive again. Strangely rebooting is possible from within MM, while most other commands won't work.

in MM interface you state MPD-watch being useful when playing music non-stop for more than 18 hours. It seems we need the same functionality for not playing at all for the same period?

Also, after rebooting, often MPD is not working, and i have to explicitly re-enable the service. on several other occasions, MM states the BDP is not connected to the internet, and the network drive is offline, which of course it isn't.

im on build 08-18

Hope you could  fix the page scrolling-flickering issue soon? it is not only terrible on the eye, but it prevents us to show the bottom of the page, exactly the spot you've programmed the non-indexed music-files to be listed...

updating the database renders the BDP to be unresponsive and out of service altogether right now, not even showing it is updating....:



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #799 on: 1 Sep 2014, 01:25 pm »
Thanks a lot, Chris.

I'll try tonight at home. Update phase takes a long time since the files quantity so I prefer to manage update phase by my self.
