Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release

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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #740 on: 4 Aug 2014, 03:34 pm »
Hi Chris or someone else who knows!

How can I revert to the previous firmware from the Manic Moose?



Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #741 on: 4 Aug 2014, 03:47 pm »
Trying to upgrade to newest firmware, but getting only error message.
Tried several times, same error each time, what to do?


Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #742 on: 4 Aug 2014, 07:31 pm »
Hey Chris,

Today i uploaded a newly ripped album, updated, and.... no sound is heard....

the bdp seems to play normally, the dac locks, but remains silent.

Other inputs do play, so i know all is well on the amp/dac  front.

How to proceed? any settings i need to check?

this is a somewhat cryptic file i don't recognize:

and, should this be checked? never looked at this tab before, so don't know if it was. checking it doesn't work though.




Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #743 on: 5 Aug 2014, 08:58 pm »
HI Chris,

Any suggestions to the above?



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #744 on: 6 Aug 2014, 01:17 am »
Hey Chris,

Today i uploaded a newly ripped album, updated, and.... no sound is heard....

the bdp seems to play normally, the dac locks, but remains silent.

Other inputs do play, so i know all is well on the amp/dac  front.

How to proceed? any settings i need to check?

this is a somewhat cryptic file i don't recognize:

and, should this be checked? never looked at this tab before, so don't know if it was. checking it doesn't work though.



Hi Marius,

So the BDP indicates that it is playing, but you hear nothing?

That is very strange, from the information you have posted the picture of the audio devices page indicates the following:

The BDP see's the integrated juli@ sound card, because it listed
The juli@ sound card is in the MPD config file (it's not in red)
It's uncheck because it isn't DSD capable.

My best guess is one of the streaming services (found under the services settings page) has taken control of the sound card and won't give it up.

The first thing I would do, assuming you havn't already is to into the services pages and make sure that the following are turned off:

Both squeezebox clients
Shareplay (airplay emulator)
Dlna renderer

Reboot the BDP and see if your still experiencing difficulties.  Also you can check the MPD log for ALSA errors.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #745 on: 6 Aug 2014, 01:20 am »
Trying to upgrade to newest firmware, but getting only error message.
Tried several times, same error each time, what to do?

I suspect your running firmware prior to S2.05, likley S2.04.  You will need to place the BDP into service mode and email us the service id.  There are links in the readme file that appears just before you attempt an update.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #746 on: 6 Aug 2014, 01:25 am »
S2.05 2014-07-25
 Using Windows Explorer I downloaded an album with one track and one .jpg file.  The album showed in red and would not allow me to open the album folder to see the track and art folder.  Rebooted BDP from MM and the folder did turn gray.  Looking in the folder showed the track gray and the .jpg file red.  Touching the art file did nothing.
 Next I shutdown the BDP, pulled the drive and looked at the file on the computer.  No weird stuff there so I restarted the BDP ( with auto update selected ), then reinserted the drive.  The .jpg file was still red.
 The file is 1536x1533 JPEG.  Is there a physical size limit on these art files?
 I wanted to resize the jpg file but Looking back on Windows Explorer the drive is not shown anymore.  Probably have to reboot the BDP again. :roll:

 Rebooting BDP did let the drive be seen in Explorer.  Added more tracks and MM does accept them with a click ( in my case a tap ).  The only issue have to back out and go back into the "Media Player" screen to turn the tracks gray.  I found smaller art ( 500x500 ) but it still shows in red although MM and MPAD both use the art.  Actually I see now that all the album art files are red.  Guess that's normal??
 It would be cool to have one of those circle-arrow thingies that would refresh the screen when touched.  Right now if I go back to the "default | Bryston BDP" tab in Safari the track time bar will be frozen forcing me to go to "Dashboard" > "Media Player" to unfreeze the screen.


Folders and files that show up in red represent folders and files not in the MPD database.  This feature was develop so that users would no longer need to wait for there entire database to be scanned after adding a new album or song.  To add a file Or folder to the database push the plus button next to it.  You should see the update button change from white to blue.

Not all files or folders can be added, folders not containing audio files will never make it into the database and will always display in red.  Files that arn't audio files will also not be added.  This feature can be turned on and off from within the media player settings (gear seen in media player).



Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #747 on: 6 Aug 2014, 06:19 am »
Hi Chris,
Thank you.

I'll try ASAP. Bdp's airplay renderer Shareplay worked fine yesterday. It is needed a lot and I hope I don't have to uncheck when unchecking the others ? I indeed added the dlna renderer lately, but haven't used it yet....
Squeeze play isn't selected since I don't have a squeezebox .

Chris, it worked! i killed shairplay and the bdp started making sounds immediately .... `turned it on again though, because i need it, and still playing.

Any thoughts on how this happened, and sticked during many reboots?


Hi Marius,

So the BDP indicates that it is playing, but you hear nothing?

That is very strange, from the information you have posted the picture of the audio devices page indicates the following:

The BDP see's the integrated juli@ sound card, because it listed
The juli@ sound card is in the MPD config file (it's not in red)
It's uncheck because it isn't DSD capable.

My best guess is one of the streaming services (found under the services settings page) has taken control of the sound card and won't give it up.

The first thing I would do, assuming you havn't already is to into the services pages and make sure that the following are turned off:

Both squeezebox clients
Shareplay (airplay emulator)
Dlna renderer

Reboot the BDP and see if your still experiencing difficulties.  Also you can check the MPD log for ALSA errors.

« Last Edit: 6 Aug 2014, 03:21 pm by Marius »


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #748 on: 6 Aug 2014, 08:41 pm »
Folders and files that show up in red represent folders and files not in the MPD database......  To add a file Or folder to the database push the plus button next to it.  You should see the update button change from white to blue.
S2.05 2014-07-25.   ( Crucial MX100 512 in Vantec Nexstar CX 2.5 using Y cable. ). Drive works great.
 Red .jpg files make sense.  Helps distinguish them from music files.  Cool!
 The drive above is the one I want to add files to, but it is not shown in "Windows Explorer".  Instead I have an icon for "Printer and Fax" setup???  So I have: "Root" -- "(a 128GB thumb) -- "Printers & FAX". The 512 is missing.  A "Reboot" did not change this condition.  Is the drive not shown because it's using two USB ports? :scratch:
 Also, what about the MM screen refresh issue?



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #749 on: 7 Aug 2014, 12:50 am »
Hi Chris,
Thank you.

I'll try ASAP. Bdp's airplay renderer Shareplay worked fine yesterday. It is needed a lot and I hope I don't have to uncheck when unchecking the others ? I indeed added the dlna renderer lately, but haven't used it yet....
Squeeze play isn't selected since I don't have a squeezebox .

Chris, it worked! i killed shairplay and the bdp started making sounds immediately .... `turned it on again though, because i need it, and still playing.

Any thoughts on how this happened, and sticked during many reboots?


I need to design some software to track which program is actively using the audio output device so it does this by itself.  It's a problem I am well aware of, I just havn't had a chance to look into the work around that doesn't compromise quality of playback.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #750 on: 7 Aug 2014, 12:54 am »
S2.05 2014-07-25.   ( Crucial MX100 512 in Vantec Nexstar CX 2.5 using Y cable. ). Drive works great.
 Red .jpg files make sense.  Helps distinguish them from music files.  Cool!
 The drive above is the one I want to add files to, but it is not shown in "Windows Explorer".  Instead I have an icon for "Printer and Fax" setup???  So I have: "Root" -- "(a 128GB thumb) -- "Printers & FAX". The 512 is missing.  A "Reboot" did not change this condition.  Is the drive not shown because it's using two USB ports? :scratch:
 Also, what about the MM screen refresh issue?


Hi Rich,

This is a problem that has cropped up before, what appears to be occurring is the BDP is making the network share entries before it has had a chance to mount all the drives.  In the mean time if a drive doesn't show you can stop and then start the samba service from the services settings page.  More can be found on I think page 24 of the manic moose manual in regards to the function of the services page.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #751 on: 7 Aug 2014, 05:06 pm »
 Thanks.  The Samba thing worked.  You guys at Bryston are very helpful.



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Upgrade to Manic Moose
« Reply #752 on: 11 Aug 2014, 08:50 pm »
My BDP-1 is currently running on 1.48.2012-7-25 firmware.  Can I upgrade the firmware to Manic Moose from the 1.48?  Or, should I upgrade to 1.75 first?  What browser would you recommend?  Internet Explorer or Firefox or maybe something else?  Thanks for your help.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #753 on: 12 Aug 2014, 12:56 am »
Hi Chris:
  S2.05 2014-07-25. iPad 2. Safari
 Created a playlist in MPAD of approximately 1500 tracks ( Set MPD Playlist Length to 3000 ).  The playlist play OK from MPAD, but When I try to open MM / "Media Player" it locks up Safari solid forcing me to close and reopen the browser at which point Safari shows the default "Favorites" screen.  To get MM / "Media Player" to behave I have to first clear the playlist in MPAD.  The Safari History $ Cookies were cleared case that makes any diff.
  Locks up on Chrome also with the message "a program is unresponsive.  Kill it or Wait."  ( Windows XP ).  Is MM not quite ready for such large playlists?  :(



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Re: Upgrade to Manic Moose
« Reply #754 on: 12 Aug 2014, 01:07 am »
My BDP-1 is currently running on 1.48.2012-7-25 firmware.  Can I upgrade the firmware to Manic Moose from the 1.48?  Or, should I upgrade to 1.75 first?  What browser would you recommend?  Internet Explorer or Firefox or maybe something else?  Thanks for your help.


Until you running manic moose I would recommend


In that order

Going from any version of loony loon to manic moose should be fine, however if you experience troubles upgrading to a newer version of loony loon you'll likely experience the same troubles upgrading to manic moose.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #755 on: 12 Aug 2014, 01:20 am »
Hi Chris:
  S2.05 2014-07-25. iPad 2. Safari
 Created a playlist in MPAD of approximately 1500 tracks ( Set MPD Playlist Length to 3000 ).  The playlist play OK from MPAD, but When I try to open MM / "Media Player" it locks up Safari solid forcing me to close and reopen the browser at which point Safari shows the default "Favorites" screen.  To get MM / "Media Player" to behave I have to first clear the playlist in MPAD.  The Safari History $ Cookies were cleared case that makes any diff.
  Locks up on Chrome also with the message "a program is unresponsive.  Kill it or Wait."  ( Windows XP ).  Is MM not quite ready for such large playlists?  :(


Manic moose web interface has some trade offs, things like the playlist aren't as optimized as they were in past versions of the firmware (ie Canadian beaver and loony loon).  Devices with fewer resources are going to struggle as the list of items increase.  This is why we set the default playlist length to 300.  If you either don't use our web interface or have a faster device that can handle a greater playlist then 300 you have the option to increase it.

Optimizing the performance is on the todo list to get what's lacking on par with the rest of the performance of the web interface.  There are a few reasons why it's not at the top of the playlist:

1. 300 songs is several days worth of playback
2. Only older devices seem to have issues, newer the device the more song It can generally handle

Basically the interface was built with looks and browser compatibility first over performance.  With that said there are others parts of the interface that are quicker to react due to our implementation of web sockets.



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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #756 on: 12 Aug 2014, 02:21 pm »
I need some assistance.  I've recently joined the Bryston Ownership Club and I'm having no success with album art in "Artist View".  The album art does show in the "Default View".  I have designated a thumb drive as the Scratch Drive and my BDP-2 recognizes it as such.  The BDP has built the necessary data bases and the thumb drive shows data files but alas no album art is available in "Artist View".  Have I simply erred somewhere in the process?

Thanks for your support!


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #757 on: 12 Aug 2014, 02:35 pm »

1. 300 songs is several days worth of playback

Those would have to be very long songs. If the songs had an average length of 5 minutes ( too long for pop singles) that would only get you 25 hours.

On the other hand, 300 tracks would let you fully program an all day (12 hour) party.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #758 on: 12 Aug 2014, 04:21 pm »

1. 300 songs is several days worth of playback

 Thing is, I use playlists almost exclusively.  Don't casually create playlists for some special occasion.  For LMS and the Touch I created dozens of .M3U playlists using JRiver, then had LMS point to them.  The playlists were something like "Symphonies", "Violin Concertos", "Solo Piano", "Jazz", "Rock" etc.....  The Jazz and Rock would be played scrambled ( more surprises that way ).  300 songs in a playlist like Jazz or Rock would tend to repeat without using "Consume".  around 2200 Jazz songs would require about eight 300 song playlists.  Not practical. :nono:
  Guess I'll use MM to set the max playlist size and use MPAD to create / play the playlists.  Just have to remember to clear the playlist from MPAD before opening MM.

Chris, Thanks for the clarification.


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Re: Manic Moose (S2) - BDP's third major firmware release
« Reply #759 on: 13 Aug 2014, 01:12 am »
I need some assistance.  I've recently joined the Bryston Ownership Club and I'm having no success with album art in "Artist View".  The album art does show in the "Default View".  I have designated a thumb drive as the Scratch Drive and my BDP-2 recognizes it as such.  The BDP has built the necessary data bases and the thumb drive shows data files but alas no album art is available in "Artist View".  Have I simply erred somewhere in the process?

Thanks for your support!


Thanks for purchasing our equipment.

The BDP's firmware has the ability to allow us remote access to them, this feature is known as service mode (more information can be found on page 25 of the manic moose user guide).  It's likely that the tag to sort the data buy needs to be changed from artist to albumartist, found in the media player settings.  If this doesn't work you should place your BDP into service mode and email us the service id and will be able to better determine what's wrong.

