Beacon Two Preamplifier & LH-1 Cable tour: Impressions & Reviews

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Tours never go according to plan. 


It might be possible to improve Beacon Two but.......  is it a worthy proposition????
$100 just for the new Beacon Three logo.
$150 for premium caps or $250 for "SOTA" caps.
$150 for all wood enclose.
 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
So, do you think it is your lucky day?
Do you????


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The Beacon Three is a different model, so we'll have to stick with what it has or maybe a more elaborate decal. I am planning on a faceplate option.

BTW: I'm glad the upgrade questions was brought up anyway. As far as internal components go- we'll see what people say about the performance.

What's in there might just be better than some of that super-expensive stuff!


There's not much to improve except the areas mentioned already.


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Hi guys
Well here I'm with time little against me because I have only two day's for complete lessening.Be very true full actually that was more then enough for me.OK,at start I think is important for you to know that my room is just regular living room.No any acoustic treatment no any special mambo-jumbo tweaks.Yes,some acoustic panels will be nice,but wife problem is pretty big problem and when she is her own company designer you have no chance.Then why living room and not basement?Well,simply thanks god I still enjoy my family and I slowly poison with music my kids so maybe one day they don't forged who is Pink Floyd,Genesis,Peter Gabriel,Yes,Kate Bush...etc.
This all extra info is for you important know,so my toughs are more accurate for you.Now about my units I'm using: Costume build power 811-3/572-3 tubes monos,11-15W,Hammond trans.,
modified Fostex 206 8"drivers in back horn loaded box design,AMC CD player,couple deferent cables at testing(silver/coper/hybrid),hybrid speaker wires.I think that is all.

From Mariusz pictures you can say that is not that much inside unit and it's feels like that when you have actually take him in air.In your mind come question:for what did I pay my money?
Well,maybe for somebody smart to use so little and give you so much.First before I did start with Beacon Two I did tested LH-1 cable so I see what they have to say.And they say nothing.
And that is actually good thing,because as Mariusz say already,if cable not change sound but at other hand they will not take anything fro sound,they OK with me to.I did use NOS costume build headphone amp with Sure 5Ec for nice top and midrange.Then also Beyerdynamic DT 770 PRO for amazing bass respond.In that time I have play on CD player Cardas buffer CD what I always use for nice system and tubes workup.First thing I did realize that all that high frequency signals are not that annoying lake always.And that what I did founded in music to.I have forever looking for that perfect CD player:solid state some time to cold,to perfect,to bright on top.Then on other hand tube CD player to slow, mellow,not fast and precise enough.Well,with Beacon Two I have super precise sparkle,smoother top like never before.I don't see any problem with separation,placement,3D or layers of presentation.Now,bad news:I don't know about Mariusz definition for deferent bass respond,but I was looking for him long time but never founded.He know what good punchy bass my amps can do. Dynamics,low,low punch to you guts,that "phew" when Dee Carstensen whisper's to microphone and her lips go apart,that is what I was missing. Of course music I do enjoy is deferent from music that Mariusz was have and that is why I will absolutely recommended Beacon Two to somebody who is big fan easy Classical music,women vocals,nice slow guitar strings...etc.About switching tubes I did put my nice JAN CHS 6ns7 from Sylvania with no much deference.At the end I see that as with everything in live.It's about dead and live,black and withe,night and day,good and bad it's hard to get all perfectly come together bout at same time.I think that because of locking that low bass there is no distortion and this way are midrange and tops are more readable.One more thing and I hope Blair will not take this wrong way,but I think that my price tag will be no more then $650.We are here at forum and not in store with lions breading at your back:will buy something today?I just wanted be helpful and honest here.Also I will send some pictures from my system and tubes.And because"dangerbird" is ready flay away I will have ready unit in box for shipment.
Blair thanks for pleasure to have your unit for test drive.                     Cheers Ritchie


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The Beacon Two/LH-1's will be going with Dangerbird next week due to his schedule. Thanks Ritchie for the fast response. If you need more time, he can ship it back to you when he returns. This was an opportunity I did not want to miss since a large group of people will have an opportunity to listen at once.


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It might be possible to improve Beacon Two but.......  is it a worthy proposition????
$100 just for the new Beacon Three logo.
$150 for premium caps or $250 for "SOTA" caps.
$150 for all wood enclose.
  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:   
So, do you think it is your lucky day?
Do you????

I have on order from Blair an amp and a Beacon III.  It was originally a Beacon II but after talking with Blair extensively on the phone about the differences in his Beacon lineup with the Beacon III, IV, and V.  I determined that for me, the biggest bang for the buck was with the Beacon III.  Was I right?  Maybe, maybe not.  However, most of us make decisions like this in regards to our audio purchases all the time.  The amp that Blair shows in his avatar is the amp he will be delivering to me very shortly with my Beacon III.  That amp was thought out to the nth degree between Blair and myself.  Did my decisions add cost to this amp?  Yep!!  Did I do the right thing?  I certainly think I did.  Am I certain I did the right thing?  Nope!   My decisions regarding the Beacon III centered around the electronics and not around tricked out logos.  My Beacon III will have wood sides but will not be entirely enclosed in wood.  Again, I decided to add this cost as it was worth it to me.  I wouldn't spring for the cost of an entirely wooden enclosure as it is not that important to me.  But may be to the  next person.



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Ritchie, Thank you for your review!

Prices are based on performance plus design qualities.  The Beacon Two will easily go up against preamps costing considerably more, as will all of our products. My circuit topology will be new to many people and that's a good thing! Qualities which make a product stand out from the rest are memorable.

When you buy anything what are you paying for? You are paying for a machine which was made to do a specific job. The price point should reflect performance and design quality. Something with 10 components that can perform the same as or outperform a competing machine with 30 components is much, much more valuable. The fact that I spend so much time in the "skunk works" to come up with these designs and not charge extra and stay competitive is a big bonus to the purchaser.


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Good to hear from you Randy!

I will discuss at length what is best to purchase to do a specific job with a customer.


Beacon three already exists?
Four & Five too?
Sorry I wasn't aware there were more then 2 models in the series.   
 :o :lol:
I wonder what the differences might be between Beacon series preamps?

Lower end is probably one thing that I would try to improve. I am anxious to hear other opinions/experiences regarding Beacon's bass reproduction.



Ritchie,, thanks for the honest up front review/opinions.I am very excited to hear this pre,and have been following this and other Nightshade threads with great interest.I kinda' like the simple approach that Blair uses.For the past two years I have been vacationing in the North Carolina mountains for a week in the early fall with a buch of folks at Carver Audio fest.Bob Carver attends the fest also,,and it's a great opportunity(IMHO) to audition this pre in front of alot of folks,,including Mr Carver.I would like to thank Blair,Ritchie,,and Mr Mariusz,,for their opinions,insights and co-operation .Thanks guys,,I'll post some pic's and initial impressions,,and comparasions,,if anyone is interested.Thanks,and a safe and happy holiday to all.


Have a great trip George.
And enjoy yourself. 

Just Mariusz :wink:


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We have a Beacon One, Two, Three and Four. Three and Four will be shown soon. The Four that's being built for a customer will have more upgrade options than I care to list right now- it would hijack the thread!

Basically, the way it works is like this: The more tubes there are, the more configurations become available. A basic parallel tube configuration is available with everything from Two up.

NOTE: I am going to send more equipment out on a tour! A Beacon One and at least a couple of amps, such as a NS-15 and maybe our new NS-40.

Beacon three already exists?
Four & Five too?
Sorry I wasn't aware there were more then 2 models in the series.   
 :o :lol:
I wonder what the differences might be between Beacon series preamps?

Lower end is probably one thing that I would try to improve. I am anxious to hear other opinions/experiences regarding Beacon's bass reproduction.



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Sorry about that- the whole upgrade thing was my fault. First I ask for suggestions then state it doesn't require upgrades.  :duh:

After the tour, we may see a pattern of things to improve.  :D

Looks like the tour is going to have a slightly different route for Dangerbird. Ritchie, you'll have to get the Beacon Two & LH-1's over to Dangerbird so he can have it for their group meeting. I think it will work out fine if you can ship it on or before the 13th. I'll provide the shipping address. After that, the schedule will go according to the list.
Ritchie, Thank you for your review!

Prices are based on performance plus design qualities.  The Beacon Two will easily go up against preamps costing considerably more, as will all of our products. My circuit topology will be new to many people and that's a good thing! Qualities which make a product stand out from the rest are memorable.

When you buy anything what are you paying for? You are paying for a machine which was made to do a specific job. The price point should reflect performance and design quality. Something with 10 components that can perform the same as or outperform a competing machine with 30 components is much, much more valuable. The fact that I spend so much time in the "skunk works" to come up with these designs and not charge extra and stay competitive is a big bonus to the purchaser.

Hi guys
First,thanks that you did not kill me for maybe little harsh words I made.Yes Blair I absolutely agree that you must be awarded for your time and knowledge.Now you have to understand that in this time of economy there are products in good quality with lowered prices to be flexible in the market.Plus its a lot of good electronics for sale that are used and customer have this choice to buy them  for good prices.I think it is important to price the product right so it is not stuck in warehouse but it goes to Audio listener.

Unit is ready in box ready for shipping.For now this is address I have from Blair where unit will go next:    Hampton,Ga 30228
I will post more info Tuesday 09/072010                     Cheers Ritchie


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I agree regarding flexibility- that is why there are several models to choose from. We have a Beacon One that is only $680.00 in stock form. It offers incredible performance for the price. You're welcome to be placed on the tour list when the time comes.

Thank you for boxing the preamp and cables so quickly! (Look around and make sure everything is in the box: Preamp, tubes, power cord, DC power supply & LH-1 cables.)


Hmmm,, the Beacon One is interesting,,very interesting,a friend of mine has one made by Tom Tutay and I don't think he will ever let it go,,this upcoming tour may be huge,I tell ya,,huge,,good on you Mr Blair. :thumb:


Ritchie said
Now,bad news:I don't know about Mariusz definition for deferent bass respond,but I was looking for him long time but never founded.He know what good punchy bass my amps can do. Dynamics,low,low punch to you guts,that "phew" when Dee Carstensen whisper's to microphone and her lips go apart,that is what I was missing. Of course music I do enjoy is deferent from music that Mariusz was have and that is why I will absolutely recommended Beacon Two to somebody who is big fan easy Classical music,women vocals,nice slow guitar strings...etc.

I know what you're saying Rich but it has nothing to do with the music used for evaluation. 
There is plenty of bass (Ben Harper, Olive, NYAR demo disk etc) and its shades on recordings mentioned in my fallow up.  We have talked about it and I told you exactly what I thought differentiate Beacon Two from my personal preamp.  I also told you about having a hard time figuring out Beacon's strengths and weaknesses. We both agreed that its most puzzling shortcoming is low frequency reproduction. Middle range, soundstage, highs were quite good to excellent. 
Ofcause my findings might be no issue in different setup with gear that might benefit from these qualities.  I also would like to emfesized on importance of synergy.
There is also an issue of frequency extension. 
It is possible that I might have missed something due to the choice of speakers used for this particular evaluation.  15" Audio Nirvana in OB is limited to about 70Hz lower extension. Also bass reproduced by OB designs is a bit different then BLH, TL, BRx etc. I could have used GR OB sub but it wasn't setup ir handy at the moment.

But I still stand by my original conclusion:
The characteristics that can describe Beacon Two preamp are:
- excellent speed and pace
- transparency and attempt of faithful reproduction of the source/media
- female voices and string instruments sounded most impressive
- bass is fast, punchy, but one might wish for more weight and meat around the bones
- minimum self noise, black background, very quiet




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Ritchie said
I know what you're saying Rich but it has nothing to do with the music used for evaluation. 
There is plenty of bass (Ben Harper, Olive, NYAR demo disk etc) and its shades on recordings mentioned in my fallow up.  We have talked about it and I told you exactly what I thought differentiate Beacon Two from my personal preamp.  I also told you about having a hard time figuring out Beacon's strengths and weaknesses. We both agreed that its most puzzling shortcoming is low frequency reproduction. Middle range, soundstage, highs were quite good to excellent. 
Ofcause my findings might be no issue in different setup with gear that might benefit from these qualities.  I also would like to emfesized on importance of synergy.
There is also an issue of frequency extension. 
It is possible that I might have missed something due to the choice of speakers used for this particular evaluation.  15" Audio Nirvana in OB is limited to about 70Hz lower extension. Also bass reproduced by OB designs is a bit different then BLH, TL, BRx etc. I could have used GR OB sub but it wasn't setup ir handy at the moment.

But I still stand by my original conclusion:



Well,I see.OK,when you will finish I like to see your Bad boy's 3oob and 15" Nirvanas.You know that I like M15,but I think yours Nirvanas are better.Maybe I will bring my new babe.


Sure thing buddy. :wink:
It's going to be a long, long day.

By the way, larger output coupling caps in Beacon might help reaching deeper into extension spectrum. :thumb:
(latest news)



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OK George, Beacon Two is on the way.You will receive unit at this Thursday on this zip code.Have fun.   Ritchie 


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I'd love to travel as much as this setup will!