American Idol

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Re: American Idol
« Reply #60 on: 27 Mar 2008, 08:31 pm »
The Billy Jean rendition was done before, so all the credit going towards him is not deserved. They were wowed by his creativity, but he stole it from elsewhere, and the judges are too old to know better.

Is'nt it a coincidence that Daughtry did the same (ripoff) thing? Remember when he did "Walk the line" and the next night Seacrest gave credit to the "original" group (I can't remember who it was) that did a remix. This only means that Cook will make it to the top 4 and get booted, just like Daughtry.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #61 on: 27 Mar 2008, 08:36 pm »
Hey I love MotherLoveBone.  I never went to their concerts but a buddy of mine went to see them almost every weekend they played.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #62 on: 27 Mar 2008, 08:48 pm »
If I may indulge in a little more thread poaching, and call out my fav tune with Mr Cornell's vocals, I think it might be "Going Hungry" with Temple of the Dog, though I have a big spot in my heart with most of his bitter screeched/torn vocals.

Now, back to the American Idol.

I cannot stand Cook.  I am not denying he is talented, nor do I question that he will do well in the competition.  I just don't get him.

My wife loves Brook, and who am I to argue?


Re: American Idol
« Reply #63 on: 27 Mar 2008, 09:06 pm »

Kristy Lee Cook (two Cooks???) while starting slow, has the overall talent, looks, stage presence, and moves, to grow into the #1 contender against David Cook.

I *completely* disagree.  I was surprised that she made the top 12, and I was again surprised that she was not booted off this week.  IMHO, she has zero personality and stage presence.  What she did to "Eight Days a Week" should have banned her from singing ever again.   :evil:  She is certainly nice to look at, but for me she is the most generic performer of the top 20 this year.  The only way she makes it past this coming week is if she either totally goes for the red-neck vote (more "I Love America" song-choices) or if she starts wearing really short skirts and low-cut tops (the way that one cute contestant did last year).

For me, the top 3 girls are Carly, Syesha and Brooke.  I didn't think Brooke would have made it this far, but I think her performances have been the most honest (although she destroyed "Here Comes the Sun").  I wish Ramiele would pick up her game, because I think she has the 2nd best voice of the women (behind Carly)...too bad she was sick this week.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #64 on: 28 Mar 2008, 01:09 am »
Are you guys actually LISTENING to Kristy Lee Cook, or just staring at her arse?  :lol:

She can't sing worth a lick!

John Casler

Re: American Idol
« Reply #65 on: 28 Mar 2008, 01:52 am »
Are you guys actually LISTENING to Kristy Lee Cook, or just staring at her arse?  :lol:

She can't sing worth a lick!

In my best "Deniro"

You talkin to ME?

 :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I actually look at the whole package.

Idol has had two real success stories with that same package (actually not as well packaged) in Kellie Pickler, and Carrie Underwood.

They all had good looks, a Country proclivity, Very good voice but not the best of the competition, and during the competition, they developed stage presence, "moves"/body language,emotional connection to the music, and emotional connection to the audience.

Kristy Lee Cook "has" that potential, but just has not displayed it well.

Only a few of the competitors sing from inside themselves out to the audience in a way that lets the audience be swept away.

Jordan Sparks was a great example.  Kelly Clarkson developed it towards the end.

It is the singers version of "The FORCE".  It is when they let themselves go, and forget about performing and what they have learned blends with their emotional connection and contribution to the song and flow to the audience.

It is the tingling, shiver up your spine performances, where you think to yourself WOW, I felt that.

Clarkson can do it, Sparks can do it, even Doolittle demonstrated it, and it is a pure moment of enjoying the performance and what it is saying through the artist.  If you saw SPARKS sing the SB Banner at  the Super Bowl, that shows it can be from ANY song, as long as the performer is "in the moment".

Admittedly, Kristi HAS NOT arrived there yet, but I see that potential in her.

It will not come from Brooke as much as I like her and she DOES get emotionally involved as per her tears the other night, she doesn't ultimately have the POWER of a Sparks, Clarkson, or Doolittle.

Syesha has that potential and actually can already do it, and that is why I think her a "possible surprise".

Carly has the voice to do it, but knows her body is a drawback and hesitates to use too much body language or act sexy.  If Brooke could "belt one out of the park" Carly would leave before Brooke, yet Brooke doesn't have a voice like Carly.

Kristi has it, but YODA has not seen fit to unleash her yet.

When she told Simon she could "blow his sock off" she knew that she has that potential but is still afraid to "let it flow".  If she does, Idol will have another Carrie Underwood on their hands.

Hope she doesn't screw it up, but if she does, she'll still do OK.  She's just a kid.

I might also add, that David Cook is a good example of starting to let it out, and go with what he has in his head.

In my best Paula:  He knows who he is, and he is who he knows. :duh: :duh:

But this is all just opinion, and it could change next week.  Heck, the first week, I though Archuletta had it in the bag and now I don't see him in the top three. (unless he steps up to the plate)


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Re: American Idol
« Reply #66 on: 28 Mar 2008, 02:26 am »
Kristy has been awful enough during her performances that I don't think she has a chance. Archuleta has also shown how bad he can be (and my 11yo twin daughters were jamming the lines for him so maybe that's all that matters).  David Cook was really good the other night, I still like Brooke, but maybe that's because I think she's really gorgeous.  She hasn't blown me away like she did during the final audition rounds.  Carly, nah,  Syesha, maybe.  Jason and Ramiele will be gone really soon.  Michael Johns could be good, but he hasn't sounded like anything other than an imitator of Jim Morrison or Freddie Mercury.  A Day in the Life?  Nah.  He's neither John nor Paul.  And two weeks of Beatles was way too much.  I guess they had to make the most of the licensing that they bought.

The only Idol in the years I've been watching that I thought would be good enough on her own was Carrie Underwood.  And I hate country music.  I always compare them to people that make it on their own and what is always lacking is the originality that gets people recognized.  AI is too much about mass market music.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #67 on: 28 Mar 2008, 02:33 am »
If you go back and read through all of our posts it is clear to me that it is basically impossible to predict the eventual winner.  We all seem to have preferences for different people.  This just means, as Simon would say, it is important for each person to "bring it" each and evey week.  A bad song choice or sub par performance and anyone could be gone! 

Darn, this show is absolutely addicting.  Oh, once you get past her looks I don't think Kristy can carry a tune!



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Re: American Idol
« Reply #68 on: 28 Mar 2008, 03:02 am »
Unfortunately, David A. is going to get alot of votes from the teenie-weenies out there who disregard his marginal singing ability (at least of late) and cast their votes for the one who is closest to their age group.  Simon was right this week when he said he sounded like a performance at a theme park.

I like Syesha alot...I think she could (with something other than the lame material the AI winner seems to get) hold her own with most of the current r'n'b singers.  David Cook was great this past week...but I'll repeat that you need to hear his studio version of Billie Jean if you want to know how good this guy really is.


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Re: American Idol
« Reply #69 on: 28 Mar 2008, 06:07 pm »
Kristy Lee Cook?  Seriously?  She's hot, but absolutely no personality IMO, comparing her to a truly talented singer like Kelly Clarkson is blasphemy! 

I'm rooting for David Cook myself, not nearly as cheeseball as Daughtry, more of a pure rocker and he sounds like the real deal to me.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #70 on: 29 Mar 2008, 02:54 am »

Kristi has it, but YODA has not seen fit to unleash her yet.

 :lol: :lol: :lol:

When I saw the promos for Kristi back in the audition rounds, I was like, "wow, they have themselves another true unknown, just like Carrie Underwood."  But once I heard her trying to sing some of the more powerful portions of certain songs, I sort of lost interest in her. Carrie could sing just about anything, and she could go much louder than anyone gave her credit for initially. Like you, I love when things get really intense and the performer connects with the audience. I just don't know if I have the same confidence as you that KLC will get to that point.

Agreed about David Cook, though....that kid is a much better performer than I thought. I used to find him pretty damn boring!


Re: American Idol
« Reply #71 on: 29 Mar 2008, 02:57 am »

I like Syesha alot...I think she could (with something other than the lame material the AI winner seems to get) hold her own with most of the current r'n'b singers. 

I couldn't agree more. She had me totally into what she was singing this past week, but she still ended up in the bottom three  :scratch:   I'm not sure enough others see her in the same way that you and I do, unfortunately. The girl has a ton of talent, and a fantastic, playful personality. I'd love to see her stick around a while.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #72 on: 2 Apr 2008, 01:15 am »

 A surprising evening. Many contestants who were relegated to the bottom of my list were suddenly at the top. Very good performances on average. The weakest performance....Brooke White.




Re: American Idol
« Reply #73 on: 2 Apr 2008, 02:43 am »

 A surprising evening. Many contestants who were relegated to the bottom of my list were suddenly at the top. Very good performances on average. The weakest performance....Brooke White.




I agree with you about it being a very surprising evening.  Prior to the show I called my wife and told her I thought tonight would be awful because they were going to sing Dolly Parton Songs.  I was wrong as the singers did a much better job than the did with the Beatles! 

My wife thought Brooke, who lead off, gave the weakest performance tonight.  I liked the job David Cooke did with the Sparrow Song!



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Re: American Idol
« Reply #74 on: 2 Apr 2008, 03:14 am »
The bottom 3 "should" be:  Brooke, Ramiele & Jason...but I doubt it will.

John Casler

Re: American Idol
« Reply #75 on: 2 Apr 2008, 05:20 am »
Carly :D and Sayesha :wink: for the girls and Michael, David and David :thumb: for the guys. 

The rest are subject to the dreaded bottom three. :duh:


Re: American Idol
« Reply #76 on: 2 Apr 2008, 11:56 am »
I really enjoyed the performances by David Cook, Carly S, and Michael Johns.

The bottom performances for me were Brooke, Kristy, Jason and Ramiele.

I very much appreciate David A's talent and appeal, but I'm actually getting a little tired of his performances.  He's got to change things up a little from those slow soulful songs.  When he tried to do it last week, it wasn't that great, but I think that was more a function of song-choice than anything else.

It's becoming obvious to me that Ramiele, who has an awesome voice, simply doesn't have enough creativity to really get to the next level.  I am guessing she doesn't listen to much music beyond top 40 pop.

Syesha...gotta say that I agree with Simon Cowell about her.  She's got a very good voice, but not quite good enough to sing those Whitney and Celine songs and make you forget the originals.  I thought she started out beautifully yesterday, but as soon as she started trying to hit those big notes, my first thought was "not as strong as Whitney".

I was very proud that Paula was actually able to complete a sentence or two yesterday... :lol:

I predict that Syesha gets voted off...


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Re: American Idol
« Reply #77 on: 2 Apr 2008, 01:06 pm »
Every time someone sings a Whitney song, Simon says the same thing after their performance...that it is very difficult to better her original version.  So why do they keep doing it?  When you have a vocalist who is as good as she is, combined with a familiarity that the listener will have with her rendition, why would someone choose to sing one of her songs when they know (do they?) that their version will pale in comparison?  It seems that someone should be telling these singers to choose something to sing that won't have such a "high bar" to reach to be considered outstanding.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #78 on: 2 Apr 2008, 01:30 pm »
It is an interesting comment that a performer on a show like this could even attempt to make one forget the original version.  I am not a big fan of Syesha, but I felt that last night her phrasing and note hitting stepped away from the Whitney version enough, and that her ability showed through well.  She has great pipes, but perhaps does not connect well with the audience.

Agreed about the Ramiele performance - she has a rare power, and needs to find songs to showcase that.

I tire of David A.  Period.

I thought the top honour, for me, was the Aussie.  I think he picked a perfect song, and hit the perfect mix of tone and grit in his voice.  It doesn't hurt that I LOVE that style of guitaring either.

A decent night, and far better than I expected, given the performer they were going to cover.


Re: American Idol
« Reply #79 on: 2 Apr 2008, 05:40 pm »
I'm guessing you'll see all girls in the bottom 3 tonight - Syesha, KLC, and Brooke.  Brooke has had a couple so-so's in a row, so she's at risk.  Ramielle deserves to be there, but somehow she steers clear.  Syesha or KLC will be voted out.

Idol is about 40% popularity contest (combo of personality and good looks) and 60% talent contest (combo of technical singing ability and ability to connect w/ audience).  I personally dislike David A. immensely, but he scores pretty high in both categories with the people who vote.  I'm hoping his increasingly annoying stage presence will prevent his making the final 2-3, but am not holding my breath).

David Cook is smug and ugly (low popularity), but can sing and captivates audiences with his alt presentations (high talent).

Michael Johns - good looking, bland (med popularity) ... good singer w/ OK connecting ability (med-high talent)

Ramielle - cute, bubbly (med pop) ... good singer, zero connection (low-medium talent)

Carly - scary (low pop) ...  great singer, mostly good connection (medium-high talent)

Brooke - good looking, sugary sweet (med-high pop), OK singer, good connection (med talent)

Jason - good looking, borderline stupid (med pop) ...  OK at best singer, OK connection (low-med talent)

David A. - Very cute (med-high pop) ... great singer, OK to good connection (med-high talent

KLC - hot, bland (med pop) ... OK singer, weak connection (low talent)

Syesha - hot, bland (med pop) ... good singer, weak connection (low-med talent)

So you put all that opinion on top of how they perform each weak.  Syesha and KLC are the next two to go. Ramielle and Jason should follow closely behind.  We might be surprised and see Carly go before Ram or Jason.  Brooke and Carly are next.  All guys for the final 3.  Battle of the David's in the final.  David Cook pulls a Taylor Hicks surprise upset.

Carly would be my dark horse.  If she can somehow become more likeable, then she could sneak in ahead of Michael.  I can't see her winning it all though.

I've just put way too much time and thought into this message.
