Got my Chrome Neo3 PDR tweeters yesterday!
They're actually kinda pretty once you wipe off the finger prints and smudges... lol

I also did some A-B testing with each chromed Neo 3 to see how they measure.


Yeahh.. One of these are definitely blown out, it sounds
horrendous... at least I got one working model thats somewhat similar to the GRS 3..
it doesn't appear to be torn/shredded like my Neo 3 or original GRS3 tho, so possibly a tensioning issue with the disaphram?


Purple: Neo3 PDR Green: GRS3
The GRS3 is about 5dB more effecient (not shown here), has a better response top-end except for the dip around 10K, & the THD is cleaner below 1500Hz.