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  • Industry Participant
  • Posts: 358
I would dis-agree.
Too listen LOUD one MUST have good equipment!
Ha, ha!!

How did you get in touch w/the guy from Utah?

I didn't notice a gain gain; not anywhere near the gain going from unbalanced too balanced previously in my system anyway.

What's your fave metal band & have you found any metal ceedees that sound good?

I test a lot of cds for sound even with my horrible hearing.
I use as a reference metal cd's:
In this moment - blood
evanescence - new self titled
firewind-live premonition
all that remains - overcome
pantera-far beyond the great southern cowboys vulgar hits
judas priest- demolition
female vocals i use the following bands:
faith hill
wilson philips
rock cds i use:
guns and roses
thin lizzy
iced earth
iron maiden


Our LS 100 preamp retails for $3500.  The DAC upgrade is $1600.  I just wanted to clarify this.  It is an exceptional sounding tube DAC.

I do not see how there could actually be a change in gain wi the new supply, but often cleaner or better sound can be perceived this way, if the noise floor is lower and soundstage improved.

I have not used the 274B tube.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177
Hi Dan,
No pressure, but any news on lps? Thanks!


I have installed it in the 103 and have been evaluating it against the 105, first with no other mods and then with the rest of the mods that I had planned.  I have yet to put the SMPS back in and see what the difference is.  These comparisons have all been done using the player strictly as a 2CH player, and not as a transport.

I plan to finalize this testing by tomorrow, and will also compare the 103 w/LPS to a stock 105.

I will be installing the LPS in a 105 today also and will have the results of this testing by tomorrow also.

I will share all of my results once I have finalized all testing.


Dan W.


The Results:

1) The LPS is a NO GO in the 103.  It runs too hot and the sonic benefits were simply not what I expected.  The enclosure is sealed, so there is no good way to reject heat.  Mr. Lee has designed a LPS that may be used in the unit.  I have tested and installed a 'Lee' LPS and it is a good design.  However, if you add Lee's LPS to a unit that we have modified, it WILL void our warranty.  I simply feel that the LPS generates too much heat for the 103.

2) The LPS in the 105 I have looked at extensively and decided the following:
    A) It ONLY provides 5V supply to the processor board and +15V to the drive.
    B) Despite the fact that the unit is passively ventilated, it already runs warm and I am concerned about heat.
    C) The LPS would put two transformers right below the MCH audio board and I would be concerned about EMI and other noise contributions.
    D) Ultimately, due to my findings with the 103, I have decided that the LPS for the 105 is simply not going to provide a worthwhile benefit and I am not willing to add the risk of future reliability issues, due to excess heat.

3) I listened to the 103 with LPS and SMPS and found VERY little difference.  I also measured the digital out signal and found no measurable difference.

4) The 103 stock is NOT as good as the 105 stock!  The 105 is MUCH BETTER!

5) The modified 103 (without LPS), but with upgrades to shielding, damping, parts upgrades in analog stage and power supply is much better and closer to the performance of the stock 105, but I would have to give the edge to the stock 105.

I have decided that we will offer a $500 mod for the 103 that will include the following (2CH only):
  Power Supply upgrades to stock SMPS.
  Chassis damping and shielding.
  Upgrades to analog stage (eliminate all coupling caps).
  Upgrade IEC to Furutech Cryo-treated IEC.

I am still tweaking a couple of things, but I first had to make a decision about the LPS.  I have not compared the two units strictly as transports, but would expect very similar results.  In both units, the digital out circuit, on the processor board, is powered by the SMPS.  This includes audio coax and optical out, as well as HDMI for video.  Both 105 and 103 use the same processor board and video chipset, powered by the same SMPS (Power Supply) design.

Our mods for the 103 are intended to improve its use as a player primarily.  The damping, shielding and power supply upgrades will provide some improvement to its use as a transport and for video.

Thanks guys, it has been a bit of a journey here and the results of the LPS surprised me, but I refuse to offer an upgrade that I do not feel is worthwhile and also that I am not confident of its ultimate reliability.


Dan W.


Dan, thanks so much for your extensive report. I really admire your honesty and transparency. Do you still plan to offer some sort of SS mod for the 105?


Thank you.  I would rather be honest, than offer a mod that I do not feel will be reliable and that I do not feel justifies its cost!

I am not sure what we will do about a SS mod for the 105.  To be honest, it is a VERY good unit to begin with.  There are some things that can be done, damping, PS improvements, possibly remove coupling caps if this is feasible and some other things.  I will see what can be done.  My first intent was to implement the tube mod in the 105 and bypass all op-amps and SS circuitry because I KNOW how good this sounds.

It was my intent to offer a SS mod for the 103 instead.  I will look into the 105 now with a SS mod in mind and see what makes sense.

Thank you,

Dan Wright


^ I look forward to finding out what you learn about the 105. Can Bybee rails be installed in the 105?


Bybee rails can be added in the 105, yes.  So can the Audio Magic Pulse Gen ZX.




Have you ever tried any of the varieties of WA Quantum Chips in an Oppo?


No, but the Audio Magic Pulse Gen uses Quantum technology I am farily certain.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177
How about those little audio fans to combat the LPS heat?


No fans....sorry.



  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177
How about the transport of the 105? Do all Oppos use the same transport mechanism?


Yes they do.




  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177
Yes they do.



Sad to hear. I borrowed a Marantz BDP while my 105 was being modded, and man is it a lot quieter when opening/closing than my old 95.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 24
I now have about 30 hours of break in on my Modright Oppo 105. I can tell you that if it did not improve any more,  the sound I am getting now is much better than my old Modright Oppo 95. It is much more organic in the mids. The dynamics are startling. The noise floor is much quieter and what is most interesting is that the pace and rhythm is much better. You get much more involved in the music and the pace is much faster. The soundstage is bigger and more defined. It is much more transparent but also at the same time more musical. This folks is hard to do and the Modright 105 does it in spades. This player is killer and can compare to digital in the 40,000.00 price range. I just can not believe it boy Dan can hear. I'm like a little kid thanks Dan.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 177
I now have about 30 hours of break in on my Modright Oppo 105. I can tell you that if it did not improve any more,  the sound I am getting now is much better than my old Modright Oppo 95. It is much more organic in the mids. The dynamics are startling. The noise floor is much quieter and what is most interesting is that the pace and rhythm is much better. You get much more involved in the music and the pace is much faster. The soundstage is bigger and more defined. It is much more transparent but also at the same time more musical. This folks is hard to do and the Modright 105 does it in spades. This player is killer and can compare to digital in the 40,000.00 price range. I just can not believe it boy Dan can hear. I'm like a little kid thanks Dan.

How did you get yours before mine? I was the first. :o


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 24
I made sure that Dan received an apple. :lol: