This is the "DeadFish Is Losing His Hearing" sale, extraveganza!

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Hello Friends,

Well, as the title implies, my hearing abilities are decaying at a noticeably rapid pace.

As if getting the inevitable hearing aids last October were not insult enough, after MUCH

prodding from family and friends, and suffering tinnitus for most all of a memorable

life.  Some of you might already know that I have gotten sick, and since november, have

undergone a regimen of chemotherapy.  I was warned that it might affect my sight and/or

my hearing and sure enough, this has happened on both fronts.  What choice one has under

these circumstances is literally no choice at all, so my hearing is more like having

one's fingers in their ears, and even a telephone is problematic.

    Given all this, the various gear I have accumulated is built for much better ears

than mine, and is pointless to keep, for the most part.  This being said, I would like to

devote this thread to a listing of various gear that I have so far winnowed to sell, and

I would find it a lot easier to sell locally, as opposed to worrying about selling,

packing and shipping to other regions.  I expect it foolish to think it might all go away

locally, but I have to try.  I will try listing what I have so far, post haste, and if I

am able to make it to the local buy/trade/sell/whatever event that daves proposes on

April 21, I will bring there what I can get in the car.  Some things, like for instance a

Fisher tubed console, will need someone to come get, if interested.

After this event, I may open up the listing to the rest of the lower 48 states to sell, I do not know yet.

I have pictures taken of what I am listing so far, and they are in my gallery in an album

entitled "Local 'For Sale'".  I am uncertain if I can get them in my listings, or if you

folks can go to the album and browse.

At any rate, if interested, leave me a message, or email me at, or if

on Facebook, I am "Bill Haddick", and I troll there a lot, since I cannot work anymore. 

I don't much hear the phone ringing.  I would like to keep this topic for new listings by me, so send me messages

if there are questions, under a message, or a new heading.  Make sense?  It is my hope that I can liquidate much of what

I have so that if something more serious happens to me, my wife is not burdoned by it.

And there is more to go beyond what is getting listed.  I still have another complete

system to cover all my media to listen to.  Should I go 'deaf as a post', then there will

definitely be more, more refined gear to go, that which I listen to now.

   Not looking much for sympathy guys, unless it makes you buy something. <grin!> :lol:

If you have an interest, in more than one thing especially, I am negotiable to a degree. 

Beyond what I have already listed, there are things like my Altec 19's that need to go. 

These are perhaps the finest speakers I have ever owned!, but I cannot move them.  Anyone

interested in a recumbent bicycle?  I've got one you might like, but I hesitate to list

it on an audio forum.  Any questions, let me know!

Now, on to the first listing and lets see how I do.  Thanks for looking at least, guys!!

It has been great listening and having fun with you all through the years!  I mean it! :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:

Best Regards, All Ways!!

« Last Edit: 14 Apr 2012, 09:19 pm by DeadFish »


I wish you the best.  My age is catching up with me fast and I feel like I am losing it sometimes.  If I can be a person to listen when you have something to say keep me in mind.  I feel good about all the things that music and audio have brought to me and I hope you do as well. 
Howard Stever
Ste. Genevieve, Mo.
I would love to give those Altecs a new home.  I sold my to my wife's brother and I have always been sorry.  He thinks I ripped him off at a price of $900.  Oh well, I will never convince him otherwise.



While you may not be seeking sympathy you have mine as I can all too well relate to the tinnitus issue.  It recently has gotten worse and has me questioning my own involvement in the hobby.

Since I'm not local I can only send my best wishes and hopes that you beat the illness and enough of your hearing returns for you to once again enjoy music.

Take care,


This is a dual-mono 300B amp, custom built.
It takes 2- 300B tubes (Electro Harmonix), 2- 6SN7 tubes(Electro Harmonix), and 2- 5U4GB(SovTek) tubes.    It has bias knobs on top and volume knobs on the front of the oak front.  I am looking for $550 for it.
Extra Tubes for Extra Money!:
I have a pair of Valve Art 300B and a pair of mesh 300B with gold bases, but no lettering that might be Sophia, I do not remember.  Also, GE brand 6SN7 and RCA 6SN7GB.  Also a pair of RCA 5U4GB and another pair of SovTek 5U4GB, though one of them flashed once when firing the amp up.  I will throw in all of these tubes, if you buy the amp for $250.

I can send you pictures of the extra tubes if you like, but didn't want to post them all here.



Sorry to hear about the worsting conditions.  I remember talking to you about this awhile back.  So, you had to quit your job at the knife shop?  Do you do knife sharpening, cleanings and repairs?  Maybe some of us locally have knife issues...



Hiya Bo!
Thanks for your thoughts, Bo!  I don't do much on knives anymore, other than cleaning what I've got and keeping them sharp.  I have electric sharpening stuff, but mostly relied on my Spyderco sharpmaker to sharpen what I have to sharpen.  I never got very proficient on the spinning grinding wheels, and didn't want to screw up anyone's knife by getting aggressive too quickly.  (It is awfully bad trying to put metal back on!  :? )
 By all means, I wouldn't mind doing some sharpening, if needed.  A lot of folk don't like doing their own sharpenning at all, as I found out at the shop.  If you have some that need brought up to sharp, we can talk on it!
Yeah, working at the shop, I was getting hoarse by 11 am to 12 am, most days.  And then there was getting winded.  Investigating that revealed the stuff in my lungs....and what I thought was just getting older was more than that.  Duh!  :roll:  Oh well. 
If there is a repair that I *can* do, I'm not afraid to tackle it.  Again, lets talk if you have something you would want looked at.  Sometimes things are not worth the effort, but sometimes effort is secondary to have something dear made servicable.  Shoot me a 'p/m' if there is something you would like me to look at.  Manually sharpening a knife or a set (which would be more sensible than just doing one at a time) would give me something to do, and not wear me down to any degree.  (I have been forbidden from cutting the grass and I dearly miss what was once-upon-a-time my 'first job'.)
Thank you for your best wishes, Jake!  I have had tinnitus as long as I remember.  Told most of my life that hearing aids would not help.  Well, they have helped some.  It was often louder than anything I had to listen to.  It hasn't gotten much worse through my adult life, except for instance, the day after a concert-night.  It is typically about as loud as whatever was going on around me, but you could mentally isolate the incoming sound, compared to the stereo ringing, in order to appreciate what was coming to me.  You know how it goes.  I got a 3+degree fever St. Patties day, two days after my 5th chemotherapy, and they said it was flu or pneumonia.  I spent a day and night in the hospital, and then set loose the next day, but in that time, my hearing really went down, stuffed up, and hasn't returned yet.  Oh well. 
Thanks for your regards as well.  Yeah, getting old comes on fast, doesn't it?!  That is all I thought it was.  I am 60, and have been good about the colonoscopies and such, but it is always what you don't check.  Get my oil changed, but not the chest xray regular, once I quit smoking 5 years ago... Duh! (again!)  If you have medical insurance that covers these things, go for it!  I cannot believe how many friends my own age who will not tolerate the colonoscopies!  So easy, and you get a good buzz while they do it!  I had polyps every time, but no cancer there, thank God!
Remove them and forget about it!
Agree with you, that I have profited so well from my audio hobby with friends I have made, associations that spread my horizons, people that I would have met no other way... I was darned lucky to meet everyone in here and other forums, and likewise at RMAF or MWAF (MidWest Audio Fest) some years back!  You people are real gems I thank God for associating me with.  I'm not a social climber, so feel fortunate for all the folk I took up with in Denver, Lima, or in here!  Pure treasure!  And what I learned about audio, I wouldn't know enough to learn about it in books!  It has been a grand time!!!
So sorry your brother in law has such bad thoughts towards you about the Altec 19's.  Doesn't he like them?  Does he have gear with synergy towards them?  I have tubed and chip amps that work well with mine, but although I totally love Bryston solid state gear, it doesn't cooperate with the 19's!!  Buy them back if you want them, he doesn't, and you can afford them!  They would be a total bitch to ship at 135lbs. each!!  Would love to keep mine, but I don't think they have tube amps where I am going, if my cancer hits terminal velocity. By all means, keep an eye for them showing up on Ebay, and show him.  Right now I think, bare cabinets are going for like $900 there!  I can sell the altec power parts for more than that without cabinets!

Well, I guess this covers questions and comments up to this point.  Thanks for everyones well wishes, I certainly appreciate the ones I have gotten along with prayers, since I came down ill in october/november!  God bless everyone with the positivity they have wished my way.  Miracles happen!
Wishing all y'all a great weekend!!    Bill


Sold to Blackmore!!  Come and get 'em saturday! Thanks, Mark!!

These are Dynaco A-25 speakers. Work great with low

to medium wattage amps.  I'm using them with 2 watts

right now.  They work well, no obvious problems. 

The grill covers are in great shape as you can see,

though there are some scratches on the top and

sides.  Nothing too nasty though.   Looking for a

mere $125 for them. A really nice, handy speaker for

whatever you need a speaker for in a pinch, tube or

solid state.

« Last Edit: 19 Apr 2012, 02:41 am by DeadFish »


SOLD!  Thanks Scottt!  (now you gotta take it with you!)  :lol:

This is a Fisher tubed stereo console, with tuner

and turntable.  Above the tuner, it says "Futura".

The plate inside the console, above

the turntable says "The Fisher anniversary series"

All of the  tubes that I could reach were labeled

Fisher brand, so are most likely original.  It has

the 45rpm adapter with it, but the spindle for the

turntable is missing.

It works!

You will have to  pick it up, I have no capacity to

move it.  I am asking $300 for it.  There are a few

scratches in the cabinet.  AN interesting project to

restore or to gut and get a low-cost Fisher

amplifier.  I'm certain that the tubes have a good

value to them.
Come on over and give it a listen!
« Last Edit: 18 Apr 2012, 06:22 pm by DeadFish »


This is a Westinghouse 'Rainbow Tone' hifi.
It has a turntable in its belly.  It is mono.
It works.  I am asking $100.  I have done no work to it.
Somebody come take this thing for $50!  Yes, You heard me right!  :thumb:

« Last Edit: 22 Apr 2012, 11:48 pm by DeadFish »


This is a Burson Audio Buffer.  Added dynamics inline with my Squeezebox.  Here is a review from 6 Moons:
I am asking $225. for it.  If you have a Squeezebox of some consequence, this will definitely improve the sound!

There are plenty of reviews out there, just Google!

« Last Edit: 15 Apr 2012, 12:09 am by DeadFish »

Bob in St. Louis

  • Facilitator
  • Posts: 13248
  • "Introverted Basement Dwelling Troll"
Best wishes Bill, good to hear from you again. It's been a while since we shook hands.
That 300b makes me drool, but I've spent too much recently. ANother $550 would put me in the dog house for sure. ha ha

Take care man, looking forward to seeing you soon.  :thumb:


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 978
Bill, we are looking forward to seeing you, and we have a spot reserved in the driveway if you need it. Let me know if there is any food that especially agrees with you; we have another chemo survivor coming with some minor diet requests, so it is absolutely no problem.

I'm bending a couple friends' ears about you 300B SET amp. :thumb:

I too am in love with your Altec 19s. Between Howard and me, you won't need to worry about shipping them. We will be saying prayers that you won't need to move the great system at all.  8)
« Last Edit: 14 Apr 2012, 04:55 pm by daves »


Wow!  Thanks for the kind thinking, everyone!  Am looking forward to next saturday myself, as I mostly just stay cooped up here.
No special requirements dietwise for me, just whatever I am willing to eat.  I am fortunate in that they tell me chemo usually kills interest in food. Not me!  I just keep getting stranger, and my appetite is the best I have had in my life!  Folks tell me I look real good right now, for what we are going through.  One learns new definitions to 'one day at a time' on this path.  I truly hope next saturday is a good one, as I really want to get out and be there.
  Sorry listing this stuff is taking me longer than I had hoped.  I've already typed out each listing in Notepad and saved, but along with putting up pictures, this takes some time! 
  Time to put a few more up!


Sold !Thanks Morgan!.

This is a Decware SE84C Zen Triode amplifier.
It is a fine low power amplifier, enjoyable to listen to if you have speakers that can perform with 5 watts @2 ohms output.  I have read it said that there is approximately 2 watts at 8 ohms.  (I have it playing through Dynaco A25 speakers right now, and they seem happy!)
It has an on/off switch in the back as well as a volume control back there.  There is a toggle switch on the front-top of the unit that affects the output to some degree, making it a little bit louder, in the very least.  I believe it switches bias to some degree.  This might not be true/correct. Your mileage may vary!  It still sounds good!  :? There are 3 way binding posts for the speakers.
 I read that there are altogether eleven hand-to-hand wiring solder points and no circuit board. Only one capacitor and two resistors are in the signal path with no hookup wire. It uses two Svetlana SV-83 tubes for output. Again, this is based on research on the internet I have dug up, and may or may not be totally accurate, and you know how true everything on the internet is.  The label on the bottom DOES say "Decware SE84C ", and feel free to do your own research based on that.  :thumb:
  It originally sold for $499. assembled.  I am asking $275OBO.

« Last Edit: 2 Jul 2012, 02:50 pm by DeadFish »


Sold! Thanks again, Scott!

Odyssey Epiphony speakers, the first, more desirable version.  8 Ohm, I recieved them from Klaus' hot hands at RMAF.  Originally sold for $7 or $800, I am asking $375.

 Buy with the upright stands I have for sale also ($50) and you can have them all for $400!

« Last Edit: 18 Apr 2012, 06:23 pm by DeadFish »


These speaker stands come apart into pieces.  Bought them new and they have served well holding up the Epiphony and Altec Bolero speakers.  They do well with plants for the darling wife if you are in trouble!  :wink:
You can fill them with sand or lead shot and they have spikes on the bottom.

I would like to get $50, or my wife can keep them for plant stands.    8)


This item is the HagTech inverse RIAA filter.  If you have a new phono stage that needs breaking in, you can plug this in to it, and a cd player into it, and you can run cd's into it at the right balance to break in the phono stage!
It sells for $49, for the 'half-kit' (circuit board) and then you go buy the parts and assemble and solder it up.  This has worked well for me.

I am asking $45 for it, assembled, tested and ready to rock!

Here is the link to HagTech for it:

Here is a review from Michael Fremer in Stereophile Oct/01:
Michael Fremer, Stereophile Oct/01

"Don't want to spend $350? How about $29 or $39 [now $50]? Hagerman Technology ( will sell you their RIAA Filter, built or in kit form [kit available from Old Colony Sound Labs]. It will perform the inverse RIAA function and drop line-level signals by 40 or 60dB, depending on the output set you choose. Inputs are for 50 or 600 ohm sources. Frequency response is claimed to be accurate to witin +/-0.25dB from 10Hz to 100kHz, and the network includes a "correctly placed upper 3.18us corner (50kHz) in it's transfer function," according to designer Jim Hagerman.

This ultrasonic rolloff has to do with the response of the RIAA curve, which, on the LP cutting side, rolls off the bass and boosts the highs. If the boost were allowed to continue on to infinity, the result might be burnt-out cutter heads because no amplifier has unlimited gain. According to Hagerman [ok, I got it from Allen Wright], the manual for the Neumann cutting head specifies the 3.18us corner, so he includes it; the "inverse" RIAA curve is essentially what the cutter head is fed. He also claims that the RIAA network in your preamp (which applies the opposite EQ, of course) should take the corner into account, but that most don't - a subject to be explored at another time. Meanwhile, check out the - there's interesting stuff there. "


This is a Sears Silvertone, stereo, tubed reel-to-reel tape recorder.
It comes with two metal microphones and some assorted cables for hooking it up.

The two cables are 1/4" male to rca ends.
It runs, but I do not have a recorded tape to test it with. 
It was originally bought by my Dad, way back, to record the choir he was in.  It sat in my Mom's basement for several decades.
All I can verify is that it runs, moves tapes, and puts out a hum.  I believe the tubes to be Silvertone brand.
I am asking $150 for it, No, lets make that $75 and get it outa here!!which seems fair if you were to want to disect it for the tubed stereo amplifier inside.  It is a real rarity, as I have been looking for another, out of curiosity for a long time, off and on.I appears to be a dual mono setup, as best as I could tell.  Certainly, an interesting 'pig in a poke'.
It has a 'lid' and handle for carrying.

« Last Edit: 22 Apr 2012, 11:54 pm by DeadFish »


This is the Mapletree Audio Design (MAD) 5B SE Triplex preamplifier.  I've really enjoyed listening through it, in its various circuits. A real 'crowd pleaser.'  It is no longer being made. I am asking $500.$450!
It comes with three complete preamplifier circuits incorporated into it:
1) A classic common Cathode-cathode follower cascade (CF).
2) A shunt-regulated push-pull circuit (SRPP).
3) A passive path using typical pre controls such as volume and input switching.

Output and input switching permits any of three sources to be routed to either of the two active preamp circuits or through the passive path which allows use of the selector, volume, and individual channel level controls but with no amplification. A second set of output jacks is provided for bi-amplification or use with a separate headphone amplifier.
It has a DC heater supply.
Tubes are proven, low-distortion octal tubes (3-12SN7GT, 2-6R7G/GT).  There is a 2nd pair of 6R7G/GT glass tubes, if I can find them, where the ones installed have metal tubes.
Wiring is done point-to-point.

This unit used to belong to Brother Steve K., of the G.A.S. group, who I got it from.
Going through past posts, I found Steve had this to say when questioned between the 3 topologies and their sound:
"I can only tell you what it sounds like in my system. I don't use the passive stage because the output is way too low for my system. The CF circuit is more extended on top and bottom with lots of bass and midrange--a more traditional full bodied tube sound with a lot of texture. The presentation is detailed and warm. The SRPP circuit is more neutral and linear across the frequency range with less emphasis on the top and bottom than the CF circuit. Some have said it's a more "modern" sound--closer to a solid state sound but still with the rich texture of tubes. I'll use SRPP if the source material is overly bassy or muddy and also if the source is extremely bright--SRPP tends to clean things up better, whereas CF exaggerates these faults in the source material. CF has more slam and is more dynamic.

Keep in mind the outputs are different for all three topologies: CF produces 23.5 dB gain, SRPP produces 20 dB gain and Passive 0 dB. YMMV.
He also noted that he had tinkered and swapped out some parts:
"I'm still tweaking mine and it just gets better and better. First I swapped a pair of Sonicaps for the Auricap output caps on the SRPP circuit. To me, the Sonicaps are more open and natural sounding than the Auricaps. Then I swapped out four resistors for Tantalum films that Doc recommended. The result--increased clarity and detail in the SRPP circuit. Finally, I switched in a pair of Blackgate VK 150mf/350V caps for the last two 100mf electrolytics in the PS circuit. They have about 250 hours on them now but I've noticed a definite tighter control over the bass and more overall detail. The 5B is really fun to play with and tweak and I still find myself switching back between the two active circuits depending on the music but overall I prefer the CF circuit.

I've also rolled a lot of tubes through the 6R7 output circuit but there are surprisingly little difference between them. Otherwise, I've stuck with the RCA 12SX7GT's elsewhere."

Thanks, Steve!

« Last Edit: 22 Apr 2012, 11:55 pm by DeadFish »


This is a clone of a Dynaco ST-35 from DIYTube.  It uses 4 EL-84 power tubes, 1 12AU-7, and 1 12AX-7.
  I find the EL-84 to be a rather 'peppy' tube, and quite listenable.  I am asking $250 for it.  I've had it quite a while, one of the first tube amps I bought, and I have swapped it in and out repeatedly with whatever speakers I had on hand at the time, at different spots in the house.  It makes my feet want to move.  Not pretty, but it sounds good!