What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?

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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #80 on: 8 Feb 2010, 01:17 pm »
That half time show was pretty lame.  I've seen the Who a number of times over the decades, and they are just not up to snuff.  The drummer needs to be replaced, looked like a goon from Sgt. Peppers & sounded like a first year music student.  If you've ever seen Keith Moon play you'd understand.  Their voices are shot.  It was good to see them play however.  I think the band needs LOTS of practice befor they even think of going on the road.

I agree that the Who are shot, but I did think that Pete Townsend did a decent job on guitar.

Definitely need to not go to the dinosaur graveyard next year for the halftime act.



Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #81 on: 8 Feb 2010, 01:24 pm »
Sean Payton made a hero or goat call when he started the second half by ordering an on-side kick attempt.  The successful recovery of the ball by the Saints was the play that ended-up being the key to their victory.  My question to you football fans is why do you think Payton called the on-side kick at the start of the second half? 

My thoughts are that Peyton Manning had demonstrated he could move the fall down the field and Sean Payton thought there was good probably of the Colts scoring with the first possession of the second half.  However, even if the Colts score a touchdown the Saints would have only be down by 8 points.  I don't know, it was one heck of a gutsy call and it went in favor of the Saints.  I guess it was just their night!

Concerning Peyton Manning and the Colts, there is an interesting article here:  http://www.nfl.com/superbowl/story?id=09000d5d8164923c&template=with-video-with-comments&confirm=true   Agree or disagree with the writing it is hard to deny the facts!  I will add that I have watched NFL Football since 1965 and have seen Starr, Unitas, Bradshaw, Montana, Marino, Brady and Manning play.  I know the game has changed over time but I believe Manning is the best of the group.

Again, I would like to congratulate the Saints!



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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #82 on: 8 Feb 2010, 01:56 pm »
Much as I don't like Peyton Manning, I will have to agree that he is clearly the best QB the NFL has ever employed.

I read that Sean Payton noticed that two guys on the right side of the Colts kickoff reception team were cheating back into runback coverage. So, at the BEGINNING of halftime he told his kicker that he wanted to try an onside when the second half started. He kicked it right at the guys who were cheating backwards and he caught them just right. It was as much strategy as it was a gamble. And it worked.
Payton and the Saints are the real deal and will be a force for at least a few more years. Peyton and the Colts are in decline and will be remembered as the Atlanta Braves of the NFL. Lots of Division titles and Conference Trophies but only one Championship.


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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #83 on: 8 Feb 2010, 07:55 pm »
Without a doubt, it was one of the cleanest played games in SuperBowl history. The lack of penalties is a rarity in the NFL and is a tribute to the professionalism on both teams imho.
Both Dungy and now Caldwell in his 1st year have taken a team an undefeated record late in the season and thrown it out the window in order to both rest and protect their front line players and it's blown up in their face. It makes me wonder if Manning comes back with yet another chance for an undefeated season, will Caldwell yet again "play it safe" instead of playing the game to win? It'll be interesting to see what the Commisioner comes up with for incentives to motivate these coaches to play to win in those last seasonal games,,,  :o
This year the team who played the game the way it's suppose to be played won the Super Bowl and I take personal pride in knowing it was my own Dallas Cowboys who deprived the Saints in their own perfect season attempt.  8)


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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #84 on: 8 Feb 2010, 08:11 pm »
What else did THE COWBOYS give you to take personal pride in? It was a lean season. You even lost to my loserly Broncos.

By the way, the great Tampa Bay Buccaneers also beat a New Orleans team that didn't need to win. That's the real difference - winning when you need to. N.O. did just that. Cowdudes once again choked.


Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #85 on: 8 Feb 2010, 08:12 pm »
Just because they didn't call many penalties doesn't mean the game was played clean. I think they tend to overlook a lot in a Super Bowl. In fact, in one big pile-on I clearly saw one guy kicking another opposing player repeatedly in the helmet. In another I saw someone banging the opposing player into the ground several times.


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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #86 on: 8 Feb 2010, 08:15 pm »
I think there is holding on every play. I'd rather have them ignore it all the time rather than taking away a big play on a randomly selected call.


Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #87 on: 8 Feb 2010, 08:52 pm »
No doubt this was NOT a clean game, at least not from the standpoint of penalties committed (versus penalties called by the officials).  There were tons of calls that would have been flags in the regular season and the playoffs.  I'm just glad the guys in stripes let the players decide the outcome.  They were not going to call holding or pass interference...or personal fouls.

The game had a great flow and was very exciting.  Both teams were in the hunt, up until the interception thrown by Manning.  The thing I'll remember most is Breese playing catch with receivers that were REALLY open and having all day to sit in the pocket and throw the ball.  Indy stopped the run when they needed to (that great goal-line stand) but could not do anything to stop the pass attack of the Saints.

Favorite play of the game (other than the onside kick I guess) was the two point conversion made by NO late in the game.  That was one of the best catches I have seen and was HUGE in the game because it gave the saints a 7 point lead, versus a 5 point lead if they missed it.  The refs made a really bad call which was luckily overturned by the replay booth. 

Rob Babcock

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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #88 on: 8 Feb 2010, 10:19 pm »
I don't recall any season where a team was allowed to tee off on the QB so long after the ball was out as NO seems to do this year.  They're continually being praised for it, too.  Many instances appeared to my eyes to be roughing the passer, but I guess in todays' NFL it's just "pressuring the QB"?  NOTE:  I'm not referring to the Super Bowl, here...I didn't watch it.


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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #89 on: 8 Feb 2010, 10:46 pm »
Rob - You're on your own with that one. There has been a lot of talk all season about roughing the passer personal fouls. The league made a point of getting stricter about that after injuries to Brady, Palmer and others, and many a fan and commentator have been crying to just let them play.


Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #90 on: 8 Feb 2010, 11:44 pm »
That half time show was pretty lame.  I've seen the Who a number of times over the decades, and they are just not up to snuff.  The drummer needs to be replaced, looked like a goon from Sgt. Peppers & sounded like a first year music student.  If you've ever seen Keith Moon play you'd understand.  Their voices are shot.  It was good to see them play however.  I think the band needs LOTS of practice befor they even think of going on the road.

Current mood:  cheerful
Keith Moon is alive and channeled, says Roger Daltrey...

I get lots of Keith Moon and Who fans coming up to me to let me know how much they Appreciate and feel they just saw Keith after watching me play… I love every one of you, thank you so much, it just makes me want to play even harder and better and keeping Keith in your face…

But when I found out what Roger Daltrey said while watching me play Keith, that made all the years of me Keeping Keith Alive, like I'm just at my beginning… Thank You to all my fans, and Roger…

I will never let you down.


-"This guy has Keith channeled – I feel Keith living on through him." ROGER DALTREY



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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #91 on: 9 Feb 2010, 01:20 am »
That half time show was pretty lame.  I've seen the Who a number of times over the decades, and they are just not up to snuff.  The drummer needs to be replaced, looked like a goon from Sgt. Peppers & sounded like a first year music student.  If you've ever seen Keith Moon play you'd understand.  Their voices are shot.  It was good to see them play however.  I think the band needs LOTS of practice befor they even think of going on the road.

While I'll agree that The Who are well past their prime, they put on a reasonable facsimile of a rock and roll performance given the limitations of format and time. And while I've never seen Keith Moon play, I thought Zak Starkey did an EXCELLENT job! Does the name Starkey ring a bell? I quote from MTV.

"The gig is a fitting one, considering that Moon was Starkey's godfather and one of dad Ringo's best pals before the Who drummer's death in 1978. In fact, Starkey received his first drum kit and lessons as a child from Moon, despite Ringo's desire that his son not follow in his rock-and-roll footsteps."

More details here.

LOL, Sgt. Peppers goon indeed!


Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #92 on: 9 Feb 2010, 02:03 am »
Hey guys, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but IMO Zak Starkey is an unbelievably amazing drummer, one of my all-time favorites.  He is as close to Keith Moon behind a drum kit (the drumming not the crazy antics)as I have ever heard.  No drummer can channel Moon like Starkey.  Keith Moon had a unique style, lots of unique fills lots of cymbals and no hi-hat.  If you liked Moon, I can't see how you wouldn't like Zak Starkey. 

I'm not a big fan of Zak's dad, Ringo, but I've come to appreciate his subtle drumming style over the years.  Zak is a different breed and one of the few drummers I would see just to hear him play.  He has played with the Who for a long time (15 years or so) and I couldn't imagine anyone doing those songs better (except the guy who did them originally of course!).

I wasn't expecting much from Townshend and Daltrey, but I thought they did a good job with the halftime show.  These guys are really old and most of their popular music was recorded in the late 60's (except Who are You, their last big single) and they did a decent job for a bunch of geezers.  Zak Starkey was one of the reasons I watched and was not disappointed.  I find his drum work way more interesting than many big name drummers, including that guy from Canada everyone else has on top of their list (okay, Peart if you don't know).  My alltime favorite drummer is still Bonzo and, unfortunately, his talent will never be duplicated, but that's another conversation for another day. 



Clip of Zak playing:


Rob Babcock

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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #93 on: 9 Feb 2010, 03:45 am »
Rob - You're on your own with that one. There has been a lot of talk all season about roughing the passer personal fouls. The league made a point of getting stricter about that after injuries to Brady, Palmer and others, and many a fan and commentator have been crying to just let them play.

Guess I'm just more observant than everyone else. :lol:


Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #94 on: 9 Feb 2010, 04:47 am »
I didn't get to see the game, sounds like a good one for a change. (yeah another long shift at the hospital, followed by homework...again)

I'm a Colts fan, but I'm happy for the Saints, their fans and their city. They deserved it all.

I'm not sure why anyone would dislike Peyton, maybe because of all of his lame TV commercials? I mean he seems like a really nice guy, and by all accounts, he works his ass off to achieve. I always thought the Colts had a great organization. Players who were true pros, and not a bunch of showboating jerkwads. Marvin Harrison, for example. Catch the ball, make the TD, hand it to the ref. Job done. I guess I'm just old fashioned, but I like that.

Ok, so they lost the big one, but to even get there after a head coaching change. I'd say that was a pretty good season.

Someone compared them to the 90's era Braves. Another of my favorites teams. Smoltz, Maddox and Glavine w/ Bobby calling the shots? It was a thing a beauty. Ok, so they only won one WS. But what they did was truly amazing.

Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age by cutting some slack. But I think winning a championship depends on luck as much as anything. But excellence, year after year is something special.

JMHO of course



Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #95 on: 9 Feb 2010, 06:54 am »
This is out of place, I know, but the greatest comeback I've witnessed in my life (close circuit TV) was Ali's knockout of Foreman in Zaire. 

Payton's opening play of the second half was and is the next best knockout I've witnessed.  What'd he tell his guys . . you gotta make me look good on this?  How could we (the team) let down that kind of challenge and commitment.  I imagine they were very nervous about this before the outcome.  But, then, it was clear.  History will never forget this guy.


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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #96 on: 9 Feb 2010, 07:00 am »
This is out of place, I know, but the greatest comeback I've witnessed in my life (close circuit TV) was Ali's knockout of Foreman in Zaire. 

Payton's opening play of the second half was and is the next best knockout I've witnessed.  What'd he tell his guys . . you gotta make me look good on this?  How could we (the team) let down that kind of challenge and commitment.  I imagine they were very nervous about this before the outcome.  But, then, it was clear.  History will never forget this guy.

HEY Jim, it's your thread, you can take it anywhere you want to.  8)

Rob Babcock

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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #97 on: 9 Feb 2010, 07:01 am »
Interestingly, I like the Manning of the TV commercials:  The clueless dude who takes every insult by the staff of the hotel of the opponent's city as a complement, the guy who walks into your house while you're watching a game with no understanding that he doesn't belong there, etc.  It's the "real" Manning who seems to have a dickish streak.  An article on MSN quotes a former teammate as saying Manning was pissed when he took off a practice to be there for the birth of his child, saying, apparently in all seriousness, "Can't you have a baby in the off season?"  The guy who doesn't seem to recognize the value in any endeavor except football.  And of course, the asshole Manning who wouldn't shake hands with the opponents that beat him in the SB.  Funny, Billicheck is a dick for doing that but Manning is "passionate" or whatever.

Don't get me wrong- Manning is probably no more a dick than anyone else, and you have to be pretty single-minded and driven to reach the level of success he has.  I'm more annoyed by his on-screen antics (like the fact that every goddamm snap he's ever taken in the NFL followed an audible or a fake audible...we get it, alright?  You're a goddamm football genius- can you just take the snap already?). 


Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #98 on: 9 Feb 2010, 07:13 am »
Rob, probably that speaks to his state of mind.  He may have had mixed emotions and wanted to get the hell out of Dodge.  The 10 second excerpt that ESPN showed from his post game interview kinda suggested that to me.  I suppose he should have sucked it up, tho.  Thanks, Robin, old bean.  Guess yer right about that.


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Re: What up? Where's the Super Bowl thread?
« Reply #99 on: 9 Feb 2010, 07:52 am »
Well in my opinion Peyton Manning is indeed a football genius.  In a tight game, he is superb at learning how to beat the defense (mostly during the first three quarters), and then in the fourth quarter he takes advantage of what he learned and pulls off the winning score(s).  Joe Montana was a master of that as well, much to my dismay (the Saints were in the same division as the 49ers back then so we got to see him hammer us in the 4th quarter twice a year).

The chess game on Sunday was Manning vs. the Saints defense and coaching staff.  On the back-breaker interception, Tracy Porter had figured out where Manning was going to put the ball, given that particular Colts formation in response to the Saints showing blitz.  Saints defensive coordinator Gregg Williams had figured it out too, and he and Porter exchanged knowing glances shortly before the snap.  Did you notice how it looked like Porter was the intended receiver the way he caught the ball on the run?  That's a sign of the defender expecting the ball to be where it was.  So on that day, the Saints defense won the chess match... and the man they beat is the master of this generation.

And nope, it wasn't a fluke.  Tracy Porter did the exact same thing (except for the runback for six) late in the NFC championship game against Brett Favre to stop the Vikings from scoring what would have been the winning touchdown, thus sending the game into overtime.

The signature characteristic of the 2009 Saints is that they play very smart football.  And ballsy as well:  Going for it on 4th and goal in the second quarter, and of course the epic Ambush play to start the second half.  "Ambush" was the name of that onside kick in the Saints playbook, and their special teams coaching staff developed the play in the ten days prior to the Super Bowl after carefully watching films of the Colts on kickoff returns and seeing just a little tiny window of opportunity.  Secrets of the Saints' success include a coaching staff that finds those little windows of opportunity, and a bunch of intelligent players who just love outsmarting the other team.  It's not only a new Saints, it's a new kind of football. 

edit:  I remember one of the Saints players, in an interview after their first playoff game against the Cardinals, saying that the Saints' losses in the last three games of the season were "part of the plan".  I don't know what he meant by that, but maybe they focused on possible playoff matchups during practice those weeks, and maybe they preferred to go into the Super Bowl against the Colts (assuming both teams made it there) as the underdogs? 

been bleeding black & gold for 43 years, but it was worth it!