Search for an Integrated Amplifier

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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #200 on: 14 Dec 2008, 03:42 pm »
Dang Den - a man after my own heart - totally thorough in your reviews  :thumb:

Enjoy, John


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #201 on: 14 Dec 2008, 03:49 pm »
That is a very useful set of functional distinctions. Once you spend some more time with the Accuphase it will be interesting to see a corresponding list of sonic differences. Well done.


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #202 on: 15 Dec 2008, 08:42 pm »
Dennis...Thanks for the nice review  :thumb:

You're not trying to make me change my amp set-up are you? :scratch:   aa


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #203 on: 16 Dec 2008, 01:34 am »
Hi John, Pardales and Frisco

I forgot to mention one niggling omission which the Accuphase engineers overlooked: the source selector switch is lit red, indicating the source you are listening to. But, there is no indicator light on the volume control knob to tell you at what volume setting you are at! Like the Bryston, it looks like I will need to use some decal (preferably luminous) to stick to the volume pot.

I am trying very hard to find a significant defect but so far scratching my head has made me lose much of my already thinning pate!  :scratch:

As I said in an earlier post, my search for that elusive integrated is over!

Will let you guys know the sonic differences (or similarities) between the Bryston and Accuphase!

Best Regards

Ps, Frisco: please don't change those lovely restored Marantz for anything in the world! Its an absolute conversational piece!


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #204 on: 16 Dec 2008, 01:55 am »
Dennis...I wouldn't think of letting go those vintage Marantz...or maybe just one of them if you twist my arm..... :lol:  thou I do miss a remote for these aa

Looking forward to your sonic differences or similarities between the two  :thumb:



Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #205 on: 22 Dec 2008, 01:56 pm »
The newer Accuphase amplifiers (E-450 for example) have huge binding post that accept large spades as well as bananas. However, for audiophiles who wish to use bananas only, here is an important tip! You will find that the binding post has a covering which encloses the hole for bananas. You will need to use a thin wire, bent slightly at the end (like a fishing hook) to insert into tiny holes to dig out the enclosures! The manual does not mention this but if in doubt please, please consult your Accuphase dealer to remove the enclosure coverings for you! I contacted Accuphase Japan (Kelly San) and with the help of the Accuphase dealer in Singapore (Jason, many thanks!), the coverings were removed without diffulty. I kept the little coverings (8 in all) in a small plastic back in case I wanted to revert back to spades! I must say the Accuphase is mindful of even such minute details. I then connected my Auditorium 23s via banana connectors and all is well!

A new addition in the form of Karl of Empirical Design's 118 digital coaxial cable has brought my listening pleasure to a much higher plane! His digital cables are much better sounding than the Setereovox XV2s which I have had a nagging doubt was a tad clinical and dry. The music is now so liquid and organic! Karl's customer service, professionalism and expert knowledge shows a person who is very passionate in what he does, no hype, just plain, honesty and fidelity! Thanks Karl!! And thanks for the wonderful 118 digital cables!


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #206 on: 26 Dec 2008, 03:07 am »
I have listened to several integrated amplifiers (please see my earlier posts for the amplifiers I have heard) and have recently lived with the Bryston B100 SST for more than 4 months. As 2008 comes to a close, I can confidently say that although the Bryston B100 is a good amplifier and deserves many of the accolades it has deservedly earned, when it comes to a head-to-head comparison with the Accuphase on sonic qualities, I have to say that the E-450 is the better amplifier. In my view, the Accuphase's greatest strength lies with timbral integrity. As an acoustic guitarist, I would naturally focus on how guitar notes, chords and techniques are reproduced. On Jacintha's "Bossa Nova" CD (wav compressed via SB3), I was very impressed with the natural sound of the nylon strings. The other area is with timpanis and percussions. I am not a timpani expert but I think I know enough to appreciate how the strike of the stick on the timpani (depending on how close to the sides of the instrument) can sound. On the Accuphase, I was very impressed with the nuance and subtlety of such effects and techniques. I really wish I had the vocabulary and ability to express the enthralling experience of listening to my Accuphase E-450.

I will be be continuing to critically assess the Accuphase, this time with emphasis on familiar vocals and strings (violin and cello).

So far, the Accuphase has raised the bar (yet again) of what a one box amplifier can deliver. I can safely say without reservations that this is the best integrated amplifier that I have ever had the privilege to listen to! (Note, I did not say it is the best integrated amplifier in the world since I have not had the chance to listen to all the integrateds out there, and there may well be other integrateds that will outclass the Accuphase). One of the main objectives of my post which I started almost one year ago was to convince myself that one could have a highly musical system without a pre and power combination, a system that was simple yet satisfying.

After one full year, the Accuphase looks like its going to be a permanent fixture!

Blessed yuletide greetings to all and may 2009 be a fulfilling year! Keep well and healthy!

Best Regards

Ps, Frisco: I have not forgotten my promise to you to post some pic once I am fully settled. My brother just bought me a Nikon D90 DSLR as a Christmas gift so I really don't have an excuse not to post pics up soon .... if only I can plough through the intimidating manual of the 1001 functions that this camera seems capable of performing! I think I need a Ph D (permanent head damage) to be able to understand some of the shutterbug lingo!


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #207 on: 31 Dec 2008, 02:58 pm »
Acuphase has just released the E-250 Integrated amplifier (90 watts into 8 ohms) for those on a tighter budget. But, from the looks, it is probably built like all other Accuphase gear - to last for a long time with their legendary reliability! Alas, there is only 1 card slot (allowing either a phono card or a DAC card).

The DP-400 CDP also looks very interesting!

My Accuphase E-450 is sounding so musical that I wish I had more time to listen to it! It has absolutely cured me of my audio nervosa, no urge to upgrade or change. The Accuphase-Harbeth will usher the New Year in my household and by the sound of it, last for a very long time. I know some of you would caution me not to use absolute terms like" long time" but I am simply enjoying every moment with my Accuphase E-450.

I hope to post a more detailed review when the festive season is over. For the moment, I am mainly listening to my SB3 via the Accuphase Dac and my Analog tuner! I have not even started on the phono yet!! I have hooked up my cable TV via RCA audio into the Accuphase and the sound is good. What a pity, my ACI Force XL has been little used because the Accuphase bass is more than enough for my ears, without the need (as previously with my other amplifiers) for a Sub.

In the New Year, I hope to hook up my beloved Bent Audio TAP (silver), bypassing the Accuphase preamplifier, to determine how good the Bent Audio TAP really is. As mentioned in my New Year's resolution last year (namely to simplify my system), I must try my best to honor this objective. In a way, putting my Bent Audio TAP might complicate things! But my dilemma is - if I don't use the TAP, it would be quite a waste and I am not prepared to sell off the Bent Audio TAP.

I have been trying the Accuphase volume control (the Japanese have an acronym AAVA II which they say is revolutionary) by adjusting the volume from soft to loud and vice versa. I don't really know the technical aspects of the Accuphase volume control) but from my listening at various levels, I have observed that the volume responds very well, whatever position it is dialed. So far, with most tracks, 9 o'clock is loud (with internet radio 8 o'clock is loud). I am impressed in that the amplifier is so eerily quiet! Its almost like I am trying to find a fault - any fault - with my Accuphase and try as I will, the amplifier simply operates without any fuss! I wish I still had my Thiel CS2.4 (which was a real pain to get the bass shy speakers to have more bass). My Harbeths have plenty of bass (tight and impactful) with the Accuphase. One audiophile complained that the Auditorium 23 speaker cables did not seem to have much bass! My Auditorium 23 SC are not short of revealing tight bass!

It has been one FULL year for me to find that sonic bliss and the Accuphase has fulfilled this dream. My system is looking so simple - just the integrated, my tuner, cable TV and my Oppo! Even my son was impressed with how tidy, neat and simple things looked from the front and rear! In 2009, I will continue to organise (shorten cables) when I can and I expect to spend a lot of time simply immersing myself to the music. my ripped files are in no less than 3 formats - flac, wav and WMA. I hope to convert all the files to wav format while kick starting my analog side with vinyl (I still need to buy that KAB cleaning device).

2009 looks like a promising year for me to simply enjoy my system and the music!

May I wish all AudioCirclers a blessed 2009!

Best Regards


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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #208 on: 31 Dec 2008, 06:36 pm »
It has been one FULL year for me to find that sonic bliss and the Accuphase has fulfilled this dream. My system is looking so simple - just the integrated, my tuner, cable TV and my Oppo! Even my son was impressed with how tidy, neat and simple things looked from the front and rear! In 2009, I will continue to organise (shorten cables) when I can and I expect to spend a lot of time simply immersing myself to the music. my ripped files are in no less than 3 formats - flac, wav and WMA. I hope to convert all the files to wav format while kick starting my analog side with vinyl (I still need to buy that KAB cleaning device).

2009 looks like a promising year for me to simply enjoy my system and the music!

May I wish all AudioCirclers a blessed 2009!

Best Regards

And a fine new year to you. I also have spend a year on a system redo. My 14 year old Jolida 202 began to have problems so I replaced it with a PrimaLuna Dialog II. Unfortunately, the new amp and my old speakers has problems. My Maggies simply needed more power so, I broke out and dusted off an ancient pair of Energy C2's. They sounded really good but I could not keep them on stands consisting of old moving book boxes so I had to get stands...OK, now I had a bit of high end grain that I put off to wire. (it turned out to be the KT88 tubes breaking in). I bought used Cardas speaker cables from the Cable Company which did sooth but not cure the grain. I next decided to upgrade my old transparent cable interconnect and bought Kimbers PBJ, a very nice wire.

Time passes and I decide to try a few tweaks, one of the new HIFI fuses in the amp resulting in a minor change...Ok, next I buy a sale power cable from PS Audio and am surprised at the change in the sound. Impressed enough to by another for the CD player.

I discovered a used Bencmark DAC1 on E bay and splurged...Then discovered my ancient ADCOM CD player did not have a digital out so...again I dug through the garage and found a cheap Phillips DVD player, hooked up the DAC with straightwire digital cable and got awful sound, far worse than my decade old CD player. I dig further into the audio stuff on hand and rediscover my 15 year old Optimus portable CD player...hooked that up and got sound at least as good as my Adcom. I shipped the DAC off for an update.

Got the DAC back and got to listening seriously...the grain was well gone BUT, new problem. One of my 6 month old KT88 tubes was failing. I ordered a replacement and also a set of KT77's. Lots of fun now. The new KT88 had regained the grain so I tried the KT77...big sound stage and EL34 sound...very nice indeed.

The old Optimus portable was losing functions so...back to the internet for a transport. I got a Rotel 1070. Hooked all up but something was still missing. I shifted the new Kimber PBJ cable with a decade old Transparent Link 100. The transparent brought back the missing highs and widened the soundstage. I recalled an advert from the company speaking of trade ins so I E-mailed Transparent and got a great response and a good deal through a local dealer. With that new cable for the first time in my nearfield listening position, the soundstage was wider than the speakers.

Now I am shifting between tubes sets...the KT88 has smoothed out but the Rotel/Dac combo sound best with the KT77's. The adventure goes on but I am done buying product till the new PS Audio source comes out and is available used.



Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #209 on: 1 Jan 2009, 01:13 am »

Thanks for sharing with us your search for a musical system. I really enjoyed your ability to resurrect some of your old items and give them a new lease of life, after a few tweaks here and there. Yes, I am quite familiar with the EL34 sound and can only envy you with how musical a good tube system can sound. So now its the KT77's that are giving you that tube magic. Good for you! Looks like you have a good system in place. I suspect this New year will see you trying a few more tweaks here and there (more tube rolling perhaps) and enjoying the music more than ever before!

Best Regards

BTW, what new PS Audio gear are you anticipating?


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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #210 on: 1 Jan 2009, 02:20 am »
More play...I changed out my Straightwire digital wire for a really old Audio Alchemy digital cable system and further opened the top end.


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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #211 on: 1 Jan 2009, 05:26 pm »
Thank You Dennis!
I think I found peace of mind and I'm just enjoying Music as never before.
I have a really high resolution and at the same time really non fatigue solution because of you :)

I've tried all of the following integrated amplifiers ( during 2008) at home with my Avantgarde Duo Omega Alnico 16ohm, 107 dB horns and really never been totally happy.

Pathos Logos 
Audionote Meishu Silver
Leben 300
Leben 300X
Leben 300Xs 
Leben 600
Dared 300B
Copland CTA 405
Melody AB22
Trafomatic 2A3

To put it short because of this thread I decided to take a shot and try Accuphase and i now have had really stunning performance from a Accuphase E 213 integrated ( only missing AAVA II as in E-250, but I don't need it)

Thanks once again and Iwish you a
Happy new year 2009 to you



Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #212 on: 1 Jan 2009, 11:59 pm »
Hi Peter

Happy New Year and Congratulations! Welcome to the Accuphase Club! Wow, you have gone through quite a list of some very highly regarded amplifieirs before settling for the E-213 but I am glad that you are now beginning to enjoy music like never before! The E-213 is a wonderful amplifier, with 90 watts (@ 8 ohms) on tap it will easily handle your Avantgarde Duos extremely well! Wonderful speakers, only wish I had the space in my living room for them! With the extra slot at the rear you hvae quite a few options of going for the DAC (highly recommended) or phono (also highly recommended) or even an extra set of line levels (don't think you will need it).

Looks like 2009 will be a wonderful year for you to simply sit back and enjoy your music! Well done!

Best Regards

Ps, if you do get the chance, try the Auditorium 23 SCs!


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Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #213 on: 3 Jan 2009, 05:53 am »
Found a very nice diskussion on deep listening on the PS-audio site.
really interesting weekend listening if you have the time.

Professionals talking about music and what it's all about.


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #214 on: 13 Jan 2009, 03:55 pm »
I have been spending more time with the Accuphase E-450 and find myself listening to music with a whole new perspective! In the past I did enjoy music with some of the equipment I owned but my focus was always on the equipment first, and music was somewhat in second place! With the Accuphase, I find that it is the other way around - music comes first, equipment second! I don't fuss about with the Acuuphase in an effort to try this knob or control, swap cables and the like (which I used to do with my other pieces of equipment). In fact, I often find myself switching off the source (tuner or SB3) but forgetting to switch off the Accuphase! It is such a quiet achiever that one simply forgets it is there! If not for the lights on the dial at night, I would have forgotten many times to switch the Accuphase off. Now, I simply sit back and enjoy the music! I feel pretty sure that my Accuphase E-450 has finally cured my need or urge to upgrade or change equipment. One other difference I have found is that I seem to be less interested in new products that have been released or rave Reviews of other equipment. Contentment has come with the arrival of the Accuphase!

Best Regards


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #215 on: 13 Jan 2009, 06:00 pm »
I'm Sooooooo glad to hear that Denjo! I've been waiting to hear your final Accuphase verdict. It's been a long road for you. Congrats!


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #216 on: 13 Jan 2009, 06:14 pm »
Dennis...glad to hear that you are enjoying your Accuphase I guess it's a keeper then?

Once again, Congrats and a terrific review you did  :thumb:


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #217 on: 13 Jan 2009, 06:32 pm »
Great news! Glad the Accuphase is working out. So you are enjoying its internal DAC as well it seems? What inputs does the DAC card have?



Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #218 on: 13 Jan 2009, 06:37 pm »
One other difference I have found is that I seem to be less interested in new products that have been released or rave Reviews of other equipment.

Isn't it awesome!? Enjoy, my friend!


Re: Search for an Integrated Amplifier
« Reply #219 on: 14 Jan 2009, 01:41 pm »
Hi Rich, Frisco, Pardales and Zero

Yes, indeed the Accuphase E-450 is going to be a permanent fixture in my home!

The internal DAC is also excellent; it has only two digital inputs (one RCA and one Toslink), which suits me fine since my SB3 uses RCA while my Oppo uses Toslink. As for the sound quality of the Accuphase DAC-20, all I can say is it surpasses the B100's internal DAC (musical as the Bryston sounds). There is one particular track from Dan Fogelberg ("The Minstrel") where I can hear a particular percussive instrument much clearer, with better instrumental separation with the Accuphase than with the Bryston.

I often sit at my listening spot and say to myself, I'm sure I can find a fault with the Accuphase but truly I can't! There are only 3 things that I would wish for the Accuphase: (1) light indicator on the volume pot (like the selector switch) so that know at which position my volume pot is; (2) Mute button (it has an attenuator button which drastically reduces the volume but it will not give you total silence!; (3) A remote just like the Bryston's! Apart from these 3 minor forgivable, foibles, the Accuphase is all that I ever wanted in an integrated and musically, it exceeds my expectations.

Thanks guys, I think I will be taking back seat for a while but I will be happy to answer any queries about the Accuphase E-450 particularly and/or Accuphase generally! I will try to be as unbiased as I possibly can.

Best Regards