Interconnect cables

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Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #40 on: 17 Dec 2006, 06:27 pm »
I don't recall Frank VanAlstine ever said that cables doesn't make ANY difference in sound. He's questioning the value of doing so. He doesn't believe that cable make it sound "better", or changing cable is the "right" thing to do. When someone say it's "pointless" to buy expensive cable, it's sometimes a matter of principle, it does not means "ALL cables sound the same". No Frank is not ignorant, he knows what he's talking about, but you don't, because you only read, and you cherry-picking what you read and claim to be an expert and trying to portray moral high ground over others.

Apparently there are lots here that believe just that, including Frank VanAlstine.
Are they ignorant?

« Last Edit: 17 Dec 2006, 07:24 pm by 95bcwh »


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #41 on: 17 Dec 2006, 06:33 pm »
Jesus can't we call it a break for Christmas! Why do egos always swell and turn red when these topics reappear? Live and let live. Some of us hear differences in cables, some don't want to. So what? Hasn't anyone gotten the message that this will NEVER EVER be solved to anyone's satisfaction?


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Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #42 on: 17 Dec 2006, 06:42 pm »

I think everyone is pretty cool about the discussion. boead is the only one who might be getting a little worked up. There is nothing wrong with others presenting their findings in an effort to discuss the topic and perhaps enlighten him to some things that he may not be aware of. And this is not only for his benefit, as there are others who read these types of threads looking for more info on the topic.

In any event, if these threads become tiring, which they can get, you can just skip over them, rather than read them and come in and post your disapproval of the topic everytime you read it somewhere. :roll:



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Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #43 on: 17 Dec 2006, 06:54 pm »
why is it that the people who don't believe cables make a difference never start their own threads about the topic?  they just sit and wait for some newbie to ask a question about cables or someone who has a positive experience with cables so they can muck up the discussion.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #44 on: 17 Dec 2006, 07:18 pm »
I agree with marvda1.
Especially with the apparent indifference that boead has about audio in general, which is fine until he decides to antagonize rather than add value to the discussion.

If audio is not his bag, then why does he even care? :scratch:

I mean, I'm not into "tuning" my car.  My Volvo gets me where I need to go safely and reliably, and I find it enjoyable to drive.  BUT, I don't poke myself into car enthusiast discussion groups telling everyone that they are wacko.  I don't THINK they are wacko, I just don't care, and therefore do not spend any time worrying about it.

I'd suggest that boed take a deep breath and try to relax just a bit.  We're here to share not to fight. (right?)
I don't think that it benefits anyone to antagonize the discussion, and the nature of his first post was the catalyst for this never-ending spiral. :nono:

Can't we all just get along?



Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #45 on: 17 Dec 2006, 07:40 pm »
Point taken. I just don't understand why this makes some people so contentious. In the future I'll skip this topic and keep my opinions and my reactions to myself.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #46 on: 17 Dec 2006, 10:03 pm »

Ah, I get it! You are just pulling our legs.  :duh: :lol: BTW do you actually own those RS Yamaha's? Your credibility? I was talking sarcastically. Your past postings? :icon_lol: Please give me some hard scientific evidence. Is there any? I imagine you don't even know.

No Yamaha speakers for me.


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Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #47 on: 18 Dec 2006, 11:29 am »
 aa :deadhorse:  We don't need no stinkin magic wires, use good speakers and AVA electronics.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #48 on: 18 Dec 2006, 01:15 pm »

had AVA, sold AVA - next!


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #49 on: 18 Dec 2006, 04:38 pm »
Honest questions,  boead.

Why did you sell your AVA gear?   What AVA gear did you have?  What was it about your AVA gear that you didn't like?

I'm just curious.  So if you don't feel like responding here,  feel free to PM me. I would appreciate it.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #50 on: 18 Dec 2006, 08:30 pm »
I did a little research herein and can report that Boead once owned a used T7 SLR preamp that started life as an earlier circuit in our original black aluminum chassis and later updated to an SLR.  Reviewing his posts herein (back to front) for a while makes me think he really liked it for a while, especially after cutting off the power cord, etc.  I have no idea what its original condition was in as it was a private purchase I believe.

I can note that his experience (as far as I can tell) is with a model two major engineering upgrades out of date.  I cannot reference him to our customer data base for any purchases directly from us here.

Merry Christmas to all.

Frank Van Alstine


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #51 on: 18 Dec 2006, 08:31 pm »
I could also note that our current production preamps weigh about 16 pounds or more, they are not going to sneak off the shelf.  :)



Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #52 on: 19 Dec 2006, 02:44 pm »
I did a little research herein and can report that Boead once owned a used T7 SLR preamp that started life as an earlier circuit in our original black aluminum chassis and later updated to an SLR.  Reviewing his posts herein (back to front) for a while makes me think he really liked it for a while, especially after cutting off the power cord, etc.  I have no idea what its original condition was in as it was a private purchase I believe.

I can note that his experience (as far as I can tell) is with a model two major engineering upgrades out of date.  I cannot reference him to our customer data base for any purchases directly from us here.

Merry Christmas to all.

Frank Van Alstine

Correct Frank, I loved the T7. As with any hobby, you get the itch and want to more onto other things and sometimes you come around to something you had before and liked. I’d certainly buy another one of your components but I found something different that I like and am enjoying.

I SO wanted to have my T7 put into a new larger and heavier chassis but it isn’t possible. My one gripe about the T7 was its small and lightweight chassis. For an amp or DAC isn’t doesn’t matter to me but for a preamp it was a problem. The weight of the cables (and I have fairly light-weight cables) overpowered the preamp itself and actually lifted the front of the preamp off the shelf. When I mentioned this some months back, I got a few emails from other owners that said they had the same problem and suggested I put a brick on top of the unit – yeah a brick. Well I didn’t put anything on top of it and just dealt with it.

Buy yeah, the power cord made a difference that was undeniable. I found the imaging to be more transparent, separation of instruments and focus improved and the largest difference was the bass, there was just a deeper, richer bass with some cords. I was actually disappointed with the bass on the unit, although it was better then the Bryston preamp I had earlier, it still wasn’t right. The cords and the tubes I found for the T7 made a dramatic enough difference that I was able to keep it, otherwise I would have sold it weeks after I got it.

BTW: I have a tailored (meaning been modified a few times to my liking) Decware EL84 SET by Eddie Vaughn that is tremendously detailed and revealing, it also has a giant sound stage and is by far one of the best amps I’ve heard. It a difficult amp to own, finding speakers is not easy but when you do there is little that can come close to its fidelity. Everything upstream is revealed, this is why so many Decware SET owners choose not to use a preamp, not because its better without but because most preamps suck regardless of cost and the Decware Select lets you know it loud and clear. You’re better off without then with. Fortunately, the AVA T7 was good enough and actually added fidelity to the system.

Its been said by many that if a power cord or IC makes a big difference then something in your system is wrong. The problem with that logic is that with any cheap(er) audio system (mid Fi) I found that power cords and IC’s make little to no difference yet on High(er) end system they make a big difference. It clear to me that the more revealing the system is, the more impact a cord or IC has on the system.

Oh and BTW: Over at the Steve Hoffman forum which is full of professional sound engineers, they mostly positively and absolutely believe that cords, IC’s and wire make a noticeable and significant difference. From running onto different audio forums I fond that the once that are FULL of skeptics are the once full of novice with inexpensive gear  and non-audiophiles. This is my observation, doesn’t’ prove anything.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #53 on: 19 Dec 2006, 02:49 pm »
I could also note that our current production preamps weigh about 16 pounds or more, they are not going to sneak off the shelf.  :)



For now, I decided to give this small time but highly talked about guy named Peter McAlister in Canada a try. He has some great original (well as original as one can be) designs for tube preamps and amps. So far I like what he built, its been customized to my liking to some degree and I’m pleased.

I’d like to hear AVA’s new all tube preamp and will likely try one some day.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #54 on: 19 Dec 2006, 09:50 pm »
One sees your point: "high end" equipment exposes all sorts of stuff that can get lost on its way downstream.

But what is relevant to this forum, is that on good speakers AVA sounds kick-ass no matter what cables you use. I assume some people here have heard Frank's home setup, or audio show demo, or whatever -- the Full Monty of his product line.  So was it high-end sounding or wasn't it? How much did it leave to be desired?  When something is kick-ass as is, I'm sorry, but you're only left with room for TINY improvements -- not "big" ones.  We're not going to sit here and believe that there's this whole UNIVERSE of detail and realism we're STILL missing, because of some power cord.  Jesus Christ, it already sounds like the people are in my room.  So I'm left to conclude that the differences you call "big" are in fact "small" at best, and that you are making a fetish out of them.

Yes, I believe so contrary to what other believe – such is life, right?

So, my amp kicks-ass on my speakers too regardless what type of wire I use. It just sounds even more kick-ass with better cables and wire.

Tiny improvement? More then that sometimes and the words kick-ass are adjectives that describe YOUR opinion. Someone else might not think its kick-ass at all. They might actually pick it apart and criticize it to death. My friend borrowed my AVA T7 and didn’t like it, he certainly would not say it was kick-ass! His opinion, right?

Your confusing YOUR enthusiasm with this never ending discussion.

In my case, as I’ve said before (above and months ago). With the stock tubes, power cord and a pair of Radio Shack gold IC’s I would NOT have kept the AVA T7, I would have sold it shortly after getting it. It didn’t kick my ass – sorry its how I feel.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #55 on: 19 Dec 2006, 10:20 pm »
boead - are you bipolar?


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #56 on: 19 Dec 2006, 10:35 pm »
boead - are you bipolar?

 :lol: No I was pulling legs earlier. These type of threads are  :deadhorse: I'm just being a dick.


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #57 on: 19 Dec 2006, 10:46 pm »
boead and I have had a little confrontation or two, but don't ask him if he's bipolar, it's a little rude. He's not that bad of a guy, he just has some opinions that have been shaped by his experiences. For the most part this discussion has been mostly civil, gentlemen, but I must say:  :deadhorse:

I only want to suggest if you think you hear a difference with more expensive cables, it's your money. People buy expensive cars and SUV's and I think that's a waste of money.

I agree with many that I would put my money in more efficent bang for the buck things like speakers, amps, preamps and sources.  aa


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Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #58 on: 19 Dec 2006, 11:03 pm »
Aloha!! I bought boead's T7 from boead a few months ago. I'm disappointed to hear that it
was an upgrade from a previous model. I wasn't aware of that. But I didn't get where I am
today by spending a lot of time researching things. Regarding the effect of power cords on
the T7 (or semi-T7) formerly owned by boead, I must agree that the cord makes a difference.
With the IEC connector modification, I was able to try a Belden/Volex cord that I believe
is marketed for use with sewing machines ($7.00, I think -- I bought a few of them from
Newark Electronics a few years ago after reading about them on audioasylum -- I'm very
impressionable/(gullible?)) and also a more expensive Bolder power cord with some kind of
Wattgate something-or-other on it. Inserting the Bolder cord did a number of things: raised
height of images, improved detail, improved highs/airiness, etc. But I was aware of the cord
change. I tend to notice little details like that. So who knows? The Bolder is attached to the
T7 and the Volex is in a Ziploc bag.
Love and hugs to all,
Mike Pittarelli


Re: Interconnect cables
« Reply #59 on: 19 Dec 2006, 11:50 pm »