Overall, I'm thrilled with these speakers. I have 300-350 hours on them at this point, and they are sounding excellent. Detailed, smooth, effortless dynamics, wide and deep soundstage, etc.
I haven't done a lot of placement tweaking yet, but one thing I am not completely satisfied with at this point is the sweet spot width. Compared to the NX-Oticas, the sweet spot seems to be considerably narrower. If I move more than a foot or so from center position, it sounds like I'm only hearing the closer speaker.
Is this inherent to this speaker design, line arrays in general, or is it just a matter of getting the speaker placement optimized? If the latter, any recommendations on where to start.
I moved the speakers a few inches closer together today and this improved the sharpness of the imaging a fair amount but didn't really change the sweet spot much.