So I really didn't feel like cleaning the garage tonight so I could paint the boxes. Instead I decided to "test fit" the drivers til the weekend. Pardon my french, but HOLY SHIT do they sound amazing. Far better response and more clarity than even on my "test bench". I'm crossing over subs at 80hz and running full range to the speakers as everyone has suggested and it blends together so smooth.
I'm glad I test fit the drivers early as I did learn a few things along the way. First, it is highly recommended to begin building your boxes AFTER you receive all your parts. I say this because the holes for the inserts on the tweeter were +/- 1mm or so, but that put a bit of tension on the screws and actually backed out one of the inserts. I'll be able to glue and tap it back in just fine, but that was just something funky that came up. Secondly I learned my wiring for the tweeters was left really long, but to the drivers it is quite short. Assembling the boxes leaving a side exposed would have made measuring wire lengths a lot better. These are all things that are tiny and easily able to work around, just hindsight being 20/20 is all. Also, using speaker grill plugs for mounting a crossover board to the cabinet and using double sided tape to secure crossover components works fantastic. No slippage or movement of any sort, and the crossover board clipped right into place.
In the mean time, I'm enjoying my "test fitting" and I'll get back on garage cleaning in time for getting color on them over the weekend.