OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams

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OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« on: 10 Apr 2017, 06:34 pm »
Hopefully this will come in handy for  folks wiring their H/W frame cabinets. Seems to be a need for a reference in regards to wiring the different layouts so figured I'd do a quick write up for each (maybe worth a sticky Danny ? )

In all these configurations, forward  woofers  are wired in phase, rearward woofers are wired out of phase.   
In all cases, driver coils are wired in parallel,  servo  coils are wired in series.

For dialing in your subs once you've got them wired, here is a handy drawing  done by @THROWBACK that will help you keep a  record of your settings.

Here is the wiring color coding for the different servo amps:

Black: -
Large pair for driver coil, small pair  for servo coil

Black: +
Yellow: -
Due to the HX300's compact size, the wiring had to be small and flexible. IIf not careful, it can be difficult to differentiate between the driver / servo pairs so the  driver pair has been  wrapped with a black  heat shrink.

The HX800 has 2 seperate sets of driver/servo outputs.
Black: +
Yellow: -

Red: +
Black: -
For both sets, large wires to driver coils, small wires to servo coils.

Find  the example below that matches the layout you're building and follow  the  step by step instructions, I'll add some  basic diagrams at some point but  the  instructions should be easy to follow.

DUALS WITH  OPPOSED WOOFER (one forward, one  backward)

Driver Coils
Big red lead from  A370 to lower (backward) woofer - driver coil, then from there to upper (forward) woofer + driver coil.
Big black lead from amp to  lower (backward) woofer + driver coil, then from there to  upper (forward) woofer - driver coil.
Driver coil wiring done.

Servo Coils
Small red wire from amp to  lower  (backward) woofer - servo coil.
Run a wire from the lower (backward) woofer + servo coil  to the  upper (forward) woofer + servo coil
Finally, run the  small black wire from the amp to the upper (forward)  woofer - servo coil.
Servo coils  done.


Driver Coils
Big red lead from  A370 to lower woofer + driver coil, then from there to upper woofer + driver coil.
Big black lead from amp to  lower  woofer - driver coil, then from there to  upper woofer - driver coil.
Driver coil wiring done.

Servo Coils
Small red wire from amp to  lower  woofer + servo coil
Run a wire from the lower woofer - servo coil  to the upper woofer + servo coil
Finally, run the  small black wire from the amp to the upper  woofer - servo coil.
Servo coils  done.


Driver Coils
Big red lead from  A370 to lower (forward) woofer ) +  driver coil , then from there to middle (backward) woofer - driver coil, then on to  upper (forward) woofer + driver coil.
Big black lead from amp to  lower  (forward) woofer - driver coil, then from there to  middle (backward) woofer ) + driver coil.  and finally to  upper (forward) woofer - driver coil.
Driver coil wiring done.

Servo Coils
Small red wire from amp to  lower (forward) woofer + servo coil.
Run a wire from the lower (forward0 woofer - servo coil  to the middle (backward) woofer - servo coil.
Run a wire from  middle (forward) woofer + servo coil to upper (forward) woofer + servo coil.
Finally, run the  small black wire from the amp to the upper  woofer - servo coil.
Servo coils  done.


Driver Coils
Big red lead from  A370 to lower woofer  +  driver coil, then from there to middle woofer  + driver coil, then on to  upper woofer + driver coil.
Big black lead from amp to  lower  woofer  - driver coil, then from there to  middle woofer - driver coil.  and finally to  upper woofer - driver coil.
Driver coil wiring done.

Servo Coils
Small red wire from amp to  lower  woofer + servo coil
Run a wire from the lower woofer - servo coil  to the middle woofer + servo coil.
Run a wire from  middle woofer - servo coil to upper woofer  + servo coil.
Finally, run the  small black wire from the amp to the upper  woofer - servo coil.
Servo coils  done.

Use either  the  dual seups above  for bottom2 and top 2 woofers of  quads or,   the triple examples above for  bottom 3 and top  3 woofers of  6 stacks.. 
The bottom 2/3 woofers are powered by one A370PEQ or one of the HX800 modules, the top 2/3 woofers  are powered by another  A370PEQ or the  2nd module of the HX800.

Use the  4 pole connectors available from Danny to  connect the  amps to the  4 wires coming from the cabinets.

« Last Edit: 1 Apr 2020, 09:36 pm by Captainhemo »


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring
« Reply #1 on: 10 Apr 2017, 08:02 pm »
Great post Jay! :thumb:  I agree it should be a sticky.



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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring
« Reply #2 on: 10 Apr 2017, 08:21 pm »
Thanks for the clarification, Jay.  I certainly expect to refer to this in the coming month as I start my servo-sub build.  Great idea!


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring
« Reply #3 on: 10 Apr 2017, 08:37 pm »
If you're going to sticky it, might as well correct the misspellings.  A simple spell check will easily find all of the ciol, coill, cooil, wooffer, fiannly, fainally, fromm and others.  Visual proofing will be necessary to catch a few others not caught by spell check, such as double words (coming coming), etc.


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring
« Reply #4 on: 10 Apr 2017, 10:25 pm »
If you're going to sticky it, might as well correct the misspellings.  A simple spell check will easily find all of the ciol, coill, cooil, wooffer, fiannly, fainally, fromm and others.  Visual proofing will be necessary to catch a few others not caught by spell check, such as double words (coming coming), etc.

sorry  man, should be better 


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info
« Reply #5 on: 14 Apr 2017, 08:21 pm »
Excellent guide Jay, thanks for adding the pics, I am certain this will help many builders out. :thumb: :thumb:



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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info
« Reply #6 on: 14 Apr 2017, 09:52 pm »
Very Very nice Jay, it is very kind of you to spend the time to do this for people. It can be very difficult to find the information in all of the threads. I bet a lot of people will be really happy to have access to this and I too think it should be a sticky.

I had to ask for someone to point me to where the diagram was because one wasn't included in the kit. Maybe Danny can use this to send out with all of his Servo Sub sales.

Thanks Jay :thumb:


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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info
« Reply #7 on: 15 Apr 2017, 01:05 am »
Great info. Thanks for taking the time to post.

Recommend to also add a reference to the HX 300 amps which use black and yellow wire.
« Last Edit: 20 Apr 2017, 03:36 am by Odal3 »


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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info
« Reply #8 on: 15 Apr 2017, 01:23 am »
If I remember correctly, on the HX300 the black is the hot wire (same as red on A370 amps).


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info
« Reply #9 on: 15 Apr 2017, 01:32 am »
Thanks  Greg, I'll get the last  diagram done soon as well.
Mike / Odal3,  I'll have to double check  that... I do know on the hx800's  one set  of  leads is color coded one way,  the other is  reversed   (black is neg  then   on the other set (other mono)  it's different :scratch:

Ok,  last  wiring diagram  posted .
Also got the  wire color coding for the different amps from Brian (Rythmik) and added to the original post.

« Last Edit: 17 Apr 2017, 05:15 pm by Captainhemo »


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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #10 on: 20 Apr 2017, 03:37 am »
Jay - Many thanks for confirming. Now I need to double check how I wired them up  :D


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #11 on: 5 Jul 2017, 09:28 pm »
Jay, thanks again for putting this info together, I used it when wiring up my current project and it got me there correctly first shot, much appreciated.

I knew to look for this thread because I knew it existed, this thread should be made a sticky.



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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #12 on: 5 Jul 2017, 09:48 pm »
Jay, thanks again for putting this info together, I used it when wiring up my current project and it got me there correctly first shot, much appreciated.

I knew to look for this thread because I knew it existed, this thread should be made a sticky.



If you get these wired up incorrectly, either the servo coils or the driver coils, you will not get good results. If the driver coils are wrong you won't have much volume. If the servo coils are wrong the drivers can bottom out and/or the bass can be loose, flabby, or otherwise undesirable.



Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #13 on: 6 Jul 2017, 01:46 am »
Glad  it helped Ed   :thumb:



Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #14 on: 1 Apr 2020, 05:21 pm »


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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #15 on: 1 Apr 2020, 05:32 pm »

Can you make this a sticky so it is easy to find?




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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #16 on: 1 Apr 2020, 07:56 pm »
Thanks for this. I will definitely need it when I start assembling my triple OB sub.
It will be placed horizontally between the two front speakers, about half way between the listening position and the front wall...4ft each way. (it's literally the only place it can go).
Is there any benefit to going with 3 front facing woofers vs Front-Back-Front configuration?


Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #17 on: 1 Apr 2020, 08:25 pm »
Mike,  yeah,  I bumped it  as I get  asked  for help  with these  all the time and usually end  up referring  them  to  these schematics/step by step write ups  I did   way back.

Metfit77@g,    driver orientation   really  dosn't change the sound  quality... I've heard  arguments   for both options.    Probably  sending out about 98% of  kits  with all woofers facing forward.   Just  be sure to pay attention to the wiring differences



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Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #18 on: 1 Apr 2020, 10:07 pm »
Thank you very much. This is one of my up coming projects and this will sure help out.

Danny Richie

Re: OB H/W Frame Wiring Info / Diagrams
« Reply #19 on: 5 Apr 2020, 04:34 pm »
I don't have the ability to sticky someone else's post. I'll have to copy it and re-post it.