New DHT Line Stage

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Vinnie R.

Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #220 on: 20 Jul 2016, 12:51 am »
I'm surprised there aren't many reviews from DHT owners.  They really must be listening a lot.  I'll take that as a good sign for things to come.   :lol:

Good news - we have NUDE RVC resistors and are building away.  A few more will be shipping this week.

jtwrace, I should be able to ship your new LIO DHT by the end of next week.

Thanks for all your patience,



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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #221 on: 20 Jul 2016, 12:53 am »
Good news - we have NUDE RVC resistors and are building away.  A few more will be shipping this week.

jtwrace, I should be able to ship your new LIO DHT by the end of next week.

Thanks for all your patience,

Great news on all fronts!   :hyper:


Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #222 on: 22 Jul 2016, 04:55 pm »

The manual provides specific instructions on how to power up the new DHT configuration initially and connect cables, as well as to power up/down via the remote or front panel, NOT using the new DHT power supply switch, which would restart the pre-charge.

Unfortunately, where I live, we sometimes have an annoying number of short power glitches (think a couple seconds or so) and sometimes extended outages (think hours). The other situation is when I travel for an extended period and just want to power everything down and maybe even unplug it from the wall in case of lightning surges.

If I'm willing to go through the pre-charge cycle, is it ok to use the power supply switch, with the 2 cables already connected, to shut everything down and bring it up again? It seems logical that's ok, but I see the in-rush caution in the manual section 5-3 which states: "When connecting the LIO DHT Power Supply to your LIO that is not charged, you will first need to turn the power supply ON and then plug in the two cables to the LIO. Otherwise, the LIO DHT Power Supply's in-rush protection might activeate and shut off power to the output cable." Is retained charge enough to mitigate in-rush concerns in these situations where the cables are already connected?

Vinnie R.

Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #223 on: 22 Jul 2016, 05:11 pm »

The manual provides specific instructions on how to power up the new DHT configuration initially and connect cables, as well as to power up/down via the remote or front panel, NOT using the new DHT power supply switch, which would restart the pre-charge.

Unfortunately, where I live, we sometimes have an annoying number of short power glitches (think a couple seconds or so) and sometimes extended outages (think hours). The other situation is when I travel for an extended period and just want to power everything down and maybe even unplug it from the wall in case of lightning surges.

If I'm willing to go through the pre-charge cycle, is it ok to use the power supply switch, with the 2 cables already connected, to shut everything down and bring it up again? It seems logical that's ok, but I see the in-rush caution in the manual section 5-3 which states: "When connecting the LIO DHT Power Supply to your LIO that is not charged, you will first need to turn the power supply ON and then plug in the two cables to the LIO. Otherwise, the LIO DHT Power Supply's in-rush protection might activeate and shut off power to the output cable." Is retained charge enough to mitigate in-rush concerns in these situations where the cables are already connected?

Hi TomS,

Yes - that should be fine.  The high in-rush happens when the cap banks are discharged and you initially
apply power.



Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #224 on: 22 Jul 2016, 05:25 pm »
Hi TomS,

Yes - that should be fine.  The high in-rush happens when the cap banks are discharged and you initially
apply power.

Thanks, so if I unplug it for a week while I'm gone, do I need to pull the 2 cables first, just in case?

Vinnie R.

Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #225 on: 22 Jul 2016, 05:55 pm »
Thanks, so if I unplug it for a week while I'm gone, do I need to pull the 2 cables first, just in case?

You dont have to, but you will probably need
to unplug the 24V LIO PWR cable before you turn
on your DHT Supply again, then plug it into LIO
to begin the precharge.


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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #226 on: 22 Jul 2016, 05:57 pm »
This is good info.  Time for a Rev of the manual.   :lol:


Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #227 on: 22 Jul 2016, 06:31 pm »
OK. I think I get it... It "OK" to do but we might not want to all the time??
 I turned off the DHT PS via the switch on its front, due to a bad coming storm. I then just turned it on via the PS front switch. then powered on the LIO shortly there after when I was ready to listen.


Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #228 on: 22 Jul 2016, 07:11 pm »
Yeah, our power is so flaky, it worries me a bit. I've thought about just putting a generic 1000w UPS on it for those glitches, but I'm not too keen on having that ahead of the filament PS.

I've had the DHT for a few days now, unfortunately couldn't get much listening time this week, but it's obviously special from the first note. I haven't found the right words yet, other than to say it sounds ridiculously good. I understand more now what people mean by "fleshed out", which seemed an odd description to me before. It doesn't sound tooby at all, rather just right, very natural, transparent, and just really engages you in listening to music, not the gear. I'm using the stock EH 2A3's which seem perfectly fine if you don't want to chase tubes.

Also, I raised the gain of the phono section, which already has 1:20 transformers, to almost 70db for my Miyajima Kansui cartridge. With that much gain it ought to pick up some noise with the DHT, but it really is very quiet, no complaints. I was pleasantly surprised by that. The DHT with a good vinyl setup is hard to beat, so I know why Vinnie leans on it for shows. Good stuff  :green:


Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #229 on: 22 Jul 2016, 07:52 pm »
 I agree, TomS. And funny, I had a similar wording realization. I said to myself, I now know what people mean by the word "full." It is such a full and complete musical picture. But Fleshed out is even better. This must be due to the DHT's providing all the harmonics there are.


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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #230 on: 25 Jul 2016, 01:38 am »
I have the stock tubes in my DHT, but I don't see any "tube glow." Is this because of the low power applied to the tubes?



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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #231 on: 25 Jul 2016, 01:45 am »
I wouldn't worry about it if you are getting sound.  I suppose you could always use a volt meter to see what the filaments are cooking at?  The two large pins are the filament pins.


Vinnie R.

Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #232 on: 25 Jul 2016, 01:52 am »
I have the stock tubes in my DHT, but I don't see any "tube glow." Is this because of the low power applied to the tubes?


Hi Ken,

The stock 2A3 (and most 2A3 tubes in general) do not have much of a glow.  They are not like the thoriated tungsten filaments (e.g. SV811) that glow brightly.  You can see it in a dark room if you are near the tube, but even in a dark room you won't see
the glow across the room.

It has nothing to do with power or with them being used in the linestage (they are still drawing the same filament current in the linestage as they would in a power output stage).  It only has to do with the design of the tube's filament.

Yeah, our power is so flaky, it worries me a bit. I've thought about just putting a generic 1000w UPS on it for those glitches, but I'm not too keen on having that ahead of the filament PS.

Hi TomS / jriggy,

If this is just to handle brown-outs and small black outs, then a 1000W UPS will be fine.  But I highly recommend one that
is a "pure sine wave" type (not a "modified sine wave" type) of inverter.   

Thanks for your feedback so far!

This is good info.  Time for a Rev of the manual.   :lol:

Hi jtwrace,

It's already covered in the manual Section 5-3.   :wink:



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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #233 on: 25 Jul 2016, 01:59 am »
I wouldn't worry about it if you are getting sound.  I suppose you could always use a volt meter to see what the filaments are cooking at?  The two large pins are the filament pins.


Oh, I'm getting sound alright. And, it's wonderful!


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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #234 on: 26 Jul 2016, 02:40 am »
I was previously using my LIO with the AVC/Tubestage (with Telefunken E188CC tubes) and MOSFET amp module. After replacing the AVC/Tubestage with the DHT Linestage (using the stock EH 2A3 tubes), I've burned in the tubes for approximately 75 hours . . . not sure they are completely burned in, but they have improved noticeably since new.

I found time for my first couple of (too brief) critical listening sessions this weekend and thought I'd post some initial impressions of the LIO with DHT Line Stage. I struggle to find the right words to describe the improvements this upgrade has made . . . partly because I'm still getting acquainted with it, and partly because I don't really enjoy listening analytically. I prefer to experience and be immersed in the music, rather than try to dissect it and rationally explain my experience. I think tapping toes, goosebumps and big ole smiles are pretty good indicators of the ability of audio hardware to connect the listener to the musical experience.

So, here are a few impressions, some based on feeling, and a few that address specific sonic qualities. With the DHT Line Stage:
-  More tapping toes, goosebumps, smiles and spontaneous "oh yeahs!"
-  A more convincing illusion of live music
-  A larger soundstage with more precise, tangible placement of voices and instruments that exist as separate elements in 3D . . . individual elements seem to be more "rounded" and suspended on a cushion of air
-  Better integration of sonic details in the musical whole . . . not more detailed, but "feels" more whole or organic. It occurred to me while listening to vocals (Eilen Jewell's "Sante Fe", Jacintha's "God Bless the Child", Hans Thessink and Terry Evans  "Delta Time") that, in addition to hearing the vocal chords and mouth sounds, I could hear the back of the singer's throat and chest more distinctly . . . maybe because sibilance was not over-emphasized (and maybe even slightly diminished?), but the delicate, filigreed higher frequency details were better integrated with the midrange. OK, I guess that's getting analytical, but the effect was natural, pure, fleshed out and human. I could hear the wood in drum sticks, fingers moving on guitar and bass strings, and other details more "completely" . . . but not hyper detailed or sibilant, just a natural part of the whole.

Not sure any of the above makes a lot of sense to others, as you sorta had to be there. I was, and with the DHT, it was much easier to just be in the moment and connect with the music. Highly recommended!
« Last Edit: 20 Oct 2016, 01:01 pm by Timbana »

Vinnie R.

Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #235 on: 28 Jul 2016, 01:45 pm »
Hi Timbana,

Thank you for posting your initial LIO DHT PRE impressions!  I feel you summed up the essence of what it
means for the music and your listening experience.  :singing:


There have been some more delays, but we finally have all the parts and are building away to complete the pre-orders. 

- One of the delays has been that for a few DHT PRE customers so far, they have experienced a problem where one tube would not get filament power at turn ON.  It turns out one of the SPVR filament regulators would fail (either L or R channel), and I have been chasing this issue intensely throughout this entire week and finally have it figured out:

It has to do with the very high in-rush current when powering a cold tube and how the SPVR control board responds to seeing nearly a short-circuit (cold tube filament) at turn ON.  So we are now using ICL (in rush current limiter) devices in series with the filaments and this seems to take care of the issue.

If you already received your DHT PRE and have not experienced this issue, that's fine...  You may never have a problem (my original DHT PRE module has been used nearly every day since before AXPONA and never has had a problem).  But *if* it does happen, the fix it easy enough.  You would just need to send your DHT PRE module (only the module) to me to replace the regulator and install the ICL devices.  Your DHT PRE is warrantied for 10 years, and the fix does not take long, so NO WORRIES!  :thumb:   If you plan on going on a vacation or will be planning a business trip and will be away, you can schedule to send it to me for the update.  Going forward, all DHT PREs will have this protection installed.

- I'll be working both days this weekend to catch up on orders, and will be shipping at least 10 more DHT PRE orders throughout next week.  And there are some more to ship after that!  :o

- One of them will be going to Srajan Ebaen of for review. 
His preview has been live for quite some time, so I'm glad to finally be able to send him a kit for review and am thankful for all his patience:

- There has been some delay in the DHT PRE Tube Tour, but it is going to be picking up and will be running full steam ahead.
Thanks again to Zybar for running this tour!

- Thank you for all your feedback on the new VR website!  I believe most of the bugs are taken care of and it is running smoothly.

- I have more to post on this forum (and more very exciting things for LIO are in the works!), but this really has been the busiest summer for me and I haven't had nearly as much time to post on the forum.  Throughout August, I should be getting mostly caught up!

Once again, I want to thank everyone for all your patience, support, and enthusiasm for LIO DHT PRE.  As those who have received theirs can attest, it will be well-worth the wait and will positively change your listening experience in so many ways!  It has become very difficult for me not to listen for at least a little while at night before I get ready for bed.  It has that kind of addictive quality!  :drool:

More soon...



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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #236 on: 28 Jul 2016, 01:58 pm »
Great news all around Vinnie!   :thumb:

DHT LIO  :hyper:


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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #237 on: 29 Jul 2016, 01:52 pm »
Thanks Vinnie for the update and your extra work!  :thankyou:



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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #238 on: 31 Jul 2016, 12:10 am »
I'll say more about the DHT later but. It is awesome ... Now. I have had it for a month tweaking this and that but never getting it quite right until I put blue jean 6a cable from PC to router and today from router to uRendu -> DHT usb input. And when I did holy crap what a sound. All the little roughness  I heard was due to a non optimum Ethernet cable. The depth,the hall sound, the timbre, the voices, violins and woodwinds are perfect. I cannot thank Vinnie enough for bringing such wonderful music into my life.  Yes I thank John Swenson for the uRendu and for the great advice on Ethernet cables. Blue jean gets an attaboy too. More analytic description of the sound will be forth coming.


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Re: New DHT Line Stage
« Reply #239 on: 31 Jul 2016, 12:32 am »
I'll say more about the DHT later but. It is awesome ... Now. I have had it for a month tweaking this and that but never getting it quite right until I put blue jean 6a cable from PC to router and today from router to uRendu -> DHT usb input. And when I did holy crap what a sound. All the little roughness  I heard was due to a non optimum Ethernet cable. The depth,the hall sound, the timbre, the voices, violins and woodwinds are perfect. I cannot thank Vinnie enough for bringing such wonderful music into my life.  Yes I thank John Swenson for the uRendu and for the great advice on Ethernet cables. Blue jean gets an attaboy too. More analytic description of the sound will be forth coming.

I second the recommendation for the Blue Jean 6A cable. I use them throughout my whole music and video server system.