IDA-8 ($995) features and spec

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John Casler

Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #60 on: 11 Jul 2015, 07:34 pm »

Well I hate to say WOW!, but WOW!

Just quickly hooked this unit up to begin the burn in and it is immediately impressive.

First it is MUCH HEAVIER than expected.  This is ONE SOLID unit.

Fit, finish and build is excellent.  Even the binding posts stand out.

Now, this is NOT going in a real HIGH END system so I was not expecting miracles.

I had had the NuFORCE HAP-100 and the ST-100 powering it to this point and knew what it sounded like and its supposed limitations.  This is with some rather inexpensive EPISODE 700 $600 pr Stand Mount Speakers I use for Office/Bedroom/Small HT Systems.

Set up was just seconds and the immediate LEAP in sound quality was "in your face" there.

Depth, Soundstage, Tone, Richness, and imaging were all RIGHT NOW better by a huge degree.  Even without what one might consider High End Speakers, I was hearing High End Sound.

These improvements were entirely using the BlueTooth dongle so, after burn-in I'll run a CDP directly into the DAC and see where we are.  :thumb:


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #61 on: 11 Jul 2015, 08:23 pm »
Hi, John.

Thanks for the initial impression. I'm definitely looking forward to mine before too long. I'm going to use it to power a pair of really nice mini-monitors.



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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #62 on: 12 Jul 2015, 01:11 am »
I fired mine up yesterday, and I am super happy with the sound. Small package but heavy! Spartan looks. I used Audirvana from a Mac mini as source. Speakers are Avalon Arcus. This amp has more than enough power to make them sing in a medium sized room. Soundstage and depth are phenomenal out of the box. Drums, vocals, bass...all excellent. The built-in DAC is very high quality. I also used the iphone 6 to try the bluetooth connection, it worked seamlessly. I am completely sold! IDA-8 is replacing my tube pre+SS power amp combo and DAC. One big hurray for NuPrime designers!


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #63 on: 12 Jul 2015, 07:39 pm »
I'll receive mine tomorrow. It will drive a pair of Magnat 1009S with a Nuc/Daphile . Just want to compare it with the Audiobyte Black Dragon and Hydra Z on a ClassDaudio SDS 470.


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #64 on: 13 Jul 2015, 02:35 pm »
 How does the IDA-8 sound compare with the Ref9SEv3 amps?I am thinking of getting a second set up and considering the IDA-8.

John Casler

Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #65 on: 13 Jul 2015, 02:52 pm »
How does the IDA-8 sound compare with the Ref9SEv3 amps?I am thinking of getting a second set up and considering the IDA-8.

Although, I doubt that anyone has done a direct comparison, some may be coming from the REF 9 to the IDA-8.

The REF 9 are hard to beat sound quality wise, and are among some of the best amps you can get. (especially the v3 SE versions)

That said, I do think you would hear a difference and that would be due to three primary elements:

1) The REF 9 is more powerful (335wpc vs 100wpc) and has 2 (one in each monoblock) power supplies

2) The IDA-8 has even order harmonics which are the harmonics which tube lovers find entrancing.

3) I think the IDA-8 also has a higher S/N ratio, so that might also be a player.

Which would sound better is likely going to be a personal choice (unless you have a large room and lower efficiency speakers that require the power)

I might submit, that one might like "both" sonics and find neither off putting, or better than the other.

I used to use a Son of AMPZILLA, which also had "tube like" sonic qualities, and REF 9 v3 SE monoblocs.  While I slightly preferred the REF 9 clarity, I liked both sonics and found fault with neither.


Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #66 on: 13 Jul 2015, 03:00 pm »
While on the topic - would the brand new '10' series Dac and Amp then be a better performer than the IDA-8?


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #67 on: 13 Jul 2015, 03:11 pm »
Got mine this morning and would love to have an opinion, but the amp module is DOA.


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #68 on: 13 Jul 2015, 04:07 pm »
jackd - Did you set the power button on the bottom to US voltage?  Did you switch the power toggle next to the power cord inlet?  If you are getting a blue light in the front, this indicates standby mode. Good luck.


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #69 on: 13 Jul 2015, 04:54 pm »
Preamp section seems to function fine.  Amps section squealed when powered on and now just clicks.  Yes to both questions. 

John Casler

Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #70 on: 13 Jul 2015, 06:15 pm »
While on the topic - would the brand new '10' series Dac and Amp then be a better performer than the IDA-8?

While the IDA-8 is an over achieving performer, it will not be as good as the DAC-10 and ST-10 combo.

It's strength and value, lies in its "price/performance", but the same applies to the DAC-10 and ST-10.  Recently reviewed in Absolute Sound and praised quite highly.

That said, you could easily call the IDA-8 HIGH END sonically, but not in price.

John Casler

Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #71 on: 13 Jul 2015, 06:17 pm »
Got mine this morning and would love to have an opinion, but the amp module is DOA.

Contact your dealer, and DOAs are replaced, not repaired.

I would suspect rough handling/flat drops, in shipping might cause such a failure.


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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #72 on: 13 Jul 2015, 06:23 pm »
Already taken care of John. Another unit on the way from Indiana.

John Casler

Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #73 on: 13 Jul 2015, 06:42 pm »
Already taken care of John. Another unit on the way from Indiana.



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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #74 on: 13 Jul 2015, 10:14 pm »
I've been looking for an all-in-one digital amp for a a few months to power my Nola Boxers. Been looking at Wyred4Sound mINT, Bel Canto c5i, Peachtree 125SE, & Quad Veno. Was close to getting either the mINT or 125SE until someone mentioned Nuprime on Facebook which I had not heard of. I ran across this thread today and ya'll got me so excited about the IDA-8 I went ahead and bought one, thanks!

Any idea how it would stack up against those other units?


Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #75 on: 15 Jul 2015, 04:17 pm »
Seriously nothing else can compared to IDA-8 at this price.  We are so confident that if you find another brand and decided to buy it either by comparing the two or within two months, we will give you the refund.
It will become clear when those people who received them started to provide feedback.  We sold more than 200 units worldwide within two weeks.
So far all went out without incident except one guy who reported that the amp module is DOA, but we haven't had the chance to take a look. It could be due to shipping where something become lose.



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Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #76 on: 16 Jul 2015, 02:28 am »
Glad to see you on here, I'm the one who made the suggestion for the IDA-8 on Facebook.

I've been looking for an all-in-one digital amp for a a few months to power my Nola Boxers. Been looking at Wyred4Sound mINT, Bel Canto c5i, Peachtree 125SE, & Quad Veno. Was close to getting either the mINT or 125SE until someone mentioned Nuprime on Facebook which I had not heard of. I ran across this thread today and ya'll got me so excited about the IDA-8 I went ahead and bought one, thanks!

Any idea how it would stack up against those other units?


Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #77 on: 16 Jul 2015, 09:13 pm »
Do you have a lot of fans on Facebook? What is your Facebook ID? I will like to be your Facebook friend :)

John Casler

Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #78 on: 16 Jul 2015, 10:55 pm »

Well I hate to say WOW!, but WOW!

Just quickly hooked this unit up to begin the burn in and it is immediately impressive.

First it is MUCH HEAVIER than expected.  This is ONE SOLID unit.

Fit, finish and build is excellent.  Even the binding posts stand out.

Now, this is NOT going in a real HIGH END system so I was not expecting miracles.

I had had the NuFORCE HAP-100 and the ST-100 powering it to this point and knew what it sounded like and its supposed limitations.  This is with some rather inexpensive EPISODE 700 $600 pr Stand Mount Speakers I use for Office/Bedroom/Small HT Systems.

Set up was just seconds and the immediate LEAP in sound quality was "in your face" there.

Depth, Soundstage, Tone, Richness, and imaging were all RIGHT NOW better by a huge degree.  Even without what one might consider High End Speakers, I was hearing High End Sound.

These improvements were entirely using the BlueTooth dongle so, after burn-in I'll run a CDP directly into the DAC and see where we are.  :thumb:

As a follow up on my IDA-8 evaluation (I think everyone knows I am also a NuPRIME Dealer so just to disclose)

Well, after a lot of burn-in and Bluetooth use, I finally got a chance to connect a Denon Transport to the Coax Digital input to do some CD listening (16/44)

In assessing a set up one needs to realize that NO set up should make EVERYTHING sound good, since that would be "sugaring" the sound, which is a distortion.  That is, a great component will allow you to hear differences in recordings and files rather than all sounding the same, since these differences exist in the recordings.

A good component will also allow you to hear differences in your various components, set up, and room.

The point being, that I found these elements quite clear in the IDA-8.

After listening casually for the burn-in, and enjoying things like tonality, and spatiality, I got the chance to pop a CD on the transport, and hear some CD resolution cuts. 

Well, as expected the IDA-8 was quite the performer.  I very quickly discovered that I needed to adjust the speakers a bit to cure a couple small issues, that were NOW quite clear, but not as evident earlier.

I listened to a "mix-CD" that a friend had sent me to celebrate his 64th birthday.  You know old reflective tunes like "When I'm 64" by the Beatles, and "Old Man" by Neil Young.  Not stuff I listen to daily, but good enough show me that I needed to move speakers a bit and get my listening position just right.

Reminded me that early Beatles Stereo had the singers out of one speaker and most of the music out of the other.

Then I got into some more modern recordings and Elton John, Joni Mitchell, Jerry Garcia, Cat Stevens, and other artists had a strong center image.

The sound was pretty good and in some cases REALLY good, and that made me see (hear) how the recordings themselves, on a good system, will determine the quality of sound you hear.

Then I wanted to hear some of my Reference Recordings.  These are recordings, I have heard hundreds of times on hundreds of systems, so I know what they sound like, and or SHOULD sound like.  Cuts like "Keith Don't Go" by Nils Lofgren, and the Bass Solo Cut that is the Preamble to Amazing Grace, on the Live Bela Fleck CD played by Victor Wooten, as well as others.

These have harmonics, tonality, liveliness (as in LIVE RECORDING), soundstaging, imaging and many other qualities that tell you if your gear is giving you "all" the music.

I was pleasantly surprised at just how much of the Reference Tracks I was able to hear on such a modest system (under $1600 retail)  The Speakers were clearly the "weak point" so, you who have really good Monitors, are likely in for some really High Performance Listening Sessions.

Of particular note, was the ability of the IDA-8 to resolve and separate instruments, and their subtle detail.  Many, even high end amps congeal the sound into a mess of sonic soup, especially when pushed, and even with these modest speakers, the separation, deliniation, detail, and imaging was really UP THERE.  :thumb:

Also of note, was the BASS quality and quantity.  On the Victor Wooten cut, there are many runs, dynamic passages, and harmonic overtones, that some systems just gloss over.  I was happy to hear the foundation and detail of all those qualities.   :D

Early on in this amps Heritage these qualities were quite evident, and they are not only still there, but better than ever in this latest model.

Happy to say, this is a Home Run for NuPRIME.


Re: IDA-8 ($995) features and spec
« Reply #79 on: 19 Jul 2015, 07:31 am »
By utilizing discrete components in NuPrime’s ULCAM circuit, the signal can be fine tuned to reduce noise and provide maximum power.

So, unlike the HAP 100 that uses IC chips?  The IDA-8's preamp section is discrete? 

This may turn out to be just what I had been looking for.  That took me by surprise.