Part 3 of A Headphone Journey - The Quintessential Audio Solipsism

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They will be comfortable for sure...its amazing on how light they are .......

Compared to the LCD's these seem like featherweight cans..

Looking forward to your impressions!!


I'll definitely give them a proper eval...I have my Meier amp waiting for their arrival :) 


Just confirmed that my Qs have touched down and are waiting for me on my door step....I leave work around 830pm so hope to have them fired up by about 930. Will post impressions before I hit the sack later tonight.


Okay, so no impressions of how they sound, which is the most important thing, but I'm honestly very disappointed in build quality and a tad disappointed in comfort. Again, this is NOT the most important thing, so impressions on their sound will come later. But the foam ear pads are super stiff...I've heard that they soften up over time so I really hope that's true. The two cables are a nice touch and they seem to be well constructed with solid connectors, but the headphones themselves feel like a toy. I always baby my gear and so I NEVER have durability issues, but I'm shocked that this was once a nearly $500 headphone. The overall look is quite nice, but once you pick them up and handle them, they just feel very cheap to me. The Beyer DT880s have a much better build quality, IMO, and the initial comfort was also significantly better. The 880s didn't quite do it for me sonically, though, so hopefully these will be a step up.

So anyway, so far I give them low marks, but that could all change with some head time. I'll get the Meier fired up here shortly and report back.


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Okay, so no impressions of how they sound, which is the most important thing, but I'm honestly very disappointed in build quality and a tad disappointed in comfort. Again, this is NOT the most important thing, so impressions on their sound will come later. But the foam ear pads are super stiff...I've heard that they soften up over time so I really hope that's true. The two cables are a nice touch and they seem to be well constructed with solid connectors, but the headphones themselves feel like a toy. I always baby my gear and so I NEVER have durability issues, but I'm shocked that this was once a nearly $500 headphone. The overall look is quite nice, but once you pick them up and handle them, they just feel very cheap to me. The Beyer DT880s have a much better build quality, IMO, and the initial comfort was also significantly better. The 880s didn't quite do it for me sonically, though, so hopefully these will be a step up.

So anyway, so far I give them low marks, but that could all change with some head time. I'll get the Meier fired up here shortly and report back.

First impressions are important. Sorry yours was disappointing.


Akgs take notorious long to break in - 300 to 500 hours of breaking in ...
Foam has to break in too ... Though I have to agree that beyers make some of the most comfortable phones ...

Put some complex music or break-in track on repeat and come back after a week  :duh:
And no I am not exaggerating  :nono:


First impressions are important. Sorry yours was disappointing.

I definitely am disappointed with the build, but so far I have two positive things to report: The bass is tight and crisp, even though it doesn't have extension. That's right up my alley. I sent my Sennheiser 518s to a guy in Hawaii since the bass was boomy as all hell and it was like wearing heaters on my ears. So far I like the bass. Secondly, the sound stage is nice. I need to listen more, but the sound is definitely more diffuse and it's allowing the music to breathe....that's a good thing. Only source I'm using right now is my DirecTV channels, so haven't even gotten to a quality source yet.

I can live with the build if these things deliver sonically....but honestly, when you hold these in your hands along side the LCDs, isn't the difference in build just shocking?? I know it's two different price points, but both of my Beyer headphpones - the 880s and 1350s - were less expensive and build much better. You have some of the most beautiful headphones ever must be quite the contrast lol.


Akgs take notorious long to break in - 300 to 500 hours of breaking in ...
Foam has to break in too ... Though I have to agree that beyers make some of the most comfortable phones ...

Put some complex music or break-in track on repeat and come back after a week  :duh:
And no I am not exaggerating  :nono:

Okay, I'll definitely be mindful of that....I'll leave them on while I'm sleeping tonight and at work tomorrow.

What are you guys amping these with again?


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I definitely am disappointed with the build, but so far I have two positive things to report: The bass is tight and crisp, even though it doesn't have extension. That's right up my alley. I sent my Sennheiser 518s to a guy in Hawaii since the bass was boomy as all hell and it was like wearing heaters on my ears. So far I like the bass. Secondly, the sound stage is nice. I need to listen more, but the sound is definitely more diffuse and it's allowing the music to breathe....that's a good thing. Only source I'm using right now is my DirecTV channels, so haven't even gotten to a quality source yet.

I can live with the build if these things deliver sonically....but honestly, when you hold these in your hands along side the LCDs, isn't the difference in build just shocking?? I know it's two different price points, but both of my Beyer headphpones - the 880s and 1350s - were less expensive and build much better. You have some of the most beautiful headphones ever must be quite the contrast lol.

I own the LCD and I can't disagree that they are well-made. As was the HD800 that I owned. I have never used a Beyer so don't have it to use as a comparison. I honestly wasn't disappointed in the Q701 build or shocked by them in comparison to the LCD. I welcomed how light they are and how comfortably they fit on my head in comparison to other headphones I have or have had, including the LCD. I don't find the pads the least bit hard or uncomfortable, But that's me, that's my head. You have different expectations and needs. If the Q has a lousy build and fit for you, then that's the way it is. As I said, I'm sorry you're disappointed.

I hope the early good points about the sound hold up for you and that they compensate for the downside.



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Okay, I'll definitely be mindful of that....I'll leave them on while I'm sleeping tonight and at work tomorrow.

What are you guys amping these with again?

I'm using a JDLabs version of the Objective 2, the O2.



I own the LCD and I can't disagree that they are well-made. As was the HD800 that I owned. I have never used a Beyer so don't have it to use as a comparison. I honestly wasn't disappointed in the Q701 build or shocked by them in comparison to the LCD. I welcomed how light they are and how comfortably they fit on my head in comparison to other headphones I have or have had, including the LCD. I don't find the pads the least bit hard or uncomfortable, But that's me, that's my head. You have different expectations and needs. If the Q has a lousy build and fit for you, then that's the way it is. As I said, I'm sorry you're disappointed.

I hope the early good points about the sound hold up for you and that they compensate for the downside.


So I just spent a fair bit more time with them. They seem to really like the Meier amp...they came more alive when I fired it up. They sound a tad thin, but I will give them some time to open up a bit more before I really listen critically. I did have my iPhone here that has some lossless files on it, but I don't have my LOD cable so I had to use the mini-to-RCA cable and run it from the headphone jack into the Meier. They are definitely transparent headphones cause there was quite a difference among each track in terms of quality. The best sound was easily my John Mayer Trio tracks...I was pretty happy with how that sounded, but I didn't feel they bested my 1350s. But again, I'll give them more time to break in and see if that brings them out even more. This was just sort of a quick and dirty evaluation. I definitely like them enough to keep them around a while, but I think the sound signature will be too far from my preferences to really develop a love for them. But obviously there are phones I really love that others don't care for, so as we've already agreed it just comes down to individual tastes.

There is something about the timbre that seems off to me...I can't quite put my finger on it, so I need to listen more. I do really like the sound stage....they best the 1350s in that area. I've had them on my head for the last two hours and I could continue to keep them on, so the comfort is good even though I wish the foam was a bit less stiff out of the box.

I keep trying to avoid comparing them directly to my T1s cause they are at such different price points, but I can't get it out of my head that you prefer these to the LCDs. I sort of have a suspicion that I won't really love the LCDs either, but I haven't heard them yet so can't really say. My honest reaction is that I would not be happy if I'd paid full retail for these, but Im starting to see why others love them. At times they exhibit amazing clarity....there was a scene in Underworld: Rise of the Lycans that was on Sci-fy channel tonight. There was literally NOTHING going on in the scene, but you could hear so much detail in the background (water dripping in a cave; the sound footsteps on the ground) that it was very impressive. I THINK that even though I don't see myself using these for music, they may fit my stated goal quite well - being great for movies. It's really not fair for me to compare ANY phone against my T1s and my PS500s for music, because I truly feel I've found my perfect headphones for that. Pretty much everything will fall short. But for movies, these may have a home here....and that's really what I was interested in them for anyway.

I think it's the highs that I'm not connecting with. I don't mind that they are rolled off a bit on the low end cause I like the quality of the bass. I also like the mids. The highs are very detailed and airy, which I do like, but something about the quality of the top end that is standing out to me. Does that change with burn-in?


I own the LCD and I can't disagree that they are well-made. As was the HD800 that I owned. I have never used a Beyer so don't have it to use as a comparison. I honestly wasn't disappointed in the Q701 build or shocked by them in comparison to the LCD. I welcomed how light they are and how comfortably they fit on my head in comparison to other headphones I have or have had, including the LCD. I don't find the pads the least bit hard or uncomfortable, But that's me, that's my head. You have different expectations and needs. If the Q has a lousy build and fit for you, then that's the way it is. As I said, I'm sorry you're disappointed.

I hope the early good points about the sound hold up for you and that they compensate for the downside.


Did you feel that way even out of the box? Like, when you took the LCDs in that beautiful wood and lambskin out of the case vs when you took the Qs out of the cardboard box and un-did the twisty ties? I can understand not feeling that way once you get used to them, but when I took my pair out of the box they just REALLY paled in comparison to the T1s. I think that's to be expected given the difference in price, but I've read several accounts similar to yours that people consider these the best headphones they own - even preferring them to some of the flagships. I think that just from seeing the pics, they look higher quality than they are, you know? I think they look GREAT, and they are very photogenic....just sort of didn't hold up once I handled them.


I'm using a JDLabs version of the Objective 2, the O2.


These things seem to really prefer having some current available to them...I'm surprised how much I had to turn up my Meier to get them to really come alive. I can see some people not liking these if they don't have a decent amp....they scale quite a bit and there is a significant difference when they don't have enough juice. They really do seem to like the Meier amp. I'll have to fire them up when I get back to my apartment and add in the tube buffer again....and also try them out with my Little Dot I+


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I'm not at all surprised you have the most problem with the Q701 sound at the high end. My own troubled experience with speakers and headphones has been in the high end. For a couple of years it has been the focus of my attention. My very expensive PMC speakers were't right to MY ears. I bought very expensive new PMCs to correct the high end. It was better, but not nearly as good as the Axiom M80. And even it took a lot of getting used to and even now on some recordings is a touch harsh.The Senn HD800 was shrill, the LCD too weak. Again to my ears. The Q, for me, is closest to what I was looking for. The reason, I think, you have been hearing so much with the Q is because it is such high resolution headphone - but not as much as the HD800. Finding the right spot in the high end between the greatest resolution and no harshness or shrillness is very hard, and many listeners just don't like the sound. It is, too be sure, hard to connect with a high resolution high end. 

On burn-in, I just have not had the experience that so many others have had with this headphone. Setting aside that I'm mostly on the other side of the burn-in issue, I knew what I was looking for when I bought the Q, and it was there as soon as I put it on. For me, no burn-in was needed.

I don't really know what to say about the first impression thing on quality. I've bought $24,000 speakers in black ash, beautifully crafted. I like the sound of my $1400 vinyl clad ones better. The $1500 HD800 was nicely boxed, as was the $995 LCD. But I like the sound of my $287 Q701, with twist ties and ugly lime green cables, better.

Funny thing about headphones. When I'm wearing mine, they all look alike - invisible.  :D

But I get you're point and understand that appearances really are important for many people and I don't blame them. I'd prefer the Q with different coloured cables, and to be more lush. But not at three to five times the price. I'm not overly concerned about the look so the trade-off is easy for me.

The amp. The Q is a 62 ohm headphone if I remember correctly. It needs more power. But that isn't a problem for me as I listen mostly at low volumes. I set my O2 at 9:00, and more than that is too much for me.



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Looks like you have been a busy little beaver with the Q701s'!!

Its interesting on what your experiencing....

You know I have LCD2's, Grado 325's and the Q701...quite a range of different look, weight and sound reproduction.

I also had AKG 702's a year back..very similar to the 701's.

I also remember having a set of Beyers as well gosh 10 yrs back..never really impressed me

When you look at the LCD2's contrasted to the Q's yes the LCD's are built very well, are heavy and have heft...and feel like maybe the $950 or so
you paid for them was worth it!!  :D

Having much lighter cans like the 702s back then I thought, my word theses LCD's are like hanging boat anchors on my head!!

The 702's and 1's are so light and comfortable to me in comparison.

My pads to my head are soft and compliant and I at times dont even think they are on my head as I get lost in the music....

I start to move my head around like John Travolta dancing and have no issues due to the light this with the LCD2's and
its like hockey pucks slinging around!!

I can see how you would look at the plasticy Q701's in this light...but then when you look at them closer the actual build quality to me is really
very nice...they dont have those nice wooden shells etc...but for this price point I really think they are good.

I had and still do have the first impression is they are just light in the sound.....not as much heft. The bass while tight and snappy doen not have the real low
end heft compared to the LCD's but if your not comparing for 98% of the music we listen to its there and its really pretty good.

The soundstage of them to me are better than the LCD2's...Just more open, wider ...yadda, yadda, yadda...

I have been listening for the past 2 nights between the LCDs and the 701's......same songs, 15-20 seconds of a particular track for say drums, bass or vocals
or live performance to compare the two....each time i hear the differences, but after a minute or two I find myself enjoying the sound of either one  equally.

I like Dave am using the NWAVguys's Objective 2 amp and use his ODAC and a HRT MSii+ both usb dacs....all my source files are flacs on a pc.

The amp has no real issues driving either one to ear splitting levels. I had several amps and after the O2's  I sold them
all and havent looked back, this little amp is a gem and plays like a Vioelectric V200!!  :D at a tenth the price.

I find the 701 need to be cranked up to get over that light sound feeling or experience.

Same with the LCD2's.

I wish the LCD2's soundstage was more wider or open...but it is what it is...they still are a world class can.

I think the LCD2's are very musical and instruments sound so nice, the timbre is really good to me.

I have the wonderful Lime Green version of the Q701's....could not resist that color!! Dave thinks I am nuts on this choice!!  :lol:

The 2 cables to me is a nice touch, but my first impression was that the cables were kind of 'skimpy'...compared to the Grados which like
your LCD comparison to build and heft...the cable are skinny and light weight...but they work just fine!

I did not find any real change in break in with any of my cans....everyone has feelings and opinions on that for sure.

Well enough of my rambling and thats what it is....hope they work out for you in the long run..

All the best



I figured out why these are so much more power hungry than I thought....actually it was a buddy of mine who figured it out. Appaerntly AKG lists their sensitivity spec in dB/V instead of dB/mW. I thought their sensitivity was around 105, cause that's what I saw listed....but it's actually about 90, so they need quite a bit more current than i thought. That's perfectly fine since I have two very capable amps to drive them. I just wonder if others realize this? I haven't tried them out of my iPod yet, but I'm guessing they'll sound terrible. These clearly need an amp, you guys are right 100%.

Also, are these made in China?? My bud also told me that around the time Quincy Jones came on board, they shifted manufacturing to China instead of Austria. This would explain some of the quality issues that I took issue with yesterday...I prefer not to buy Chinese gear if possible, not because I have anything against them, but because I don't believe their business/manufacturing standards are up to par with countries like Germany and Austira...or even the US. Im at work and can't look at my pair, but I know I've seen pics of K701s that said made in the Qs say that??


Alex, you make a good point about the weight issue. That's something I often wonder about with regard to the orthos like Audez'e and HifiMan. I think my T1s are probably the higher side of what I would consider acceptable weight. The weight is evenly distributed on the T1s so I don't consider them to be heavy at all, but some of these 500+g phones may get to be an issue. That's also partly why I haven't rushed out to listen to the Grado PS1ks yet...I know some who don't like how heavy they are, whereas the PS500s are relatively light and comfortable. The Qs are obviously very, very light and that's a plus. The only time I don't like a phone that is very light is when they won't stay on my head lol. I have a pair of Ultrasone HFI-15g portables that actually sound pretty good for under $100, but they have zero clamp and just dont stay in place. It's very annoying. AKG got it right in that the Qs are very light but very stable, too.

I will say that I am looking forward to getting home tonight and watching a couple episodes of Hell on Wheels with that's a good sign. I'm pretty sure I'll keep them cause all indications are that they're perfect for my stated purpose.


Funny thing about headphones. When I'm wearing mine, they all look alike - invisible.  :D

My friend, this is one of the smartest things I've ever read on here....totally agree :)


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I figured out why these are so much more power hungry than I thought....actually it was a buddy of mine who figured it out. Appaerntly AKG lists their sensitivity spec in dB/V instead of dB/mW. I thought their sensitivity was around 105, cause that's what I saw listed....but it's actually about 90, so they need quite a bit more current than i thought. That's perfectly fine since I have two very capable amps to drive them. I just wonder if others realize this? I haven't tried them out of my iPod yet, but I'm guessing they'll sound terrible. These clearly need an amp, you guys are right 100%.

Also, are these made in China?? My bud also told me that around the time Quincy Jones came on board, they shifted manufacturing to China instead of Austria. This would explain some of the quality issues that I took issue with yesterday...I prefer not to buy Chinese gear if possible, not because I have anything against them, but because I don't believe their business/manufacturing standards are up to par with countries like Germany and Austira...or even the US. Im at work and can't look at my pair, but I know I've seen pics of K701s that said made in the Qs say that??

I checked the lower left-hand corner of my Q701 box. It reads, "Made in Austria."



I checked the lower left-hand corner of my Q701 box. It reads, "Made in Austria."


Okay good, Im glad to know that...that is a plus lol


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Ajzepp and Alex, I don't want to start a new topic, but in recent your posts got me thinking about the headphone hobby.

On the plus side, given the relative inexpensiveness of the gear as compared to speaker-based systems, enthusiasts can and do end up buying a number of headphones and amps. That gives them choices to use different gear for different moods and applications.

On the negative side...or at least for me...these choices can be like going to a good restaurant with so many tempting choices that exercising one's choice can be difficult.

I personally have found this to be a problem. I ended up being a bit confused and frustrated. I had only so many hours in the day to use any one headphone and amp combination. And when I did make a decision, I was frustrated that other equipment sat there underused.

With my speaker-based system, having to stick to one pair of speakers meant I was forced to get used to their sound signature. Getting used to a sound signature usually, but not always, ends up with the user liking that sound. Most speaker owners, I think, even when moving to different speakers, probably look for a similar, but improved version of their present speakers.

I've said before that I'm not the genuine headphone enthusiast that others on this circle are. This topic is based on a report of how I searched for a certain sounding headphone, not one that sounded like the ones I had. I wasn't looking for a LCD, but with a better high end, for example. I was looking for one that had a sound like my speakers. I found it, and haven't touched my LCD since, and that doesn't bother me except that I have expensive cans gathering dust. I don't miss listening to them.

So when I got the Q701 I didn't face the perfectly understandable comparison with the other headphones you both have or have had. If I approached the hobby the same way, I would do exactly the same thing. But I don't and would be happy to buy different headphones for different applications, such as for podcasts or mobile devices. But I really don't enjoy more than one set for use with my main system.

I might look for different headphones for my main system, but if I do, it won't be by wanting something with the Q701 sound, but only better. It will be because this fall I'll be getting Bryston's new Model T speaker. It should sound something like my M80 speakers. But it surely will have a a great deal more in bass extension. That might result in my feeling there is something missing in the Q701 by comparison. But unless AKG comes out with a new flagship headphone that is the Q with more bass extension, I'll face a new challenge.
