Part 3 of A Headphone Journey - The Quintessential Audio Solipsism

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  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Thanks you guys for the wonderful insights.....I took the Grado 125's I modded with Limba wooden shells last year and listened to some
stuff this morning and I still get a really nice feeling listening to them. I really enjoy the Grado sound and plan on getting some PS500's next.

I saw the new Nano's yesterday for the first time and I decided $149 for the 16GB model is fine and I love the look.....(my Verizon plan renews next July so an iphone
will be coming next year).

 So the plan is PS500's for my main rig with my HE-5LE's and the 125's I tweaked. Then redo my portable setup using my Fiio E11 or something else along with a new Nano
and some of the new Ultimate Ears UE600? or is it 900? I try and walk everyday so the Neuropathy in my legs stays stable and doesn't get worse which would mean wheelchair
action that I really do not want t 55....LOL.
 I want to get some nice solid all around awesome IEM's for everyday use....Westone 4, or the UE's, something just flat out good with any type of music.
I'm babble typing here...sorry......its gorgeous out today...... :thumb:


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  • Posts: 615
  • Without music, life would be a mistake. Nietzsche
Thanks you guys for the wonderful insights.....I took the Grado 125's I modded with Limba wooden shells last year and listened to some
stuff this morning and I still get a really nice feeling listening to them. I really enjoy the Grado sound and plan on getting some PS500's next.

I saw the new Nano's yesterday for the first time and I decided $149 for the 16GB model is fine and I love the look.....(my Verizon plan renews next July so an iphone
will be coming next year).

 So the plan is PS500's for my main rig with my HE-5LE's and the 125's I tweaked. Then redo my portable setup using my Fiio E11 or something else along with a new Nano
and some of the new Ultimate Ears UE600? or is it 900? I try and walk everyday so the Neuropathy in my legs stays stable and doesn't get worse which would mean wheelchair
action that I really do not want t 55....LOL.
 I want to get some nice solid all around awesome IEM's for everyday use....Westone 4, or the UE's, something just flat out good with any type of music.
I'm babble typing here...sorry......its gorgeous out today...... :thumb:

Please don't apologize for your post "babbling," eclein. It didn't, and, besides, if babbling were prohibited on AC, I'd probably have been ejected long ago.

I'm very sorry you're suffering from neuropathy, which sounds awful. I hate any kind of exercise, but walk for health reasons, and when I do, use a mobile device which is critical to deal with the tedium of it. I listen to podcasts wearing an Audio-Technica ATH-M50.

Your plan sounds good. I was curious about some things:

1. What is in your main system?

2. In my babbling review I make a big point of using the sound of my speakers as setting the benchmark of what I want in headphones. Do you do this, and if not, what, if anything do you use, as a benchmark against which to measure if you'll like any particular headphone?

3. I've had an on-again, off-again relationship with my two Grado headphones, but I know there are many, like you, who love them. Can you explain why you like them, and in doing so cite some other headphones (maybe the Q701, for example) saying why they don't measure up for you to the Grado you have?

Enjoy your gorgeous day, and keep walking.  :thumb:



@ eclein just keep in mind - to get the most of the high end phones the amp and source have to be equally resolute as well ...

You have 125s - mu guess is P500s are not going to be that much different but of course they will be better - IMO not that much better (having experienced the Grado line from 60 to 1000) ...

Getting used LCD2s could be the ticket for the ride ... or T1s ...
For IEMs - I had Westone 4s - they were really nice sounding but they had a house sound - too romantic and warm and wooly bass

Better source and amp will get the most out of your existing rig and scale up

Just some food for thought


I had people tell me there wouldn't be much difference between the Grado 325s and the experience was that they were wrong lol. I liked the 325s quite a lot, but the 500s are, as of today, the perfect headphone for me. The 500s do the same thing for music to my ears that my Maggies do....they allow the music to become more organic. The tonality is just so spot on to my ears that it transports me into the music. I have become infatuated with my live recordings ever since I got these headphones....they never sounded anywhere near this good before. John Grados ears just do it for me, I guess :)

That being said, Id never want to give up my T1s and I will always continue to listen to other stuff and make changes to what I have in-house. That's what makes this hobby so much fun!  :thumb:


  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Yep if the Grado sound doesn't excite you to begin with I really doubt the differences within the line itself are that apparent. I love that sound myself and the look of the 500's is a cherry on top for me. I'm gonna run with Zepps advice as we have very similar taste in sound preferences.... I just need to find a nice price after I save up the cash,  if anybody has any info on a great source please let me know.


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  • Posts: 615
  • Without music, life would be a mistake. Nietzsche
I had people tell me there wouldn't be much difference between the Grado 325s and the experience was that they were wrong lol. I liked the 325s quite a lot, but the 500s are, as of today, the perfect headphone for me. The 500s do the same thing for music to my ears that my Maggies do....they allow the music to become more organic. The tonality is just so spot on to my ears that it transports me into the music. I have become infatuated with my live recordings ever since I got these headphones....they never sounded anywhere near this good before. John Grados ears just do it for me, I guess :)

That being said, Id never want to give up my T1s and I will always continue to listen to other stuff and make changes to what I have in-house. That's what makes this hobby so much fun!  :thumb:

I was very interested to read that the Grado PS500 has a sound similar to your Maggies. Obviously my combination is Axiom-AKG. Maybe I'm not the only one who favours headphones that sound like their speakers. It seems like a likely connection, but I've never read about it anywhere.

Should I start a new topic asking about the speaker-headphone connection?




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  • Posts: 1995
Hello Dave.....I would just keep it here, but thats me.

Gee, I used to own a set of Maggies!!! OMG here we go again!!! LOL  :duh:

Way back when I was younger, and a family man with an even more constrained budget,
I was building Dynaco Kits, Hafler stuff etc and the big splurge after the Bose 901's (please be kind!!)
was a pair of maggies with the long ribbon tweeter....and oh how nice Jazz at the Pawnshop sounded on those Vibes.

Ok so I am going to get a milk bottle and start putting pennies in the PS500 jar!!


PS: eclein are you anywhere near north carolina??


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  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
I'm in Allentown sir, I sent you a PM with my system info and stuff I believe you asked about earlier.
Now I'm thinking sell my HE-5LE's and some IEM's I have in my extra's bag...LOL....I took them all out last night and listened to all.
My Sony XB40-EX iem's I think are my favorites with my Senn CX485 and Etymotic MC5's a super close tie for second right behind them.
Any of the three are fine....the CX485's are best all around sound, MC5's have the best detail and high end with the Sony's taking the low end and bass
awards. The HE5-LE's are the best cans I personally have ever owned or heard so far, the Grado modded 125's in second.......any combo of the above IEM's and full size cans
would work fine. Hehehehehehe......I'd sell the HE-5's though for another major headphone like the PS500's. I almost made a trade even up for some at head-fi a few months back but we both got shakey
at the last minute. LOL...we had a clause that if either of us really disliked the new ones we would trade back no questions asked within first 2 weeks.

 I'm thinking New NANO with an E17 and some Westones next like ones or twos even to try the sound walking rig.
I'm keeping the modded Grado's forever as JohnR sent them to me and I spent all that time modding and trying different shells...LIMBA wood won that race and I've never seen
them anywhere, so these are one of a kind originals. Wonderful story with them helps also......

 I'm going to start a thread where we list our entire collections if we want with a rating for each to see what everybody has and be able
to ask questions about whatever model someone may have that myself or others may be that a good idea???


I was very interested to read that the Grado PS500 has a sound similar to your Maggies. Obviously my combination is Axiom-AKG. Maybe I'm not the only one who favours headphones that sound like their speakers. It seems like a likely connection, but I've never read about it anywhere.

Should I start a new topic asking about the speaker-headphone connection?



Well, I guess I should qualify that by saying they don't really sound *like* my Maggies, they just do the same thing for music that the Maggies do. I have some headphones where it feels like Im listening to headphones....but the Grados seem to transcend that for me and the word "organic" is usually the best way I can describe it. There is just less of a barrier between me and the performance, if that makes any sense. It was such an immediate and profound observation from literally the MINUTE I put the 80s on my head back in January that my appreciation for these headphones has only become stronger. But just like not everyone loves Maggies, I know not everyone loves Grados....that's why I love when people like yourself identify a product that YOU had a great experience with, cause I love having a bit of variety.

Just in having converations with Ed outside of audiocircle, we seem to have a lot in common with regard to our preferrences, so I put a lot of weight in his suggestions and I think he does the same with me.


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  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
Zepp my first pair was my used 60's and somewhere in this circle is my reaction that day. Like you I knew right away this is the sound I love.....thats why I went crazy and modded them.
Actually the ones John sent me the 125's. The 60's were sold somwhere along the way to fund other stuff. I did a whole thread about my modding adventure and what to do
on here also....I'll look for it someday.

Yep Zepp and I have very similar tastes, we both had MC5's and the AKG on ear phones at the same time also...liked them both, actually still have both.
I really liked the triple Fi 10's but the fit and cable just sucked. I swapped the cord but the fit was never right on me, they just kept creeping
out of my ears unless I sat still. I really wish Sleek audio would finally release the new SA-6's and 7's.....I have the original SA-6 and SA-1 models and really like the sixes.
I just don't use them alot as I'm afraid the cord may break and I don't know if Sleek is still good with the warranties on them...I was told they were by the owner
but they have been sliding and sliding on when the new ones will be 2 years now.......


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  • Without music, life would be a mistake. Nietzsche
Well, I guess I should qualify that by saying they don't really sound *like* my Maggies, they just do the same thing for music that the Maggies do. I have some headphones where it feels like Im listening to headphones....but the Grados seem to transcend that for me and the word "organic" is usually the best way I can describe it. There is just less of a barrier between me and the performance, if that makes any sense. It was such an immediate and profound observation from literally the MINUTE I put the 80s on my head back in January that my appreciation for these headphones has only become stronger.

So it seems to me that your 80s do for you what the Q701 does for me. I'm not sure what organic means, but that doesn't matter. I ususally listen to my speaker-based system, and typically have only short sessions with headphones. But I find myself so connected to the Q musically and physically (they are so comfortable it's like having no headphones on...just the music in my head), that I've not used my speaker-based system since I bought it. I guess this may be close to your "organic" description.

By 80s do you mean the Grado SR80? If so, this makes the point even more that there is no such thing, from a user's point of view, as THE great headphone, but rather the great headphone for him. I bought the SR80 about ten years ago. I seldom used it. It has the Grado sound that doesn't do it for me, and I never found it or the RS1 I have comfortable (couldn't possibly used them for long sessions). But if it works it is your great headphone. That's wonderful because as my review showed it's difficult and expensive to find your great headphone. Both of us should be grateful for our great finds. Enjoy.  :thumb:


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I have found the same experience that Dave has with the Q's that being the music is just inside your head...and they are so light on you head they make this even neater....I find myself enjoying the music very easily.

That said, puttin on the Grados its more "right there, in your face" bright, articulate and brash...but in a good way to me. The comfort level is ok but a bit grating on the ears with the harsh feeling from the stock pads.....still I can listen to these for several hours but the Q's are so much more comfortable.

When the LCD's go on its like getting out of a Chevy (grados) , Lexas (Q701's) and then getting into a Roll Royce (LCD2's).

The LCDs are darker, seem more musical but the Q's are as musical but the tone is different...they are so fast with precussion etc...that they simply astound me.

I guess its all good in their own way.

I would really like to hear the HE-5LE's I hear many good things about them!

Allentown...well thats a bit of a drive for me!! LOL...

Although I have a brother in law in Scranto/Wilkes area near Binghamton, NY.



  • Volunteer
  • Posts: 4562
  • ..we walk the plank with our eyes wide open!-Gotye
The reason John sent me the 125's was because he disliked them based on the brightness he heard and they were a bit bright when I first listened to them. The mods i did were easy to perform and took that sibilance totally away.  I had a pair of Ultrasones at the time and each time i changed something I'd listen to both and compare.  The grados flew by them in sound quality after like the second mod. The limba shells enhanced the whole sound,  smoothed and rounded the low end tonal qualities.  I still have never heard anything like them,  they have a super sound of their own.

The brightness is tamed by putting that putty like stuff in a few specific places and the bass is enhanced by putting air holes in a membrane like layer inside the shells next to the drivers.  Someday I'll take a trek to zepps or somewhere and compare them with other models. 

dB Cooper

Have a friend who has K701s and an O2. At some point in the near future I will borrow them and give them an extended listen. I will see what I think; I kind of gave them a once-over-lightly at Audiofest.

At the moment I am thinking that a good complement to my Senn 555s, to give me some 'flavor' options, might be a pair of Senn HD600s (while I can still find a pair, they are discontinued).

If I can figure out how to cut the treble in my 555s passively (foam or grill cloth material in front of the drivers) in a way that isn't a 'kludge', I might do that. Ironically, I got those in the first place to get a little more high end. Be careful what you wish for, I suppose...


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  • Posts: 1995
I wish I had a way to perform a freq plot at home....have to look into this....
After reading about your mods this intrigues me to no
would be nice to have reference to look at when you do these things ..

Tweak this, tweak that and see how the plot changes to correlating to what
you like to here regardless of the plots...

Kind of like a tweakers guide to what u like etc..




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  • Posts: 615
  • Without music, life would be a mistake. Nietzsche
Have a friend who has K701s and an O2. At some point in the near future I will borrow them and give them an extended listen. I will see what I think; I kind of gave them a once-over-lightly at Audiofest.

At the moment I am thinking that a good complement to my Senn 555s, to give me some 'flavor' options, might be a pair of Senn HD600s (while I can still find a pair, they are discontinued).

If I can figure out how to cut the treble in my 555s passively (foam or grill cloth material in front of the drivers) in a way that isn't a 'kludge', I might do that. Ironically, I got those in the first place to get a little more high end. Be careful what you wish for, I suppose...

I look forward to your take on the Q701 and 02. James Tanner of Bryston circulated a customer assessment of the BHA-1 headphone amp, which said it was a lot better than the 02 and Burson (never heard it myself) on his headphones. I'm a very big fan of Bryston gear, so I wasn't too surprised by this. But I find the O2 so good that if this listener is right, the BHA-1 has got to be something special.

You and eclein have an advantage in being able, and more importantly, willing to make mods to your headphones. I am a total goof in any DIY stuff, so the very thought of my trying a mod on any headphone is about the same as if I comsidered doing my own appendectomy.



So it seems to me that your 80s do for you what the Q701 does for me. I'm not sure what organic means, but that doesn't matter. I ususally listen to my speaker-based system, and typically have only short sessions with headphones. But I find myself so connected to the Q musically and physically (they are so comfortable it's like having no headphones on...just the music in my head), that I've not used my speaker-based system since I bought it. I guess this may be close to your "organic" description.

By 80s do you mean the Grado SR80? If so, this makes the point even more that there is no such thing, from a user's point of view, as THE great headphone, but rather the great headphone for him. I bought the SR80 about ten years ago. I seldom used it. It has the Grado sound that doesn't do it for me, and I never found it or the RS1 I have comfortable (couldn't possibly used them for long sessions). But if it works it is your great headphone. That's wonderful because as my review showed it's difficult and expensive to find your great headphone. Both of us should be grateful for our great finds. Enjoy.  :thumb:

Exactly, I completely agree. I absolutely LOVE that we have such an amazing landscape of products, because we can really tailor our buying decisions to match our preferences. By organic I mean that it sort of brings the music more to life than other headphones to my ears. I often use my T1s as an example...they are technically the best headphone I own, but if you put a gun to my head and made me choose, I'd pick the PS500s , which are less than half the price. The T1s are wonderful transducers, but they don't allow me to become captivated by the music as much as Grados do. I just happen to connect with the same thing John Grados does, I guess....but yeah, I'd agree 100% that the Q701s are to you what the GRados are to me. That's why I want to try the Q701s :)  I love seeing what floats others' boats.  :thumb:

And yeah, I was referring to the Grado SR80s. My interest in headphones pretty nearly was grounded before it even took off after a couple initial experiences that just didn't do it for me. Then I put the 80s on and it completely transformed what I saw as being possible. Been a complete blast ever since!


Zepp my first pair was my used 60's and somewhere in this circle is my reaction that day. Like you I knew right away this is the sound I love.....thats why I went crazy and modded them.
Actually the ones John sent me the 125's. The 60's were sold somwhere along the way to fund other stuff. I did a whole thread about my modding adventure and what to do
on here also....I'll look for it someday.

Yep Zepp and I have very similar tastes, we both had MC5's and the AKG on ear phones at the same time also...liked them both, actually still have both.
I really liked the triple Fi 10's but the fit and cable just sucked. I swapped the cord but the fit was never right on me, they just kept creeping
out of my ears unless I sat still. I really wish Sleek audio would finally release the new SA-6's and 7's.....I have the original SA-6 and SA-1 models and really like the sixes.
I just don't use them alot as I'm afraid the cord may break and I don't know if Sleek is still good with the warranties on them...I was told they were by the owner
but they have been sliding and sliding on when the new ones will be 2 years now.......

I forgot about those AKG minis....I remember sending you a PM stating how stupid I felt for not realizing there was a volume control on the speaker cable  :lol: :duh:

I was like, Ed, these sound like crap!!!  Then I found the error of my ways lol


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  • Posts: 1995

The Grados I have the 325is and the Q701's are vastly different.

Both do wonderful jobs of reproducing music but in much different ways.

I like them both very much, The soundstage in the Grados is lacking to me from the Q701's

The in you face bright grado sound is very much different from the more laid back sound of the Q's to me.

The Q's articulate very well, but I think the Grados are actually even more clear, not by much.

If I had to choose between the two it would be the Q701's right now but that could change.

Seems like I like both enjoy switching between the two listening to each others strengths.

I would very much like to hear the PS500's.




The Grados I have the 325is and the Q701's are vastly different.

Both do wonderful jobs of reproducing music but in much different ways.

I like them both very much, The soundstage in the Grados is lacking to me from the Q701's

The in you face bright grado sound is very much different from the more laid back sound of the Q's to me.

The Q's articulate very well, but I think the Grados are actually even more clear, not by much.

If I had to choose between the two it would be the Q701's right now but that could change.

Seems like I like both enjoy switching between the two listening to each others strengths.

I would very much like to hear the PS500's.


Do you think the 701s would be good with movies?