Thoughts on the sound from those who aren't Kool-Aid drinking fanboys.

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One more category:

5) Those that haven't heard it and are afraid it might be as good as many have claimed.


One more category:

5) Those that haven't heard it and are afraid it might be as good as many have claimed.

There's your chance cab. Since you are so adament about everyone liking the Ncores, help Jason out and send your amps on tour. Jason can't do everything.


I could care less if everyone likes them.

You still panhandling for a listen? Ante up.


Your'e missing another category:

6) Those who haven't heard it, but aren't willing to buy into all of the excitement, because they've been doing this long enough to have seen the same thing over and over again.  First when SS first arrived, followed by CD, followed by - well you get the picture.  Give it time and let's see how things hold up.

Oh, and regarding designer comments:  Most designers would like to sell products in Europe.  Given the push for "green technologies" over there, is it any wonder that they talk positively about class D?


I could care less if everyone likes them.

You still panhandling for a listen? Ante up.

Sorry cab, I am already on the tour list.


Being green is just another positive attribute. It might spark interest, but the sound quality is what ultimately makes the sale. Class d has been on the market for a long time but it has not replaced everything despite being green. The technology is now maturing to the point where the sound quality is competitive with everything else. Those that actually audition the state of the art can judge for themselves whether or not it is for them.


Sorry cab, I am already on the tour list.

No need to apologize. Enjoy the kool-aid....


Another category:

7) Those who have heard it and like it but don't want to own the same amp as Cab.

Cab, I hope you are drinking sugar free Kool-Aid because you have consumed so much, I'm concerned you might go into a sugar induced coma.  On second thought, who am I to slow you down.  Keep drinking...chug it, like you have been all along. :thumb:


Since there have only been a few comments similar to these about the top end, versus dozens of others that have not found such fault, I can't help but wonder if the problem isn't further up the chain.....

And now you say that you do not care about what people thinks of the sound? :scratch:


And now you say that you do not care about what people thinks of the sound? :scratch:

No, I said I didn't care if people like them or not.

Attributing a sound quality to them that may in fact be from an upstream component makes for an erroneous judgment. That is intellectually dishonest. If people don't like them for what they are, as I have said too many times to count, there is no arguing taste.


And now you say that you do not care about what people thinks of the sound? :scratch:

Come on, Tom! Do you really believe this guy who comments on every thread in which the Ncore is mentioned and badgers anyone who has less than glowingly positive comments doesn't care what people think?  He is so insecure, it appears he cares more about what people think and say than he does the actual performance of the amp.  He has to own the amp that everyone likes.  The one found in mega$$$ systems of smart and successful people.  That makes him smart and successful by associaton.  Right? :scratch:


Hey guys c'mon now this is getting kinda juvenile don't you think  :roll:


Hey guys c'mon now this is getting kinda juvenile don't you think  :roll:



Well yeah things could always get worse  :green:


Well yeah things could always get worse  :green:

I tried to  change gears yesterday to lighten the mood, but Mr. Cab keeps dragging the discussion into the dirt. 

Let's stop the bickering because I'm sure there are a lot of people who would love to see this thread binned so they can get back to happy-talk and the consumption of a cool, sweet, fruity beverage...or should I say Kool?


john dozier

  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 108
I have not heard the Hypex thus these comments are on class d in general. I do have the Classd audio Spiral Groove amplifier. I am comparing it to a pair of Antique Sound Lab Monsoons with teflon cap modifications. I find the Spiral Groove to be at least the equal of the tube amps. The amp is not perfect but has many of the qualities I value in reproduction. I think class d has arrived, but results are highly dependent (as in A and AB) with the implementation. Regards


Your'e missing another category:

6) Those who haven't heard it, but aren't willing to buy into all of the excitement, because they've been doing this long enough to have seen the same thing over and over again.  First when SS first arrived, followed by CD, followed by - well you get the picture.  Give it time and let's see how things hold up.

Oh, and regarding designer comments:  Most designers would like to sell products in Europe.  Given the push for "green technologies" over there, is it any wonder that they talk positively about class D?

Well stated.  Very adroit points made.  :thumb: 
Look at how long it took solid state to “come of age” as it were.  Most folks point to the release of the Threshold 400A as the first solid state amp that did not offend the masses. 
Personally, I remain a “Class A” supporter.  The XA series from Nelson Pass are as good as it gets (IMHO).  They simply do less signal manipulation than any other amp class (They also are the least efficient, for the same reason).  There are a lot wonderful sounding tube amps as well.
Perhaps Class D has caught up with the Ncore (I do not know).  I’m about to try a low powered class D amp to see how it measures up.  I have owned a number of class D amps along the way (including Rowland), and have not heard one yet that did not suffer from one or more shortfalls.  Truth be told, ALL gear has some shortfalls from live music, but the class D amps I’ve heard to date had too many shortfalls.  Given Bruno’s extensive technical prowess, those may indeed have been successfully addressed to the point that they are not audible.  Given how class D works, it’s not easy to achieve, and arguably more difficult that getting class A to sound right. 

medium jim

It was noted that amp designers must be taken with a grain of salt as they tend to justify their designs and involvement. I concur and this is why I opined as I did regarding what Jeff Rowland was quoted as have said.  The mere fact that he doesn't want to be class conscientious, or constrained is telling to me.

It pleases me to no end that there are do many who really enjoy their NCores as that is all that should matter.  There isn't much I can add to what Jackman has penned as he acutely hit the nail smack dab on the head.



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One more category:

5) Those that haven't heard it and are afraid it might be as good as many have claimed.

I have heard it and can say that their fear is unfounded.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 175
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What amazes me is that some of you are comparing the DIY Ncore 400 to OEM amps and expecting them to be as good or better then anything out there. Why not compare apples to apples. Compare several, or Bruno's, of the forthcoming OEM Ncore 1200 amps to those OEM amps and see how they compare. In till then you are comparing apples to oranges.