Just wanted to point out a little about myself regarding audio. I am not new to audio, I was reading speaker builder magazine well before the internet and immersed in the subject my whole life, I am now 55. This is a build I did when I was a young man, about 27 or so. I wanted to build a multi channel electronic crossover network with trim pots, per channel for at the time was a dedicated home theater setup.
This was a Marchand Electronics individual board kit you could by via snail mail back in the day. All the components are in a bag and you get a blank board with each. I Soldered every component on every board including trim pot boards. Cut my own sheet metal, welded and powder the chassis, you had to make your own.
Anyway, more than anything I just wanted to point out, I'm a little handy with electronics and the workings of audio. Just don't why I can't read a simple schematic and wire two woofers correct ??? Anyway...