The amount of power that you are sending these things should be giving you a ton of output.
I know you keep saying that you have them wired correctly, but everything still points to not having them wired correctly.
This also makes me cringe a little.
I listen probably louder than most.
Your picture is of a pair of spatial speakers in a completely untreated room, or at least nothing on the front walls, corners, or immediate sides.
Open baffle speakers really need to have a front wall that is almost covered in something that will break up and/or absorb the back waves. Those corners really need some traps too.
I recently heard some Spatial X4's in a treated room, and then in the same room with all of the treatment removed, and with all of the treatment removed it was completely un-listenable. They were unbearable at any level over a normal speaking voice level.
So I can't help but think your room is as large or even a larger problem than your issue with not having bass output from the servo subs.
I would highly recommend corner traps, wall panels (absorbers), and diffusers to cover most of the up front area.