The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday

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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #60 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:11 pm »
Mike Adams wrote an article this past summer describing the food industry's most 'evil' ingredients, which I guess would fall right in line with the subject of this thread, although some of these have met disagreement here already:

Sucralose - An artificial chemical sweetener sold as Splenda. The sucralose molecule contains a chlorine atom Researchers have repeatedly found that artificial sweeteners make people fat by actually promoting weight gain.

I take Splenda in my coffee and the wife does some cooking with it so I read the link on the Naturalnews site.  Kind of frightening (although the claim that "Researchers have repeatedly found " is disingenuous at best as there is only one study :|).  It is  peer reviewed study on rats by some Duke University PHDs that concludes that the consumption of Splenda may suppress some beneficial bacteria in the gut and cause weight gain.  So let's stay away from Splenda...

But then I do a little Googling.   The study was funded by the Sugar Association, so this is kind of like Spy vs Spy :lol: . Mike Adams fails to mention this.  Adams also fails to mention that the study has since been reviewed by "an expert panel" and found to be " not scientifically rigorous and deficient in several key areas"

Adams also quotes his own (seemingly subjective) publication almost exclusively.

It certainly makes it hard for the non-scientist, non expert to get a clear view when on the one side you have a powerful industry pushing it's own views, and on the other, some, no doubt, well intentioned but less than objective self appointed guardians of my health.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #61 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:11 pm »
Nutrition certainly is a topic that gets the passions riled up - most people have an emotional relationship to food that dominates their perspective and is one of the elements that makes rational discussion difficult.

Another huge element though is that Nutrition as a 'science' is far less advanced that most people think.  Doing a true scientific study of nutritional factors is just an inherently intractable problem due to the extreme difficulty in isolating

 variables.  Even the best studies are greatly limited in their ability to draw conclusions, and the not-so-great ones can basically conclude anything they want with creative statistics.
 The body is a dizzyingly complicated biochemical system where very few if any interactions are true direct cause-effect. It's all 'tendencies' and 'influences', and when you consider that
a) nutritional effects aren't isolated from environmental effects
b) most interesting health questions develop over decades of time
c) food quality varies significantly, so 'meat' and 'vegetables' aren't necessarily

even meaningful without further qualification
d) individuals vary greatly both due to genetics as well as personal history.

expecting auditable conclusions like "a causes b" is wildly optimistic.

IMHO it's pretty much a lost cause expecting to get "answers" that are trustworthy without a lot of skeptical evaluation of the 'literature'. Considering the degree to which Agribiz and Phara are responsible for funding 'nutritional'
studies, my default position is to assume that any 'study' is total bunk until it's examined and shown to be reasonable.

My PERSONAL response to this is to have gravitated to an unprocessed diet that is basically primal/paleo/ancestral etc. The basic idea that the foods that were available during our million-plus year evolutionary development period are most likely to be compatible with our body is a pretty compelling one, even considering that the foods that we can actually get right now aren't necessarily all that close to what they were.

In practice, this means avoiding substances with a high probability of causing problems. The main ones:
- excess fructose
- gluten
- "vegetable" oils (i.e. industrial products like corn oil, soybean oil, safflower oi etc)
- soy

Macronutrient ratios (high-carb, low carb etc) are pretty fluid IMHO. Humans rose to be the dominant species in a huge variety of niches, consuming a wide variety of macronutrient ratios. This points to a high degree of metabolic flexibility, and the idea that a specific ratio is required doesn't seem to hold much weight. Specific individuals may have sensitivies that drive them to one
approach vs another, but this isn't universal.

I agree.  I would call nutrition more of a pseudo-science.  Recommendations change almost every year.  One consistent theme is to avoid too many calories, eat lots of fresh veggies, avoid synthetic compounds and emulate the mediterranian diet.

Steve N.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #62 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:16 pm »

I take Splenda in my coffee and the wife does some cooking with it so I read the link on the Naturalnews site.  Kind of frightening (although the claim that "Researchers have repeatedly found " is disingenuous at best as there is only one study :|).  It is  peer reviewed study on rats by some Duke University PHDs that concludes that the consumption of Splenda may suppress some
beneficial bacteria in the gut and cause weight gain.  So let's stay away from Splenda...

But then I do a little Googling.   The study was funded by the Sugar Association, so this is kind of like Spy vs Spy :lol: . Mike Adams fails to mention this.  Adams also fails to mention that the study has since been reviewed by "an expert panel" and found to be " not scientifically rigorous and deficient in several key areas"

Adams also quotes his own (seemingly subjective) publication almost exclusively

It certainly makes it hard for the non-scientist, non expert to get a clear view when on the one side you have a powerful industry pushing it's own views, and on the other, some, no doubt, well intentioned but less than objective self
appointed guardians of my health.

I started using honey many years ago fir sweetening, but found that using it every day messed up my intestinal flora, so I changed to Agqve nectar about 3 yeqrs ago.  Works great and you dont need much.  Cheaper at Costco.

You might also try Stevia.  Dr. OZ recommends this rather than the other synthetic sweeteners.

Steve N.


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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #63 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:19 pm »

I agree.  I would call nutrition more of a pseudo-science.  Recommendations change almost every year.  One consistent theme is to avoid too many calories, eat lots of fresh veggies, avoid synthetic compounds and emulate the mediterranian diet.

Steve N.


There are three or four places on the Earth where people regularly live to be 90 and even 100 years old. It's not what they eat, but how much they eat, or to be more precise, how much they don't eat.


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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #64 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:29 pm »
Concerning substitute sweeteners, not all of them are bad for you, some of them occur naturally. Maltitol and Xylitol are good example. Research "sugar alcohols."


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #65 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:38 pm »
My favorite recommendations haven't changed in over 20 years. Neither has many of followers, like Hugh Grant.

Larkston Zinaspic

Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #66 on: 6 Nov 2011, 09:50 pm »

I take Splenda in my coffee and the wife does some cooking with it so I read the link on the Naturalnews site.  Kind of frightening (although the claim that "Researchers have repeatedly found " is disingenuous at best as there is only one study :|).  It is  peer reviewed study on rats by some Duke University PHDs that concludes that the consumption of Splenda may suppress some beneficial bacteria in the gut and cause weight gain.  So let's stay away from Splenda...

But then I do a little Googling.   The study was funded by the Sugar Association, so this is kind of like Spy vs Spy :lol: . Mike Adams fails to mention this.  Adams also fails to mention that the study has since been reviewed by "an expert panel" and found to be " not scientifically rigorous and deficient in several key areas"

Adams also quotes his own (seemingly subjective) publication almost exclusively.

It certainly makes it hard for the non-scientist, non expert to get a clear view when on the one side you have a powerful industry pushing it's own views, and on the other, some, no doubt, well intentioned but less than objective self appointed guardians of my health.

Thanks for pointing that out. As others have mentioned, nutrition does seem to be a very 'open-ended' subject, and yes, like many other places on the internet, we have self-appointed experts everywhere. I do respect Mike's concern though, and the reason his article caught my eye in light of this discussion is because, at some point, you have to wonder how many 'synthetic' components really need to be in our food. Some of these 'heath experts' do come off sounding a bit paranoid, self-righteous, and somewhat pious with their constant moralizing and chastising of those who can't seem to live up to their standards, but some of their research certainly has value. Gary Null perches up in his ivory tower to preach to the world every day, but he does walk the talk, and at times his show can be very informative.

But I agree, nutrition is ultimately a personal choice, separating the wheat from the chaff to the best of one's ability.

Perhaps if the Inuits and Eskimos microwaved their seal meat, deep-fried their blubber, ate processed junk food and drank diet soda they'd be in the same boat as the rest of us.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #67 on: 6 Nov 2011, 10:22 pm »

Perhaps if the Inuits and Eskimos microwaved their seal meat, deep-fried their blubber, ate processed junk food and drank diet soda they'd be in the same boat as the rest of us.

Or maybe just ate potatoes and bread with it.

Ericus Rex

Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #68 on: 6 Nov 2011, 10:50 pm »
I asked because I recall reading somewhere that the median life span (of a certain group) of Inuit was around 45, which is very young. Most people who die of heart problems do so later than that.

I hear you.  But with a diet like that they should be showing major heart issues in their 30's...unless theres a genetic factor at work.  Damn I wish I could remember all of that article!


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #69 on: 6 Nov 2011, 10:51 pm »
Just curious, to the dr.'s in the crowd - how much does stress have to do with all of this?

That being said I do drink too much diet coke.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #70 on: 6 Nov 2011, 11:48 pm »
How about GOUT?seem like more peoples are getting it.20 years ago ,i never heard of Gout. :o,Now some people are getting it in there 30's.



Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #71 on: 6 Nov 2011, 11:52 pm »
Stress kills. I think it has to be coupled with other things, but it is still HORRIBLE FOR HUMANS.

There is a sea of studies on that.

Thing about lowering stress is that different people respond to different things concerning stress. For some people they need to express more adrenaline so their body will make more dopamine (a per-cursor that can get used up to make adrenaline). Other people need to do things like yoga or tia chi (both I think are proven to lower stress) in order to keep stress down and have no issues clearing adrenaline.

Bad gut flora makes everything more stressful though. Poor blood sugar levels too. A lot of health issues do. Health issues can happen to people who exercise.
The one guy I know who has it in his late 20's or early 30's did nothing but eat bar food and drink beer... Vegetables and healthy oils will probably get around it. The younger generations now suffer from inheriting bad genetic expression from parents that have been eating all the fad shit like hydrogenated oils etc.


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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #72 on: 7 Nov 2011, 12:31 am »
In the past, when I drink coffee, I did not use sugar or sweetener, I used to drink bitter coffee with milk.
I can not understand why people has to take sweet coffee?? The refined white sugar is very dangerous to health.
If I member well, refined sugar is the only substance that has the molecular structure inverted, the counter-clockwise.
This is not a good sign.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #73 on: 7 Nov 2011, 12:48 am »
Culture demands alert people to the grindstone! Most people coffee is not that good for, so maybe they inherently don't like it. That all changes when you douse it in sugar and cream though. I like it black, mmm. To bad I can't handle the caffeine very well.

If a cup in the afternoon keeps you awake at night at all, you should probably try some green tea or skip the caffeine. There is no need to beat yourself down with something your body does not like, does not process quickly.


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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #74 on: 7 Nov 2011, 12:48 am »
In the past, when I drink coffee, I did not use sugar or sweetener, I used to drink bitter coffee with milk.
I can not understand why people has to take sweet coffee?? The refined white sugar is very dangerous to health.
If I member well, refined sugar is the only substance that has the molecular structure inverted, the counter-clockwise.
This is not a good sign.

Some people would make the same argument, complaint about milk. Especially since humans are pretty much the only species to continue drinking milk past infancy.


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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #75 on: 7 Nov 2011, 01:36 am »
AE, guess you never had a cat?


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Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #76 on: 7 Nov 2011, 01:46 am »
AE, guess you never had a cat?

OK, you got me there. However, cats in the wild catch their own food and if the cat is big enough to take down a cow, they eat the cow, not suckle on the udder.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #77 on: 7 Nov 2011, 01:53 am »
Adult cats don't need milk. You just wean them off it and then they drink water.


Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #78 on: 7 Nov 2011, 06:54 pm »
Aged help starve off bad bacteria in the gut.

Whey based help insulin reception.

Also then there is Yogurt and Kefir which are good for some people that need probiotics of certain times.

Butter turned into ghee is a valuable intestine stimulating (for repair) oil that can be baked with, high heat, does not need refrigeration, and is free of cholesterol as well as lactose.

Dairy has its place, but not in milk form.
« Last Edit: 11 Nov 2011, 08:00 pm by Destroyer of Smiles. »

toxteth ogrady

Re: The 10 Worst Foods you eat everyday
« Reply #79 on: 9 Nov 2011, 12:25 am »
No trendy food science or techno babble for me. No top 10 lists or so called experts either to tell me what I should be eating. It's my body so I use IT as a gauge and pay attention to how it reacts with the food I take in. I do my best to drink lots of water, eat well, eat fresh and eat less. With a few exceptions, If it doesn't go rotten after several days than it more than likely does not belong in my stomach. I pay close attention to where and how the food I eat is grown and raised. I have no problem paying more for quality food because I don't overeat. I also believe in daily low level excercise, 2-3 short but intense workouts a week and getting LOTS of nookie from the wife. It's a formula that's been working quite well for me, and of course my wife :icon_lol: