MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston A1 Speakers – Customer Feedback
Hello, James.
I apologize for the delay in writing to you about the Bryston A1s. They arrived on the 20th of March. Very quickly.
You wrote in your last message that the A1s should sound amazing in my setup. Honestly, that's a bit of an understatement.
Neighbors from upstairs came down to see whether I'd moved a piano into the apartment, but were stunned to see that the sound was coming from speakers. They stood in the room and couldn't believe their eyes, which said "speakers", for their ears said "piano".
Part of what stands out to me is the bass response. I can't believe the beautiful, deep response I'm getting from those 6-inch drivers. I'm extremely pleased! The speakers are about 4 feet away from the rear wall, and around 3 feet from the side walls. I didn't want to "eat up" any more of the room space, so I went conservative with the speaker placement. Also outstanding in the speakers is their natural sound. I'm surprised to be writing this, since with my system being all-Bryston, it was already natural. The speakers were yet another notch in the natural direction.
Specifically, there is no harshness to the sound, as when a reproduced voice or high registers of instruments may sound strident.
I am completely, absolutely pleased and impressed with the A1s.
Many thanks on your help and thoughts regarding the Model A1.
Sincerely as always,