RMAF best of the best

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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #20 on: 17 Oct 2010, 02:29 pm »
It is Saturday, 4:00 am here, and my girlfriend is still trying to talk me into driving to Denver (8 hours one way) for the show. You guys are not making this any easier for me.    :violin:

Must save money for more gear...

I must be honest with you. It's not the show that is exceptional, it is actually your girlfriend who is trying to convince you! Very lucky!  :thumb:


Wind Chaser

Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #21 on: 17 Oct 2010, 03:02 pm »
Very lucky indeed – or maybe she's trying to get rid of you?  I have found most women have a limited tolerance for this habit, and are much less willing to encourage the indulgence.


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #22 on: 17 Oct 2010, 03:05 pm »
Very lucky indeed – or maybe she's trying to get rid of you?  I have found most women have a limited tolerance for this habit, and are much less willing to encourage the indulgence.

Hmm.  My wife really doens't care.  If I'm happy, she's happy.  She helped me pack my last pair of speakers and it was a PIA too. 

She was asking what's next b/c the overflow room is looking a bit empty.   :lol:


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #23 on: 18 Oct 2010, 02:51 pm »
Hmm.  My wife really doens't care.  If I'm happy, she's happy.  She helped me pack my last pair of speakers and it was a PIA too. 

She was asking what's next b/c the overflow room is looking a bit empty.   :lol:
Jason, we just can't let that room be lonely looking.

I've noticed that you have been curious about the Geddes speakers.  Whatcha thinkin?  I can attest that high sensitivity is THE deal.
sDanny's Super Bumble V's (I like that... that 's funny, right there) Sounded excellent.  I read a review from someone that said that they sounded "a little bright for my tastes".  I'm not saying the gentleman is wrong, but I am saying that they were about perfect to me in the context of spectral balance.  The sonics were a continuous fabric from WAAYYYYYY down low through the upper octave.  It was easy to forget that you were listening to a speaker and just get down to listening to music.  We had a large number of people come through, men and women, that said the our room was the best sound they heard at RMAF.  Most of these comments came later on Saturday and on Sunday.  This was very gratifying.

I hope you get to hear a pair soon.  They don't have to be charcoal and yellow to sound good!   :rotflmao:



Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #24 on: 18 Oct 2010, 02:53 pm »
Who provided the Mac mods and what upgrades are we taking about :scratch:

We at Mach2 Music provided the modded MacMini.  More information can be found at http://www.mach2music.com

We would like to thank Danny and everyone in that room for the opportunity to help.  They are fantastic guys who have a passion for music, who are experts in their areas of expertise, and are simply good people.

I thought the room sounded fantastic as each piece of the system is top-notch, and the synergy between the pieces worked well.  A lot of effort went into tuning the system and it showed.  The sound was amazing!!!   :eyebrows:

Danny's speakers sound incredible and the price is amazing low.  These speakers not only deliver tremendous bass, but the mids, highs and soundstage that these things produce, is phenomenal.  It was a treat to hear them in such a terrific setup.


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #25 on: 18 Oct 2010, 03:05 pm »
I would like to read some comments from TONEPUB, Steven Stone, Enjoy the Music.....

Wonder when they will happen.   :scratch:


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #26 on: 18 Oct 2010, 03:21 pm »
I would like to read some comments from TONEPUB, Steven Stone, Enjoy the Music.....

Wonder when they will happen.   :scratch:
John Atkinson spent a bit of time there, too.

We're waiting, semi-patiently.



Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #27 on: 18 Oct 2010, 03:47 pm »
The Hybrid Amps from Dodd have come up before.  They aren't on the Dodd Audio site.

Audio path

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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #28 on: 18 Oct 2010, 07:59 pm »
In the week leading up to RMAF Darrell McCombs and I had no idea of what sort of reaction we would receive at RMAF, we just hoped to be able to demonstrate our modified Mac Mini (Mach2Music.com) to a few people at the show.  Then on Friday night we got the chance to demo one of our modified Mac minis in the GR Research/db Audio Labs (room 2024) room for Danny Ritchey and Eric Hider.  Within seconds of hearing the opening bars of "Way Down Deep" by Jennifer Warnes, with our Mac mini at the front end of their system, the reaction was "we can't go back!”

Of course that was the response that we hoped for, but we were even more amazed by what followed.  The glowing praise that they offered helped us immensely.  So, we owe a huge debt of gratitude to thank Danny and Eric for their generosity in allowing us to be demonstrated and displayed in their room.  Thank you both.  Also, thank you to Dave Elledge for his faith, his encouragement and his tweaks that made our modified Mac Mini sound even better.   

Their GR Research/db Audio Labs room displayed a number of totally new or substantially improved products.  db Audio Labs new Signature Edition Tranquility DAC which was superb in every aspect, PI Audio Group's new MacSandwich, Mac mini power cord, and diffusers, and An Audible Difference’s new vibration control cones.  There were some much improved products there as well such as the GR Research Super V's, and the Dodd Audio 3rd generation 120’s.  Overall the sound quality improved exponentially from last year and was either best or not far from the best in every category.  Considering the price of the entire system, it was easily the best bang for the buck at show.

We are truly fortunate to have the caliber of friends whose generosity allowed us to be displayed at RMAF in room that sounded that good.  I can't thank them enough.  This hobby attracts the best people in the world and we are extremely lucky to be able to say we know them. 

Really good people, great sound, fabulous show.  Thank you.

Kevin Burke
Mach2 Music


Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #29 on: 18 Oct 2010, 08:23 pm »
Posted by villastrangiato on the AVS forum:

"Btw, I agree - Danny's new OB setup sounded very nice. The uncanny resemblance to Linkwitz's Orion didn't go unnoticed. But the P-Audio coaxial definitely gave it a different character. The increased sensitivity of that driver versus the Orion's SEAS drivers pretty much made it a different speaker. And the Rythmik sub gave it some added appeal. I ran into Seigfried and I presume his wife in the elevator Saturday night - asking if he'd seen the new GR OB speaker - he said no. I then described it briefly - suggesting that "plagiarism is the highest form of flattery". That didn't appear to go over very well although his wife (I think) was amused with a big smile and seemed to take it all in stride."


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #30 on: 18 Oct 2010, 08:57 pm »
Comparing the V Series to the Orions is like comparing Apogee and Magnepan speakers.  Sure, they are both planars and look a bit similar, but beyond that....


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #31 on: 18 Oct 2010, 09:17 pm »
Posted by villastrangiato on the AVS forum:

"Btw, I agree - Danny's new OB setup sounded very nice. The uncanny resemblance to Linkwitz's Orion didn't go unnoticed. But the P-Audio coaxial definitely gave it a different character. The increased sensitivity of that driver versus the Orion's SEAS drivers pretty much made it a different speaker. And the Rythmik sub gave it some added appeal. I ran into Seigfried and I presume his wife in the elevator Saturday night - asking if he'd seen the new GR OB speaker - he said no. I then described it briefly - suggesting that "plagiarism is the highest form of flattery". That didn't appear to go over very well although his wife (I think) was amused with a big smile and seemed to take it all in stride."
I think that suggesting that there is plagiarism in Danny's design in regard to SL's Orions is a bit misplaced.  Kind of like all of the closed box speakers are rip-offs of each other.  The common thread is the open baffle design.  Beyond that there is about ZERO in common.

There has been some GR bashing by another poster on this forum.  I really don't think that stoking that fire is a good thing.

The Orions are nice speakers, cones, domes, electronically crossed, multiamped and all.  The Super V's PA compression driver coax coupled with the push/pull servo controlled subwoofer is simply in a different class.

We are talking apples and oranges here.



Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #32 on: 18 Oct 2010, 09:29 pm »
Both the Orion and GR research rooms were among my favorites.  But to my ears, the best sound at the show of the rooms I visited (85%-90%) this year, the Linkwitz Orion room was at the very top.  The room wasn't even treated, which I find is even more remarkable.  Your opinion may vary. 

Paul Mah


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #33 on: 18 Oct 2010, 09:34 pm »
I'm sure all the owners of V series, that could not make it to the show, are smiling as much as me
after all the glowing reviews   :green:

The $ saved and the ease of build/set up, is what sold me on the Vs compared to the Orions.


Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #34 on: 18 Oct 2010, 10:04 pm »
I was in the GR room friday afternoon  :drool: and the sound was quite good. If it got better, that would be amazing.  :o

As for you'all waiting for "JA" to write a nice blerb about the sound in the GR room, don't hold your breath. :roll: He might have loved it but its more of a political football at his level in the press. They are tight lipped until you are committed to a 1/2 page or better asd package.  :rules: you also usually have to have a string of now endangered "brick and morter" dealers who advertise as well. :(

You will not be the first to :banghead:

That why the Audio circle was created. Some things are too good to go un-noticed.


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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #35 on: 18 Oct 2010, 10:27 pm »
Since I've now heard the Super V's, the V2's, and the Orions, I think these comments might be relevant (taken from the show report of RMAF):

GR Research - Went back to see how things had changed since Friday.  HOLY CRAP the bass on the V1's was out of this world.  By far this was the best bass of any room of the entire show.  In fact, it's the best bass production of anything I've heard anywhere in my entire life!!  The mids were also excellent.  But the tweeters were too hot for my tastes, and I thought the room was a bit too bright overall.  I think there is an easy fix for this (reticulated foam in the tweeter horn throat), but I don't think Danny had a chance to try it at the show. 

Linkwitz Orion - One of the great white hopes.  Based on the buzz (and my own logical reasoning), I expected to love this room.  I do have to say that meeting Linkwitz was a true honor.  But if I am honest I must note that I do not like the metal midrange SEAS driver.  The bass was too strong.  However, them imaging was incredible, as only open baffle speakers can do.  Overall it's really close to the best ever sound, but the signifigant gaps really need to be addressed before that can happen.

GR Research (again) - OK, the V1's kick the sh!t out of my V2's from a bass standpoint.  In fact, I will go further.  The V1's with their dual parallel active servo subs kick the sh!t out of EVERY speaker I have ever heard in my entire life.  Stunning, awesome, incredible, jaw dropping.... I simply run out of superlatives.  Mids on this day are also very, very good.  But, the highs are even brighter and more shouty today.  It's a single flaw but it really bothers me, particularly since my V2's don't have this balance at all (they are NOT bright).  I have a theory about the cause of this, but you have to read my V2 build thread to find out what it is :P  Again, Danny is an absolute pleasure to talk to and work with, and the value he offers is off the scale.  Nothing speaks louder than someone voting with their wallet, and of all the possible speakers I could invest in, I went with the V2's and I'm still absolutely, completely happy with them.


Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #36 on: 19 Oct 2010, 02:57 am »
We at Mach2 Music provided the modded MacMini.  More information can be found at http://www.mach2music.com

We would like to thank Danny and everyone in that room for the opportunity to help.  They are fantastic guys who have a passion for music, who are experts in their areas of expertise, and are simply good people.

I thought the room sounded fantastic as each piece of the system is top-notch, and the synergy between the pieces worked well.  A lot of effort went into tuning the system and it showed.  The sound was amazing!!!   :eyebrows:

Danny's speakers sound incredible and the price is amazing low.  These speakers not only deliver tremendous bass, but the mids, highs and soundstage that these things produce, is phenomenal.  It was a treat to hear them in such a terrific setup.
Nice to see you posting here - looks like your company may have been one of the stars of the show! Congratulations!!
I looked at your website, but I would love to learn a bit more - I'm new to the digital server world, and have questions. Where can I go to learn more/ask questions about your product?



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Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #37 on: 19 Oct 2010, 04:29 am »
I agree, the difference I heard at the show from not having the new mac-mini in the system on Friday to having it on Saturday made a HUGE leap in sound quality.  Sound went from pretty good to simply great in one fell swoop :D


Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #38 on: 19 Oct 2010, 06:45 am »
Nice to see you posting here - looks like your company may have been one of the stars of the show! Congratulations!!
I looked at your website, but I would love to learn a bit more - I'm new to the digital server world, and have questions. Where can I go to learn more/ask questions about your product?



   Darn it you've read everything we've had time to write-up.  :sad:   We are working on a FAQ for the Website, but in the mean time, you can email us at info@mach2music.com 

   If you like, include your phone number and a couple of times I can call you.  A 5-10 minute phone may be more informative than 10 emails  8)



Re: RMAF best of the best
« Reply #39 on: 19 Oct 2010, 06:57 am »
I agree, the difference I heard at the show from not having the new mac-mini in the system on Friday to having it on Saturday made a HUGE leap in sound quality.  Sound went from pretty good to simply great in one fell swoop :D

Thanks Tyson for the kind words.   These guys are a terrific group of people and always have an incredible sounding room.  Kevin and I were happy to have helped in some small way.
