Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????

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Rob Babcock

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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #860 on: 7 Feb 2011, 05:51 am »
As a Vikings fan it's a bitter pill to swallow, but I have to congrat MaxCast and his fellow "Packer Backer's" on their Fudgies victory! :lol: :thumb:  You guys have a helluva QB in Rogers and a good young time.  I fear you'll be tormenting me for years to come! :duh: :lol:


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #861 on: 7 Feb 2011, 05:58 am »
First and foremost, congrats to the Packers.

Second, Is it just me, or was that game kinda lame-ish? Yeah, there were a few good runs, but that was about it.  Dunno.. I just didn't feel any real excitement this year.

Third, lmao at Christina screwing up the National Anthem.

Fourth, Black Eyed Pea's.  Seriously?  I knew it was going to suck from the moment I saw the commercial. I can't tell you exactly how bad it sucked, because after 1 minute, I ran to another room and occupied myself until the half time show was over.

Fifth, that penalty call for gloating was bullshit. What's next, penalties for not giving a dude a reach around after u tackle him? 

EDIT: I forgot number 6,  The commercials this year sucked as well!

End rant/

Delta Wave

Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #862 on: 7 Feb 2011, 06:12 am »
First and foremost, congrats to the Packers.

Second, Is it just me, or was that game kinda lame-ish? Yeah, there were a few good runs, but that was about it.  Dunno.. I just didn't feel any real excitement this year.

Third, lmao at Christina screwing up the National Anthem.

Fourth, Black Eyed Pea's.  Seriously?  I knew it was going to suck from the moment I saw the commercial. I can't tell you exactly how bad it sucked, because after 1 minute, I ran to another room and occupied myself until the half time show was over.

Fifth, that penalty call for gloating was bullshit. What's next, penalties for not giving a dude a reach around after u tackle him? 

End rant/

It was terrible, from start to finish, ALL of it.  :scratch:

Rob Babcock

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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #863 on: 7 Feb 2011, 10:35 am »
Well, for me there was no excitement because I don't like either team.  Most of the time I watch no matter who's in it, but I couldn't stomach watching either group of clowns get a ring. :lol:  So instead I got a nap in an read a couple chapters for a test I have tomorrow.  First time in a long time that I never saw a second of the Super Bowl.  Still, for those with a stake in the game I hope it was enjoyable.

BTW, I've never been able to wrap my mind around watching for the ads. :duh:  I always mute them an use the time for bathroom/beer breaks.


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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #864 on: 7 Feb 2011, 12:11 pm »
I felt zero excitement during the game. Surprised me as I grew up in Pittsburgh and was  a huge fan 20 years ago. This time I felt nothing when Ben was intercepted for the first touch.
As for the national anthem, I missed the flub as I hit the mute button after the first verse. Whew, that was bad.


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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #865 on: 7 Feb 2011, 12:35 pm »
I've never seen the national anthem botched so badly.

The ads were really disappointing.

I like Black Eyed Peas and thought they put on the best half time show we've seen in many years (realizing that its not their regular routine or even full songs).

Like many football games, this one was determined by the turnovers.  Rogers could of have 400 yards passing if Driver had been in for the whole game (just really bugs me that paid receivers drop so many balls).  After all the crap that big Ben has stirred up, I'm glad to see the Pack win.


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #866 on: 7 Feb 2011, 01:25 pm »
I've never seen the national anthem botched so badly.

The ads were really disappointing.

I like Black Eyed Peas and thought they put on the best half time show we've seen in many years (realizing that its not their regular routine or even full songs).

Like many football games, this one was determined by the turnovers.  Rogers could of have 400 yards passing if Driver had been in for the whole game (just really bugs me that paid receivers drop so many balls).  After all the crap that big Ben has stirred up, I'm glad to see the Pack win.

My wife went OMG!, she doesn't know the words to the National Anthem.  I wish people would get out and just sing it as the hockey player did for the Bears Playoff Games.



Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #867 on: 7 Feb 2011, 01:27 pm »
I didn't think the game was bad.  Both teams were in it until the end and Rodgers played a great game. Some of the balls his receivers dropped would have given him over 400 yards and putrid game away.

Ben didn't look sharp and he missed some open receivers. Plus that missed FG was bad. I know it was long distance but it was insanely off mark.  That was one of many game changing plays including that forced fumble by Matthews.

I enjoyed the game but could not believe the injuries. Is something wrong with that turf?  Players seemed to be going down on every play.


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #868 on: 7 Feb 2011, 03:43 pm »
What??  Not a good game??  For Palomalu, maybe.  Rodgers and Matthews didn't play a great game?  Fooey.  Expertly done by the Packers!  Their O line handled the Steelers rush, enough.  Agreed about the anthem and the commercials for the most part with one exception . . thought the Chrysler commercial was way special.  Think having Eminem may have distracted viewers from the topical message and the slick production.


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #869 on: 7 Feb 2011, 04:19 pm »
I enjoyed the game a lot. You knew the Steelers weren't gonna lay down and die after falling far behind in the 1st half. They had the crowd roaring and momentum on their side much of the second half that's why it was so impressive that the Packers regrouped and won the game. Rogers had a much better game than Big Ben. Most of his passes were right on the money (quite a few were dropped) and he didn't have any costly turnovers.


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #870 on: 7 Feb 2011, 04:23 pm »
Sorry, my response had some autocorrect words!  I never said putrid but can't remember what I originally was trying to write!

I enjoyed the game.  Rodgers played awesome, and the Packer defense was very good when they had to be.  They had so many injuries, I began to have doubts regarding my pick (Packers were my pick!) but Rodgers and company pulled it out.

Ben had an off game but I thought he was going to march the team down the field and score a TD for the win.  I'm glad he didn't, and thought the game was fun to watch.  Congrats to the cheeseheads.  I wish it was the Bears instead but hopefully next year!



nature boy

Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #871 on: 7 Feb 2011, 04:44 pm »
Thought is was a well fought game by both teams.  Pittsburgh chewed up the Packer defense on the ground, Rodgers passing was very good  - although a few dropped balls, and the Packers capitalized on turnovers.  Lot's of Packers injureds, so the game mirrored their season. 

Pitt turnovers cost them the game.

I really liked the Bridgestone beaver, Chrysler/Eminem (Go Detroit!) & Dorito's healing grandpa commercials.   


Mike Dzurko

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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #872 on: 7 Feb 2011, 04:45 pm »
It was a great game. I couldn't sit down for the last quarter. Gotta give PB credit for hanging in there and mounting a pretty potent comeback. Aaron is simply amazing and just getting started. IMHO, way more poise than Brett had. With all the injuries, it is amazing that GB managed to put together this playoff streak of wins. Heck, we lost 1/2 our secondary for awhile there, and the defense still played awesome. When I saw Woodson in his street clothes with the sling after half time, and Donald with a brace/cast on, I knew it must be serious for both. They are incredibly tough dudes, and it had to be terribly hard for them to be on the sidelines in this, of all games. For all the guys that stepped up this game, and this year . . . . :beer:


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #873 on: 7 Feb 2011, 04:58 pm »
My favorite commercial was the VW beetle cruzin' by all the other bugs....
Oh Black Betty, bam-ba-lam.   :rock:


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #874 on: 7 Feb 2011, 05:12 pm »
I got to go to the game, and up close in person can tell you the injuries may have had something to do with the turf at JerryWorld, but they were also breakin out the whuppin stick on each other so that played a role as well.  It was a great game to be at and the crowd swings were palpable.  Rodgers is a cool customer, hard to imagine what he can accomplish if he keeps his head on straight (seems likely) and the Pack can stay healthy.

P.S.  Not sure how it showed on TV but the halftime show was pretty cool in person, and Aguilera looked hungover or maybe sick when shown on the 6-stories tall JerryTron, she sounded awful either way...


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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #875 on: 7 Feb 2011, 06:01 pm »
Must have been a nice experience to be there live. I sense the massive crowd shifts at home and can only imagine it live.  I figured we got a bad sound feed at home which may the performance seem sub-par.  But I think it's becoming trendy to rag on the Half-time shows.  I don't know when the last time I remember a consensus of a good show.  I guess it's if it isn't your kind of music or a performer you like then it sucked.  Some people loved Tom Petty and others thought is was as boring as paint drying.  It's a no win situation I guess.  I'm just curious from the people who say it sucks year after year who they would like to see perform for the next 3 years. 


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #876 on: 7 Feb 2011, 06:06 pm »
Sorry, my response had some autocorrect words!  I never said putrid but can't remember what I originally was trying to write!

I enjoyed the game.  Rodgers played awesome, and the Packer defense was very good when they had to be.  They had so many injuries, I began to have doubts regarding my pick (Packers were my pick!) but Rodgers and company pulled it out.

Ben had an off game but I thought he was going to march the team down the field and score a TD for the win.  I'm glad he didn't, and thought the game was fun to watch.  Congrats to the cheeseheads.  I wish it was the Bears instead but hopefully next year!


Definitely looked like he was gonna but for Matthews puttin his helmet into Mendenhall's grasp of the ball.  Talk about "making plays" (how many times have you heard those two words in pre and post game coverage this season?), third and 1 in the first half and McCarthy calls a pass to Nelson over the top who was open cause who would have thunk it.  Big Ben had some fine throws, too.  Pittsburgh played big in the second half and had swung the mo before that fumble. 


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Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #877 on: 7 Feb 2011, 09:40 pm »
I got to go to the game, and up close in person can tell you the injuries may have had something to do with the turf at JerryWorld, but they were also breakin out the whuppin stick on each other so that played a role as well.  It was a great game to be at and the crowd swings were palpable.  Rodgers is a cool customer, hard to imagine what he can accomplish if he keeps his head on straight (seems likely) and the Pack can stay healthy.

P.S.  Not sure how it showed on TV but the halftime show was pretty cool in person, and Aguilera looked hungover or maybe sick when shown on the 6-stories tall JerryTron, she sounded awful either way...

The halftime was over the top on my home theater system, had the volume maxxed out and it sounded as great as the staging looks spectacular. I would have loved to have been there in person and watched such an entertaining ballgame. I really thought ole Ben was gonna rise to the occasion and win that game by 1 point. The opportunity was there thanks to the Steelers 2 point conversion and at the end of the day, all any football fan can ask for in a SuperBowl is for an opportunity for either team to win the ballgame at the 2 minute warning. Too many past SuperBowls don't even have that type of drama at the end. The Steelers came back from an 18 point deficit and had such a golden opportunity to win that game. For me, that's what made it such a great game to watch,,, for me anywho.  :thumb:


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #878 on: 8 Feb 2011, 12:11 am »
Super Bowl +1 -- Random thoughts.

Dom Capers must be a genius.

Among NFC teams, I have had neutral to slightly favorable feelings for the team.  However, this season, I am pretty much awestruck at what the team was able to do.  I lost count as to how many players they had on injured reserve.  To make it to the Super Bowl (and win!) as a 6th seed says a lot in my book about the ability and character of this team.

When they lost Woodson and Shields on defense, and Driver on offense, I did not think they would win the game. 

I'm sure Steelers fans pretty much think if it hadn't been for the turnovers, they would have won.  I'm pretty sure Packer fans believe that if the Pack receivers hadn't dropped so many passes, the game would not have been close.  I won't say this was a great game, but had the Steelers protected the ball more and the Packer receivers held on to the passes, this might have turned out to be one of the best games ever. 

I guess going forward I am going to have to pay more attention to the Packers.  They are a young team.  Their defense is opportunistic but they aren't known for that which will serve them well.

If they stay healthy, I could see them repeating next year. 


Re: Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?????????
« Reply #879 on: 8 Feb 2011, 12:52 am »
My favorite commercial was the VW beetle cruzin' by all the other bugs....
Oh Black Betty, bam-ba-lam.   :rock:

I like the Monkeys parking the cars, fencing the guy in his car.

I did that once to a lady at the donut shop. There was enough room for a normal sized person to get in the car. But she couldn't fit in the space I left and wasn't very happy. Phoned my boss and he ordered me to move my car as I was inside the donut shop eating lunch. :wink: