Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier

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Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #40 on: 9 Sep 2010, 08:03 am »
The detail retrieval  is truly top notch but what struck me first was the ability to sort complex orchestral music including macro and micro dynamics, in a very realistic manner.  To me the most difficult task for a home system to perform is to provide satisfying playback of more complex music and this amplifier does that.  This is the context mentioned in the 6 Moons review. 

It gets the timbre of instruments and voices correct.  The treble is extraordinary, revealing musical insights I had missed previously.

I agree with your comments 100%.  The most complex pieces of music have never sounded so good to my ear.  Simple arrangements is where the Decware thrived, but it could never unravel complex pieces the way the Ampino does.  Come to think of it, I've never heard any amplifier excel in this area like this before. 

As good as the Ampino is, my Decware Select w/ the Hazen mod gives up very little to it save its output is more tailered to higher efficiency speakers.  A good amplifier is a good amplifier , tube or SS no matter the cost.

I really enjoyed my time with my modified Decware, but to get it to sound the way I did I had spend almost triple the cost of the Ampino.  The biggest concern with the Zen was the 2 watt output and the limited choice of speakers.  But I still don't think it can retrieve the detail and maintain the same level of composure and integrity the way the Ampino does.
« Last Edit: 9 Sep 2010, 02:12 pm by Wind Chaser »

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #41 on: 9 Sep 2010, 11:14 am »
I will take your word for it, as you cannot even get pricing information from the website (which has little information beyond an email address).  With hosting from $5/month, it's hard to understand using a Go Daddy-flash bannered free "website".  If I were a "North American Distributor", I would actually try to actively promote the product, especially if it's as good as many say.

Their website is in its infancy and email isn't their forte as I asked for a price on the Dayens power amp and never heard back from them.  You're better off calling them up on the tele for the time being.


Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #42 on: 9 Sep 2010, 11:33 am »
Thanks for your reply Wind Chaser! I am actually quite tempted to get the Ampino to replace my old amplifier in the office (since I spend so much time there I might as well have a musical amplifier!)

I emailed Dayens and was surprised to receive a prompt reply from Zoran, in almost perfect English! He also mentioned two other amplifiers they produce, the Menuetto (middle range) and their topflight Ecstasy II! The preamplifier also looked very appealing and, if the Ampino is anything to judge by, should sound very musical too.

I meant to ask: does the amplifier run hot and do you leave it on 24/7?

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #43 on: 9 Sep 2010, 11:37 am »
It runs cool until you start pushing it, then it warms up but it certainly doesn't heat up like a class A circuit.


Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #44 on: 9 Sep 2010, 12:10 pm »
The Hazen mod on the Decware is fairly new and transforms their true pentode amps, you probably are not familiar with it.


Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #45 on: 9 Sep 2010, 01:36 pm »
The Hazen mod on the Decware is fairly new and transforms their true pentode amps, you probably are not familiar with it.

Do you know if it also applies to Decware SV83M SET Monoblocks ?????
Thanks for a link and my apologies for of topic question.



Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #46 on: 9 Sep 2010, 02:38 pm »
Yes, it applies to all SV83 (6P15P-EV) and EL34 amps in that in these true pentodes, the suppressor grid is not internally connected to the cathode. By connecting the suppressor grid to the cathode via a low value ( 0.1uf 400V) polyester film capacitor (which are non polarized)  astounding performance gains are possible.  This mod will not be effective w/ the EL84 (6BQ5) tube.  EL84's will play but will not see the performance gains.
« Last Edit: 9 Sep 2010, 04:49 pm by lcrim »

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #47 on: 9 Sep 2010, 03:10 pm »
I don't think they have any more Ampinos in stock at the moment, but they do have a deal going on with some more powerful Dayens amps on AG.


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Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #48 on: 9 Sep 2010, 04:17 pm »
I don't think they have any more Ampinos in stock at the moment, but they do have a deal going on with some more powerful Dayens amps on AG.

When I spoke to Michael Gill, last month, those two were demos and you won't see them at that price once they're gone. I'm still thinking about the Menuetto.


Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #49 on: 9 Sep 2010, 04:54 pm »
Yes, it applies to all SV83 (6P15P-EV) and EL34 amps in that in these true pentodes, the suppressor grid is not internally connected to the cathode. By connecting the suppressor grid to the cathode via a low value ( 0.1uf 400V) polyester film capacitor (which are non polarized)  astounding performance gains are possible.  This mod will not be effective w/ the EL84 (6BQ5) tube.  EL84's will play but will not see the performance gains.

It might be worthy mod.......will consider it.
Thanks again  :thumb:

Quiet Earth

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Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #50 on: 9 Sep 2010, 05:05 pm »
Wind Chaser,

Can you tell us what the rest of your system is made of? Specifically, the source components and speakers.

Edit : Just curious if there is a synergy thing going on. Further reading reveals the Totem Mites are your speakers of choice. Source components ???
« Last Edit: 9 Sep 2010, 07:31 pm by Quiet Earth »

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #51 on: 10 Sep 2010, 12:35 am »
Over the past 12 years there has only been one constant in my system, a Sony NOS CDP.  Nothing special in itself, but it has been a reliable 'stand in' in between new source components.  I currently have a Cambridge Audio Sonata doing transport to a Beresford 7520 DAC.

The Totem Mites were chosen for their size.  I had a pair of the RAW OB-2X, very much like the GR Research OB5s but smaller; I say very much like the GRs because the crossover was designed by Danny Richie who also took inspiration from over all concept of the MTM open baffle of the OB-2X.

I should have kept those speakers but I required something small that wouldn't get in my way.  I have 10' behind the speakers (IMO the more space the better) and they are well away from the side walls.  Actually one is 3' away from one wall, but that's life.  The speakers are 7' apart and I sit 5.5' back.  A bigger room would be nice, but I make do.

Quiet Earth

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Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #52 on: 10 Sep 2010, 02:26 am »
Thanks.  :thumb:  That helps to put things into perspective.

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #53 on: 10 Sep 2010, 03:10 am »

Thanks.  :thumb:  That helps to put things into perspective.

Let me add to that...  I've been in this hobby for over 35 years now, 30 of those years in high end alone.  I've heard a lot... systems that cost as much as a house and then some.  I've spent and lost more money in high end audio than any other endeavor.  It sickens me.  Flipping expensive gear is tantamount to throwing money down the toilet.  Around 1998 I woke up from my stupidity and vowed I never be so foolish again.  2 years later I parted out my last big money sucking system and have never looked back.  Since then, I've kept every system under 10K with each successive system costing even less than the previous.  In my view things have changed a lot over the years. 

Now there is more to choose from than ever before.  There are some brilliant minds out there pushing the envelope further and further and doing it at an incredibly low price point.  So much so that it’s just stupid to spend several thousand dollars on a nice piece of gear only to discover something better that’s come along for much less.

Audio is full of vanity and mythology.  I’m sick of all the BS.  The Ampino IMO is extraordinary uber component that can easily keep pace with the performance of the better part of the best / most expensive gear out there.  Put one in your system and chances are very good that you’ll part with whatever else you spent way too much - all without so much as a compromise in sound quality.
« Last Edit: 10 Sep 2010, 01:46 pm by Wind Chaser »

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #54 on: 10 Sep 2010, 03:20 am »
One more point.  One can easily under estimate the performance of everything up and downstream all because the amplifier isn't up to task.  Only when you put a truly outstanding amp in your system can you really begin understand what your source and speakers are really capable of.


Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #55 on: 10 Sep 2010, 03:53 am »
Wind Chaser,

Maybe I missed it, but what does the rest of your system consist of?


Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #56 on: 10 Sep 2010, 04:15 am »
Wind Chaser,

"Maybe I missed it, but what does the rest of your system consist of?

"Over the past 12 years there has only been one constant in my system, a Sony NOS CDP.  I currently have a Cambridge Audio Sonata doing transport to a Beresford 7520 DAC.
The Totem Mites were chosen for their size."

Quiet Earth

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Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #57 on: 10 Sep 2010, 05:18 am »
Well, that puts things into even more perspective. I probably wouldn't get as much out of it as you do Wind.

I have no regrets with my audio journey, no bad feelings and no worries. It's mostly about having fun. I have purchased quite a bit of gear over the course of my lifetime, but never found myself "flipping" gear. I usually keep things for a very long time and I only upgrade when I hear a real improvement. I'm not too concerned with getting the deal of deals, or repairing any mistakes that I've made in the past. I also believe that you usually get what you pay for. More of less. If it's too good to be true . . . .

I still would like to hear the little bugger. I just don't believe that it's all that you and your friend Srajan make it out to be. I guess I will have to buy one to find out, right?  :D  I'm cool with that too.

Wind Chaser

Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #58 on: 10 Sep 2010, 08:04 am »
...never found myself "flipping" gear. I usually keep things for a very long time...

Part of the reason for flipping gear was a few moves across the country.  Some stuff is too big and fragile, that combined with thrown out boxes meant just letting go of it was the best option.  There were other reasons but I generally never kept any one thing for more than 3 years.

I still would like to hear the little bugger. I just don't believe that it's all that you and your friend Srajan make it out to be. I guess I will have to buy one to find out, right?

I was fairly skeptical too and almost passed it over for a Linn Classik, but I wanted to keep everything fairly compact.  That turned out to be a very decision.  Eventually I'd like to get some GR Venues or something by Gedlee, but for now the ultra compact Totems are just fine.  Hard to believe the sound coming out them.


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Re: Srajan Ebaen Sold Me Kick Ass Amplifier
« Reply #59 on: 10 Sep 2010, 05:20 pm »
One more point.  One can easily under estimate the performance of everything up and downstream all because the amplifier isn't up to task.  Only when you put a truly outstanding amp in your system can you really begin understand what your source and speakers are really capable of.

The most salient of points and one that I discovered when I had to send something in for repair. Once that item was gone, everything fell flat. If I never had that component in my system to begin with, then the others would have 'sounded' mid fi, at best.
That's why I end up pulling what little hair I have left when reading reviews: way too many variables and mismatching of components.