World's Best CD Player?

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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #60 on: 16 Oct 2010, 04:18 am »
What are the digital to analog architectures employed by the Esoterics, AMRs and Ayons?

Part of what attracted me to the Eera is that it employs Sigma-Delta conversion. In my experience Sigma-Delta has always been smoother than ladder or even ring architectures. Most professional ADCs are Sigma Delta at the recording stage. My beef with it if you scroll up to the first page, is that this smoothness often translates to a dull, lifeless presentation most especially at the frequency extremes. Albert did however say that this player was different in that regard.

Now I have great trust in Albert. It's not that I think he is the best designer out there, albeit he is way up there IMO. I think if he had a name easier to spell or pronounce, VSA could have been more than just one of the best kept secrets :lol: While I respect Albert a great deal I don't regard him as some sort of prophet or mystical audio guide. For six years, however, it has been CONSISTENTLY made very clear that we share the same sonic priorities and even taste in music. That would be wide bandwidth, transparency, an expansive, airy, wrap around presentation, big headroom and jump thanks to the use of high sensitivity midrange drivers (100dB/1w/1m) and an attention to complete depiction of the musical envelope from transient to decay with complete harmonics. Something I attribute to our common interest in Classical Music, Classic Rock, Jazz and a penchant for up and coming singer songwriters. This are sonic attributes I also see with my favorite electronics designer, Vladimir Lamm and my favorite Turntabe Designer Thomas Woschnick of TW Acustic. These same traits even extend to my choice of cartridges, my favorites being the Dynavector XV-1t and the MY Sonic Labs Ultra Eminent BC. So when Albert said the Eera fits his/our tastes to a proverbial "T". I gambled and went for it despite my skepticism on the basic architecture.

This is why I am always hesitant to say anything is the "Best" since after more than twenty years I sincerely believe there IS no best, only what is best for me. This is also the reason that I am extremely conservative with any of my recommendations. After all, a product may be great but set up alone can turn any great product into a piece of underperforming junk. The Eera Tentation, as I hoped share exactly the same qualities that I have come to love with the rest of my set up and as a result slotted in like a perfectly CNC'd peg in a laser cut hole. The Emmlabs combo does bass like no other I have heard, tight tuneful, accurate in the midband, hear everything clarity with little harshness, my beef with it has always been that it reminded me too much of my days listening to my mixes during my studio days. Great for work which demands full attention but not so great after a long day or week at work. The Accuphase DP-78 was factory upgraded to DP-200 firmware after a laser assembly change and was even more natural than my Emmlabs. Not as firm in the bass department but prior to the Tentation had all great resolution, an analog feel but came across as too pure sounding to ultimately be natural with it's very slight emphasis on tone thus a very slight penalty on harmonic content.

The Tentation however just sounds like the VSAs, Lamms and TWs of CD Players. No wonder Cor Dekker married the two. Where it loses out to my two previous references is that the drumkits are more recessed in the stage than I am accustomed to. Thankfully, my VR-9 speakers allow for adjustability. Now mind you the Tentation has only some 20 hours under its belt. While I am a firm adherent of the "If it doesn't sound good out of the box, it isn't" philosophy with respects to electronics, I do think there may still be improvements. Just not huge improvements.

My system consists of the following

VR-9 SE Mk2s (integrated 1kW 15" subwoofers, rear firing 5" ribbon ambience tweeter)
choices of Lamm M1.2 Reference Monos, M2.2 Monos both fitted with Mullard Military CV2492 tubes, Lamm ML1.1 Tube Monos
Lamm L2 Reference Linestage
Lamm LP2 Deluxe Phono Preamp
TW Acustic Raven AC-3
2 Graham B-44 Phantoms (Mk.1 and Mk.2)
Kubala-Sosna Emotion ICs from sources to preamp
VSA Signature ICs to amplifiers
VSA Signature Speaker Cables
Kubala Sosna Emotion Power Cords
Shunyata Python PCs for VR-9s
Cartridges are Dynavector XV-1s, XV-1t, Koetsu Jade Platinum, Clearaudio Titanium, ZYX Airy 3 S, MY Sonic Ultra Eminent, Ortofon A90, Graham Nightingale I hope to have the Orpheus and the Miyabi joining the stable soon
3 dedicated 15amp lines and 4 dedicated 20amp lines off a Siemens Breaker
The room is custom designed RFZ with with prime number dimensions (3m x 7m x 11m) an RT60 of .4 and a noisefloor of ~30dB with air conditioning running

Here's a pic of it. Final finishing will be done in a weeks time. The fabrics finally arrived and those garbage bags can finally come down. The area rugs come in three weeks later. Great room for listening, even greater for getting sloshed :)

So I guess you can say, I could've opted for most any player out there except those dCs, full on Esoterics so for me to be happy with the Tentation is a testament to its performance never mind its plain looks. After all some my carts cost more than many of the players mentioned. For me it's all about enjoying. Once I get past the wife's internal auditing I'm scott free!  :thumb:

If you look at the bottom picture you'll notice that the pair is signed. That stems from the fact that while I am one of Alberts most dedicated supporters, I am also probably his biggest PITA critic  :oops:  :lol: :lol: :lol: What I like about him most is that he listens to owner's feedback unlike so many out there that get defensive and all worked up with "righteous indignation".


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #61 on: 16 Oct 2010, 07:26 am »
While I have lived in France for many years, I am not especially prone to beating their drum. In many areas the French have developed the fine art of creating and maintaining myths about themselves (the most outragious being that they have the world's best cuisine, which is patently untrue). In terms of audio, they have some very gifted designers and are woefully under-rated and badly represented. If I were in the in the market for new speakers, Jean-Marie Renault would be on my short list for example. The Temptation is, like many French gear, over-priced, given the parts count and general level of construction compared to the examples shown above. French firms all too often over-price, hoping to recupe their investment. It's no wonder they are no little known abroad. Having said that, I have no doubt this is a splendid sounding player. When they get it right, it sounds right. It rather reminds me of some minimalist designs out of Japan, of the hair shirt variety, where every part counts and every material is thought out down to the last screw as being part of the sonic signature. I doubt if it is the best player in the world (which will appear tomorrow somewhere) but I don't doubt it makes glorious music. At a sweet spot of say 4000$, it would maybe sell very well. As it is I doubt they will make it to the next audit. People just don't spend this kind of money in Europe, or if they do, they want flagship looks and construction like the Accuphase. Just my 2cts.


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #62 on: 16 Oct 2010, 01:56 pm »
Well, ask the man on the street and they will say all of us are stark raving mad for spending any more than 300 bucks for a CD player, which should be able to play DVDs and BDs to boot. Start a thread with "Best" in it and all hell breaks loose.

Someone asked a question and I answered. I never even said it was better than anyone else's and confined comparisons to units I paid for with my own savings and will have a tough time disposing of because I wrote this piece.

What I have never been is a bean counter and frankly I don't care how many caps, resistors and diodes you'll see in a picture. Shep mentions something about the specialty products from Japan, of which I own a few. Low parts counts meticulously selected, very good sound. For all the DIYers out there no one has been able to clone the Gaincard successfully.

What puzzles me is that today's consumers don't seem to appreciate the intellectual property value that goes into a component. The innovative thinking and implementation. What ever happened that suddenly it is reprehensible to make money based on one's design skills? It's okay for carpenters, plumbers, artists, doctors, lawyers but somehow when it comes to audio, it's darn evil. No wonder Bose is the market leader. Ad dollars go farther than actual quality.

It seems even in specialist hobbies, the K-Mart/Wal-Mart/Best Buy commodity way thinking has taken deep root. If only you guys realize how much your country is being ripped off by unscrupulous manufacturers in North Asia who churn out knock offs based on your research and development dollars maybe you'd see things a little bit differently. Those knock offs have the same number of parts.

This player made it on my shelf by order of merit. Look closely at the pic and you'll see the battleship construction, fancy innards Emm stack looking all forlorn. As the French say, cest la vie.


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #63 on: 16 Oct 2010, 03:00 pm »
Gotta admit that when I look at those under-the-hood pix above I start itchin' but my trusty MCD500 with it's "battleship construction" and, in my humblest of opinion terrific sonics, will occupy it's space in the rack for a long, long time.  There may be better out there and I haven't heard everything, but I've yet to hear anything better regardless of cost.

Low rez pic...sorry!


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #64 on: 16 Oct 2010, 03:20 pm »
All this looking under the hood is making me think any minute now folks are going to be racing their CD players for pink slips  :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #65 on: 16 Oct 2010, 03:39 pm »
Do your oil-filled caps have dipsticks?  :lol:


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #66 on: 21 Oct 2010, 07:13 pm »
Gotta admit that when I look at those under-the-hood pix above I start itchin' but my trusty MCD500 with it's "battleship construction" and, in my humblest of opinion terrific sonics, will occupy it's space in the rack for a long, long time.  There may be better out there and I haven't heard everything, but I've yet to hear anything better regardless of cost.

Low rez pic...sorry!

Good, now I don't have too open up mine MCD500. :) 


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #67 on: 21 Oct 2010, 08:25 pm »
Hi McTwins.  I hope neither of us ever have to.  This pix was lifted of of another forum.  MCD500 sound pretty good eh?  :thumb:


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #68 on: 22 Oct 2010, 02:46 am »
That pic is old. McIntosh supposedly made cool changes in your players. Come on, open them up and lets see if there's truth to the rumors  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #69 on: 22 Oct 2010, 03:04 am »
Damn, Jack, that a bar in your room, too?  What a freakin room?  You're my new hero!  Not shabby equipment either, no sir.  Wish I could be there.


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #70 on: 22 Oct 2010, 01:45 pm »
Awe shucks Jim  :green: Well you're welcome any time. That bar is STOCKED UP!


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #71 on: 22 Oct 2010, 03:13 pm »
That elevator is more of a freight elevator I would suspect, for the movement of case goods  :thumb:


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #72 on: 22 Oct 2010, 03:48 pm »
Awe shucks Jim  :green: Well you're welcome any time. That bar is STOCKED UP!

I must admit that is one impressive looking room you have constructed :drool: I would luv to hear the sound from your system not to mention the added bonus of a good beverage.
Great Job! 


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #73 on: 22 Oct 2010, 04:13 pm »
What folks here fail to realize is that Jack's man cave is actually subterranean.  Jack you should post those pix that were posted on WBF.


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #74 on: 22 Oct 2010, 11:05 pm »
Hi Jack,

Your system must sound incredible! Love the finish of those VR-9's. Was wondering if you had any problems when Typhoon Megi came across? That was one heck of a storm.



Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #75 on: 23 Oct 2010, 02:13 am »
Thanks Henry, Megi didn't hit our part of the country too bad. Lots of damage and grief up north though  :cry:

The system is coming along. Micro adjustments at this point :)


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #76 on: 24 Oct 2010, 09:26 am »
Hi McTwins.  I hope neither of us ever have to.  This pix was lifted of of another forum.  MCD500 sound pretty good eh?  :thumb:

Of course it sounds good, it's the worlds greatest CD-player :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #77 on: 24 Oct 2010, 01:33 pm »
Oops, you've hijacked the thread!  :lol:


Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #78 on: 15 Nov 2010, 10:54 pm »

My name is Eric, i am french.

Sorry, i'm not speak Américan. :oops:

J'ai depuis longtemps un lecteur Eera DL1, que je trouve encore très bien pour l'avoir comparé récemment avec d'autres platines.

Je pense simplement que le lecteur est Eera Tentation est également un très bon produit pour l'avoir écouté au salon haute-fidélité, mais la taxe aéroport et le taux de change n'est pas favorable à la vente aux USA.

Sinon bon plaisir pour ceux qui auront la chance d'être les futurs acquéreurs.
Bonne soirée. Good evening.


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Re: World's Best CD Player?
« Reply #79 on: 15 Nov 2010, 11:12 pm »
Hey I got the "good evening" part....welcome to the forum Eric..