Beacon Two 6SN7 Tube Stereo Preamp Audition. Try our best preamp!

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The NS-30 was not made, so it would be just as easy to make a Beacon Two in its place. RCT1 wrote a good review of the Beacon Two if you want to know what it's all about. This is my best preamp and it's capable of driving anything.

Product highlights:
1. Extremely low noise output: AKA: Virtually nothing w/ 100db speakers being used
2. External DC filament supply: Zero EMI near the audio circuitry
3. Three inputs (Special for the tour unit!)
4. Solid hardwood sides
5. Gain and buffer modes, just like RCT1's
6. Dual 6SN7's: Our ultimate low-noise, efficient design!

Because this can potentially be our first audition model, these added features are being added for free. It is also a token of my appreciation for those who would like to participate.

Let me know what you think! I would greatly appreciate it.
« Last Edit: 27 Apr 2010, 10:31 am by Niteshade »


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Re: Beacon Two 6SN7 Tube Stereo Preamp rolling audition!
« Reply #1 on: 22 Apr 2010, 09:57 am »
If you would like to audition a Beacon II, let me know. I'll be happy to answer any questions.


Re: Beacon Two 6SN7 Tube Stereo Preamp rolling audition!
« Reply #2 on: 22 Apr 2010, 10:11 am »
I would like to audition.  What are the costs?  When will it take place?


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Re: Beacon Two 6SN7 Tube Stereo Preamp rolling audition!
« Reply #3 on: 22 Apr 2010, 10:35 am »
I can start working on it immediately, and get it in between orders if enough people are interested. The cost is a refundable $1000.00. Regular price with the installed upgrades is $1300.00.

Appearance: I would like this to be appealing to as many people as possible. There are several choices for decorative hardwood and the metal finish.

Some favorites:
Crimson Pearl w/ highly figured tiger maple. We have two very nice shades of black that go with the tiger maple as well.

Crimson & tiger:

Butternut w/ caramel beige:

Black & Oak (another option- no photo available)

I do not have photos for all combinations. The Beacon's wood is for the side panels only. The front and back edges can be tapered, so they don't look square.

If you have other color & wood combination ideas, post them! I would like to get those involved with the tour a chance to do your own customizations.

RCT1's review:

Finally settling in since my last post...
Since then I have made quite a few system changes and have now settled in. My Sig 30 has had the partial upgrade done and now has the 30.2 innards.... I really am enjoying it and can now understand how it has successfully displaced many amplifiers costing much, much more...
I have had upgrades done before to some of my prior audio gear and was never really impressed with the outcome. Naturally, I was very skeptical about doing the upgrade, (Vinnie must be a saint, I was a real science project), but, I can tell you without hesitation, that it was easily the most meaningful upgrade that I could imagine...

To be honest, the Sig 30 before the partial upgrade was not exactly my cup of tea.. In my system it simply sounded like it needed to gain significant weight and bloom. The detail was there, the quiet was there, but, no heft, no weight.  I fully expected to have the partial upgrade done only to end up selling it on Audiogon.

I was WRONG!
After running it in for approx. 3 weeks, I can tell you that the Sig 30.2 isn't going anywhere for a looong, loong while, if ever. It's that good. It's presentation of weight, complexity, bloom, ease pitch perfect bass, and natural highs, coupled with a DEAD quiet background are addicting!  It perform's as a 45 SET could, if it could make 30 watts.     

If anyone has any reservations about having the partial upgrade done, just cast em off, and have it done… Or email me, it’ll take me 30 seconds to sell you on the upgrade.

During this time I have used 2 different preamps. with the Sig 30.2. The first was the MAPLESHADE ULTRA 4A SE. The second was a Niteshade Beacon II, custom built for use with the Sig 30.2 with input to the builder from Vinnie.... (How many guys in the audio business would help another manufacturer design a preamp for a customer? Thanks Vinnie! ).

The Mapleshade, while it sounded fine, was just that, fine. No more - no less. A little noisy, vocals were acceptable, bass was a little fat, top was “nice”.  And the main preamp chassis weighted only about a pound, even turning the volume control caused the preamp to move… Just didn’t feel or sound substantial to me. I sold it, thanks Audiogon.

Niteshade Audio Beacon Two preamp:

The Beacon Two was a completely different story. This is a really nice preamp.! Dead quiet, I’d say every bit as quiet as the Sig 30.2.  I ran it the first week with some RCA 6SN7’s.  It went through some strange periods during  the break-in process, especially the first week. Day one, bright, day 2 dark, day3 better more balanced, then it started to open up.

I had done some reading on 6SN7 tubes and found lots of folks recommending the Russian 6H8C tubes as replacements, (approx. $200.00 pr.). I decided to give these a try. Again, another immediate change for the better. I left these cooking in the preamp for a couple of days, went back to the system and honestly, the difference was amazing.

I should note that the way that the Niteshade  Beacon Two “stand-by mode” works (My term not Niteshades). There are two switches, one for the tube filaments of the 6SN7/6H8C that keeps them on in stand-by if you wish or off completely. The other power switch is for the high voltage which turns of the rectifier/high voltage circuit.  When I shut it down, I turn off the high voltage switch and leave the tube filament switch on - all the time… When ready to use it again, I flip on the high voltage circuit and within 1 minute I am playing music – no warm up time!

Howzit sound? If foot tapping and smiling are any sign, it sounds outstanding. Quiet, dimensional front to back, full cinema width. Rich and natural without sounding euphonic. I’d say it’s an honest preamp. It gives you what ever you feed it.

One truly unique characteristic that I notice now is that the soundstage has excellent height! I have had lots of audio gear, LOTS!  I have never experienced this vertical dispersion characteristic as profoundly as now. Vocals have a spooky realism and image placement is as good as I have ever heard. The only other set-up that I have experienced that “may” have done this better is the original Magnaplanar MG20’s with some really high end electronics.

The switchable gain is also a very nice feature. One toggle switch that allows for 0db gain, (Unity gain) or 12db gain . I find that I use the 0db gain with phono and 12db going with CD. I set the gain at approx. 11:00 o’çlock on the Beacon Two and then dial up the gain on the Sig30.2 to an approx. maximum listening level. Then use the preamp gain to dial in the desired volume… The flexibility here is real nice. Most preamp seem to have a sweet spot, this one happens to be at ~ 11:00 o’clock on the preamp volume control and 2:00 o’clock on the Sig 30.2.  According to Blair at Niteshade, the preamp should be shut off before switching gain settings. (If you don’t you will hear a disturbing pop thru your speakers). I mentioned this to him the last time we spoke and he stated that he may have a way to eliminate this, he’s thinking on it…

Final thoughts:  If you are looking for a excellent preamp. , I encourage you to try the Beacon Two. If you are on the fence weather you should upgrade your Red Wine Audio Sig 30 to Sig 30.2, don’t hesitate, call Vinnie and tell him it’s on the way… I bet you will have it back in a week.   

Many thanks to Vinnie and Blair for their wonderful products and exemplary customer support!


Niteshade Beacon Two Custom Preamp.
Red Wine Audio Signature 30.2 Amplifier
Audio Space CDP-8A CD Player
Rega Planar 3 with RB300 Arm
Denon DL103R MC Cartridge
Bob's Devices Cinemag MC Step Up Transformer
Graham Slee Signature Phono Stage
Classic Audio Reproductions T3 Speakers

« Last Edit: 22 Apr 2010, 11:54 am by Niteshade »


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I have decided to wave the Beacon Two's deposit.  :D

Ericus Rex

What are the terms now?


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  • SE PA. by way of Boston, MA.
What are the terms now?

And sign me up! I'm looking to audition 'tubey' pre's to put in front of an old Bryston 4B I just acquired.


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Here are the terms:

1. I'll take down your name, address and phone numbers
2. Each person can have it for seven days (that sound good?)
3. We'll keep an active roll on who has it in this circle
4. I would like an informative review of it when you're finished
5. I'll start the tour so that shipping distances are minimal

Do you folks have any suggestions?


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  • SE PA. by way of Boston, MA.
Seems fair, I'll PM my info.

Here are the terms:

1. I'll take down your name, address and phone numbers
2. Each person can have it for seven days (that sound good?)
3. We'll keep an active roll on who has it in this circle
4. I would like an informative review of it when you're finished
5. I'll start the tour so that shipping distances are minimal

Do you folks have any suggestions?


I am in the market for a new pre,,gonna be letting the minimax go,,I would certainly like to get in on this demo/audition if possible please.


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I will try to get the preamp finished by the first week of May. As completion nears, I'll set up the schedule.

There are still plenty of slots that can be filled.

NOTE: If it is purchased during the tour, another will be made to finish it.


Sign me up Blair.
One request: please place me at the rear of the "marathon" - a bit busy lately.

(will PM you with my info later tonight)

Cheers :wink:

Ericus Rex

I'd love to hear it too!


I am in the market for a new pre,,gonna be letting the minimax go,,

My baby!! And before that jrebman's baby, now dangerbird's! A happy little tube pre, that minimax. But 6SN7s are irresistable! Good luck in your search George.


. But 6SN7s are irresistable!

I will recieve my custom 6j5 preamp next week.
6j5 is just like 6sn7 - think 1X6sn7 = 2X6J5s
It will be interesting to compare it to Blair's creation.


I received your pm--thank you sir,,I have read and heard so much about your products(very positive),I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to get my ear on this pre--and if all goes well,,it won't be leaving my home(read purchase) :eyebrows:


My baby!! And before that jrebman's baby, now dangerbird's! A happy little tube pre, that minimax. But 6SN7s are irresistable! Good luck in your search George.

Hey Rich-- man you pop up everywhere eh? I have just heard so much about Blairs products,,that I just have to get my ear on this pre.The minimax is sporting some BDR cones,,and really nice tubes,, the Siemens silverplate really did it,,gonna hate to see it go,, but life is too short,, gotta' continue on the journey,,and it seems that my good friend Jerry,has struck the mother lode, 6SN7 treasure chest ,,,same date code/production run,,gotta' do something with em'  :wink:


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The preamp is a true dual-mode preamplifier and buffer.  :drool: Attenuators are not switched in during buffer mode. To keep the signal pure and not mess around with internal impedances, the actual circuit is changed with the preamp/buffer switch.

Thought I would make this function more clear to everyone because it has been such a big success. Some day I'll own one.  :lol:  Been busy making them for everybody else.

Thanks everyone for joining the tour. There is still more room.


Good Morning Blair,
I would very much like to give this preamp a spin.  If possible I will also organize a small rave locally and try it in at least one other system and maybe two or three.  I know the hometown Bad Boyz are interested in anything running a triode!  :thumb:


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PM's & Emails:

If you email and do not receive a reply for a tour seat, please send again. The PM system tells me everything is read even if one letter is read, so some might not be seen.