Squeezebox Touch released today

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Steidl Guitars

Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #60 on: 30 Apr 2010, 03:09 am »
I read all the buzz about the Touch and curiosity got the best of me and thought I'd give it a try. 
Count me as a member of that club!  Although I admit that I'm pretty happy to buy stuff to audition that's as reasonably priced as the Touch.

It's there, why not use it?
That's what got me into this whole squeezebox mess, which I say jokingly.  I've really enjoyed the process of moving my music to a server.  I don't mind getting up to change a CD, but being able to paw through all of my music so easily has had me listening to a much wider variety of music.  And squeezeboxes make that easy, which has been a lot of fun.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #61 on: 30 Apr 2010, 04:47 am »
I've had SB3 in my systems for roughly six years now but have had quality linear, regulated power supplies and Bolder digital mods and have had a number of different DACs w/ each.
I got a Touch recently and its working wired w/ a MF VDAC and running off a Bolder ps.  It sounds pretty stunning to me on 16/44.1 Red Book rips.  On 24/96 it is very high quality. 
I still have a wired SB3 in the bedroom system w/ a Welborne Labs kit ps and modded digital out to an MHDT Paradisea DAC and it serves as a sort of performance baseline.  While the two units are in very different systems the difference to my ears is that the Touch is more open and the interface is much better. I listened to the Touch analog outs vs the SPDIF digital output through the VDAC (w linear reulated ps) and it was no contest, the separate DAC was clearly better.  The analog outs were not an embarassment however.  Just not quite as extended or resolving but thay didn't suck. I would state clearly that the ps w/ the Touch is better than previous switchers but still not as good as a decent linear regulated ps. 


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #62 on: 30 Apr 2010, 12:22 pm »
I am hearing lots of good things about the SQ of the new Touch, I might have to save my pennies and find a way to afford one of these, so I can use my ~1TB of tunes in another system in my house.

I have a highly modded (analog and digital) Bolder SB3 with Bolder PS in my main system.  I would like the touch screen, it would likely make the other users in my home happy...


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Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #63 on: 30 Apr 2010, 01:57 pm »
Hey Guys..I have a stock Duet receiver that I control with my ipod touch using ipeng, the new UI of the touch doesn't make me want to jump yet but in your opinion would I get better sound with mods to my Duet or would the new SB touch sound better. What I'm reading here is that you guys with modded SB's find that they sound as good if not better than the new SB touch?
 Think most cost effective way to better sound, Mod my Duet or get a touch?? Thanks in advance for your thoughts.
 Ed L.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #64 on: 30 Apr 2010, 02:24 pm »

How would you use the Touch? Analog output or digital.

The DUET has a decent analog output. With mods the digital is very good. To mod the digital output to get it to sound much better than stock, the cost would be $425.00. You also should use an aftermarket linear power supply. In my opinion the inexpensive linear PS should be modded to get the most out of them. There is another $150.00 at a minimum.

The Touch has a VERY good digital out. The analog isn't bad, but it could use some work. In any case, a linear power supply would suggested for use with the Touch, as well. That comes to a minimum of $450-500.00. If you go for a better power supply, even more money.

The Touch is very open and revealing of what it is being fed. the better, quieter the power is the better the Touch responds to it. Once the analog section is modded in the Touch, this is even more obvious.

The Touch may be cheaper right off the bat, but it may end up costing you more in the long run as mods become available.


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Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #65 on: 30 Apr 2010, 03:07 pm »
Thanks Wayne..I use optical output of the Duet playing wav files via ethernet connection. At your suggestion in a previous thread I'm getting the power supply from Parts Express first, then I'll see where things stand. I'm assuming that same power supply will work with the SB touch if I go that route. If I had the funds you would have already modded this Duet and power supply as I have yet to hear anyone say anything negative about your mods. I really appreciate the time you take to explain stuff to me..Ed L.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #66 on: 30 Apr 2010, 03:30 pm »
I would be very interested in your opinion of the Touch when the USB HDD is directly connected and whether or not this impacts the digital out negatively.



Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #67 on: 30 Apr 2010, 03:36 pm »

Just for fun, try using flac files. They take up a little less space but they do support tagging and are easy to change over to other formats. I, personally, have never been able to hear any difference between flac and wav. I know some people to claim to hear such things.

I would also suggest you give a good coax a try, if you gear can accept that. The Toslink connector in the DUET is fairly noisy. The coax is typically wider bandwidth and quieter. Mods can make that even better.

The PE supply does not have a selected output for 5 volts. It can be modded to allow 5 volts output. While the PE supply is rated to 2 amps, it will get very warm and be operating right on the edge with the Touch. It is fine with the DUET as the DUET receiver does not draw as much current as the Touch. As mentioned earlier, the Touch is rather sensitive about the power it is fed. The cleaner the DC, the happier it is.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #68 on: 30 Apr 2010, 03:44 pm »

Yes, running a hard drive direct from the Touch will impact everything about the Touch's operation. The DC current requirements go up. The noise from the hard drives control system and motor will not be present on the internal power supplies on the Touch. The SB Server will be run from the Touch and this is quite a bit smaller with fewer features than the full server run on a separate computer.

It will work. It will not sound as good as running ethernet into the Touch from a separate computer located in a different room. It may sound good enough for most, but for the best possible sound on a good system, there will be compromises. Some of this could be reduced if you use a hard drive with a separate power supply, instead of pulling off the USB line. Then you have the trouble of another noisy switching wall wart near your stereo polluting the AC line.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #69 on: 1 May 2010, 03:24 pm »
. . . .  Then you have the trouble of another noisy switching wall wart near your stereo polluting the AC line.

A Felix like solution (16$-20$) will solves this practically


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #70 on: 1 May 2010, 03:32 pm »

Yes, running a hard drive direct from the Touch will impact everything about the Touch's operation. The DC current requirements go up. The noise from the hard drives control system and motor will not be present on the internal power supplies on the Touch. The SB Server will be run from the Touch and this is quite a bit smaller with fewer features than the full server run on a separate computer.

It will work. It will not sound as good as running ethernet into the Touch from a separate computer located in a different room. It may sound good enough for most, but for the best possible sound on a good system, there will be compromises. Some of this could be reduced if you use a hard drive with a separate power supply, instead of pulling off the USB line. Then you have the trouble of another noisy switching wall wart near your stereo polluting the AC line.
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated.  I would be using a drive with separate PS but it sounds like there may still be drawbacks going this direction.  I liked the idea of having the Touch itself acting a a standalone source so I would'nt have a PC running all the time but not at the cost of sound quality.



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Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #71 on: 1 May 2010, 04:15 pm »
What about including a separate linear supply for the hard drive in the same case as the supply for the Touch?


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Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #72 on: 12 May 2010, 01:36 pm »
Anyone know the max analog output voltage of the Touch?
Chris H.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #73 on: 12 May 2010, 01:47 pm »
1.21 gigawatts!?


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #74 on: 14 May 2010, 02:51 am »
I have had my SQ Touch for about 10 days now, and I am quite pleased with it.
I run optical out to a NAD C565BEE, which has an optical in. The server is on my laptop in another room, all wireless. Not a single connectivity hitch so far. Most files are FLAC. Some are MP3 at 320.
Speakers are newly arrived Salk Songtowers. The system is powered by a Rogue Cronus Magnum.
A very simple setup.
I have tested the analog outputs straight to the Cronus and found the overall sound to be a little less dynamic than through the 565. Less vibrant and the bass a bit muddy in comparison. That said, the DACs in the NAD are a bit on the bright side, however, the Cronus does a nice job of smoothing out the grain.
Overall, a very easy integration. The Touch has gotten me re-involved in my music.


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #75 on: 21 May 2010, 09:53 pm »
I am considering a Touch to get me re-involved with my music also. 

My question to the current owners is what is the distance from the Touch that you can sit while using the remote and still read the display when scrolling for music?

My sweet spot is about 8 feet away from where it would sit in my main rig but I will probably use it more at my office rig which is right at arms length.




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Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #76 on: 22 May 2010, 05:04 pm »
Mine is 10-11 feet away and I can just make out the album art and the song if i 'squint'...

I think for most abt 8 feet is max....

I dont think logitech really thougth this one out as fas as so many of us that want to be able to read the LCD across the room, have the touch near the receiver/preamp etc..

The cost of having a larger LCD would be costly and could be very annoying to the listening room abmience?

I wish their LCD remote was NOT $250!! If it was a $99 item I would pick one up ASAP


Phil A

Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #77 on: 22 May 2010, 05:51 pm »
Mine is 10-11 feet away and I can just make out the album art and the song if i 'squint'...

I think for most abt 8 feet is max....

I dont think logitech really thougth this one out as fas as so many of us that want to be able to read the LCD across the room, have the touch near the receiver/preamp etc..

The cost of having a larger LCD would be costly and could be very annoying to the listening room abmience?

I wish their LCD remote was NOT $250!! If it was a $99 item I would pick one up ASAP


It would be nice if it had a video out.  I have a 19 inch LCD about 7 feet away that I use for things like DVD-A menus and could output it to something like that.  Would their LCD remote show the information that is on the screen of the Touch?


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Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #78 on: 22 May 2010, 06:04 pm »
Phil and adydula-
 If you have an Android cellphone or ipod touch/phone everything gets up close and personal...I use ipod touch with app. called ipeng and
can browse all my music, see album covers, get info etc. right in my hand and its very easy to use and see..I've got 52 yr. old eyes...the Android app is free and ipeng is like $9.99, I'm posting this while piloting my recliner and watching TV and picking songs in between. I can honestly say I've taken lounging to the next level!!! :thumb: :thumb:


Re: Squeezebox Touch released today
« Reply #79 on: 22 May 2010, 07:49 pm »
Another question.

Since I have a Blackberry.  Can you control the Touch or Duet from a laptop on you house network or a web based function with squeeze box software or 3rd party software?

Sorry for the dumb questions.  I am just trying to figure out which unit would be best for my application.
