NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!

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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #460 on: 28 Nov 2009, 03:19 pm »
Drill a 1" hole into the Gatorfoam and glue a piezo with paper cone behind?


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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #461 on: 28 Nov 2009, 04:11 pm »
Gentlemen, I think I have it!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o
As we have struggled to better the Gatorfoam, I had an idea which goes way back to the roots of this NXT panel saga.[/b]

We're champing at the bit!!!!!



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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #462 on: 28 Nov 2009, 05:44 pm »

these were the round panels .too big for my roomand not as good sounding as I would like.


Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #463 on: 28 Nov 2009, 06:11 pm »
Has anyone tried a cross over? Mount 3 transducers to the panel and cross each one over as if they were larger paper cone drivers?

I might try leaving the 2 cheaper transducers crossed over like they were stock then choke the dayton with a coil because IMO it had the better bass of the 2 types i orderd off parts express


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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #464 on: 29 Nov 2009, 02:55 pm »
el'OL..................................... ...correct!

The piezo, as I have found, matches the output of the panel's sensitivity perfectly and blends in better than I could have dreamed for
I was expecting to have to use resistors, capacitors and or step up transformers, but by sheer luck NONE of this is required.

Having designed ESL's for many years, I have some reservations about the capacitive load of a piezo element. It's a high impedance device and as such acts as it's own crossover. By this I mean that it's a better impedance match at high frequencies than lower frequencies. The driving amplifier is going to "see" more capacity at higher frequencies and be more reactive. Some amplifiers can be unstable and oscillate under capacitive reactance.

In real world applications ESL's can be 4 or 5 mfd, If possible, measure the piezo load just to see what you have. It's probably nothing to cause concern, just something to keep in mind.

Otherwise, congratulations!!!



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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #465 on: 30 Nov 2009, 11:20 am »
Well done Ziggy   :thumb:

Whipping up some small cardboard panels on the weekend, plastic coated on the rear with a single exciter mounted off centre, so I've finally  :roll:  got at least a taste for NXT sound with my T-amp. Fun stuff and quickly learned a few things about how these babies work. Sound quality easily good enough to see how it could be pushed to something exceptional on monster panels.  8)

A question on your piezo tweeter application. As the panel does vibrate like the clappers, might the tweeter work better with less distortion from extraneous vibrations if the piezo cone remains separated from the panel as you have it now. Alternatively, if using a spine for exciter mounting, which from playing about I think might aid LF and overall SQ, the same could possibly be achieved by mounted them to this and firing them through a hole in the panel but not touching it.


PS. Now I've read a bit about how piezo tweeters work  :scratch:  I can see that spine mounting is probably not possible.  :duh:
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2009, 10:28 pm by jeffac »


Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #466 on: 30 Nov 2009, 03:18 pm »
I find what ever i sit the panel in front of changes the sound and ruins the overall sound.

If i sit it infront of a sheetrock wall or even my metal front door the sound changes and ruins the sound.


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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #467 on: 30 Nov 2009, 10:25 pm »
Measured the piezo : 0.025uf.
Don't think that this should be a problem?

No sweat, .025 mfd won't be a problem at all.



Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #468 on: 30 Nov 2009, 11:41 pm »
I chose that 6X9 tweeter thing parts express had on there for $.75 i think i ordered 10 of them.

j gale

Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #469 on: 1 Dec 2009, 05:57 am »
Hi Zygadr, Does the addition of the piezo affect the image? I was just wondering if introducing the direct hi frequency info in this way has any negative effect on how the sound stage is perceived. If all is good it seems to be an elegant solution. So far I have not really noticed the panels to be lacking in the highs. If this gives a little more air then surely worth the effort.


Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #470 on: 1 Dec 2009, 08:24 am »
A couple more questions for you Ziggy.

Can you provide a picture of that piezo mounted to the panel? I am having a hard time visualizing the application. Also, you are running it full range without Xover? If so does it make a difference where it gets wired in order?

How much will I sacrifice choosing the biodegradable foamboard (eco-guilt)?

Think I'll sacrifice much using the spine support method?

How much do you think I'll sacrifice downsizing the panel to the 20X30 range?

Sorry, I know that's a lot of questions. And I know it's not your job to answer them. Anything you or somebody else feels like answering is appreciated. Thanks for all the help.


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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #471 on: 1 Dec 2009, 05:27 pm »
j gale..............that is the million dollar question! :scratch:

I feel that I may have fallen in to the brighter is better (as opposed to accurate) trap?

One thing that concerns me.

If a one wishes to look at this project from a "purist" standpoint, there would be a problem of aesthetics.

I know for a fact that the magneto dynamic exciters are capable of upper end frequencies beyond 20,000 hertz. The problem, (as it has been all along) is one of coupling the exciter to the outside world, so to speak. Like it or not, "Nomex" has been the material of choice thus far. It's very low mass and quite rigid. If one looks at the construction of this product, it's elegantly simple but not easily copied by the average person. I must admit, I've laid in bed at night thinking of a way to make my own version of Nomex

Shelley Katz still had to do a bit of a balancing act with the Podium 1, by adding an hp capacitor in one or two exciters despite the Nomex. All in all, I think Shelley has been very good about revealing as much as he has. The Podium point 5 uses no other passive components to my knowledge, if so I stand corrected.

Hey, I have a piezo horn laying around here someplace. I still may give it a shot anyway. As a horn tweeter, it totally sucks. One other thing, it may be rated for no more than 20 watts, I can't remember.



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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #472 on: 2 Dec 2009, 05:26 am »
However, this time the cone will be taped to the back of the panel, more towards the edge, rather than the  middle with the rest of the exciters.

So the hope here is to not so much generate additonal HF via the piezo cone transmitting HFs to the front of the panel, but to generate additional rear-firing HF mainly via its cone for 'air' ? Another benifet possible being that panel vibration closer toward its edge will be less ferocious.
And a very naive question  :oops:  on impedance, particularly as I have the cheapo PE 4 ohm exciters and know little about piezo tweeters, is there some nominal impedance 'known, assummed or determined' to calculate how series/parallel connection to a group of exciters will effect their combined impedance. Completely understand a 'go do homework' response.  :roll:


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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #473 on: 2 Dec 2009, 05:01 pm »
Just had a thought about placing a capacitor across an inductance. The capacitor being the piezo element and the coil of the exciter being the inductor. This can form a parallel LC  peaking circuit adding several db output. This could be checked by measuring the "hot spot", or epicenter of one of the exciters. What I'm saying is, there may be an actual boost to the entire system with the right amount of capacity and the characteristics of the driving amplifier.

My friend had a set of loudspeaker cables that were interwoven and added considerable capacity to the load presented to his amplifier. He liked the sound of the cables over common heavy duty wire.
For my taste I found them to be overly bright.

Anyway, my point is that it may be possible to get an actual electrical boost to the whole system with added capacity as well as the acoustical boost from the piezo exciter.

In my days as a broadcast engineer, it was not uncommon to "throw" a parallel LC peaking circuit in the mixer lines here and there.



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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #474 on: 3 Dec 2009, 04:16 am »
I've been meaning to ask this general question about Gatorfoam.

I have a whole lot of exciters and will soon try a pair of large panels. Is Gatorfoam relatively flat?
I have a mounting technique I'd like to try and it requires a panel material that remains as flat as possible.

My idea is not a secret of any kind, I just don't want anyone on here wasting their money trying something without a modicum of verification.
If my idea works I'll post photos and explain what I did

I've been playing with 20X30 inch foam board, 3/16" thick, color, black. The highs don't trail off until 15,000 hertz, but the board is noticeably warped.
I also think rounding the corners is a noteworthy consideration.

By the way, I found a tape that is 1 1/16" wide. The tape is called "Terrifically Tacky Tape".
I was browsing a craft store when I came across this stuff. Supposedly it cures completely after 24 hours and the bond becomes permanent. It was $8.00 U.S.



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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #475 on: 3 Dec 2009, 08:25 pm »
I know that over the ''other forum'' they were promoting the rounding of corners.

Are you aware of improved results with this technique?
I say this beacause those guys over there have ''lost the plot''...........big time.

I haven't been checking the "other" forum with any regularity, my thoughts are that they're stuck in a rut.

I can't say with any real evidence that rounding the corners will improve performance without actually trying it. From a physics standpoint I believe rounding the corners may have audible benefits.

The epicenter of the bending waves emanating from the exciter are concentric until they hit the edge of the board. The waves grow in amplitude as they travel away from the epicenter. (Bigger board, more bass).
Here's what I think may be happening. The waves hit the edge of the board and have nowhere else to go but bounce back in the opposite direction.
Thus a need for dampening. I don't think it's such a big deal on long edges, but when the waves hit a corner there must be a great deal of turbulent reflections running into each other at 90 degree angles. After all, the board is getting smaller as the waves get closer to the corner.
Have you noticed the increase of vibrations at the corners? These may not necessarily be "good vibrations". (Apologies to The Beach Boys).

It stands to reason that the concentric waves will behave in a more predictable manner when running into a curved edge. A gentler cross wave reflection should result. Some might be thinking of using a round board instead of rectangular, but I don't think it's an efficient idea.
The reason being that we are using in line multiple exciters and it would just take up too much real estate on the board. No sense in wasting radiation area and losing out on bass. No need to go elliptical either for the same reason.

I'm going to do a caveman test on a board, by sprinkling salt on a horizontal board with one exciter. I'll then sweep an audio signal generator and note results. Then repeat the test with a rounded corner board.

BTW.... You could be right about the tape. It could come in handy to be able to walk into a store and buy a roll.


j gale

Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #476 on: 4 Dec 2009, 02:49 am »
Which piezo??


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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #477 on: 4 Dec 2009, 02:48 pm »
I found a place that has nomex core at a reasonable price.  We would have to figure out the best skin and how to "glue" it to the core.  http://www.avtcomposites.com/core.php3

4'x8' core .125" cell spacing/.125" thinkness is $114.00 US.



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Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #478 on: 4 Dec 2009, 10:27 pm »
I find it frustrating yet humorous that the people who have disregarded, slagged and brushed off this DIY success story without even giving it a decent go or try and have relied on measurements and the negative attitudes of others and other forums to convince themselves that this is just a load of B.S.!! 

I don't intend to crash the thread as I have enjoyed it, but this sort of rational has not been very productive in the past and I find it distracting now.  I find it troubling and humorous that you would ask anyone to follow you down a road to your ultimate success (which still seems unsuccessful) w/o providing any reason other than that you think or feel it is so.  The fact that the search is still on for a better material and your adding and subtracting drivers tells me you are not fully satisfied even though you are still excited.  Let me ask you this: why should anyone spend their time and money, both of which are significant, without any more reason than you think they should?  In a world full of opinions, how much do you think your opinion is worth?  Evidence is priceless.  I think if you want more contribution and effort from others you've got to have more reason why they should do so.  Your enthusiasm has generated a lot of interest (31 pages and counting :D), but your evidence is absent.  I bet if you had better evidence combined with the excitement you'd be done by now one way or the other.  If it's good, there should be a reason.

Let's be realistic,


j gale

Re: NXT.......rubbish??....THINK AGAIN!
« Reply #479 on: 5 Dec 2009, 01:39 am »
Dan,   What are you looking for? I for one have enjoyed experimenting with this whole adventure. It's the sharing of information and the results of experiments that have moved this along. The exciters are cheap. The panels are also relatively cheap and the time involved to check it out are minimal. After horns, open baffle, various full range efforts, the panels sound closer to real music than anything else. Measurements will tell you little or nothing about that. Putting it together and trying it will. Can it be improved ? Absolutely! but still(in my opinion) head and shoulders above the rest. By the way what audio nut is not always looking for improvement. We are all big boys. No one has suffered from Ziggy's enthusiasm. It has been a pleasurable adventure and continues to be so.