Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.

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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #500 on: 13 Apr 2011, 07:55 pm »
^^^I actually tried that and it gave this...

Stopping Music Player Daemon: mpd.
Starting Music Player Daemon: mpdcreating /mnt/tunes/mpd/tag_cache... ... (warning).
listen: bind to '' failed: Address already in use (continuing anyway, because binding to '[::]:6601' succeeded)
Failed to load database: Failed to open database file "/mnt/tunes/mpd/tag_cache": No such file or directory
database: Can't create db file in "/mnt/tunes/mpd": Permission denied

Ok, so binding to port 6601 now succeeded. Now it seems you have either a mount problem or a permission issue on your NAS/NFS server.

Are you able to change directory from the command line of your alix and browse your music files? That is, can you cd /mnt, then ls to see your files?


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #501 on: 13 Apr 2011, 10:06 pm »
Yes, I can see my files, as a user or root.  The alix created mpd.log (it's blank) on the server as well, so I know that some things have already been created...


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #502 on: 14 Apr 2011, 03:49 am »
So, any ideas why it creates the mpd.log file, but can't create the tag_cache file?


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #503 on: 14 Apr 2011, 06:39 pm »

would you be willing to post your successful fstab file contents? I've still been unsuccessful to get my windows share mounted.

not sure if it will help but I'd doublecheck that the directories you are specifying in mpd.conf are all created properly. I had failed to create a directory path properly. Once I did that, even though I couldn't connect to the share drive, mpd fired up OK. I'm new and may be totally wrong but figured I'd offer something up.


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #504 on: 16 Apr 2011, 05:14 pm »

would you be willing to post your successful fstab file contents? I've still been unsuccessful to get my windows share mounted.

not sure if it will help but I'd doublecheck that the directories you are specifying in mpd.conf are all created properly. I had failed to create a directory path properly. Once I did that, even though I couldn't connect to the share drive, mpd fired up OK. I'm new and may be totally wrong but figured I'd offer something up.
No problem at all!  Can you post your mpd.conf?

It was quite annoying!!!!
Here i my fstab.  When I ls /mnt/tunes I can see all the music folders and browse to my hearts content!

#/dev/hda1       /       ext2    defaults,noatime,rw     0       0
proc            /proc   proc    defaults                0       0
tmpfs                   /tmp    tmpfs   nosuid,nodev                    0      0
#tmpfs           /rw     tmpfs   defaults,size=32M        0       0
//  /mnt/tunes  cifs credentials=/etc/samba/user,noexec  0 0

I am still working on mpd and it is quite frustrating.  I am contemplating getting another alix as a server because I am wondering if it is a windows issue...


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #505 on: 16 Apr 2011, 05:33 pm »
Anyone know what my permissions should look like in the mpd folder?  Currently they are
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #506 on: 16 Apr 2011, 06:13 pm »
I'm playing!

I made 2 changes.  1, the Database file is not with the music anymore, it is on the Alix, and 2, I commented out the user setting.

I am using a V-link to feed a modified DAC-60, and I just confirmed it plays 24/96 as it should, switching automatically!

Now, where can I purchase the plug I need to convert my Alix to the battery supply I have for my buffer?

Thanks again to everyone for the help and to nyc-paramedic for starting this!!!!


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #507 on: 16 Apr 2011, 08:35 pm »
I'm playing!

I made 2 changes.  1, the Database file is not with the music anymore, it is on the Alix, and 2, I commented out the user setting.

You need to fix that. You can't have the database written to the CF card. You're doing something wrong with your paths or there is a folder permission problem.
« Last Edit: 16 Apr 2011, 09:36 pm by nyc_paramedic »


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #508 on: 16 Apr 2011, 09:51 pm »
How about this?  I had to set the user to "root" but everything is on the server now and it is working...

I have yet to have "remountro" give me a result other than mount: / is busy

music_directory    "/mnt/tunes"
playlist_directory "/mnt/tunes/mpd/playlists"
db_file            "/mnt/tunes/mpd.db"
log_file           "/mnt/tunes/mpd/mpd.log"
pid_file           "/mnt/tunes/mpd/pid"
state_file         "/mnt/tunes/mpd/state"

user               "root"
bind_to_address    "any"
port               "6601"

metadata_to_use    "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"

input {
        plugin     "curl"

audio_output {
        type       "alsa"
        name       "Music Fidelity V-Link"
        device     "hw:0,0"


buffer_before_play "100%"

filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
id3v1_encoding     "UTF-8"

follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
follow_inside_symlinks  "yes"
zeroconf_enabled        "yes"
zeroconf_name           "Voyage Music Player"
mixer_type              "hardware"


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #509 on: 16 Apr 2011, 10:03 pm »
How about this?  I had to set the user to "root" but everything is on the server now and it is working...

I have yet to have "remountro" give me a result other than mount: / is busy

music_directory    "/mnt/tunes"
playlist_directory "/mnt/tunes/mpd/playlists"
db_file            "/mnt/tunes/mpd.db"
log_file           "/mnt/tunes/mpd/mpd.log"
pid_file           "/mnt/tunes/mpd/pid"
state_file         "/mnt/tunes/mpd/state"

user               "root"
bind_to_address    "any"
port               "6601"

metadata_to_use    "artist,album,title,track,name,genre,date,composer,performer,disc"

input {
        plugin     "curl"

audio_output {
        type       "alsa"
        name       "Music Fidelity V-Link"
        device     "hw:0,0"


buffer_before_play "100%"

filesystem_charset "UTF-8"
id3v1_encoding     "UTF-8"

follow_outside_symlinks "yes"
follow_inside_symlinks  "yes"
zeroconf_enabled        "yes"
zeroconf_name           "Voyage Music Player"
mixer_type              "hardware"

Sounds like a user/permission problem on your Windows box. It's best to have all log and database files on a NAS or else you run the risk killing your CF card or filling it up.


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #510 on: 16 Apr 2011, 10:20 pm »
All the files are now on the NAS, that is what I posted above.  I just had to set the user in mpd.conf to "root"

I have never been able to tell the Alix to remountro.  Always the same error.

Any ideas where to get the DC plug for the back on it's own?


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #511 on: 16 Apr 2011, 10:34 pm »
All the files are now on the NAS, that is what I posted above.  I just had to set the user in mpd.conf to "root"

I have never been able to tell the Alix to remountro.  Always the same error.

Any ideas where to get the DC plug for the back on it's own?

The DC plug can be ordered from Digi-Key or Radio Shack. Download the PDF for  your Alix on the PC Engines site; the spec of I.D. and O.D (inside diameter and outside diameter) are in the PDF. I do beleived (confirm by reading the PDF) that center pin is positive.

Rememer: *ALWAYS* power down/up Alix *NOT* from the jack but from the other end , whatever that's connected to. Example: If you have the stock switching wall wart, always plug/unplug the wall wart from the wall or power strip. You can get arcing from doing it on the jack side and damage your alix.


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #512 on: 17 Apr 2011, 03:40 am »
So, from the spec it is a 2.1 mm plug with center pin positive, sleeve ground.  I am going to order either this one, or this one.  I am planning on putting a switch inline to make turning the box off easier.

Any harm in only turning on the Alix when listening to music?  Is using the user "root" all right in my mpd.conf?


Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #513 on: 17 Apr 2011, 11:36 pm »
You can set the Alix for static ip in /etc/networking/interfaces


But, if you were goint to install ddwrt, I would. I've heard it's much more stable than the stock firmware.

FWIW, I found another reason to install ddwrt or to implement the static ip address through your router if it has that facility. A couple weeks ago I set up my laptop with a static ip address within windows xp just to go through the process and forgot about it. We're now traveling and it took me a bit of time to determine why I couldn't access two different hotel's wifi systems. It took finding the error log for the light to go on.    :duh:


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #514 on: 19 Apr 2011, 07:53 pm »

Thanks for posting your fstab & mpd. I haven't posted mine because my system crashed and I couldn't reboot Linux on the board. After hours of work I found out 'why':

If you extract the voyage "tar" file using the Voyage website instructions:
extract the software tarball:
   tar --numeric-owner -jxf voyage-<version>.tar.bz2

BE SURE you do it from 'root' by inserting 'sudo' in front of 'tar' so the command becomes:
        sudo tar --numeric-owner -jxf voyage-<version>.tar.bz2

My extraction was done incorrectly with errors, ....big problem.  But, I was able to get mpd running and didn't realize the corruption problem at first.

I've not got a clean install and back to trying to get Voyage and my Alix card to be able to mount/read my Windows 7 shared drive info.

I also didn't realize that it's critical to make sure the directory paths in the voyage mpd.conf file are changed and pointing to the NAS drive (Windows 7 Shared my case). My corrupted install had the paths on Voyage as the default paths which were then writing to the CF card.

Also want to thank Nick, nyc_paramedic for the invaluable support. This post is truly helpful for Linux newbies setting up Voyage.


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #515 on: 21 Apr 2011, 07:28 pm »
NFS client and ALSA are already installed. Remaining steps are:

1. Configure your NAS to export your music directory.

2. Configure ftsab file on alix to mount NFS or CIFS share on your NAS.

3. Edit mpd.conf

Hi Nick and all.

I have been away on a short Easter holiday to Hamburg. I'm back and have received the Ayre QB-9 that is now playing hi res music from my Win 7 work labtop. The sound is really good, but there are dropouts once in a while, I suppose because I have too many programmes etc. running on the computer. So I would really like to have the MPD up and running.

Re step 1: I think I have enabled NFS on my Synology NAS, which has the following address: The NFS directory path should then be something like: 5000 / Volume1 / Music ?

Re. step 2: I surely need the correct address to configure "fstab", right? What else?

Re. step 3: I will need to edit it for use with the Ayre.

Best wishes,


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #516 on: 23 Apr 2011, 06:55 pm »
My Alix is now on Battery power!
Here is the cord with the added switch...

It is on the same Battery as an Amp and a Dodd Buffer and I have no Noise that I can detect...


Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #517 on: 23 Apr 2011, 07:32 pm »
My Alix is now on Battery power!
Here is the cord with the added switch...

It is on the same Battery as an Amp and a Dodd Buffer and I have no Noise that I can detect...

I tried a coule of diodes to block the noise from th Alix when powering it from the same battery that my Dodd Buffer is on, unfortunately the noise remained.  What did you do to block the noise?



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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #518 on: 23 Apr 2011, 07:43 pm »
Honestly Ed, I have the diodes on each of the outputs from my Battery, and that is all.  I have no idea.  I also don't seem to have any noise...

Was the noise there when the music was playing, paused, stopped, or all of the above?

This is the power supply...

« Last Edit: 23 Apr 2011, 09:10 pm by praedet »


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Re: Dead silent dedicated Linux music server for USB DAC's.
« Reply #519 on: 26 Apr 2011, 10:58 am »
I need some help folks.  Thanks to Nick's advocacy and the mutual support in this thread, I have decided to walk with the penguin. I haven't got the hardware yet as I wanted to convince myself I could cope with the software.  Right now I have questions about NFS.

This is my setup. I don't have the ALIX  yet, nor a file server/NAS, and decided to use my existing desktop PC as a software test bed by running  “Voyage MPD “ in Virtualbox .  But first I had to install Linux on my desktop and I choose PCLinuxOs as it seemed about as “plug and play” as you get in the Linux world with a full KDE4 desktop.  So PCLinuxOs acts as the file server and “Voyage MPD “ in Virtualbox mimics the “audio server”. 

I have a DAC with an adaptive USB input connected to my HiFi.  The audio and USB support of VirtualBox  means you can attach an USB DAC to “Voyage MPD “ as if you were plugging into a real machine.  Audio is in reality somehow piped from this virtual machine through your desktop. So it makes for a great testing/learning tool.

I've got to the stage where the Linux host can make a network connection  to “Voyage MPD “ running in Virtualbox, and vice versa, and I used “aplay” to test some audio files copied to Voayge.   

Taking the lead from the “cheap USB audio sever” blog,  I'm went with NFS before MPD but I'm stuck on trying to work out the correct file permissions to use. In fact, I think it's more than this as Linux has this concept of file/directory owner (user and group) in addition to read/write/execute permission.

This is my export (from PClinuxOS) :


If I try and mount this on “Voyage MPD” I get an access denied message:

root@voyage:/# mount /mnt/nfs
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting

(User “fred” on the server has owner and group id of 501) . 

In reality, I think the shared music directory will be mounted as something like /MyMusic on the “file server”.  But I have no idea how its owner/group and permissions should be set, nor what those should be for the music files it contains.  What should I use?

This question may not be entirely divorced from the Voyage MPD configuration, as should I:

1. Add a user to  "Voyage MPD" that has the same user/group id as the user on the "file server" ?
e.g user "fred" on both, with both the same user and group id.  Debian seems to start at 1000 when you add new users.

2. Configure MPD to run as user "fred" on Voyage.

Any help is appreciated.