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« Reply #300 on: 16 Aug 2009, 05:11 am »
Yes they are torx machine screws. Make sure you have the correct driver. Yes there is a fuse inside -- it is a small tubular one right near the power transformer. (see below for pic).

And you are *totally* out of your mind if you think that changing this fuse for even a solid hunk of silver is going to make even the smallest difference in the sound quality this device produces. You will get better results from sacrificing a small virgin lamb (Peruvian is best for these purposes I hear) and smearing the entrails over your body while dancing naked around the components you wish to enhance. (In order for this to work fully, you will have to post pics and video of this procedure for our entertainment -- we won't rat you out to peta, I promise.)

(If you seriously think that changing the fuse is going to make a difference, you probably shouldn't be opening the box. (Or driving a car or operating other heavy machinery for that matter -- you are likely a danger to yourself and those around you.))

-- Ian.

// Sorry for snapping James -- sometimes I just can't take the stupidity any longer.


« Reply #301 on: 16 Aug 2009, 08:37 am »


 I was skeptical at first as well so I bought one gold plated Hi-Fi fuse for my Belles 150A Ref amp to experiment. The first thing I noticed was greater clarity and detail without straining to hear it and when I reversed the fuse it became more coherent.

 So I decided to replace the fuses in my Belles 21A Tube Pre and Rega Apollo transport, the sound definitely improved over the standard glass fuses. Try one for yourself and see if you hear the change, I did and my system is not a high resolution system!


 Vandersteen 2 Ce Sig II
 Belles 150A Ref
 Belles 21A Tube pre Auricaps
 Rega Apollo
 Dynamic Design BI-Wire
 Dynamic Design MK2 IC x2
 PowerCord e
 MIT Z Cord II
 MIT Z cord I


« Reply #302 on: 17 Aug 2009, 08:42 pm »

 I received my BDA-1 on Saturday and have been running it in before doing any serious listening. So far, I haven't noticed the bass everyone has been talking about, maybe because I'm using a RCA cable verses a coax that I'm waiting to come in or the unit needs much more time. One thing I have noticed is that there's more ambience but the richness is somewhat lessened with the DAC verses standard CDP.

Hopefully, most of this is due to cable and run in but so far I'm pleased but I'm hoping for more.

 Wig :)


« Reply #303 on: 18 Aug 2009, 12:13 am »

I apologize for the tone of my post above -- it (the tone) was not called for. I can't comment on fuses on the tube equipment you refer to as I'm not familiar with that design.

But in a piece of equipment with regulated power supplies (plural) (2 for each analog channel, and 5 for the digital components for a total of 9 voltage regulators) like the BDA-1, it strains credulity well past the breaking point to believe that replacing under 2cm of conductor (at 60hz, line voltage) on the far side of power transformers, multiple capacitors, and voltage regulators and more capacitors in a device that draws only a few hundred milliamps at full load could possibly have any affect whatsoever. If it did, I would say that it would be an indication of seriously flawed design in the power supply section.

The problem with audio equipment is that your brain expects that it should be able to hear a change if you've made a change -- even if there is no difference at all to be heard. The mind plays tricks. This is why audio engineers do blind listening tests and other objective measurements -- otherwise there is just too much "noise" in the "signal" to be able to know if a change made to the electronics has actually improved things or made them worse.

-- Ian.


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« Reply #304 on: 18 Aug 2009, 12:30 pm »

But in a piece of equipment with regulated power supplies (plural) (2 for each analog channel, and 5 for the digital components for a total of 9 voltage regulators) like the BDA-1, it strains credulity well past the breaking point to believe that replacing under 2cm of conductor (at 60hz, line voltage) on the far side of power transformers, multiple capacitors, and voltage regulators and more capacitors in a device that draws only a few hundred milliamps at full load could possibly have any affect whatsoever. If it did, I would say that it would be an indication of seriously flawed design in the power supply section.

The problem with audio equipment is that your brain expects that it should be able to hear a change if you've made a change -- even if there is no difference at all to be heard. The mind plays tricks. This is why audio engineers do blind listening tests and other objective measurements -- otherwise there is just too much "noise" in the "signal" to be able to know if a change made to the electronics has actually improved things or made them worse.

-- Ian.



« Reply #305 on: 18 Aug 2009, 07:41 pm »
Has anyone tried running their bda with the lid off and exposed? If so any comments in a change of sound.


« Reply #306 on: 18 Aug 2009, 08:57 pm »
I figure once the dust settles,she'll sound a little dusty and dry  :lol:.
Lorne I hope your not to serious,of course it might have an open top end sound  :lol:.

James Tanner

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« Reply #307 on: 18 Aug 2009, 10:51 pm »
Most electronics measure better (lower noise) with the tops on as the tops are designed to shield from RF etc.



« Reply #308 on: 18 Aug 2009, 11:34 pm »
My favorite is the boutique fuses that claim a polarity for AC (alternating current) applications!


« Reply #309 on: 18 Aug 2009, 11:52 pm »
Yep -- one thing about the whole audiophile world that I find very frustrating is the abundance of ridiculously priced and totally useless snake-oil products ranging from wooden knobs to "audiophile grade" ethernet cables, to "audiophile" power cords -- none of which are worth a damn. And all of which separate the overly credulous from their cash. Likely the same sorts that strap magnets on their fuel lines hoping for better gas mileage.

And now "audiophile" fuses.

As my wise grandmother used to say "A fool and his money are easily separated."

-- Ian.


« Reply #310 on: 19 Aug 2009, 04:00 pm »
Power cables do make difference due to cancelling of line noise and a better power transfer from your house supply. This varies according to the situation and the level of equipment used.   :weights:


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« Reply #311 on: 19 Aug 2009, 06:50 pm »
Power cables do make difference due to cancelling of line noise and a better power transfer from your house supply. This varies according to the situation and the level of equipment used.   :weights:

And I agree with both of you.  Quality power cables do make a difference but ridiculously priced cables are a lot of snake oil.  There are many high quality and well reviewed power cables for under $500.00.  Here we go again! Another cable argument that will go nowhere  :nono:


« Reply #312 on: 19 Aug 2009, 08:58 pm »
I figure once the dust settles,she'll sound a little dusty and dry  :lol:.
Lorne I hope your not to serious,of course it might have an open top end sound  :lol:.

Nope... serious, i used to run my perpetual technology dac out of it's chassis. Basically a board with two rca's and a dc power supply connected to it. It made a noticeable improvemnt on it. Brought it closer to a vinly comparison. I didnt come up with this on my own. It was a recommendation by Steve Nugent to try this as a reference point in demonstrating the mods on this dac he used to do. I  went on his website and he doesnt seem to archive this anywhere so i cant link the recommendation. The only thing is you dont want to shock the board so its done with some risk.

Any ways i've always wanted to try this but felt reluctant to do so. I notice alot of people have gut shots here of the bda 1 and was interested if any of them had run it lid off. James had mentioned it probably sound worse but maybe not imo.


« Reply #313 on: 21 Aug 2009, 05:40 pm »
James, I have a question for Dan about the BDA-1. If I feed DTS or some other encoded signal into the unit, will it;
a: Not try to send garbage bits to the DAC, thus destroying speakers or other downstream electronics, and
b: Pass the encoded signal through, unmolested, on the spdif-out connector at the back of the BDA-1?

I hope the answer is yes -- that way I can have stereo decoded by the awesome BDA-1, and surround sound decoded by something else...

-- Ian.

James Tanner

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« Reply #314 on: 21 Aug 2009, 05:42 pm »
James, I have a question for Dan about the BDA-1. If I feed DTS or some other encoded signal into the unit, will it;
a: Not try to send garbage bits to the DAC, thus destroying speakers or other downstream electronics, and
b: Pass the encoded signal through, unmolested, on the spdif-out connector at the back of the BDA-1?

I hope the answer is yes -- that way I can have stereo decoded by the awesome BDA-1, and surround sound decoded by something else...

-- Ian.

Hi Ian,

Yes it will simply pass-through the DTS signal untouched.



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« Reply #315 on: 22 Aug 2009, 03:34 am »
Yep -- one thing about the whole audiophile world that I find very frustrating is the abundance of ridiculously priced and totally useless snake-oil products ranging from wooden knobs to "audiophile grade" ethernet cables, to "audiophile" power cords -- none of which are worth a damn. And all of which separate the overly credulous from their cash. Likely the same sorts that strap magnets on their fuel lines hoping for better gas mileage.

And now "audiophile" fuses.

As my wise grandmother used to say "A fool and his money are easily separated."

-- Ian.

I concur.


« Reply #316 on: 22 Aug 2009, 01:19 pm »

  I guess the same can be said about amp, CDP and speakers...

Yep -- one thing about the whole audiophile world that I find very frustrating is the abundance of ridiculously priced and totally useless snake-oil products ranging from wooden knobs to "audiophile grade" ethernet cables, to "audiophile" power cords -- none of which are worth a damn. And all of which separate the overly credulous from their cash. Likely the same sorts that strap magnets on their fuel lines hoping for better gas mileage.

And now "audiophile" fuses.

As my wise grandmother used to say "A fool and his money are easily separated."

-- Ian.

I concur.


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« Reply #317 on: 22 Aug 2009, 08:44 pm »
Well, speakers make the biggest difference in my opinion. Amps are important too. The fact of the matter is, a Bryston amp can deliver more voltage and current than a cheap receiver.

James Tanner

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« Reply #318 on: 27 Aug 2009, 03:53 pm »
Hi All,

Was just informed that you will see a SUPERB review on the BDA-1 External DAC in an upcoming issue of Stereophile!



« Reply #319 on: 27 Aug 2009, 04:01 pm »
Hi All,

Was just informed that you will see a SUPERB review on the BDA-1 External DAC in an upcoming issue of Stereophile!


Sounds good...

On the topic of the BDA-1, I'm thinking about getting a Slimdevices Transporter to replace my SB3. I will likely still run it through my BDA-1....but anyone here try the Transporter against the BDA-1 for comparison?

Just curious.
