Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?

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Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #40 on: 8 Sep 2008, 12:37 pm »
Tube Newbie, are those the VR-4JR Anniversary model? Are they now available? I have owned the VR-4jr's for about 5 years and I'm looking to move up the the Anniversary model. Nice pic's.



Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #41 on: 8 Sep 2008, 01:01 pm »
Does anyone know Albert and want to ask him if he would be willing to participate in a circle?

From the look of the website (not updated in a while), the company looks really stagnant.

I too am considering the Anniv. VR4JRs, and would like to see that VS the company is still robust, active, involved etc.   There's no better way to show that than to follow the example of the many vendors here who give exceptional and instantaneous feedback on their products on AC.



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Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #42 on: 8 Sep 2008, 02:19 pm »
Another happy owner of VR4-JR MK1 here!!!  I'm looking to upgrade to VR4-SR soon but been hearing a lot of buzz about the VR4-JR Anniversary model.  What differs the  VR-4 Anniversary model from VR-4JR MKII and VR-4 SR MKII??


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #43 on: 8 Sep 2008, 03:09 pm »
I've spoken with Albert and discussed the idea of a forum with him before. He loved the idea and promised to have one created on their website which has been undergoing 'redesign' since I can remember. Since that has not happened in over 9 months, I've taken this step. If we do get to create a circle (and that is the decision of others, but the voting seems pretty encouraging) then I will directly invite him to participate.




Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #44 on: 8 Sep 2008, 03:15 pm »
  I could  call VonSchweikert and see if Albert or someone from VS would like to join us. I own VR4sr mk2 and moved up from the JR mk1. Very nice across the board improvement. I am driving the 4SR with Art Audio's Carissa amp and VP1 mk2 preamp and I find this to be a very nice combination. If I can figure out how I'll post pictures. For those asking about the 4jr anniversary I will see if I can get any info or have VS post.

 Blessings to you all, Bob  


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #45 on: 8 Sep 2008, 03:49 pm »
Getting someone from VS to participate is a good idea, many of the manufacturers here introduce their new models on AC first and update their website later, this creates quite an internet buzz and jump starts a new or improved product.

I have found that many times an AC thread about a piece of equipment is on the first page of a Google search, which is great free advertising as long as the manufacturers spokes person is not prone to rants and raves. This thread has made it up to page 3.



Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #46 on: 8 Sep 2008, 03:53 pm »
Another happy owner of VR4-JR MK1 here!!!  I'm looking to upgrade to VR4-SR soon but been hearing a lot of buzz about the VR4-JR Anniversary model.  What differs the  VR-4 Anniversary model from VR-4JR MKII and VR-4 SR MKII??

Hi Patrick,

Since Albert, Damon or Joe aren't here yet I'll give this a go on their behalf albeit without their permission. Changes may have been made since our last communication. The Jr MkII differed from the MkI in that there were crossover tweaks, included a protection circuit, it came preloaded with sand (since lead is now a major no-no), and the woofers got a new laminate. Both were assembled in China using drivers from Vifa's china plant (if I recall correctly, I'm uncertain on this point) along with other members of the now discontinued retail line which consisted of the VR-1,2,4jr,LCR-15, TS-150 and VR-S1.

The VR-4 Anniversary on the other hand is now completely US assembled with US and EU parts. The tweeter is the Scanspeak revalator used in the old VR-7 and a close relative to those used by Hansen, the midrange is a 6" version of the Aerogel units used in the higher models and the woofers 6" SEAS versions of those found on the VR-4SR Mk2s and VR-10s meaning they're aluminum as opposed to the magnesiums used on the 5,7,9 and 11. In other words it is now a LITERAL junior of the SR down to the driver compliment.

Nominal impedance has dropped from 6 to 4 but the impedance curve is said to be flatter. Aside from size the major difference between the Jr A and the SR would be the tweeter. I love the ring radiator tweeter. It was this tweeter that led me to my first VSA speaker. I heard them on another speaker brand, loved the highs but was left bummed by the rest of the presentation.

On the sound. I love the Jr MkI but to be totally honest found the MkII noticeably better only when heard side by side. I think the 4 Anniversary might have been given the wrong name because to me they sound more like small VR-5s.  :?

The 4 Anniversary Signature Edition that I heard, treads on SR MkII territory in clarity and timbre. Dangerously so. The determining factor in my opinion would be the size of your space, what your SPL requirements are, how much extension your musical preferences require and what amplification you already have on hand or are planning to purchase. I say this because while a 4 A may be tonally as good, in a large space or even a small space with suck-out issues the SR's weight and projection really makes a case for his being named "Daddy".

I hope this helps. :)



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Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #47 on: 8 Sep 2008, 06:01 pm »
Awesome! what a great thread! I have been looking for VSA interest for a long time. Someone on another forum was cool enough to point me to this thread.

I am sure many of you will look at my post as sacrilege (sp?) but I have my VSA speakers in a 7.1 surround set-up.  :) I have attached pics I posted on another site. I am not a carpenter by any means, and my room started as a block wall/concrete floor basement.

The room is still not complete, but is finally coming together, and I finally got a movie somewhat going 2 days ago. ;)

Still more wire maintenance, and equipment coming, but here goes:

This is the acoustic analysis of my room on the left (modal drawing), it provides the peaks and nulls at all frequencies in my room, and advises speaker/sub placement to help best minimize room effects. It also points me to the optimal locations for my acoustic panels to live. This analysis also shows the optimal "viewing cone" for my main seat positioning. The right side shows the recommended platform height for correct sight paths for both rows.

This is a general shot of the front of my room (fuzzy pic sorry :o ) Acoustic panels are DIY ;), and placed according to my room analysis.

These are my pride and joy (mains). Some may recognize these  :D Von Schweikert VR4GenIIIHSE.

Here is my center, the Von Schweikert LCR40HSE. I just got the stand, it is a custom made Sound Anchors Studio Center stand. (VERY pleased with the purchase) It allows me to raise and lower the center as well as adjust the tilt. (still more wire maintenance to do, but I am waiting on the amp stand to finish it)

My surrounds, the Von Schweikert VR3.5s. Used to be my mains until I upgraded.

My surround backs, the Von Schweikert VR1 monitors. (DIY shelf) Phenomenal bookshelf speaker. (charged with menial surround back duty by me :()

Some additional HT pics:

Screen is a 100" Stewart Firehawk Gen3. (Love it)

My amp. The Integra Research RDA 7.1. Designed by BAT (Balanced Audio Technologies) Amp stand should be here in 2 weeks or so. 150x7 into 8 ohms, 300x7 into 4 ohms. Weighs in at 115lbs. (current, current, current ;) )

The rear of my pre-amp, the Integra DTC 9.8 (and my dog's head in the back :))

Amp stand on the way, more wire maintenance to do, Audyessy Pro calibration to run, video calibration to run, remote to program, etc, etc.

Hope you enjoy, also hope you don't get too offended by a HT set up. :)


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #48 on: 8 Sep 2008, 10:21 pm »
Sorry for the delay in responding but working graveyard wreaks havoc on ones private life.


 Can you describe the rest of your system and IC's, the room and speaker placement? One of the strong points of V speakers I always hear about and have experienced myself, is the wide, enveloping soundstage they create.  The silver cables may be a bit lean and analytical sounding in a solid state audio chain.  I currently use Acoustic Zen Shotgun speaker cables and Matrix Reference 2 IC's. I didn't have good luck using the Silver Reference 2 anywhere in my system.


Take a look at the link in my signature at the bottom of my post, links to my system Replace the Quad 988 with the VR4 and voila! Sorry, no plans to tweak with wire. Most likely the problem is a mismatch in electronics. Or maybe I should open them up and see if a driver got wired out of phase by accident or is blown. I am the third owner of these so maybe that is some indicator.

I'll throw in. I own a pair of VR4 G3 HSE also. I haven't had the luxury of trying a lot of different cables but my best results are with my Analysis Plus Silver Oval bi-wired from amp outputs to each module (equal lengths of course). I was unaware that they are wired internally with AP but it makes sense that I would have good results by using AP wire on the outside too.

I have been having a serious itch to open them up and see how difficult it would be to bypass the crossover and run them actively crossed. Anyone tried this? I am thinking this due to the fact that I never got them to really open up soundstage/imaging-wise. The image is always focused between the cabinets and there is never anything going on outside the left and right planes of the speakers (no wall-to-wall image). I always assumed it was due to my room(s) being too small. As far as electronics, well, same thing as wire. Hey, I'm just a blue-collar audiophool so it took a couple of years just to get the scratch together to buy them...used...for $4K (still in production at that time).

Judging from the photos posted it would appear Lamm is the preferred electronics for them. Could be I just can't get them to perform to their best as Lamm equipment is pretty much unobtainium for me. Does Albert voice his speakers with Lamm?


Hi Jake,

If memory serves me correctly our HSEs were voiced with John Ulrich's Spectron Musician amplifiers. Powerful switching amps from the patent holder for switching amps. I had no problems whatsoever with soundstaging  when I had them. I was using a 2nd hand Mark Levinson No.23.5 and later a No.332 which I picked up for $1800 and $2200 respectively. The new owner, the frugal Senator, I mentioned uses them with pre-owned Krell FPB 200s (?) and supposedly has a walk in soundstage as well. I wouldn't touch the crossover because to my mind this is really what we paid for and where Albert VS is unique.

The new models are I believe voiced with Kevin Hayes' VAC Phi amplifiers for tubes but for linear solid state I don't actually know. Lamm is expensive but is a final destination kind of deal. The newer models of the premium line that started with the SR Mk.1s love tubes here's a short list of what our clients have used to very good effect for VR-4 SRs Mk.1 and Mk.2 that don't include Lamm's M1.2, M2.2 and ML1.1. We've found what works for 4 SRs generally work for 5 SEs but 5 owners eventually upgrade their amps.

Audio Research Reference 110
VAC Phi Beta
VAC Standard
ASL Hurricanes
ASL 845 Parallels
VTL MB lines
BAT VK-75s
BAT VK-150s
Jadis JA-200s

Solid State includes

Nuforce Reference 9
practically all 3 and 4 series Levinsons
KSA and FPB Krells
Pass Labs X series (I haven't heard any XAs)
Bel Canto
Jeff Rowland 201s and 501s
McIntosh MCs
Musical Fidelity CRs

The Jrs are somewhat more versatile and flexible since local owners put them in smaller rooms. Some amps that come to mind that they have used on the medium wattage side include the following:

Primaluna Ones
Melody KT88s
Vintage Marantz, Leak, Eico, Dynaco and Fisher amps
Conrad Johnson MV-55, MV-60
Cary Rockets
Manley Stingrays and Snappers
Audio Research integrateds

These are and were amps used with their VR-1s and continued to use them when they upped to Jrs. Curiously we only sold 3 VR-2s. Most bit the bullet and bypassed them opting to stretch their budgets for the Jrs.

In bigger rooms (> 20 sq/m) the jrs ended up clipping smaller amps and owners with larger rooms have used

Levinson 335s
Levinson 432s
Unison Research's hybrids bridged to 500wpc (this surprised me. five stars for this one)
JRDG 501s
LSA/DK Design Standard Amplifiers
Plinius 9100 and 9200 integrated amps


Thanks for the input. Most (if not all) of the equipment you listed is very nice, unfortunately also very expensive. Maybe I could find used pieces but still it will take a long time to get there. I am currently running Quad 988's with Audiokinesis Swarm subs actively crossed at 100Hz an it sounds much better to me, especially the imaging.

This experiment lead me to realize what Roger Modjeski was taking about speaker XO's sucking the power out of a system and that any octave removed from the bottom end (of the mains) get added to the top in frequency extension. Also fuel for my desire to bypass the XO and try active with the VSA's. I don't deny the crossovers in the speaker are not good.

Mark Levinson? I had a No. 332 (Madrigal product) for about four months. Great amp for anything below 200Hz, full-range it was absolute dreck to my ears. I got for $2500 and sold it for the same, thanking my lucky stars I didn't lose my shirt. My HK Citation 16A sounds much better to me and it is completely rebuilt including quality film and foil caps plus bypass caps on the critical signal path caps and PS caps. The fella even took the transistor off the heat sinks and replaced the old mica insulators(?) and replaced them with new silicone ones. Delivered to my doorstep for $910!  This amp works better with the VSA'a than the Dyna Mk 3's but that's just because the Dyna's run out of steam. Still not there though. Completely different animals with the Quads. Tubes better than SS but still not enough steam thus the "bigger motor" approach will be the next move.

So I haven't yet given up on the VR4G3HSE completely but they are parked until I can figure out what to try next. My winter project is try and design and build a pair of tube monos that can produce about 110-130 Watts based on the KT88 and using the iron from my Dyna Mk 6 monos (Ray Mottram talked me out of butchering the original chassis). Hoping for an amp with a more open and airy top with the option to switch pentode/triode. Should be fun.

Here is the system with VSA's biamped. Needed some sort of attenuator on the input of the HK as there was a sensitivity mismatch.

Again sorry for the delay and now it's off to bed for tonight's fun and games.

« Last Edit: 9 Sep 2008, 04:14 pm by JakeJ »


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #49 on: 8 Sep 2008, 10:27 pm »
Oh yeah, I forgot.


I'm green with envy.  :thumb:


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Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #50 on: 9 Sep 2008, 04:46 am »
I've spoken with Albert and discussed the idea of a forum with him before. He loved the idea and promised to have one created on their website which has been undergoing 'redesign' since I can remember. Since that has not happened in over 9 months, I've taken this step. If we do get to create a circle (and that is the decision of others, but the voting seems pretty encouraging) then I will directly invite him to participate.



I highly support the formation of the VSA circle. I am the proud owner of the new Unifield Three speakers which are simply astounding. I will post opinions
and pictures in due course.




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Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #51 on: 9 Sep 2008, 05:24 am »
Arun ... congratulations!  Your thoughts on the Unifield would be much appreciated.

Woodshed ... great setup!  I use VS speakers for my home theater setup as well. I'm sure your system sounds awesome! 

Here's my old setup that used 4jrs and the LCR15.  I no longer have this set up.   :cry:

This one integrated two channel and 5.1ch HT.  On two channel using the ARC LS16 and Bryston 3B-ST.  For HT, it uses the bypass switch of the ARC and uses Bryston for L and R channel, the Marantz receiver handles center and surround duties. 

I just thought I'd declare, I am an audio dealer here in Manila, BUT am first and foremost an audio enthusiast regardless of brand. Like JackD201, my partner, I go with what whets my tastes.  I first heard the VSA VR4 genIII from JackD201 when he ordered it factory direct.  From then on I fell in love with the VSA sound.  Shortly after that, I got the VR4JR for myself also (factory direct) ... yup, that's the picture above.  The next thing I knew, JackD201 and I became audio delears. 

Cheers to everyone.


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #52 on: 9 Sep 2008, 11:04 am »

Those vintage amps are SWEEEET! They really would have a hard time without being bi-amped though :(  You clearly know what you're doing so I have no doubt you'll get where you want to go :)

Good luck on your KT88 build project as well! 

On the XOs I'm no expert but I believe you are right. The Audax drivers are 100dB. They would have had to be padded down some to be balanced with the tweeters and the carbon fiber woofers which are of lower sensitivity. Bypassing the XOs would definitely give the midrange a sensitivity boost. My only concern is what happens to the overall balance. Perhaps with an adjustable electronic crossover or 2 (1 of them just to control the rear ambience tweeter) along with 8 channels of amplification, balance can be restored. Have fun! :D



Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #53 on: 9 Sep 2008, 12:08 pm »
If we are going to talk Von Schweikert here, the subject of coupling the M/T and bass cabinets is bound to come up, so here goes:

What have you all tried?

I'm currently using a set of 5 sorbothane oval pucks on each side. They are pretty skinny, maybe 3/16".

They come as a set, 5 different durometers. I can try to get the order info if anyone is interested- I seem to remember they were pretty cheap, like $25/set.

I find the integration of the lower mids and the bass to be improved relative to the stock cones.

Any other tips?



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Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #54 on: 9 Sep 2008, 02:19 pm »
Hi Mike, what were your stock cones?  Were they the early metal ones or the rubber ones?  We did hear an improvement from the metal to the rubber cones.  Curious as I've never really tried tweaking by changing the rubber cones.

On spiking ... I replaced my spikes with generic outrigger spikes for my DB-99 SE.  This has made it more stable as the base is wider.  I didn't hear any major change sonically, but it has increased the height of the speaker, which I like.  I do prefer the tweeter slightly above ear level in my listening position. 


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #55 on: 9 Sep 2008, 04:01 pm »
I recall there was enthusiasm among some owners on A'gon for Herbie's Big Fat Dots as module couplers ( - there is a Von S special deal there. My speakers also came with some small square rubber stickie-back couplers which I was told some owners preferred to the rubber screw-in feet. I did not try them as I liked the look of the screw in feet but I suppose I should dig them out and have a listen now.......

As for footers, I bought a set of Soundocity outriggers ( which gave the Vons a very stable foundation and look pretty good too (even the wife agrees!)


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #56 on: 9 Sep 2008, 04:19 pm »
Hi JackD201,

Thanks, I'm hoping for a fun project.

Speaking of vintage, if you're interested, here is my Mini Museum.


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #57 on: 9 Sep 2008, 04:28 pm »
Hi JackD201,

Thanks, I'm hoping for a fun project.

Speaking of vintage, if you're interested, here is my Mini Museum.

Way cool Jake! I have a buddy you would definitely get along with. He's a VSA owner too and an avid collector of vintage gear. He's the owner of our local forum as well as Tono which builds stuff for and with VTV. In wiredstate he goes by the name Vintage Dog. I'll PM him and ask him to join us here :D


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #58 on: 9 Sep 2008, 04:38 pm »
Hi JackD201,

Thanks, I'm hoping for a fun project.

Speaking of vintage, if you're interested, here is my Mini Museum.

A "Mini Museum"....fantastic idea, now I have a new term to use when my wife complains about the pile of old components stacked in the bedroom  :lol:


Re: Any interest in Von Schweikert speakers?
« Reply #59 on: 9 Sep 2008, 05:44 pm »
Here's what I use between the cabinets:  Sorbothane oval discs from McMaster-Carr:

"Selector Pack— Includes five plain-back 1 1/2" x 3" x   5/32" thick oval pieces, one of each durometer (30 OO, 40 OO, 50 OO, 60 OO, and 70 OO).  8514K2  Per Pkg. $11.45"

I had the metal cones before, and have used the Herbies pucks.