Timepiece Mini --- HURRY --- TIME IS RUNNING OUT --- ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT!!!

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Nick B

  • Full Member
  • Posts: 908
Timing is everything. I'd think summer sales would be very sluggish. I was drooling at the thought of the minis down the road for my future HT setup, but that's 3-4 months off and you'll have regular pricing by then. In the mean time, I should have my 2.1's with Mundorf goodies in a couple of weeks and I'll post my thoughts soon thereafter. Good luck on sales for the minis!


PS   you should have my check by now via USPS for the balance due on the 2.1's. If you don't, pls let me know 


Hi Bob,

I can only imagine how many pm's and emails that you receive on a weekly basis from varying customers.  It can be very frustrating when your time is wasted by potential customers who never purchase anything from you.  Over the years i've been guilty of going to local hifi stores and probably wasting a salesman's time.  If i've been happy with their customer service and have developed a relationship with them I generally have purchased something eventually. 

I think the development of a FAQ section on your website with your most common questions will alleviate your problem with time wasters.  I think some of the comments regarding Audiogon are probably correct and that Audiocircle does have a reputation for being a little slow in sales.

Best wishes



 :lol: By the way , for those of you who have not read my previous posts, I have had a total of 30 Loudspeakers in past 20 or so years. Recently, I have purchased my last three pair of loudspeakers buy reading just about every review and every AudioCircle comment I could find. By reading "between the lines" so to speak, you can judge whether the comments are really sincere and totally believed by the party writing them, or just trying to be kind to the component. I have bought three Loudspeakers from three small companies and I am totally happy with all three without auditioning them. I am a Chemist by background and drummer, Piano player by hobby. After trading Emails with Bob and reading all the reviews and Audio Circle comments, I could not wait to purchase the Minis. I cannot wait to get them and try them out. Bob has blown me away with his amazing knowledge and detail about this hobby and in particular speaker theory. He has sent me so much great info that I might have purchased them just by conversing with him. He spent enough time explaining things to me that I was sold from his emails alone. I wish him the best for his business, there are very few people willing to expend that much energy and passion on selling anything!!!   aa

Double Ugly

Bob has blown me away with his amazing knowledge and detail about this hobby and in particular speaker theory. He has sent me so much great info that I might have purchased them just by conversing with him. He spent enough time explaining things to me that I was sold from his emails alone.

I hear what you're saying, bbchem.  I purchased my first pair of SP Technology speakers almost 4 years ago, but before I pulled the trigger, Bob and I must've spent 40 or 50 hours on the phone... on Bob's dime... and no, I'm not kidding. 

Can you imagine?!?  An entire week's worth of work time spent on the phone with someone who hasn't even bought anything yet?!?  :o

Thing is, back then I was aware of only one review (Enjoy the Music), and in absence of being able to hear the speakers in person before committing $$$, I needed reassurance;

  • reassurance that Bob was the kind of person I wanted to do business with,   
  • reassurance about the quality of the speakers themselves,
  • reassurance that I'd like what I was getting,
  • and reassurance that, if I didn't like them, I'd have no problem returning them.

In the course of seeking reassurance about the above (and probably a dozen or more other possible issues as they came to me :oops:), I undoubtedly stole a lot of time from Bob that would have been better spent on any number of other, more fruitful endeavors.  I'm happy to say that I did eventually buy a pair of speakers, and I've purchased 2 additional pairs since, so it wasn't all time wasted.  But in no way has Bob received a full return on that initial investment of time, and I doubt he ever will.

Point being, he invested the time anyway, willingly and very, VERY patiently.  I believe he'll still willing do so, even with full knowledge it isn't in his or his company's best interest.  He knew it even way back then, but I believe he's finally come to the realization that something has to give.  He can't do his job properly (sell speakers, build speakers, delivery speakers in the promised time frame) and allow things to continue as they have.  *THAT*, I believe, is the crux of Bob's comments.

SP Technology may not be as well-known or have the number of reviews and write-ups as speakers from companies that have been around for decades, but a lot has been written over the past few years if potential buyers care enough to do a little research.  I submit they'll be far better educated after perusing professional reviews and chasing down consumer comments than by asking a designer/manufacturer/retailer what he thinks of his product.  What, pray tell, might you think his response will be?  :wink:

Recommended room size, distance from the wall, amplification, etc. have all been addressed from time to time, but I think building a FAQ and pinning it on the first page of the circle is a great idea.  Some don't want to spend the time searching for answers, especially when they don't know if the question(s) has ever been asked, and others simply don't have the time.  Whatever the reason for past marathon chat sessions and/or multiple e-mail/PM conversations, I think the FAQ is a win/win for everyone concerned.  It'll take a little time away from Bob on the front end, but it's a good long-term investment IMHO.

Better invested than all the time you spent with me, Bob.   :oops:

Anyway, great comments bbchem, and great idea, Glenn.  :thumb:

« Last Edit: 29 Jul 2007, 07:07 am by Double Ugly »


Bob, some concrete suggestions.

1. You can make a Guidelines sticky in your own circle. This has been the case since day one.
2. If time is a concern, then try using fewer words. Not only will you save time, but your message will be a lot clearer and people will not feel like they are being lectured to.
3. The link on your website to your circle is hard to find. Buried under "Extras" in fact, not exactly encouraging people to use it.
4. Are you working on the e-zines, other sites, etc? AC can only be part of your overall strategy.
5. I'd second the comments that you could make your website more informative.



BTW the link to the Millenium price list is broken...


Bob, here's a suggestion that I think would work for those not up to date on your new rules/guidelines.

Simply post the PM'd or emailed question and your answer here on AC!

Double Ugly

5. I'd second the comments that you could make your website more informative.

BTW the link to the Millenium price list is broken...

I don't believe Bob has mentioned it, but an AC member is in the process of completely redesigning the SP Tech website. 

That doesn't excuse broken links and other issues with the current site, but the (hopefully) impending completion of the new site combined with the fact that the former webmaster is... well... former doesn't help matters.


Double Ugly

Forgot to add - here's a link to current pricing for all but the new Mini.

Some options have changed or been deleted and the front panel is now hardwood, but I believe the basic prices have remained constant.


DU - cool :thumb: Websites are expensive, so fingers crossed that the new one does good for Bob.

I guess what I am proposing is an AudioCircle Code of Conduct and Protocol for all members to consider and try to follow in their exchanges with manufacturers.

OK, on this one, we have a Posting Guidelines that mentions some factors related to manufacturer circles. Proposed changes can be brought to the Steering Committee via Hugh or Mike. (I suppose I could do it, but they are your reps on the Committee.....) I personally don't see a problem with your suggestion although you never know (that's why we have the Committee). The bigger problem is that people won't read it anyway so it would be incumbent on the manufs to gently remind people.


  • Jr. Member
  • Posts: 218
I think by the nature of this site, all of the members have a plethora of electronics & loudspeakers already. While their is a good argument that such folks would make the best prospects for equipment, the other side of the coin is that our listening rooms are already filled which would suggest why AC'rs might not be the place from which I would expect significant sales.


Bob has been very forthright (and very wordy) at the his very start here a couple/three short years ago.

Several of the things he has said certainly aren't out of a 'How to increase sales' manual :wink:, but I really admire his candor and forthrightness. He's a bounty of speaker-related information....even if I only follow about 70% of it in total (I get lost on the technical twiddly-bits  :( )  But, boy, I recognize the efforts he makes to communicate and participate around AC  :thumb:

This is the SP Technology Loudspeakers Circle...it's his place, his store, his mouthpiece. Within reason, he can say as he wants...as a shopowner might in his retail store.  Yes, it's on the internet for thousands to see and read, but it's nonetheless his little blogosphere or shop here at AC.   Give the guy a break - he's not rude from what I hear, he's just candid.  It's quite refreshing to read, personally speaking.

Bob, I do think you (and other manufacturers you refer to) might be looking too hard at AC as your sales panacea...JohnR's advice that AC can be only a part of your overall marketing and sales strategy is very, very sound and true.

Thanks for being you, Bob  :)

John / TCG


I have sat here and read every post on this topic with a great deal of interest.  Many of you know I initially discovered Audio Circle in March of this year and I was trying to lean how to improve the 2 channel sound of my system.  Prior to joining the Circle I had never heard of many of the Manufacturers represented or frequently discussed by the members.  Today, 4.5 months after joining I have purchased gear or services by three of the supporting dealers, ie., SP Tech., Odyssey and Bolder.  While all three companies are very well regarded by the members of this Circle I did not purchase from them until I had traded PMs and spoken with Bob, Klaus and Wayne over the phone.  

Since joining I have developed trust for the opinions of some of the members but I did not have this when I first got here.  While these people spoke very highly of Bolder, Odyssey and SP Tech. I had never heard of those companies.  I wanted to communicate directly with the owners because I wanted to feel comfortable they were people I could trust with my hard earned money.  Again, I was a newbie (am a newbie) to this hobby and I needed the personal reenforcement.  Fortunately, I was just looking for reinforcement and ended-up making purchases from all three companies.  

I received my new Timepiece 2.1's this past Monday and while I do not have the experience to accurately judge they are a real joy to hear.  I chose to write this post because the original subject bothered me.  These companies are building excellent products but none of them are household recognized  names and few if any are sold, even in high-end stereo stores.  If the companies were advertising in the audio rags we would have to pay significantly more for their products.  This seems like Catch 22 to me.  There are "tire kickers" in every phase of the buying public and hopefully the manufacturers here will continue to respond favorably to us "newbies" out here that need a little extra personal attention.




I'm not here to fry you, Bob but here's my view from a marketing-guy's perspective:

You introduced a new speaker no one has heard... or maybe 1 has? No reviews to speak of... in the lowest market time of the year.
What good is a discount on a speaker that has no established value to begin with?  I can buy a LOT of other speaker for that money.

Your current lines of speakers aren't easily accessible.  So users can't really can't get to know the SP Tech house sound.  Why are they better than the other speakers I can hear every day?  It's all talk.  I can't hear them.

You seem to be counting on one passive-hobbyist audio forum and a classified site (that has some image problems) to promote your speakers... one is free, the other isn't all that expensive.

From a buyer's perspective you're a speck on a huge screen. To get bigger costs lots of money and/or time.  You can't just put up a sign and say 'here I am', there has to be a bigger strategy, long term goals, and a plan to get there.  Being a business owner, speaker designer, and marketing person all in one is a VERY tough job.  I respect you for trying but I'd recommend acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses and then hire/contract appropriately.  Stick to your core competencies as best you can and let others help you get your brand established and successful.

Best of luck,


Maybe you should send a pair of speakers on a listening tour and/or to some regional gatherings. Might start some good buzz.


I agree, send a pair on tour to the regional circles.

I tried calling to see if I could stop buy for a listen but you weren't available.


or offer a 30 days in-home audition with full refund if customer is not 100% satisfied with your speaker.  aa


  • Full Member
  • Posts: 555
I'm From a buyer's perspective you're a speck on a huge screen. To get bigger costs lots of money and/or time.  You can't just put up a sign and say 'here I am', there has to be a bigger strategy, long term goals, and a plan to get there.  Being a business owner, speaker designer, and marketing person all in one is a VERY tough job.  I respect you for trying but I'd recommend acknowledging your strengths and weaknesses and then hire/contract appropriately.  Stick to your core competencies as best you can and let others help you get your brand established and successful.

Very well put Carl - As a business owner for the last 15-20 years - i have spent countless hours on the telephone explaining a service to people that sometimes is even hard to grasp - but they sense a certain easyness and trustworthy demeanor from me and are willing to take a chance. If i don't deliver I don't charge them for anything.

When I first read bob's (this thread) - I was inrtigued to investigate as to what he had to offer with the idea if he could convince me or (intrigue me) get me to demo or buy these speakers with this offer i might be willing to do so.
In other words - i was in a (what the heck - ill try or but them mode ) - then of couse i kept reading and was turned off.

You never know - who is looking and what their intentions are - if you are promoting good!!!


Double Ugly

or offer a 30 days in-home audition with full refund if customer is not 100% satisfied with your speaker.  aa

Unless something has changed (it might've), a 30-day MBG has always been the norm for SP Tech.


or offer a 30 days in-home audition with full refund if customer is not 100% satisfied with your speaker.  aa

Unless something has changed (it might've), a 30-day MBG has always been the norm for SP Tech.

Couldn't find this info on their website. :( ... Got a link???