For you who are following the LS-6/LS-9 thread on av123 forum...

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S Clark

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I got to listen to Danny's new design last Wed. for a couple of hours.  It is the absolutely the best thing that I have heard and is his best design to date IMHO.  He told me some $ numbers, but don't know if he is firm on it yet so you will have to talk to him about a kit price, but this will be one HELL of a deal.  I will probably start putting a few bucks back to get a pair :drool:.  I agree with every comment in Texasphile's review.  Wonderful clarity, imaging to die for, dynamics!!!!--the only drawback is that these guys are BIG.  Between this set of speakers, and the things that Gary Dodd has done with his new designs, you can put together an amazing system for an affordable price :thumb:


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Thanks Clark

Did Danny give any comments comparing the Line Arrays and his OB series? Not that it matters to me so much, but more for interests sake.


S Clark

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Well, I listened to the OB-3's while I was there.  Definitely a nice speaker, although I still perfer, my AV-3's. But it wouldn't matter what else was in that room, it was going to get blown away by that line array. I am not exaggerating to say that it is clearly the best thing that he has built to date- a very impressive speaker that will compete at the very top level. This will better most systems that are 5x their price. You really need to hear it.


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You have to careful about the weather.  After all, you are living in your own private Idaho.

 :duh:  Chris

LOL, I am!  I am!  If you don't like the weather here today...just wait till tommorow.  :lol:

Rob Babcock

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I'd sure like to see some pics of the finished product.  Especially with MLS cabs! :drool:


     S Clark said:  Wonderful clarity, imaging to die for, dynamics!!!!--the only drawback is that these guys are BIG.

      Now think about the end of that statement for a little bit...we're In TEXAS.  Everyone knows that everything's bigger in TEXAS.  That's why you're supposed to keep the word in all caps, because it's the law!  I am sure that the state of TEXAS has at least one or two laws on the books requireing students to say the pledge to the Republic of TEXAS flag (which they do).  I remember John "Ozzy" Osbourne got booted out of TEXAS because he urinated on the Alamo.  I'm surprised that they only banished him for a decade or so.                 

     Anyway, all kidding aside, I do think that the Shifter assembled speakers will have a finished veneered front baffle that will match the rest of the speaker.  That may help keep away the danger of the WAF.  It will not be known for not being unopposing.  Think more along the lines of 2001:  A Space Odessey.  It's a TEXAS sized obilisk, that doesn't necessarily play Wagner.

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving,


S Clark

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I'd sure like to see some pics of the finished product.  Especially with MLS cabs! :drool:
A picture won't do you alot of good, as Danny said that there were errors to be corrected on the prototype cabinet. The front baffle was too wide by about an inch and in black.  Danny was thinking about veneering the front to match the rest of the cabinet.  They looked ok to me, but not great-- not that it mattered since my eyes were closed practically the entire time we listened to them.  They really transported you to a different place  :angel: where nothing existed but the music.  I really can't stop raving about these guys :drool:


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Thanks for the relpy Chris.

There is no OB 3 speaker. There is the OB 5 and 7.

You might be talking about the up firing mid/woof speaker. The OB 5 and 7 are a step ahead of that.

But did Danny comment any sound differences? He's da man who would know.


S Clark

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 :duh: I stand corrected.  It was the O-3 speaker that we listened to. My mistake! He made no reference to the others, but his wife and I agreed that the big line array was his best effort to date. However, after looking at the GR-Research web site, and checking out the models, I have listened to the OB-7 for about an hour last spring.  I like the new array better. Give Danny a call.  His ears are MUCH better than mine.


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     S Clark said:  Wonderful clarity, imaging to die for, dynamics!!!!--the only drawback is that these guys are BIG.

      Now think about the end of that statement for a little bit...we're In TEXAS.  Everyone knows that everything's bigger in TEXAS.  That's why you're supposed to keep the word in all caps, because it's the law!  I am sure that the state of TEXAS has at least one or two laws on the books requireing students to say the pledge to the Republic of TEXAS flag (which they do).  I remember John "Ozzy" Osbourne got booted out of TEXAS because he urinated on the Alamo.  I'm surprised that they only banished him for a decade or so.                 

     Anyway, all kidding aside, I do think that the Shifter assembled speakers will have a finished veneered front baffle that will match the rest of the speaker.  That may help keep away the danger of the WAF.  It will not be known for not being unopposing.  Think more along the lines of 2001:  A Space Odessey.  It's a TEXAS sized obilisk, that doesn't necessarily play Wagner.

Everyone have a good Thanksgiving,


Should that be Richard Strauss for Also Sprach Zarathustra?

S Clark

  • Guest
Good Afternoon HAL,
The prefered song is "Daisy" :lol:-

Back to Danny's new array, whether listening to R. Strauss or J. Strauss, you will have a very hard time topping this design.


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HAL said:  Should that be Richard Strauss for Also Sprach Zarathustra?

I should have know HAL would catch my flub.  The eye.  The red eye.

I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that...

You are correct it is Strauss not Wagner (Flight of the Valkyries, Doh!).   :duh:

I apologize for the error.

It won't happen until the next time it happens.



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If you email Sean he can put you on the preorder list for the LS-6 or LS-9's.

Midnite Mick

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Can somebody please help me?  I have been looking for information on the ls 6/9's and connot find any reference to them anywhere.


Sean Parque

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As the speakers are not available yet, they are not on our main website.  You can however find all the info in condensed form on our Anouncements forum:


Can somebody please help me?  I have been looking for information on the ls 6/9's and connot find any reference to them anywhere.


Midnite Mick

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I was looking on the speaker forum and nothing.  I thought you guys were just making it up  :lol:

Thanks, appreciated


Sean Parque

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The info in that link above is all culled from the forum... it was just all over the place so that is much easier reading :)

Stay tuned as some new photos of the latest cabinets should be posted in the next day or two...



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A bit off topic ... but ... how do you think the LS9s would compare with a similarly sized array with Accutons and Founteks?

Danny Richie

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The Accuton woofers might have an edge in the upper ranges but since the LS-9 woofers are only having to play up to 1kHz range I really don't see it. Plus the XBL^ motor structure of the M-165LS woofers might have the edge in the lower ranges. The low 35Hs Fs will easy match the low Fs of the Accuton's too.

Going to the Fountek ribbons would be quite the let down. The new custom built planar magnetics sound much more real, have lower distortion, have a faster and cleaner spectral decay, play a lot lower, have better power handling, and are not near as fragile. The fact that the lower limits of the Fountek's limits them to 2 to 2.5kHz and up really hurts the comparison. The planar magnetics play a full octave lower. So using the Fountek's would force the woofers to play a full octave higher.