Are you thinking about solar?

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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #120 on: 20 Mar 2015, 10:25 pm »
To be totally correct, you mean a plug-in hybrid so your sunlight can (partially) power the car, right?  Good idea! 
yes, that is exactly what I mean.  Won't eliminate gas usage completely but should cut it down a lot.  Plus Denver has over 300 days of sunshine per year.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #121 on: 20 Mar 2015, 11:05 pm »
Tyson - We get the same 300 or more sunny days a year. Why waste that, huh?

I have a 2006 Prius which we drive about 4000 miles/year. That requires about 85 gallons of regular per year. At $3.00/gal. that's $255/yr. or around $21/ month. Going to an EV would require buying one and thereby increasing insurance and registration costs on the car. It would require entering into a payment program (Prius is paid) and it would take away the distant driving option. For us it wouldn't make sense. It would also require investing in more panels.

Down Albuquerque way I have a friend whose solar panels charge his Chevy Volt. His commute is under 10 miles each way so he rarely ever burns any gas.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #122 on: 20 Mar 2015, 11:10 pm »
I have an Acura MDX for long trips to the mountains and extended family transportation, so that's not going anywhere.  But my wife has an old Toyota that's gonna need to be replaced in the next year or 2.  And she commutes about 7 miles to work.  So for us it might make sense to get a plug in.  Assuming we can go solar.  Last summer we moved into a brick house built in 1954, so I have no idea if the roof is suitable for a panel install...


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #123 on: 20 Mar 2015, 11:33 pm »
I have an Acura MDX for long trips to the mountains and extended family transportation, so that's not going anywhere.  But my wife has an old Toyota that's gonna need to be replaced in the next year or 2.  And she commutes about 7 miles to work.  So for us it might make sense to get a plug in.  Assuming we can go solar.  Last summer we moved into a brick house built in 1954, so I have no idea if the roof is suitable for a panel install...

Have somebody give you a quote and ask every conceivable question They're used to it. Most people are confused or misinformed. Those guys welcome the chance to impose real facts. And I hope this thread helps as a sounding board for newbies. Once you get the story from a contractor, come back to us for a credibility check. And call that Xcel number I gave to Pez. Here it is again. 800-824-1688

They will look at your usage over the previous 12 months and tell you how much service capacity you can install under their grid-tie rules. I paid about $12,000 for my 4.32 KW system. I imagine most people would require more size than that but it may give you a basis for comparison. In fairness, Atlanta Solar quoted $15,755 for 4.5 KW. Both bids included everything including fees and permits. Good luck.

If you still have my number feel free to call for discussion. Also, it might be possible for my guy to come to Denver for your job. I'll ask.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #124 on: 20 Mar 2015, 11:47 pm »
Would be nice if the whole thing produced enough electricity to that long with charging an EV/Hybrid for running around near your home. Still got a ways to go for distance driving.
Having enough solar to power an EV is simply a matter of proper system sizing. The Tesla Model S already has a range of 300 miles with the upgraded battery.


Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #125 on: 21 Mar 2015, 12:20 am »
Having enough solar to power an EV is simply a matter of proper system sizing. The Tesla Model S already has a range of 300 miles with the upgraded battery.
Like I said, that's a start.  :green:

If it could drive that distance (300 with upgraded battery) and refuel/recharge/swap batteries/whatever, then you were good to go another 300, it would work. When I'm trying to make time distance, I try for 700+ miles a day. This is usually to visit out-of-state friends/relatives for Holidays (limited time), or a vacation where my destination is a fair distance away (I want to spend my vacation at my destination, not traveling back and forth). Also means that I need a bit of capacity inside which means weight.

For right now, it's a minimum of a separate car for commuting/daily use vs. vacations. Some people can afford that, many cannot.

It's getting better though. I had such high hope for the Volt when the first specs were published. They were revised downwards substantially by the time it came to market. Maybe in the future. A car that does the first 100 on electricity, then unlimited at 35+ MPG with a 15 gallon fuel tank with decent capacity. I would look seriously at something like that.



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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #126 on: 21 Mar 2015, 12:36 am »
Like I said, that's a start.  :green:

If it could drive that distance (300 with upgraded battery) and refuel/recharge/swap batteries/whatever, then you were good to go another 300, it would work. When I'm trying to make time distance, I try for 700+ miles a day. This is usually to visit out-of-state friends/relatives for Holidays (limited time), or a vacation where my destination is a fair distance away (I want to spend my vacation at my destination, not traveling back and forth). Also means that I need a bit of capacity inside which means weight.

For right now, it's a minimum of a separate car for commuting/daily use vs. vacations. Some people can afford that, many cannot.

It's getting better though. I had such high hope for the Volt when the first specs were published. They were revised downwards substantially by the time it came to market. Maybe in the future. A car that does the first 100 on electricity, then unlimited at 35+ MPG with a 15 gallon fuel tank with decent capacity. I would look seriously at something like that.
It will probably be a long time before long road trips with an EV will be practical. Most families already have 2 or more cars. Having at least one of them be an EV or plug-in hybred makes sense now.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #127 on: 21 Mar 2015, 03:23 pm »
It will probably be a long time before long road trips with an EV will be practical. Most families already have 2 or more cars. Having at least one of them be an EV or plug-in hybred makes sense now.

I'm still not sure about that.  If you get rid of the car before the batteries have to be replaced, and they keep the tax incentive ($7,500), then maybe.  If the batteries have to be replaced, then you'll probably lose money versus buying a "normal" car.  I personally like to buy a car then drive it into the ground.  With an EV, I couldn't do that, as there's no way the batteries are going to last long enough. 


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #128 on: 21 Mar 2015, 04:09 pm »
I'm still not sure about that.  If you get rid of the car before the batteries have to be replaced, and they keep the tax incentive ($7,500), then maybe.  If the batteries have to be replaced, then you'll probably lose money versus buying a "normal" car.  I personally like to buy a car then drive it into the ground.  With an EV, I couldn't do that, as there's no way the batteries are going to last long enough.

We are really talking about the general public, at least that portion inclined towards green solutions. It won't work for everyone, and probably not you until you change your mind-set.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #129 on: 21 Mar 2015, 04:23 pm »
Not every decision is, or should be, purely economic in its determination.

Electric vehicles are not presently viable for most people. If you drive 1000 miles a week you won't be out of the car enough for it to recharge. If you need to transport tonnage, probably wrong for that too. If you only have one car, there may be a variety of reasons why it doesn't work for you.

I rarely leave my valley so I could conceivably use one as my only car. I would then rent something more distance capable for vacation travel, etc. But I won't be buying EV for the some of the reasons I stated further up the page. At the rate we are using the Prius, it will last us the rest of our driving years.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #130 on: 21 Mar 2015, 04:29 pm »
I'm still not sure about that.  If you get rid of the car before the batteries have to be replaced, and they keep the tax incentive ($7,500), then maybe.  If the batteries have to be replaced, then you'll probably lose money versus buying a "normal" car.  I personally like to buy a car then drive it into the ground.  With an EV, I couldn't do that, as there's no way the batteries are going to last long enough.

Sources I've read recommend leasing an EV because of the uncertainties about battery life. Of course, I've also read the Tesla battery packs have a lot of life left in them when they are technically "used up." In fact, companies are recycling these battery packs and using them for large-scale UPSs.

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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #131 on: 21 Mar 2015, 05:58 pm »
My apologies if this link has already been posted. France is now requiring that all new roofs be covered with panels or gardens. Very hip thinking IMO, viva la difference!

Here 'tis:



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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #132 on: 21 Mar 2015, 06:17 pm »
My apologies if this link has already been posted. France is now requiring that all new roofs be covered with panels or gardens. Very hip thinking IMO, viva la difference!

Here 'tis:


What about steep roofs, north facing roofs, glass roofs/skylights, barrel faulted roofs, or inflatable structures?


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #133 on: 21 Mar 2015, 06:36 pm »
My apologies if this link has already been posted. France is now requiring that all new roofs be covered with panels or gardens. Very hip thinking IMO, viva la difference!

Here 'tis:

:thumb: The US innovates the technology but it seems that the Europeans are leading way in its implementation.


Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #134 on: 21 Mar 2015, 07:13 pm »
I just received my electric bill  :o , the last two months have been outrageous 2912KWH FEB bill and  4116KWH MAR bill usage (2077KWH MAR 2014) double from one year ago. Not really sure how we doubled the usage as last year had similar weather. I'm am definitely looking in to solar. ZAK


Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #135 on: 21 Mar 2015, 08:45 pm »
Thanks for starting this thread, as it finally got me off the dime and I called an installer for Sunpower.  He came over this morning and took some measurements (physical and light).  I should get a quote next week.  His initial assessment is that I am borderline for a decent payback even with the tax rebate as I live on a hill with lots of trees.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #136 on: 21 Mar 2015, 09:38 pm »
You are welcome! Apparently you are the reason I started it. I hope you can make solar work for you. And don't get too hung up in payback time. If I offered you the chance to get free electricity for a year, you would probably be very interested in learning how. Well, even if you get lousy payback time you are likely to get 10 years free at the back end of your system's life expectancy.

And, on the subject of saving money driving, no transportation mode is better or more affordable than no transportation mode. Try to shorten your commute to nothing. The closer you get to that goal the better. Some of us do it like I did by retiring but telecommuting works for many and public transport for others. Mass transit isn't free and might not even be cheap but it is very cost effective for anyone who has to pay for parking and tolls. You might even be able to change your home or work address with that in mind.


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #137 on: 26 Mar 2015, 02:45 pm »
Nice surprise yesterday. My energy provider, Xcel Energy, brings both natural gas and electricity to my house and issues a bill monthly. My bill is annualized so that I pay the same amount summer and winter, with the exception of November when they settle the difference between what I paid and what I actually used. My payment for this year was set at $124/month. My most recent bill reflected an adjustment brought about by recorded changes in my energy consumption. This bill was only $41. This represents a savings of $83/month or a 67% discount.

I found that vindicating and enjoyable.

So far, I am averaging approximately 25.5 KWH per day production. My basic bill for remaining connected to the grid is $8.11 and my rebate check this month was $15.39. My electricity is completely free and my panels actually are paying me a little cash.

You gotta get on board with this. Make sure you do it before 12/31/2016 so you can take advantage of the 30% tax credit before it expires.


Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #138 on: 20 Apr 2015, 03:38 am »
I decided to pull the trigger.  In three weeks I'll be the proud owner of an 8kW PV generating system.  Looking forward to seeing the meter run backwards.

Ok, so are there any deleterious effects on the power with all the inverter switching?  I mean this is Audio Circle. :)


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Re: Are you thinking about solar?
« Reply #139 on: 20 Apr 2015, 03:49 am »
During the last 6 years I have had a 6.5kw PV system running, producing on average $400/month of energy (at PG&E's rates). My very revealing system is on 24/7 (at least the SS parts.) I have never noticed any noise from the PV system. Granted, I have some serious AC purifying gear because I believe a lot of noise is generated within the house and within the digital gear, but aside from that, I never sensed that the solar was a problem.