Check out MQN

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Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #80 on: 18 Jan 2014, 11:35 pm »
jkeny I am not signed up on the other forum, just reading, but I do know I tried everything here and there still with no luck. Well not everything as the MQN thread is 170+ posts. Ive got time in the evening, but not that much time.

Just like Scotty I get the cmdprompt to flash and that is the end of it.  If I play the WAV file it plays fine through Jriver so it is not the DAC.

Hardware and software I have:

as rock H61M DGS MB , Core i3, 8GB DDR3 RAM, SSD, Paul Pang USB 3.0 V2, 64bit Win 7 Premium.

Did everything on the sights including unblocking and rebooting, Firewall off and MSSE off, Edit Bat file, Regedit (True).

Running this folder:

I have WAV files in the same folder as everything else.   I am not pasting, just copy then double click the bat file.  First I tried the directory at C:\MQnPLayer then on the desktop as well getting the file destination from right clicking and copying from the Properties tab and editing the bat. file.

I am stumped. It has to be the MQN files I am choosing. I sure would love to get this working before tomorrow evening when some local audiophiles (might) come over. Thank goodness Jriver sounds great too.

TIA for anyone's help.


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #81 on: 19 Jan 2014, 12:22 am »
So now I have tried multiple folders form nige2000 and the same thing happens every time. Man it sucks to know this player is right there. Luckily I just bought a 1TB drive if I ever get this to work (and can direct to my external HDD music folder) since WAV files are so big.

OH please let this work for me!


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Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #82 on: 19 Jan 2014, 12:35 am »
Hmm, I don't know what the problem is.
Can you copy the contents of your MQN.bat file here?
Maybe Scotty can say if he got it working & how he did it?


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #83 on: 19 Jan 2014, 01:01 am »
Copy of my Bat file:

@echo off

cd C:\Users\Music\Desktop\MQnPlayer

Title MQn - Just good music

taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqnplay.exe /F >nul
taskkill /fi "PID gt 0" /IM mqncontrol.exe /F >nul

rem net stop "Desktop Window Manager Session Manager"

del Files.txt /q

FOR /F "tokens=*" %%A IN ('CHCP') DO FOR %%B IN (%%~A) DO SET CodePage=%%B

chcp 65001

paste > param.txt

rem echo off

rem file

for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt ^| FIND /I ".wav"`) do echo %%i >> File1.txt

if exist file1.txt goto :crlf

rem folder

for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort param.txt`) DO for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b "%%i\*.wav"') do echo %%i\%%f >> File1.txt


rem remove cr/lf from last line

setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion

set "firstLineReady="
    for /F "eol=$ delims=" %%a in (File1.txt) DO (
        if defined firstLineReady (echo()
        set "firstLineReady=1"
        <nul set /p "=%%a"
) > Files.txt"

del File1.txt /q

CHCP %CodePage%

set TIMESTAMP=%TIME:~0,2%:%TIME:~3,2%:%TIME:~6,2%
echo Playback commenced - %timestamp%
for /F "usebackq delims==" %%i IN (`sort Files.txt`) do echo %%~ni


rem lets play music

MQncontrol --file ".\Files.txt"

 rem pause


@echo on


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #84 on: 19 Jan 2014, 03:55 am »
I think i am using MQN 2.48 . I created a folder on the desktop named MQN PLAYER, I put MQn bat,mqn control.exe,mqn play.exe and paste.exe in it.
In then right click on a single song wav file and chose COPY. I then open the MQN PLAYER folder, right click and chose paste. Then I left click on MQn bat and wait until the song starts playing.
I don't know why it works.
I do know that when I want to play an entire album or create a playlist I use XBMC player. It sounds very good and no pain is involved.
Sorry that I can't offer any insight into why MQN sometimes works and other times does not work. Your DAC should be designated the default output device, but that is the case with many players.


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #85 on: 19 Jan 2014, 04:49 am »
I wonder Scott if I am supposed to have WASAPI and USB set up also? In Jriver their is the ability to set that up within the program.


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Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #86 on: 19 Jan 2014, 09:43 am »
Scotty, good that you got it working & it always works when you follow this procedure, right? Not works sometimes & other times not, right?
 But no need to Paste the file, just copy & then start the MQN.BAT - have you tried that?

So, raysracing, if you follow Scotty's example is it working? I don't know what you mean by "setting up WASAPI & USB" - as Scotty says your soundacrd that you want to play through should be your default soundcard


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #87 on: 20 Jan 2014, 04:20 pm »
Scotty, good that you got it working & it always works when you follow this procedure, right? Not works sometimes & other times not, right?
 But no need to Paste the file, just copy & then start the MQN.BAT - have you tried that?

So, raysracing, if you follow Scotty's example is it working? I don't know what you mean by "setting up WASAPI & USB" - as Scotty says your soundacrd that you want to play through should be your default soundcard

My USB interface if that is the correct term is the Paul Pang USB 3.0 V2.  But the sound card I believe is just the stock one on the motherboard. I am just wondering if there is no communication within my computer due to the Paul Pang? Ok so I hooked up the DAC to a generic USB on the computer and still no sound. I tried Scotty's method with the "paste" and no sound.  My USB shows an incoming signal though as the sample rate is lit up.

***edit:when I try and play a 16/44.1 WAV the COMMAND PROMPT flashes, but the DAC does not change to 44.1 as it was on 48 for the previous track on Jriver.  There has got to a solution so that MQN gets communication with my sound card or something.


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Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #88 on: 20 Jan 2014, 05:12 pm »
My USB interface if that is the correct term is the Paul Pang USB 3.0 V2.  But the sound card I believe is just the stock one on the motherboard. I am just wondering if there is no communication within my computer due to the Paul Pang? Ok so I hooked up the DAC to a generic USB on the computer and still no sound.
You are setting the soundcard to default in Control panel?
I tried Scotty's method with the "paste" and no sound.
No need for paste, as I told Scotty
My USB shows an incoming signal though as the sample rate is lit up.
You are only using WAv 16/44, aren't you?

***edit:when I try and play a 16/44.1 WAV the COMMAND PROMPT flashes, but the DAC does not change to 44.1 as it was on 48 for the previous track on Jriver.  There has got to a solution so that MQN gets communication with my sound card or something.
It only works with 16/44 WAV
I really can't help you any more, sorry


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #89 on: 20 Jan 2014, 10:40 pm »
Thanks jkeny. Any helpings always appreciated.



Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #90 on: 27 Jan 2014, 02:33 am »

I had an issue a one time with not being able to play MQN. Here is what helped me to get it working, Download and attempt to play your wave files using "PlayPCMWin". If you are able to play music with this, afterwards you will be able to play it with MQN.


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #91 on: 27 Jan 2014, 07:08 am »

I had an issue a one time with not being able to play MQN. Here is what helped me to get it working, Download and attempt to play your wave files using "PlayPCMWin". If you are able to play music with this, afterwards you will be able to play it with MQN.

I'll give it a try-thanks!


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #92 on: 18 Sep 2014, 04:33 am »
So I'm resurrecting this old thread because I've been trying to get MQN running.

I tried a couple nights, couldn't get anything, but I finally had success tonight  :thumb:

I downloaded MQN, and also mqncontrol

I also had to disable UAC and run the "normal" version of mqnplay.  The avx2 didn't work for me.

With that I have music.

I will compare mqn to some other playback software and see what I think.



Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #93 on: 18 Sep 2014, 04:43 am »
So I'm resurrecting this old thread because I've been trying to get MQN running.

I tried a couple nights, couldn't get anything, but I finally had success tonight  :thumb:

I downloaded MQN, and also mqncontrol

I also had to disable UAC and run the "normal" version of mqnplay.  The avx2 didn't work for me.

With that I have music.

I will compare mqn to some other playback software and see what I think.


MQN changes so fast that I am not able to keep up and I'm in the middle of a cross country move but last time I had it running back in May it sounded amazing. Be sure to use the newest versions or at least since April.

I was able to get AVX(1) up and going in June with my new Haswell cpu and it sounded AMAZING.


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #94 on: 18 Sep 2014, 02:51 pm »
I have a cheap pentium that doesn't support AVX. 
I'm thinking about upgrading at some point to a low end Xeon that will do AVX2.

I used 1644 7.55 normal from 9/14, so its pretty current  :wink:
He just cleaned up the main google drive directory and moved a bunch of files to archive.  For me, that was a good thing, I didn't have to try to shift through as much to try to figure out which one to use.

I spent a little time comparing mqn to xxhighend last night, xxhighend might have an edge but I think I could live with either one based on sound, it may come down to the UI.

I also want to see if I can get Lekt working now.



Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #95 on: 8 Oct 2015, 05:19 pm »
MQn setup has changed, I figured it out last night, and created a blog with instructions.

I'm going to add some more information to the instructions, like if MQnload still works, how to do flac (once I figure it out) and foobar/mqn (if I figure that out too).

But what is there should get someone started.


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #96 on: 9 Oct 2015, 05:24 pm »
So MQnload does work.  I installed it last night, and added those instructions to my blog page.

It does make MQn easier to use, you don't have to copy the song anymore, you select a song and push F9 and it plays.
Still not the easiest UI, but I think I can live with it. 

Not sure if MQnload has any effect on the sound quality.  I don't really care, the UI of MQn by itself makes it too cumbersome, MQnload makes it barely usable :)

I also tried to run PlayPcmWin last night, but can't get it to work so far, nothing happens when I try to run it :(



Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #97 on: 16 Oct 2015, 12:41 pm »
MQn setup has changed, I figured it out last night, and created a blog with instructions.

I'm going to add some more information to the instructions, like if MQnload still works, how to do flac (once I figure it out) and foobar/mqn (if I figure that out too).

But what is there should get someone started.

Thanks for doing that. My audio setup has been on hold for over a year now and I've been dreading re installing mqn.


Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #98 on: 13 Dec 2015, 12:35 am »
I just got MQn working with foobar.

So you get the foobar UI, but plays through MQn.

I kind of followed the MQn directions, but had to do it differently because I couldn't get MQn's method for playing flac files to work. 

I'll update my blog shortly with the instructions.



Re: Check out MQN
« Reply #99 on: 16 Dec 2015, 03:24 pm »
Blog updated with instructions to make mqn play out of foobar

If you're used foobar, imho, a much easier interface to use.  And it should just take 5-10 minutes to do this, it's really pretty easy.

The one problem is that I can't get foobar remote programs, like monkeymote, to work correctly.  Won't play the song I'm trying to pick.  I think I'm going to use a VNC program as a remote.
