Danley SH-50

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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #20 on: 22 Aug 2012, 06:29 pm »
But I can't help thinking sometimes what is not said is as important as what is.

+1 :scratch:, is there an insinuation?


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #21 on: 23 Aug 2012, 04:29 am »
+1 :scratch:, is there an insinuation?

I don't think it proper for me to call out any posters, and I have too much respect for the folks who posted in this thread to do so.  However in reply to your question, because I have faith in the judgement of these members, I was hoping for more complete comparisons.  Absent that, one might assume they are being polite, whether rightly or wrongly.  Perhaps it's unfair to ask more of those who post their opinions freely, but I find the design fascinating and while I can easily see it's function fulfilled as a professional sound reinforcement product, it's use as a home entertainment speaker is less clear, especially in light of the linked AC thread on the unit in the GR circle.  So if anyone would care to fill in any blanks they deem appropriate, including yourself who probably knows the strengths and weakness of the speaker better than anyone, it would be appreciated by curious minds.     


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #22 on: 24 Aug 2012, 01:23 am »
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2012, 05:01 pm by launche »


Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #23 on: 24 Aug 2012, 02:20 am »
Comments like "Indeed they are the only speakers I have heard other than my Abbeys that sound like real live music" seem pretty unequivocal to me.


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #24 on: 24 Aug 2012, 03:44 am »
...excuse me while I kiss this guy...

That sir is a true insult and one I saw coming a mile away, some faith you have in others.  The exact reason I stated earlier that I would not pursue the cause to try to enlighten anyone on the viability of these speakers.  I am not saying they are the holy grail and are not without flaws etc...  my only point for the last 5,6,7 yrs is they are indeed a potentially good option not often considered.  The man who knows the speaker is Danley, the creator. I just listen and try to enjoy my music.


It's easy to see why Danley is so reluctant to step foot near the hi-fi community and why Geddes is so damn abrasive.

Letitroll98, I do understand you likely didn't mean any real harm by your comments.

I meant no insult to you, and I don't think there is a single word or sentence that could possibly be deemed insulting, and by your own statement you seemed to have prejudged my response anyway.  I only quoted your statement as it was the second of two in the same vein.  However I do apologize for any perceived slight, it was not my intent and I tried to carefully craft the post to avoid any such interpretation, it's regretful that I wasn't successful.  Of course my first post in question contained a baiting sentence.  The bait was suppose to bring out a more complete assessment than a few kind and generous platitudes.  Was I justified in doing this?  I think so if you'll allow me.

I posted after Russell Dawkins posted "Could you give a brief impression of what you heard as the differences, please, Jason?"  To which he replied, "IMO it's almost impossible to compare the two when not side by side.  I have no intentions of replacing my Abbeys....If I didn't own GedLee Abbeys and needed a speaker I think I could be happy with them..."  So right there we're left wondering and wanting more.  Previous to this exchange these words were written in various posts (I'm cherry picking the words that got my attention, not fair, simply illustrative):

"Like anything, not for everyone"

"I talked with a guy who traveled a long way to hear some Danleys and was highly disappointed."

"Like anything it needs to be properly setup.  These systems get more complicated and few have the patience to really dial them in just right using the proper tools."

"Very few fellas can hack it, most can't in my audio travels and experiences."

"Yet hearing the speaker sounding like a, horn honking, concert monitor, from someone very knowledgeable, threw me off the scent. Not someone from the U.S. by the way."

A post by Russell Dawkins indicating he's seriously considering them for a pro sound installation.

A post from lowtech linking the other thread about the Danley line that was on the whole very negative, albeit I agree with your criticism of it.

"I still find it amazing that they compare favorably to the Gedlee Abbeys"

"The tone isn't the same and I'm confident with that statement"

"I usually hear an unusal effect from "wave controled" designs...Not sure I could adjust long term."

Not all negative comments, and cherry picked out of context, but all this on only one page of posts.  These were all mixed in with some very positive statements, but I wanted you to see them through my eyes.  I think the speaker line is completely, totally kewl looking, so much engineering and design that I can't take it all in at one sitting, testimony that it sounds "great" and works well as a home entertainment speaker.  But darn it, it's not an insult to ask for an explanation of all this.  I don't want anyone to be defensive, I want you to tell us how they sound!  Honestly, I do trust your opinions, the four of you each and every one, I just want more.



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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #25 on: 24 Aug 2012, 04:28 am »

Oh and some third party report of some mysterious man from a foreign land who thought he heard a horn, a honk, a bleep or phonk.  Are you serious?

I wanted to share what I heard of the speakers but did not want to name my source as it was a private conversation I had about the speakers. I will share the email but keep the person's name out of it as I think he would be o.k. with that. This is not just some audio hobbiest talking, trust me. I only share this for discussions sake and have absolutely no beef with Danley, or want to cause any issues with them. Everyone has their opinions, so take it that way.

"Recently, I have had "the pleasure" to hear the famous Danley synergy horns, specifically the Danley SM 60F model. I don`t know how much you`re familiar with their design, but let me just point out that some audiophiles went completely crazy over them.
At some audio forum someone said he owned the Avantgarde Trios, but sold them when he heard the Danleys. He said Danleys outperformed some heavy competition from the big Wilsons, Magicos, JM Labs, etc. Even on some local forums here in my country people started to rave insanely about them.

Now, if you remember, I have already mentioned I have experimented with horns really extensively for a few years. I`m completely aware of all their pros and cons and am very familiar with their general sound.

I went to check their design attributes in detail and was immediately able to imagine the type of sound they would produce, just according to their dimensions, driver arrangement in the horn throat and everything else. Despite all that, I thought, what if Danley somehow miraculously cured all of the typical horn problems?

I went with a friend of mine across the country and listened to the two systems with Danley speakers that were supposedly superior to everything else.

I`m not sure I have the will to explain everything in great detail, but if I say that I was disappointed would be a massive understatement.

The moment the music started to play - I hated myself for travelling such a long distance just to hear the mediocre public address system!

Horn honk and HOMs (higher order modes) were just unbearable. There was no upper bass/lower midrange (the fundamental frequency region that all music is built upon) to speak of and the horns were just plain simple annoying.

I know very well how Avantgarde Trios can perform and their sound is balm for the ears, compared to Danleys. OMG..."

Rocket_Don't Shoot The Messenger_Ronny


Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #26 on: 24 Aug 2012, 04:36 am »
I don't get it... AC members posting here who have actually heard the speakers say they are very good. Those who have not heard them are quoting out of context or providing anonymous second-hand reports to cast doubt on the impressions of those who are providing first-hand reports...  :scratch:

Is there anyone who hasn't gone to hear a speaker at some time and been disappointed? I've had that experience with Avant Gardes, Merlins, Magnepans... doesn't mean anything, IMO. You can only judge a speaker when it's been properly set up - and I believe that was already mentioned earlier in this thread.


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #27 on: 24 Aug 2012, 05:24 am »

Hey John:

Just sharing is all. When researching on the net it's helpful to have all opinions to look at. So I am just providing that. I would still love to hear a pair of Danleys.



Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #28 on: 24 Aug 2012, 05:44 am »
Sorry but I think the anonymous report is bullshit. If someone wanted to know more specifics about what the guys writing here listened to etc, all that would be needed is to ask, instead of casting aspersions.


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #29 on: 24 Aug 2012, 06:33 am »
When I find the mystery horn aficiando who wrote that email I look forward to traveling across the country to hear his horn system since it must be the pinnacle of the breed.

I understand the points of view, I really do.  I only wanted to respond to address the suggestion that there were half truths being told, a sparing of feelings etc...  The inherent bias of people leads them to pick up on the negative as evidenced here, a worried mind does that.  Not everyone is going to like a Danley speaker or any speaker, we should all know that 10x over by now.  People have bought and sold them for whatever reason.  Some don't like horns, some planars, some anything in a monkey coffin, some subwoofers, some single drivers and so on. 

These speakers were not intended to be hi-fi speakers, that they work at all I find a wonderful treat.  I have asked and waited years for Danley to build a home audio version of his designs and it seems not to be a priority and thus I just went ahead and finally bought them.  I am defiant by nature, I do what I want to do.  I was experienting with multiple subs before it became fashionable, barely knew what I was doing (still don't) but had a hunch and I always trust my instincts. 

If it comes to pass years from now that there's indeed something to these Danley's, then I won't be surprised. I just know they work well enough for me, I enjoy my music and movies and have a good little time.  I don't have the desire to participate in mental gymnastics in this hobby.  It's already far more complicated than it need be.  That most are so unsure of their footing in this hobby speaks volumes about the nature of this endeavor. 

It could be that the Danley sounds like crap, you knew it all along and all is right with the world again.
But I maintain it is very close to being a head turner.  For now it can enjoy being a head scratcher. 


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #30 on: 24 Aug 2012, 11:18 am »
I don't think it proper for me to call out any posters, and I have too much respect for the folks who posted in this thread to do so.
Still confused who this is all directed to? 

It could be that the Danley sounds like crap
That's surely not the case!


Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #31 on: 24 Aug 2012, 12:24 pm »
For me, this part:

"I went to check their design attributes in detail and was immediately able to imagine the type of sound they would produce, just according to their dimensions, driver arrangement in the horn throat and everything else. Despite all that, I thought, what if Danley somehow miraculously cured all of the typical horn problems?"

Makes me discount everything else said.  Completely lost credibility right there.


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #32 on: 24 Aug 2012, 01:50 pm »
« Last Edit: 30 Nov 2012, 05:03 pm by launche »


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #33 on: 24 Aug 2012, 03:57 pm »

Sorry but I think the anonymous report is bullshit.

What kind of crap are we talking about here John? That I made it up, or that the person is just trying to diss them for personal reasons? Neither is the case. I can understand you not wanting to take it seriously, that's fine. It's only one person's opinion I shared as I have not heard them myself.

I respect the opinions of JTWRace. Also looking at the effort Anand has put into his rig I respect his insights as well. The person I quoted I highly respect.

So there you have it, a clear illustration of the audio preferences and differences of us as audio geeks. Some people are really after tone and will be willing to sacrifice imaging. Others are driven crazy by crossover distortion, I have never been bothered by such. On and on.

I think the positive impressions given on these Danley's warrents a listen by anyone looking for a high eff., lively, dynamic, speaker system. And that ain't no crap.  8)



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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #34 on: 24 Aug 2012, 10:05 pm »
I think someone asked so here is a brief list of some of the music we listened too.

Dallas Wind Symphony:  (Liberty Bell)

Feet in the Soil 2  (Tammy Tama)

Ricky Lee Jones  (Under the Boardwalk)

Grover Washington  (Take Five)

Phat Pack  (Whodunnit)

Poems of Thunder  (Poem of Chinese Drum)

Standing in the Safety Zone  (My God Called Me This Morning)

Nanci Griffith  (Speed of the Sound of Loneliness)

Cantate Domino  (Julsang)

Soweto Gospel Choir  (Lelilungelo Ngelakho)

Catie Curtis  (Radical) 

Bruce Springsteen (Live in Dublin)

Talking Heads (Burning Down The House Live)

The Black Keys (Ten Cent Pistol)

Nils Lofgren (Keith Don't Go)

Fantasia 2000 (Carnival of the Animals, Finale)


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #35 on: 24 Aug 2012, 10:07 pm »
If someone wanted to know more specifics about what the guys writing here listened to etc, all that would be needed is to ask.

At this point it's sure what I wish I would have done from the beginning.  I honestly was trying to be polite, it didn't turn out well, which I blame only myself for.  Let's start again.

Jason, Anand, launche, and I'll include Rich as launche mentioned he was there or has heard the setup.  All of your reports leave us with no friggin idea of how the speaker sounds in this application and how they compare to other CD speakers of comparable cost.  I get that they sounded like live music, which I assume to mean excellent dynamics.  How did they perform in regards to soundstage, imaging, tonality, detail, cohesiveness, bass response, treble sweetness or harshness, midrange fullness or suckout, or were they completely even in frequency response?  How did they compare to speakers you own or are familiar with?  Are they similar in sound to any speakers you have experience with?  How were they set up?  What size room?  How far apart where they spread and was there any toe-in?  Where was the listening chair(s) in relation to the speakers and the room?  Where there any acoustic treatments in the room?  Do I have to go on?  Thank you launche for posting the list of music played, a nice framework for any response to the above.

On the other hand you are most welcome to say it's a thread about a nice visit to launche's home and I should shut up about the speakers, and I will.  In either case, thanks for indulging me.     


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #36 on: 24 Aug 2012, 10:30 pm »
Man you're asking a lot, we were just trying to have a little fun. :D

It was just an informal listening session and not meant to be any type of exhaustive endeavor, for me I'll leave it at that.  I've said far more than I care too and my apologies if any were offended.  No harm, no foul and I understand your curious attempts to squeeze the lemon but we really were just having a little splash and were not trying to make lemonade.

In the future, I will keep a look out for your exhaustive reports, should be very informative.  :drool:


Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #37 on: 24 Aug 2012, 11:12 pm »
Deleted post.  My apologies to Launche.
« Last Edit: 25 Aug 2012, 12:47 pm by jackman »


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Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #38 on: 24 Aug 2012, 11:40 pm »
Please John, Launche is only trying to enlighten all of us on the mentality of the self righteous audiophile.  Launche, nothing like leading by example.

Jackman, I don't really understand your comment but if I am to infer I would just like to point out that the statement was made by jtwrace not by me, he owns Abbey's.  My pair will be here in 2016.


Re: Danley SH-50
« Reply #39 on: 25 Aug 2012, 02:18 am »
Please John, Launche is only trying to enlighten all of us on the mentality of the self righteous audiophile.  Launche, nothing like leading by example.

Jack, that makes absolutely no sense at all. Perhaps you need to read before launching a (self-righteous?) cheap shot? :)