Rating this season's quarterbacks . .

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Rob Babcock

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Re: Rating this season's quarterbacks . .
« Reply #80 on: 7 Sep 2013, 06:37 am »
Wow!  What a game!  I have Manning on my fantasy team...and on Sunday he was riding the pine! :duh:  What do you do?  Season opener against the defending Champs?  Playing against the vaunted Raven's D?  Seemed like a no-brainer to start Tom Brady instead of Manning.  After all, the Bills are chumps and the Ravens are champs...

Well, I suppose Brady could throw eight TD passes... :wink:  If not I probably made a big mistake. :lol:


Re: Rating this season's quarterbacks . .
« Reply #81 on: 7 Sep 2013, 12:46 pm »
Believe I'll pick the Cowboys to blow up the Giants Sunday night.  Romo's receivers are healthy.  He's healthy.  I haven't heard anymore about Romo calling his own plays.  That idea spirits me, tho.  I'd like to see it.  If he does and is good at it, that's gotta motivate his offense.  Defense, too.  Fans, three.


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Re: Rating this season's quarterbacks . .
« Reply #82 on: 7 Sep 2013, 01:44 pm »
Good plan, Jim. The Giants are in decline.


Re: Rating this season's quarterbacks . .
« Reply #83 on: 23 Sep 2013, 05:02 pm »
It's too early to start changing the list but I think Cutler and Dalton have earned  promotions into the top 12-15 or so.   Also, Eli, Kaepernik, and Flacco need to be down-graded.  Kaepernik (sp?) looks like he is lost out there and Eli (and the G-Men) are playing VERY poorly at the moment.  If this keeps up, both guys are easily out of the top 20. 

A couple observations:

- Andrew Luck has not put up monster numbers but he's managing his team very well and he is winning.  He is easily in the top 8.

- Flacco - superbowl hangover?  He has looked very bat at times and I think he misses Boldin...a lot.

- RGIII is still shaking off the rust but it's not fair to be too harsh on him because he is still recovering and is putting up decent numbers.

- Kaepernick - looks really bad at times.  His numbers in the Indy game looked better than his play.  I think he had 36 yds in the first half of that game.  He looks like a second year QB with lots to learn.  Wonder if Harbaugh is questioning his decision to dump Smith.   :scratch:

- Ben Rothlesberger is a tough case.  His team is in free-fall but he put up big numbers against the Bears...big positives (400+ yds) and negatives (big turnovers).  Overall he is having a bad season and could drop out of the top 20 at this pace. 

- Andy Dalton - is there a better Ginger in the league?  He's made big mistakes but has played very well at times.  Look for his stock to rise.

- Tony Romo - he usually plays well out of the gate and I'd like to reserve judgment for later in the season when he usually makes bad decisions.  So far, he's looking good. 

- Peyton Manning - cream of the crop and having a great year.  I expect him to destroy the Raiders tonight and lock the top spot on the list.

- Tom Brady - don't know how he's doing it because he has no receivers but I don't think anyone else could do what he does (with that team).  Bad fantasy numbers but you can't deny his ability to lead his team to victory (so far) this year.   

- Alex Smith - it's still early but he looks to be having a very solid season, as does his team, the Chiefs. 

- Phillip Rivers - good fantasy QB and playing well.  Need more time see if he can maintain this level of play.

- Rodgers - still top 3, although he's lost some weapons. 

- Breese - I haven't seen him play but his numbers are far from the elite level we've seen in the past.  It's early and I expect him to  be in the top 3. 

- Russell Wilson - this kid can play.  He's like a younger version of Breese, with more athletic ability.  Poised for the top 5?

- Vick - already showing signs of wear and it's early in the season.  I do not expect him to hold up for the whole year at this rate.

Stafford, Matt Ryan - if they keep this up, both are in top 10.  I like Ryan better but there is no denying the numbers Stafford is putting up. 


Re: Rating this season's quarterbacks . .
« Reply #84 on: 23 Sep 2013, 05:10 pm »
That's a fine summation there, brother Jackman.


Re: Rating this season's quarterbacks . .
« Reply #85 on: 23 Sep 2013, 05:26 pm »
That's a fine summation there, brother Jackman.

Thanks!  Killing time waiting for conference call to start.  I am surprised by how poorly some teams have started the season.  San Fran and NYG in particular.  These are good teams and I still think they will both be dangerous.  Aaron Rodgers is still great but Kaepernick looks lost, and his team can't stop the run. 

I'm happy for teams like Cincy, KC and Miami.  They have great fans and I hope they continue to play well and eventually go deep into the playoffs (unless they are playing the Bears!).   It's fun to see some new faces in the mix. 

If Seattle keeps playing tough, they are going to be VERY hard to beat, especially if they get home field.  They are the toughest team to beat at home.  Maybe the toughest I have seen in a long time. 

Also, I'm not totally drinking the Bears' kool-aid.  They beat a good Bengals team but Pittsburgh is in self destruct mode.  If they controlled their turnovers it would have been a much closer game last night.  The Bears got too conservative in the third qtr but I was happy to see them open it up in the fourth.  Cutler is finally getting some protection and he's got some dangerous weapons.  Marcellus Bennett is on fire and is on the road to becoming a legitimate threat.  It's amazing to see so many tight ends in the league put up big offensive numbers.