James, you might be interested in to hear this one.Long time ago my friend came over and droped 4 12" drivers by my house and told me he hates them he does not need them and he do not want any money for it and left.Well I started fooling around with them and this is story back to ST amps and SST was not in the market yet.I could not get the sound right even one time I gave up and put them in the garbage but I quickly changed my mind and brought them back in.After a year I was reading a book and striked to the word ISOBARIC and they said it could be used in speaker design.To make long story short I build a three way active but I used this drivers as ISOBARIC configuration and drived the with a pair 7Bst.ohhhh
I made a cover because I did not want him to see the driver and called him up for listening. We sit down and start a music after 15 min of classical music he told me that he could live with it forever and I took the cover panels off.When he saw the drivers he almost droped his phone that was in his hand and ask me that what happend? I told him a lot of things happened.
And the driver was a $20 paper cone SONY.