For something completely beautiful, old old baby

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God’s only perfect creature, the dog.


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I call my Belgian Malinois better..half she runs the house. I pay the


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Our Borzoi Jerry, who was allowed to occasionally sit in my lap.


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God’s only perfect creature, the dog.

I cannot argue with that statement. I rather hangout with my pooch’s than most people.

Russell Dawkins

I'm curious, saucyworchester‚ is your handle a reference to a Beyond the Fringe skit referencing Shakespeare?


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Beyond the Fringe - you bet!

Yog Sothoth

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Monty Python and Beyond the Fringe -- two of the three pillars of the holy trinity of foundational British comedy!


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The Hoffnung Interplanetary Music Festival

Maybe not the third but if not, next on the list. Concerto for Hose-pipe and Strings (3rd Movement only) by Leopold Mozart played by Dennis Brain, one of the all time great french horn players.

Yog Sothoth

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I was thinking The Goodies!


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Our Borzoi Jerry, who was allowed to occasionally sit in my lap.

Sorry to hear about your fur-buddy.  :(


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I was thinking The Goodies!
Monty Python messages from a H.P. Lovecraft guy??? I feel so interdimensional!

I.Greyhound Fan

Our Borzoi Jerry, who was allowed to occasionally sit in my lap.

That is a beautiful Borzoi.  I would love to own one, but my wife does not want to put up with the hair.  We decided to get a beautiful Scottish Deerhound.  I will try to post a picture this weekend.

Yog Sothoth

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Monty Python messages from a H.P. Lovecraft guy??? I feel so interdimensional!



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For British humor, particularly if you work or volunteer in a "committee meeting" environment, try "Twenty Twelve" on BritBox. it is almost absurd and frighteningly real. Includes Hugh Bonneville and Olivia Colman, and is narrated by David Tennant. My wife and I laughed until it hurt but then we have both spent year in similar meetings.


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When we lost Jerry, the last of forty five years of Borzoi in our lives, we were too old to assist 100 pound dogs when they needed help. After much soul searching;

"Zephyr" a forty pound Silken Windhound joined our family. We love him too.

Yog Sothoth

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For British humor, particularly if you work or volunteer in a "committee meeting" environment, try "Twenty Twelve" on BritBox. it is almost absurd and frighteningly real. Includes Hugh Bonneville and Olivia Colman, and is narrated by David Tennant. My wife and I laughed until it hurt but then we have both spent year in similar meetings.

I spent 25 years on committees deciding things like what color the tiles should be in the building hallways.  I'll have to check that show out!

I.Greyhound Fan

When we lost Jerry, the last of forty five years of Borzoi in our lives, we were too old to assist 100 pound dogs when they needed help. After much soul searching;

"Zephyr" a forty pound Silken Windhound joined our family. We love him too.

Wow, beautiful dog.  When we bought our Deerhound we considered a Silken Windhound and that may be our next dog after our Deerhound.  Or we may just get another Italian Greyhound if we ever move to warmer weather away from Minnnesota.

Does you Windhound shed much?


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Our Silken Windhound has acceptable shedding. They say that Silkens have different coat types and shedding may vary.

I.Greyhound Fan

Our Silken Windhound has acceptable shedding. They say that Silkens have different coat types and shedding may vary.

Thats what a breeder told us and there is no way to tell as a puppy.  My Deerhound sheds some, a little more than we like but not as much as the 2 Giant Schnauzers we owned.

That is a great photo of your Windhound.  It almost looks like a poster or print.


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Thank you, just my little old Panasonic ZA-100.