request: indicate "updating" in Max - feedback system-commands

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Hi James,

Confronted with long waiting/response times after adding new music to the HDD attached to the BDP1 before showing up in Max, I was confused. New songs/albums immediately show up in Finder.  I thought I had to refresh, and did so time and again. Mostly after 3 or 4 times of sending the refresh-browser command (and of course the update database command in  BDP1-Settings) new music is shown.

Suddenly it dawned to me that it is just the BDP1 that takes a lot longer than the Mac/Finder. I checked with the new VFP interface, and indeed, it shows "updating". How simple can it be. :duh:

Question/request following from all of this: could it be possible/would you be prepared to have an "updating' indication visible in Max also? It's really nice/necessary to get some feedback from the system the BDP1 is ready performing those commands. Especially this one. Please put the vfp into Max. Plenty of room in the interface.

btw I checked with Mpad, and it takes a while too without any indication the updating is done. Since Mpad is not Bryston related I won't be able to bother them, but I thought I'd try with you  :D

Thanks in advance,

James Tanner

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Hi Marius,

Will pass it along to Chris - thanks.  I do not think refresh is the correct option? - you can also just reboot the BDP-1 and the new files will show up.



Nope, you're right. It's just a matter of waiting for the BDP1 to be ready. Not even a reboot is required I believe. It's because of that the interface-feedback is required only.

rebooting might work too, but somehow my PC experience keeps me away from rebooting computers as much as possible....and if updating works fine, then that's the preferred way of operation for me. Since it does, no rebooting here only when absolutely necessary.

Thanks for passing along my request!


Hi Marius,

Will pass it along to Chris - thanks.  I do not think refresh is the correct option? - you can also just reboot the BDP-1 and the new files will show up.



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Hi Marius,

Will look into it later today, shouldn't be to difficult to implement as the data is pulled anyways by Max and Mini.



Would be really nice to have the VFP in Max, and finally being able to read what it's doing....(And not having to sit in front of it, or lay down as in my case  :oops:)

Thanks a lot,

Hi Marius,

Will look into it later today, shouldn't be to difficult to implement as the data is pulled anyways by Max and Mini.



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Yes, but the BDP-1 is such an elegant piece of enginuity  :wink:



Yes, but the BDP-1 is such an elegant piece of enginuity  :wink:



HI Chris, James,

Loading lots of music onto the HDD/BDP1, I find myself clicking my way through the Bryston settings interface again and again. Would it be possible to have a Update button next to the play/pause/stop buttons in Max? Seems that the update  is the most used button, and it's not really necessary to have to go all the way down into the settings.

question 2: in settings there is no button going back into Max homepage again. (there is one going from home to settings...)
Would it be possible to provide us with that. I know have a Safari Bookmark pointing to the homepage, but it seems not completely logical to have to do it that way.




question 2: in settings there is no button going back into Max homepage again. (there is one going from home to settings...)
Would it be possible to provide us with that. I know have a Safari Bookmark pointing to the homepage, but it seems not completely logical to have to do it that way.

Good point Marius.
FYI I use the <Back> control in the browser to get back to the home page from Settings


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Hi Marius,

We originally had an update button in max (before we had NAS support) and decided to remove it as the bdp updates itself when ever a drive is plugged in.  I will see about putting an update button back into max and mini (gotta make it
Look good).  If I do this do you still want to go straight from Settings to Max? Would it make more sense in the settings to have a button to go back to the home page?


Sorry for not being on the forums lately, but James has really been cracking the whip  :lol:


back to home page makes more sense to me


Max is homepage isn't it? Would love à Back button to it from settings. From all underlying pages to be honest.....

Thanks, Marius

Hi Marius,

We originally had an update button in max (before we had NAS support) and decided to remove it as the bdp updates itself when ever a drive is plugged in.  I will see about putting an update button back into max and mini (gotta make it
Look good).  If I do this do you still want to go straight from Settings to Max? Would it make more sense in the settings to have a button to go back to the home page?


Sorry for not being on the forums lately, but James has really been cracking the whip  :lol:


sorry for my last post, I was confused a bit. Home for me always is Max, which I have made a bookmark to. The real Homepage is one I never use...only to go to settings.

So if you ask me, I'd like a homepage to go to Max, with a direct link to settings, but also a button to Update newly loaded songs on the Hdd. And a Home button on all other underlying pages. The latter might be very easy to implement as a link on the left side of the Settings menu.

If the Internetradio-settings would then include a Vtuner link, things would start te be very very nice indeed.....




Slightly off topic Chris, but is there any chance of you looking at the issue with MAX and controls off the screen?

I use MAX with an iPAD and when I view the album contents the controls at the bottom left hand corner of the screen are always slightly off screen so you can't get to them.
Make it really difficult for me to use.


James Tanner

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Slightly off topic Chris, but is there any chance of you looking at the issue with MAX and controls off the screen?

I use MAX with an iPAD and when I view the album contents the controls at the bottom left hand corner of the screen are always slightly off screen so you can't get to them.
Make it really difficult for me to use.


Hi Terry

Are you using vertical or horizontal dispal with Max? If so in vertical you have to reload if you were using horizontal.



I keep it in Portrait mode all the time when using MAX
I've learnt that landscape mode and MAX don't seem to mix

As you suggested earlier, I'm also launching MAX from a desktop icon on my iPAD but that doesn't seem to help really.

The controls are only a few pixel off to the left but enough to make a difference

James Tanner

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I keep it in Portrait mode all the time when using MAX
I've learnt that landscape mode and MAX don't seem to mix

As you suggested earlier, I'm also launching MAX from a desktop icon on my iPAD but that doesn't seem to help really.

The controls are only a few pixel off to the left but enough to make a difference

That is strange - MAX works fine in both modes for me  :scratch:



The controls only need moving to right by a smidgeon for it to be great.

I'll try getting a screen shot but not sure how you do it on an iPAD.
Maybe I'll use my camera?


Hi Terry,

Hold the Home button and press the power button for the screenshot U want. Find it in Pictures afterward.


The controls only need moving to right by a smidgeon for it to be great.

I'll try getting a screen shot but not sure how you do it on an iPAD.
Maybe I'll use my camera?


Thanks Marius. I didn't know that!
In the end I used my camera to take a picture of the iPad screen and emailed it to James.
I'd be interested in how he gets on with it.