Warpspeed Optocoupler

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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #240 on: 11 Dec 2011, 03:44 am »
Hi Everyone,

I'm the next person in line to try out the Warpspeed. I've had it for the last several days, but have been having some trouble. When I received it, Allan asked that I check the battery charge to see if it was time to install new batteries. I measured the voltage at 4.98 VDC. This was below the 6 volt threshold so new batteries were needed. Since the stores were closed at the time, Allan suggested that I try it out anyway with the lower voltage. In my system, with KEF 207/2 speakers, a pair of Rogue M180 monoblocks and a Phillips CD-80 CD player sitting nearby (to keep the cables short) I thought the sound was on the bright side. The bass and highs were there, but the overall balance seemed not quite right. I didn't listen too long that night.

The following day I bought new batteries. I installed them and the voltage for the battery pack was now at 9.68 VDC. I installed the Warpspeed back in the system and the balance seemed to be much better now. The sound was very transparent and there was a lot of detail. But then a channel dropped out. I shut the system down and unplugged and replugged all the interconnects. I was still missing the left channel. I changed to another set of cables and still had the same problem. Then I decided that it might be the source that was an issue so I fired up the turntable. I still had no left channel. That's where things ended last night.

Today, I decided to install the Warpspeed in my equipment rack. This won't allow me to use the Rogue amplifiers (due to cable lengths getting too long), but I could use the amplifier portion of an integrated amp. This is the Yamaha A-S2000 that I've had for a few months. It's a very nice integrated. Although it doesn't offer the highest possible sound quality, it sounds good and has been a joy to use because it doesn't have any quirks like pops, buzzes, or hum. You can't always say that about audiophile equipment. It also has a great remote that allows the volume to be adjusted in very small increments. I've had audiophile preamps that I've tried that had remote volume controls that jumped 3-8dB per click of the remote. I have no idea what a manufacturer is thinking when they provide that kind of remote functionality.

Anyway, I installed the Warpspeed in the system with the Yamaha integrated. In this configuration my source changed to computer audio. I've got a 2010 Mac Mini running with Pure Music. The DAC is a Music Streamer II Plus that's connected to the computer with a Tranquility Signature USB cable. Initially this combination sounded excellent. Very transparent, with great detail and speed. Tonal balance was very good too, but maybe just a little brighter (too transparent?) than I'd like. Finding that "just right" balance between detail/transparency and musicality is difficult. I find myself tipping in one direction for a while, then adjusting back in the other direction. Perhaps I'd be one of those people that would appreciate the addition of a Dodd buffer after the Warpspeed.

But it wasn't long before I started experiencing some sputtering noises in my system. It sounded like stuttering, or motorboating type sounds. Fortunately this wasn't at a very loud level and I wasn't concerned about damaging my speakers. If I turned the volume down, the loudness of the sputtering noise decreased. It would last for about 5 seconds, then it would clear up and sound normal. A few minutes later I'd get the sputtering again. I'm not sure what was causing the problem, but since the Music Streamer II Plus DAC is only a few days old (it arrived the same day as the Warpspeed), I decided to replace it with another USB DAC, the EMU 0404. That DAC had always worked fine in the past so I knew I'd be able to determine if the new DAC was the issue or not. But, after installing the EMU DAC I had low output on the left channel. The gain on the left channel was low enought that initially I thought there was no output. From the listening seat, I only heard the right channel. So, I removed and replugged the wires again but still had the same problem. I changed cables to another type and the problem remained.

So this is where things stand tonight. I'm going to take a break and try again tomorrow.

In the meantime, I'd like to ask a couple of questions of the group and Allan.

     1. Have any of the previous users experienced the issue of low output on the left channel or intermittant sputtering sounds from both channels?
     2. Allan, do you think the Warpspeed is even capable of causing these types of issues?

Prior to installing the new DAC and the Warpspeed, I hadn't experienced these issues. If I had to guess at this point, I suspect the computer is the cause of the sputtering, but it's never happened before. Tomorrow I'll install other sources like the turntable or FM tuner in place of the computer and try again.

All the Best,



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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #241 on: 11 Dec 2011, 03:51 am »

Sorry to hear you are having so many problems. I did experience one episode where I had a rapid rat-a-tat-a-tat sound from the left channel. But I attributed it to problems in my Rogue 88 amp. It is an older amp and it may still be the problem. I did not experience any issues once I switched to a SS amp. I also did not notice any issues with low output from any channel. Incidentally, the Rogue seems to be behaving itself now after swapping out the power tubes.


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #242 on: 11 Dec 2011, 04:36 am »

Thanks for your feedback regarding both issues.

When I experienced the sputtering sound, I thought it was coming from both channels, but I could be wrong about that. It lasted for a few seconds then returned to normal. When you encountered the sound that you thought came from your Rogue amplifiers, did that sound clear up after a few seconds, or did you need to switch off the system for it to stop? If it cleared up after a few seconds, we may have had a similar issue. But if you needed to shut down the amps to get it to stop, then it may not be the same.



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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #243 on: 11 Dec 2011, 04:38 am »
G'day Warpspeed,

Can you pm me please? Don't seem to want to work is all....

Enquiring re the RC Version in 2012....




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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #244 on: 11 Dec 2011, 04:49 am »

It was very loud and I ran to turn it off. The sound persisted when I restarted the amp so I took the amp out of the system for a while. My problem may be different from what you are experiencing.

Also, the addition of the Dodd buffer did help a lot. As some one explained to me the buffer probably helped with impedance issues.


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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #245 on: 11 Dec 2011, 05:31 am »
Have you tried taking the Warpspeed out of your system, only using your CDP,  AMP and SPEAKERS.  If all works well and you have strong left and right output, insert the Warpspeed after the CDP, then to the amp and the speakers.


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #246 on: 11 Dec 2011, 07:23 am »

That make sense. I'll do that tomorrow.



Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #247 on: 11 Dec 2011, 07:36 am »
I didn't experience any such issues. Still madly in love with mine.


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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #248 on: 11 Dec 2011, 04:38 pm »
G'day Warpspeed,

Can you pm me please? Don't seem to want to work is all....

Enquiring re the RC Version in 2012....



Drew, you'll be able to use all the the site features after your next post, security measures to make sure humans are posting, not bots.  Welcome aboard.

Warpspeed CE

Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #249 on: 11 Dec 2011, 05:30 pm »
Hi Bob,

I'm sorry the W'speed is not matching up really well in your system. After reading thru the Stereophile measurement section of the review here... http://www.stereophile.com/content/rogue-audio-m-180-monoblock-power-amplifier-measurements, I suspect it is the W'speed/Rogue combo causing it. Have you tried both Ultralinear and Triode modes of the Rogue?

Looking at Figures 1 and 2 compares the frequency response in both modes and you can see some ultrasonic peaking on Fig 1 when in Ultralinear mode, which might explain the brightness that you hear -especially if your speakers' tweeters are capable of passing these high frequencies. In Triode mode the response is much milder with rounded high frequency response but still extended with -3dB at around 50kHz.

Figures 3 and 4 are the 10kHz square wave responses which again shows the ultrasonic peak in Ultralinear mode. Peaks like these can cause some oscillation which will be high frequency ringing at the tweeters and will be brightness and fatigue for listeners. Highish distortion typical on tube power amps will also help the mix more potent.

Previously what preamp or vol control did you use? Since it's only the W'speed added into your system mix, it could be exacerbating the situation.


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #250 on: 13 Dec 2011, 11:32 pm »
First, to answer the questions that Allan asked previously:
   1.  My regular preamp is a Canary C800 tube preamp. I don’t currently have another passive.
   2.  I tried both the Ultralinear and Triode options on the Rogue M180 amps. I usually run the amps in Ultralinear, but I switched to Triode for most of the time I was using the Warpspeed with the Rogues.

Now, to continue my story.

After taking a break on Sunday (I watched NFL football all day and into the night), I returned to my audio system and the Warpspeed last night. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to be successful in getting the Warpspeed to work properly. As Allan mentioned, there may be a mismatch with my Rogue tube amplifiers that prevents me from hearing the best that the Warpspeed can offer. But, I don’t think that’s been the main cause of the issues I’ve had. For a brief period the other night, I think I was hearing a lot of what the Warpspeed can do. Unfortunately that didn’t last very long.

Last night I started by connecting the Warpspeed to my computer’s DAC and then to the power amp section of my Yamaha A-S2000 integrated amp. Once again I had problems with low output on the left channel. Next I hooked up my Phillips CD-80 CD player to the Warpspeed in place of the computer and had the same result. To make sure that it wasn’t a defective input on the amplifier that was at fault, I connected the CD player directly to that same input (the CD-80 has a variable output).  I was still using only the amplifier section of the integrated.  The system played normally in that configuration. I also tried swapping out the cables, first one brand for another, then finally swapping the left and right cables. The issue always stayed with the left channel of the Warpspeed.

Last night I didn’t experience the stuttering sound that I encountered previously, but I did have two other issues.

   1.  The Warpspeed’s volume control could not completely turn off the sound coming from the right channel. At its minimum setting, the sound level on the right channel was still suitable for background listening.  That hadn’t been the case previously. Previously the sound was completely off when the knob was fully CCW. When turning the volume up, it would take nearly a full revolution of the volume control before I could hear any sound. A normal “loud” listening level would be achieved within another half rotation (or less). 
   2.  The other thing that happened was that I noticed that the power light on my Yamaha integrated amp was flashing; an indication that the amp had switched into “protection” mode.

At that point I removed the Warpspeed from my system.

I think the Warpspeed volume control has been damaged. I inspected the internal connections to see if there were any broken wires (Allan has a plexi-glass panel installed on the bottom side which makes it easy to see inside the unit). Everything looked fine inside. When I received the package, it was well packed and the outer box didn’t show any evidence of rough treatment. But at this point, the Warpspeed has been shipped quite a few times… I think I’m the 6th person to receive it. It’s a small package and is light weight. It wouldn’t surprise me if it’s been tossed around a few times along the way.

I think all the problems I’ve encountered have been related to the volume control:

   1.  The low/lack of output on the left channel.
   2.  The inability to fully turn the volume down on the right channel.
   3.  The Yamaha amp going into protection mode when connected to the Warpspeed.
   4.  I even suspect the sputtering playback was caused by the interaction of my computer or DAC with the Warpspeed volume control. Both my DAC’s (the EMU and Music Streamer II Plus) have behaved normally in the last couple of days.
Allan, is there anything else that you’d like me to check while I have the unit? I’ve got a digital meter and can check resistances on the volume control at various positions of the knob if that would be helpful.

Warpspeed CE

Neutrino -Pit Stop
« Reply #251 on: 14 Dec 2011, 01:17 am »
Tough luck on this one Bob! Unfortunately all things electronic can suffer this fate -I hope senders' have been labeling it "Fragile". I also label my other shipments with "Please Handle with Care"...well after considerable mileage I think it's time for it to come back to the bat cave. With a pristine box we can't claim USPS insurance either.

I guess I'll spend Christmas with it on the bench...I'll email you my address.


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #252 on: 15 Dec 2011, 02:04 am »
The Warpspeed has been sent back to Allan to be repaired. According to the Post Office, he could have it by Friday. I look forward to learning what went wrong.

By the way, when I received the package, it was marked "Fragile". When I returned it to Allan I added additional "Fragile" labels on several sides of the box.



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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #253 on: 15 Dec 2011, 02:54 am »
Don't you know "Fragile" means "throw as far as you can and laugh heartily" at UPS, USPS, and FedEx?  I thought this was well known and why I never mark anything "Fragile".  BTW, for anyone who has watched Christmas Story, we can only pronounce it as "Fra-gee-lay" to this day.


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #254 on: 15 Dec 2011, 05:17 am »
The demo unit is very delicate, it reminded me of an antique piece of avionics for some reason (I actually loved the look and wanted to keep it). Who knows what can happen in six stops across the country.

Warpspeed CE

Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #255 on: 18 Dec 2011, 05:52 am »
I have the neutrino back at pit stop...Thanks Bob. I'll check it tomorrow.

I received this reaction from an owner who got his unit last Friday morning...

"Ok so I went home for an extended lunch today so that I could listen to the V4 and my god!! I have never in my three decades of listening to great stereo gear have I heard or better yet experienced this level of pure listening satisfaction.  I have owned  names like Krell, ARC, Cary, to name a few non have gotten me to this level of realism.  The Warpspeed is something very special Allan.  Thank You!"



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Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #256 on: 20 Dec 2011, 06:42 pm »
Daddy WS,

When the WS gets back on the road again, where will it be on the current list of listeners?  And, can I get added to the list?  You know I'd like to try it in my little setup.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas to all!

- Roy


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #257 on: 20 Dec 2011, 07:00 pm »
Heck I think you outta make a couple demo units and an expanded list. These things sell themselves.

Warpspeed CE

Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #258 on: 21 Dec 2011, 02:49 am »
Roy, the neutrino is currently grounded. Initial evaluation points to the right channel series LDR with intermittent fault. I haven't found the time to open and test more thoroughly. At this time I don't have a timetable on getting it back on the demo track.

Rclark,  8)...I'll keep a keen eye for your order :thumb:


Re: Warpspeed Optocoupler
« Reply #259 on: 21 Dec 2011, 03:02 am »
Oh you want me to buy one from you? Well, when you make one with a remote, I'll go full retail. Sorry, but I took the more economical route, have someone build mine from your kit. I still have bigger fish to fry, system wize, before I can spring for a fancy wood box. I paid $270, in hindsite maybe I should have just bought your plug and play first, but whatever. However, I'm sure that there are lots of people, thanks to this thread, have purchased and will purchase from you directly. It sure has seen some hits  :thumb: