Lenehan ML3 Reference

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Lenehan ML3 Reference
« on: 4 Jun 2011, 10:16 am »
Hi Guys

I originally posted this on another forum but someone mentioned it might be worthwhile posting here.  So at the risk of people thinking I am spamming the internet here goes.

First some details about my system.

Speakers:   ML3 Reference
Amplifier's:  15W Leben CS300XS
                8W Trafomatic Experience 2 SET
                50W Audiosector Patek Amplifier
USB DAC's: WFS DAC 2 (looking to replace it with a Killer)
                PDX with John Kenny Hiface
                Base Level Tranquility 
                Tranquility Signature
USB Cable: Essential USB Signature
Computer:  Mac Mini with software otimisations and Oyen Digital Firewire Drive
Cables:      Ribbontek interconnects and speaker cables

Here are some pictures of my system

ML3 References are the new top of line speakers made by Lenehan Audio, the maker of the ML1's some may have heard out at the RMAF a couple of years ago.  89db sensitive, Peerless 8inch Woofer, Morel Supreme Tweeter, crossover about 2.4 khz (unsure exact value), Duelund capacitors and resistors in crossover, proprietary port tuning, cabinet lined with steel to reduce resonances, flat to 25hz.

Here is an interview with the designer:

Alright how does it sound.  Probably due to the steel lining and Duelunds the first thing I noticed is how quick and detailed this thing is - every little nuance is easily heard.  Midrange has an electrostatic like quality to it - not full, rich and opulent like you hear in some speakers but rather lean and neutral so you may think it is lacking - but careful listening shows it isn't.  When I first heard the prototypes at a DAC shootout I was a little concerned about this until I spoke to a recording engineer and he explained it was not actually lean but rather dead neutral.  Still a good friend of mine actually preferred a version that had Mundorf Silver In Oil which gave it a richer more euphonic quality.  But to my ears the speed and neutrality of the Duelunds wins out once you get used to it.  I can't say I am such an experienced Audiophile that my opinion is highly reliable.  Some of you may know Hugh Dean the maker of the Aspen amplifiers.  He has heard a lot more stuff than me and has been involved in the design of his own speaker - here is what he said about the midrange of the ML1 which is very close to the ML3 - 'and it's very clear to me that Mike has put a huge amount of work into the midrange, which is exceptional, an absolute standout'.  Its probably worthwhile quoting the rest of what he said when comparing it to the ML1:

'Here we have an even better speaker, with an effortless ability to seamlessly fill quite a large room with tight, focussed imaging and a brilliant sound stage. The ML3 is capable of a large sound field, and draws no attention to itself, neither is it fatigueing. The top end was sparkling, without any 'heat' to cause fatigue or irritation; the midrange was clear, punchy and accurate, and the bass was strong, natural and highly addictive. I have been involved with Laurie Menogue in the development of a speaker, a transmission line kit using the SEAS CA22RNY 8" driver, called the VSonics, and I am bitterly aware of just how much effort and time is required to deliver the sort of presentation so evident with the ML1 and the ML3. It is extremely hard work and very demanding, particularly the crossover design, but more, you have to know what to aim for, what is possible, what correlates with what, and when to stop. I can clearly tell that Mike has put hundreds, possibly thousands of hours into these speakers, and they are a testimony to extreme effort, and they deliver blistering, world class performance.'

Now we come to the bass.  This is not your usual ported design - it is a proprietary down-firing port alignment that sounds more like a transmission line to me - it certainly has the bass extension of one being flat to 25hz.  I spoke to Mike about this and he said he has built transmission line speakers and could have designed this one like that but it would cost a lot more to build and render inert and the bass would not be any better.

These speakers have also been designed to outperform small speakers in what small speakers do best - namely imaging and sound-stage.  In fact one of the design goals was to be better than the ML1 in every area.  From my listening I think he has largely succeeded.

I can't really think of anything more to say except these are the finest speakers I have ever heard.

Oh cost.  I got them when it had an introductory price of $14K.  I think that has now ended but I am not 100% sure.  While I don't know the price now I have heard something like $22K being bandied about - but don't hold me to it.  That is not cheap but I can tell you the quality of parts is second to none - I have been told each pair has $3.5K worth of Duelund capacitors alone.  Normally you don't find those capacitors in speakers at this price point - at least I don't know of any.

Because I have gushed so opulently you may think I have some commercial connection to Lenehan Audio.  I don't.  I am simply a retired guy with time on his hands and a bit of superannuation money to indulge his interests.  It also helps Lenehan Audio is only about 40 minutes away so I tend to use them as my local audio store.



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Re: Lenehan ML3 Reference
« Reply #1 on: 7 Jun 2011, 02:05 pm »
Very nice!  Your post is much appreciated.  I am awaiting a pair of ML1 plusR's here in the states as we speak, so hopefully those are a bit closer to the ML3.  Do you have a picture of the ML3 with the grills off - dont be too modest now...

Can you tell me the price of the DAC from lenehan and what is special about it - I am looking to drive my speakers with a combination of Bel Canto Ref500s and DAC2.5 - I know there may be some potential of a slightly harsh top end if not using tubes (according to some), but that combination seems best for the price and size since it has to fit in a small space, especially since the DAC2.5 is essentially a preamp. 

Also - what is your experience with cable with your set up...  If you were on a tighter budget and didnt have the cash to buy lenehan's what would you recommend down market?



Rob S.

Re: Lenehan ML3 Reference
« Reply #2 on: 7 Jun 2011, 02:36 pm »
     Nice setup, nice review too.  I'd like to hear those top of the line speakers at one of these audio shows.  Where will they demoed next?

Also- have you tried any sound treatments in your room?  i suspect some treatments will send you over the top,  probably never leave your room.   :thumb:

Rob S.


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Re: Lenehan ML3 Reference
« Reply #3 on: 8 Jun 2011, 01:13 am »
Very nice!  Your post is much appreciated.  I am awaiting a pair of ML1 plusR's here in the states as we speak, so hopefully those are a bit closer to the ML3.  Do you have a picture of the ML3 with the grills off - dont be too modest now... Can you tell me the price of the DAC from lenehan and what is special about it - I am looking to drive my speakers with a combination of Bel Canto Ref500s and DAC2.5 - I know there may be some potential of a slightly harsh top end if not using tubes (according to some), but that combination seems best for the price and size since it has to fit in a small space, especially since the DAC2.5 is essentially a preamp.   Also - what is your experience with cable with your set up...  If you were on a tighter budget and didnt have the cash to buy lenehan's what would you recommend down market

Hi Hundredwaters

Here is some pictures with the grills off:

The first pictures are ML3 Reference prototypes.  The rest are my current ML3 References.

The DAC is a PCM1704 based DAC with a simple valve output stage.  Unfortunately Mike doesn't have anything up on his site right now - he is really busy - as usual.  Here is a review (and it has prices as well):

The USB input has recently been changed to the John Kenny modified Hiface and that now easily bests any transport we have access to.  Check out:

The cost is about $500.00

What makes the PDX so special?  Well it is one of, if not the best sounding DAC's on the market.  My ordering of the top echelon DAC's I know about are: (from worst to best) Tranquility, Tranquility Signature, Lite DAC 83, Base Level PDX, Level 1 PDX, Level 2 PDX, Killer DAC.  You may not have heard of the Killer - if you would like to know more check out:

I have left out the Audio GD Ref 7 because evidently it is not available any more.  Also I have not heard the Lite 83 - its position is based on ears I trust - in fact they rate it above the base PDX - but from what they say to me about how it sounds I would give the edge to the PDX.  But the thing is, as the review I linked to said - it is a DAC for life - as things change such as better USB interfaces become available upgrades can be had without getting a new DAC - its a DAC for life - not a flirtation.  Right now, IMHO, with the John Kenny USB input even the base level PDX is better than the Killer - but my gut tells me it may resume its top dog position once it gets something like the John Kenny.  The Killer DAC guys however do not necessarily agree with this though. 

My experience with cables is Mike's cables simply blow anything else away at any price.  But on a budget I have heard Blue Jeans cables and while no where near the Ribbontek's are good value:

If you want to pay more then, at about half the price of Lenehan Ribbonteks, I have heard good things about Reality Cables:

« Last Edit: 8 Jun 2011, 10:05 am by bhobba »


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Re: Lenehan ML3 Reference
« Reply #4 on: 8 Jun 2011, 08:27 am »
Nice setup, nice review too.  I'd like to hear those top of the line speakers at one of these audio shows.  Where will they demoed next? Also- have you tried any sound treatments in your room?  i suspect some treatments will send you over the top,  probably never leave your room.

Hi Rob

One time while down at Lenehan Audio I was with someone who had just listened to ML3 References and had nearly bought some much more expensive top of the line B&W Nautilus.  He was shocked - they simply blew away the B&W's.  Of course he ordered a pair on the spot.  The question he asked Mike was - how come he never heard of his speakers yet the B&W's are often touted as the perfect speaker and everyone knows about them - yet your speakers are not only better - but much cheaper.  Mike simply smiled - look at the price difference - that's the reason you know about the Nautilus and not the ML3 - even though they are cheaper and better.  Mike spends virtually nothing on marketing to keep prices down and relies on word of mouth.  Because of that as far as I know Mike has ever only been at one trade show - a RMAF a couple years ago.  You won't hear these things at trade shows.

The best way to hear a pair if you are in the US to try and find someone who has a pair - which right now is very hard because noone does.  However Eric Hider, the Tranquility DAC guy, is very interested in getting one to check out for use in one of his Reference systems.  If he decides to use them it may be possible to hear those.  Also, and this is in the very early discussion stages, they may be shown at next years RMAF.

And yea I am looking at some carpets and other stuff to tone down my rooms brightness a bit.

« Last Edit: 8 Jun 2011, 10:00 am by bhobba »